Chapter 343 Meteor

It turned out that Lin Hai had always been a bachelor in the camp, and he had found a lot of matchmakers to introduce him, but there was always no woman who liked him, or he looked down on others.

So his brother-in-law Sun Qiang gave him an idea, saying that there are a group of women who look good in Huang Feng, and they can marry them as long as they are given food.

So Lin Hai was obsessed with finances and he followed Sun Qiang’s advice and went to Huang Feng. As a result, Huang Feng was worried about Lu Yuan’s catalysts, and Lin Hai happened to be an employee of water supply and drainage, but he did not have the ability to contact the company. Drainage center.

Then the other party gave them an idea to help kill several supervisors of the water supply and drainage, so Lin Hai succeeded in becoming the supervisor, and only then could he reach the center of the water supply and drainage, so he secretly sent it to Huang Feng many times. Catalyst.

“Haha! No wonder Huang Feng dared to follow me so hard steel, it turned out to be your fault!”

The two were still kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy.

“Huh! Give you a chance to be my witness! Otherwise, leave here!”

Where did Lin Hai dare to refuse, he immediately agreed to Lu Yuan’s request, and Sun Qiang still hesitated, but seeing that his brother-in-law had already agreed, he could only nod his head in agreement.

At the entrance of the camp, half of the tent area has been evacuated, and now only the people from Huangfeng camp have not left.

Seeing that Lu Yuan came with someone, several of Huang Feng’s men hurriedly reported the news of Lu Yuan’s arrival.

Then Huang Feng walked over angrily.

“Lu Yuan, if you want to drive us away, take out the food! Otherwise, we will smash you!”

Lu Yuan sneered: “Hehe! Scourge? Okay! Now you have nothing to eat, what can you do for us?”

Then Lu Yuan seemed to have thought of something, so he said, “By the way, you seem to have a catalyst, right?”

Huang Feng froze for a moment, and then quickly denied: “How can we have a catalyst!”

“Haha! Boss Huang, don’t pretend, now that you have got our catalyst, what are you doing here? Go back to a good Life!”

Said Lu Yuan beckoned behind him: “Come here!”

Then Lin Hai and Sun Qiang were escorted by several people.

A trace of panic flashed across Huang Feng’s eyes.

“Let’s talk about it! Return the catalyst to me, or should I give you the money to go back? You can choose the one yourself!”

“If it doesn’t work, I will call the people from the alliance and directly incorporate your people! I believe they are more willing to go with the people in the alliance! No one like you, a thief who doesn’t speak morality, should be willing to follow Yours?”

Lu Yuan looked at each other jokingly.

Huang Feng’s face was white and red, and he opened his mouth for a long time and was speechless. He knew that once the matter of stealing Lu Yuan’s catalyst was exposed, then he would be abandoned by the Alliance, even if there is no lighthouse country. Harassment, then it is basically impossible for them to exchange some food from the league.

After a long time, Huang Feng squeezed out a few words between his teeth: “Lu Yuan! Let’s be ruthless! Let’s go!”,

One month later.

The various forces on the combined island are basically stabilized.

The trouble-seeking Beacon Nation has suffered heavy casualties due to internal conflicts, and no longer has the mood to go out and trouble others.

And Lu Yuan’s work here has basically come to an end.

“Lu Yuan, this is the roster in our warehouse. Look at it. Basically, the statistics on it have been completed. In order to ensure the correctness of the quantity, I also specially found two groups of people to check it. The error in the middle should be It won’t be much worse.”

Lu Yuan nodded and took the roster.

“130 tons of pork, 90 tons of mutton, 50 tons of beef, 150 tons of other poultry meat, 1,300 live pigs, 800 live sheep, 300 live cattle…”

Lu Yuan looked at the numbers on the roster and couldn’t help being happy.

“Yeah! It seems that the results of this period of time are pretty okay!”

“Yeah! I didn’t expect these poultry and livestock to grow so fast. They made so many in just over ten days! Thanks to our mother!”

“These are inseparable from everyone’s efforts during this period of time. Let’s cherish some of them! These things are hard-won! But the storage aspect has to be diligent. Find more masters to process them!”

“Um! Yeah, but why is the weather a bit abnormal recently? I think the temperature has reached seven or eight degrees now! So much meat won’t really be spoiled, right?”

Xiaoshan touched the sweat on her forehead with her hand.

Lu Yuan was also a little puzzled. He had never encountered such a situation in his memory. Could it be said that there was something wrong with own memory?

Certainly not. According to own memory, these disasters are global, and there will be no different situations in any place!

Lu Yuan muttered secretly in his heart.

But he didn’t say anything, he could only wonder if the climate would change from the geographical location where he was.

The busy days have passed, and the third crop of cotton has finally been harvested. The growth rate of the fourth crop has dropped to a very low level.

Dad Xiaoshan was about to harvest all the cotton seedlings in the field as firewood, and Lu Yuan found it again at this time.

“Lu Yuan, here again! I will be a little busy here, you write first, and I will come to you when I finish processing these things!” Xiaoshan’s dad said before leaving.

Lu Yuan hurriedly stepped forward to stop him: “Dad! Don’t worry about it, I have other things to do with you!”

“Huh? Anything else?”

“Yes, now the concentration of the catalyst has dropped to a very low level, so there is no need to plant a fourth crop!”

“Stop planting? Then you think…”

“I plan to plant something else!”

