"Hurry up, it seems something has happened."

Su Xiaobai called out, and the three of them quickly went out and ran towards the orchard.

At this time, the sky is still dark, but the entire laboratory is very uproar.

Before they approached the orchard, they could see Flying Attribute Pokemon such as Fletchling and Pidgey flying in the orchard Sky through Moonlight.

At the same time, around the orchard, the Catterpies also gathered around, which also made Su Xiaobai's three people think bad thoughts.

When they came to the orchard, there was a sudden tremor in their hearts.

As far as they could see, there was a mess on Ground, with Oran Berry falling everywhere, and almost every one of them showed signs of being bitten by something.

On the Oran Berry tree, at this time, a large number of branches and the fruit on it were broken, and even one of the Oran Berry trees was broken!

"Damn it, why is it like this!"

Lin Le saw this scene and was so angry that Stomping Tantrum.

They are obviously about to harvest these Oran Berry, but now, why does this happen!

"It looks like Rattata did it."

"Why did I forget? These mature Berry will definitely attract Wild Pokemon!"

Chen Hanhan was also squatting on the ground at this time, with his nails inserted into his hair, very upset.

At this time, only Su Xiaobai is still able to remain calm in the field.

His gaze passed through the messy orchard, and looked towards the Oddish grouped together in the distance.

Su Xiaobai walked over quickly, and immediately saw an Oddish that was riddled with scars.

"Oddish is injured!"

Su Xiaobai was taken aback, and then hurried over to check.

Because of the previous experience of injury in Catterpie's experiment, he is also equipped with Potion at this time.

Looking at Oddish who was seriously injured, he immediately took out Potion and began to apply it to Oddish, and then took out Oran Berry to replenish Oddish's strength.

After a simple treatment, Oddish's injury has also improved, and other Oddish sighed in relief.

After that, their eyes were also on Su Xiaobai, and suddenly they lowered their heads a little guilty, apparently regretting the previous escape.

If they hadn't just ran away, the orchard in front of them would not be like this, and their companions would not have been so badly injured.

"You can't be blamed for this."

"If it's a Pokemon like Rattata, you won't be able to beat it even if you stay."

Su Xiaobai saw this slightly sighed. Fortunately, this Oddish was only seriously injured without mortal danger.

After that, he continued: "Fortunately, you notified Pidgey and Catterpie as quickly as possible."

"If they didn’t arrive in time, then the orchard’s I am afraid the situation will be even worse."

Su Xiaobai said that he also looked at the traces of the fighting around him. It depends on the situation that before his arrival, the birds in the research room Pokemon and Rattata had a fight. .

If it weren't for these birds, Pokemon, Rattata would have eaten up all the Oran Berry.

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, these Oddish's moods improved, but seeing that the orchard they took care of has become like this, their moods fell again.

After comforting Oddish, Su Xiaobai looked towards Oddish in his arms again.

The self-healing ability of Grass Type Pokemon is really strong. At this time, under the help of Potion and Oran Berry, this Riddled with scars Oddish has recovered.

Su Xiaobai's gaze moved from Oddish to the surrounding area again. Judging from Oddish's injury, it should have been here that he fought Rattata.

Thinking of this, Su Xiaobai's mind suddenly saw the sight of Oddish facing a group of Rattata alone, with tenderness in his eyes.

"Thank you, Oddish."

"If it weren't for your insistence, then this orchard would be gone."

It seems that I heard Su What Xiaobai said, the Oddish in his arms moved and fell asleep again.

"Brother Su, the situation is not so good."

"There are so many Oran Berry trees. Basically, there are not many Oran Berry trees left. There is even one tree that cannot be saved. "

After a brief inspection of the orchard, Lin Le's face was already very ugly.

Originally they were expecting these Oran Berry to hold on, but what happened now made his heart drip with blood.

"It's okay, it's just some Oran Berry."

Su Xiaobai took a deep breath, and put his eyes on Oddish in his arms again.

Under the irradiation of Moonlight, you can see that Oddish's body exudes a faint halo, and the injury is recovering a little under Moonlight.

"There is really no way. I still feel a little unwilling."

"Fortunately, MaMa Berry Lin is okay. It seems that we must strengthen the defense of the Laboratory."

"Previously, there were almost all bird Pokemon in the laboratory, so let us relax our vigilance."

Lin Le is a little grateful that if MaMa Berry is in trouble, their Laboratory estimates It's going to explode in place.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine."

Su Xiaobai shook his head slightly and said nothing, holding the sleeping Oddish and walking towards the Laboratory.


In the early morning, the sun shines on the ground.

"Oddish, you are awake."

Looking at Oddish waking up on the bed, Su Xiaobai smiled gently.


Oddish was taken aback for a moment, and then when he discovered that it was Su Xiaobai, he immediately cried out happily.

But after another moment, Oddish suddenly lowered his head, with a look of unwillingness on his face.

They have been asked to guard the orchard at night, but they can only watch everything happen without stopping!

"Very unwilling, are you?"

"Will you let me train for you."

Looking at Oddish's expression, Su Xiaobai laughed With opened the mouth and said.

After hearing Su Xiaobai's words, Oddish suddenly looked up and stared at Su Xiaobai in a daze.

It was this human being who brought it back from the prairie.

"Don't worry, you are not sick."

At the beginning, the person in front of you also said this sentence in this tone.

Until now, Oddish has been instilled by the breeders in the breeding area that you are sick and that you are weak and useless.

This makes them, these unhealthy Oddishes, feel very inferior in their hearts.

Until the person in front of his eyes said this sentence, it suddenly seemed like a big hand pushed away the dark clouds lingering in their hearts, leaving a trace of sunlight in their hearts.

After so many days of getting along, feeling the changes in its own body, it knows that what the humans are saying before it is not deceiving it.

So for the person in front of him, his heart is full of gratitude, which is also the main reason why he will stand up to guard the orchard last night.

These orchards belong to its owner, it must be guarded, it does not want to... let this hard-won happiness be broken!

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