I opened an elf breeding house

Chapter 407 Arriving in Los Angeles

The just-concluded semi-finals aroused heated discussions among many people.

Not only did Zhuang Xian in Group B easily beat his opponent with two-on-six, even KD in Group A crushed his opponent without any suspense.

This kind of game scene is not the anxious battle that some spectators expected. Rumors and rumors are everywhere, and the sound of fake games is endless.

As the organizer, the United League did not care about such voices at all, and there was even news that they were still behind the scenes.

Questioning allowed them to earn enough traffic and attention.

Coupled with the various remarks made by many Tianwang trainers and game commentators in the media, the popularity of the finals continues to rise.

Zhuang Xian broke through the previously expected ranking and made the whole of China boil. The promotion of Zhuang Xian's promotion to the finals of the China League can be said to be overwhelming, and the streets and alleys are full of Zhuang Xian's posters.

Xianlin Breeding House,

Hua Jianming and the others also packed their luggage and prepared to set off for the United Alliance.

The breeding house is still in charge of Han Xin.

You Ying, the spokesperson of the ghost department, will also temporarily live in the breeding house.

Although his personality that changes every day seems unreliable, but with the help of night ghosts and ghost-type elves, there is no need to worry about the safety of the breeding house.

You know, there are three champion elves in the current breeding house.

The increasingly bustling commercial street was also coordinated by Xia Rushuang, and everything seemed orderly.

Before leaving, Su Mao called Hua Jianming aside.

"Xiao Ming, there is something I want to ask you for."

Su Mao was a little hesitant, which was far from his usual vigorous and resolute appearance.

"Is it about your daughter Chen Ying?"

When Hua Jianming saw this, he immediately thought of the girl whom he hadn't seen for several years.

At the beginning, Chen Ying sent herself a message saying that she would go to Hezhong League as an exchange student to study abroad for a few years. As a result, even Chi Baixia, who was one year behind her, had graduated for a year, and she hadn't come back from the Hezhong League. .


After taking a deep breath, Su Mao continued: "I think you can help bring her back together in this operation. She has been trapped in the Hezhong Alliance for the past two years and cannot get out. I have been trying to find a way, but the relationship is useless. So I want you to help me with this."

"Can't get out?"

"What's the meaning?"

Regarding Hua Jianming's two questions, Su Mao explained: "The exchange student program that Yinger participated in was set up by the alliance to cultivate a group of talented trainers. The exchange students kept a batch and released another batch, and only half of all the exchange students came back."

"Where are their exchange students? Let them go?"

Su Mao nodded embarrassingly: "Yes, we didn't expect the United League to do such a thing. The reason they gave to the students who were left behind was that there was a problem with the visa, and when we realized it, the United League's The exchange students have all gone back."

"So Chen Ying was left in the United League?"

Hua Jianming secretly became vigilant in his heart.

A normal exchange student like Chen Ying would be kept by the United League for reasons, let alone the Cao family with a big family.

If the Cao family wanted to leave the Hezhong Alliance, they would definitely encounter considerable resistance.

"Yes, a group of stronger exchange students were left in the United League, and Yinger was one of them. This time Zhuang Tianwang went to the United League in addition to participating in the World League Championship, and he also had a task to bring back This batch of exchange students. If things can’t be done then, I would like to ask you to help bring Ying Er back.”

Su Mao bowed solemnly to Hua Jianming, and Hua Jianming quickly stepped aside when he saw this.

"Uncle Su, our family doesn't talk about each other, so this form of thanks is unnecessary. I can't promise you anything at the moment, but if something goes wrong with Brother Zhuang, I will help."

"Then, everything is up to you!"

Hua Jianming's words seemed to give Su Mao a tranquilizer, and he was no longer hypocritical.

The two returned to the prepared crowd.

"Then, let's go."

A minibus prepared by Xianlin District has already parked on Xianlin Avenue, and it will take Hua Jianming and six people to Zhanggang Airport.


The World Federation Championship is not only a competition for the world championship, but it is also nicknamed the Union Tournament.

From the opening game held in New York City on the East Coast of the United States to the finals held in Los Angeles on the West Coast of the United States, each round of the World League Championship has been arranged by the organizers in different cities.

This tournament has been held in almost all the famous cities of the United League.

This kind of event planning not only makes the championship more attractive, but also allows the Union League to expand its influence while making a lot of money.

Everyone's action this time will be launched in Los Angeles, where the finals are held.

After five and a half days of tiring flight, the passenger plane that crossed the Pacific Ocean finally landed successfully in Los Angeles on the west coast of the Union.

At this time, the Los Angeles International Airport was already overcrowded, and the high-profile World League Championship game attracted countless people to watch the game.

After all the winner will be awarded the title of world champion and the best trainer in the world.

In order not to attract everyone's attention, Zhuang Xian did not show up at the airport to pick him up, but the Cao family sent someone to pick him up.

"Brother Xia Chan, follow the Cao family brothers back to the Cao family and make preparations. I'll meet Brother Zhuang and find out about the situation by the way."

After seeing the person picked up by Cao's family, Hua Jianming and the other five separated.

The main task this time is to help Cao's family return to Huaxia, but he also promised Su Mao to find a way to bring Chen Ying back, so Hua Jianming decided to go to Zhuang Xian first.

After taking the taxi, Hua Jianming wrote down Zhuang Xianzhi's address and handed it to the black driver.


After Hua Jianming nodded, the black driver actually started chatting with Hua Jianming in broken Chinese.

Although it is difficult for both parties to understand each other's meaning, they still have a good talk.

When Hua Jianming asked why he immediately guessed that he was from Huaxia, the black driver touched the serpentine bear lying on the co-pilot sleeping.

His explanation was that because King Hua Xia had advanced to the finals, almost all the Asian faces in Los Angeles these days were Chinese, and they all came to cheer for King Hua Xia.

The King of Huaxia mentioned by the black driver is naturally Zhuang Xian.

But Hua Jianming's focus is not on this, his focus is on the serpentine bear in the co-pilot.

It's not about how good this snake bear is or how strong it is. In fact, this snake bear, which is only at the novice level, is just the lowest red talent.

What Hua Jianming cared about was that this black driver, who can only be regarded as the bottom of the society in the Hezhong League, was accompanied by an elf, and it seemed that the relationship between them was very good.

At first glance, they are living together in daily life.

Not only the black driver, but even the pedestrians walking on the road outside the car window are more or less accompanied by an elf.

This shows how popular elves are in the United Alliance.

Such a scene is hard to see in the Huaxia League.

Even places such as Kyoto and Magic Capital, where elves are most popular, can hardly compare with the scene I saw before my eyes.

In the past few years, although the Huaxia Alliance has vigorously popularized elves and let elves enter the lives of ordinary people, the effect is not satisfactory.

The idea that the elves are harmful to the people instilled in the people by the prudent high-level alliance in the early days of the new calendar is too strong, and it is difficult to eliminate it in a short time.

Therefore, although the population of the Huaxia Alliance is more than ten times that of the United Alliance, the number of elves is far less than that of the United Alliance.

Not to mention the trainers derived from these people with elves, their quantity and quality are far inferior to the United Alliance.

Facts have proved that the China Alliance's policy on elves was wrong from the very beginning.

If Zhuang Xian hadn't done further training in the Immortal Forest Breeding House, hadn't obtained a lot of resources to cultivate elves, hadn't obtained Frozen Bird, and hadn't mastered super evolution, it would have been difficult for him to make it to where he is now with his original strength.

Seeing that Hua Jianming fell silent, the black driver also gradually became quiet.

The taxi was driving fast, and Hua Jianming kept admiring the different scenery from the Huaxia Alliance outside the car window.

After about an hour's drive, the black driver safely delivered Hua Jianming to the address given by Zhuang Xian.


As soon as he got off the taxi, Hua Jianming met an unexpected person.

Ask for some recommended monthly tickets, my dears! ! !

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