“Grow something else? Do you have any good ideas?”

“The cotton is basically enough now. It will take a few weeks for our equipment to rotate around the clock to process all the cotton, so there is no need to add more tasks to them!” Jie Lu Yuan He took out some potatoes and various other plant seeds growing in the soil from his pocket.

“Let’s plant these next!”

Xiaoshan’s father was shocked: “No, haven’t we already planted a lot of this kind of things before? Now I want to plant them?”

“Yeah! Don’t panic here! Moreover, the storage time of potato yam and these crops is relatively long, so we must store more.”

“Okay! You are the big leader here, you have the final say, then I will give orders to the people below!”

The weather was getting hotter and hotter, and Lu Yuan even wondered if he had made a mistake.

Did I remember the time wrong? But this doesn’t seem to be right. At that time, I wrote down all these orders in the first place!

It seems to be the end of the fourth year after the end of the world. Two years of high temperature days, one year of floods, and one year of earthquakes. Now it should be extremely cold. It shouldn’t be wrong!

But Lu Yuan looked up at the sky, and it seemed that the recent sky was slowly clearing up. Although the sky was still gloomy, the various PM2.5.PM10 in the air, as well as various volcanic ash and earthquake dust, were somewhat dissipated. NS.

Lu Yuan and Xiaoshan were sitting in the open space outside the tent and eating. Now their work has basically entered the finishing touch.

Now in the entire camp, apart from Lu Dad leading some decoration teams to carry out the final decoration, only the planting area and the textile factory are busy, and the others are basically doing odd jobs.

“Lu Yuan, you haven’t noticed that the weather has improved a lot recently?”

“Yeah! It seems to be clearing up this day! But it still looks gloomy, and the temperature has risen a lot!”

Xiaoshan put down the rice bowl in her hand, and then leaned her head on Lu Yuan’s shoulder, pointing to a light that suddenly flashed across the sky and said, “It looks like a meteor!”

Lu Yuan raised his head and glanced, as expected, a meteor with a long tail dragged across the sky. Although the brightness of the meteor was not very high, it was the only bright spot in the entire sky.

“probably!””Hurry up and make a wish!” After saying that, Xiao Shan closed her eyes and put her hands cupped fist on her chest and began to pray.

“I hope that the last days will leave quickly, that the world will return to normal quickly, and that I, Lu Yuan, and my family can be healthy and healthy, I hope…” Xiaoshan muttered.

Lu Yuan smiled bitterly from the side, and wondered in his heart if this was really a meteor who fulfilled his wishes, would he think Xiaoshan’s wishes were too much.

This time the meteor seems to be longer than before, and its tail flame remains in the sky. It seems to be getting bigger and bigger as it passes from west to east. It seems that it can be seen passing through the earth’s atmosphere from a distance. , I don’t know where to fly, and where it will fall on the earth.

After eating, Lu Yuan got up and walked into the tent. Although he has basically completed his current work, there are still some big and small things that need him to deal with.

In the tent, Lu Yuan saw Dad Lu smoking a cigarette in the room, looking at some documents on the desktop.

“Dad? Did you do it there?”

Dad Lu shook his head: “It’s almost! But it’s coming soon! It should be done in two days! I just came to ask, those pigs, cows and sheep should really be placed in it?”

“Yeah! Otherwise, it seems a bit too much to slaughter them all! It’s not bad to keep some fresh meat occasionally in the future!”

“But…but the space inside is really too small, there are hundreds of cattle and sheep in your place! If all of them are put in, how much space does it take?”

“It’s okay, we can put as much as we can. If we can’t put it, let’s save this time to eat!”

Dad Lu’s eyes widened suddenly: “What? Eat it all? Your kid has no life?”

“Hehe! How can it be called a life! Anyway, it can’t be put in! What should I do if I don’t eat it?”

Dad pinched out the cigarette butts and sighed: “But there are dozens of sheep on your mother’s side! They are all good stuff for producing wool! They are all slaughtered? These are all good things!”

Lu Yuan squeezed his chin and thought for a while, feeling a little unbearable in his heart. After all, they are all sheep, and they are still counting on these sheep to produce wool in the future!

But if you don’t dispose of it, then the sheep’s food and housing will be a problem, and the wool of these sheep needs to be treated regularly. After all, the wool of these sheep is different from other sheep. This is a sheep that has eaten golden fruits. , The wool yield is not comparable to that of ordinary sheep!

Dad suddenly thought of an idea: “Let me say it! There are now more than 200 people in our camp. Among them, there are about 70 or 80 households with families. It would be better to hand over all the poultry and livestock such as cattle and sheep. They go to raise them, and then they only need to pay some meat or furs to our warehouse! What do you think!”

Lu Yuan’s eyes suddenly brightened. He has always put everyone’s life first. He basically does everything by himself, which makes him tired, but the effect of doing this is one thing. The obvious advantage is that everyone’s cohesion is not generally strong, and everyone’s orders to Lu Yuan are basically unconditional to complete!

Now Lu Yuan’s prestige in the entire camp is unprecedentedly high. Even if Lu Yuan now says to enter the cave immediately, he believes that no one will violate the meaning of own.

However, this approach also has a considerable drawback. Once Lu Yuan’s food supply is cut off, the hearts of the people below will quickly dissipate. Lu Yuan’s current management method is somewhat similar to the early stage of China’s founding. Collective system, everyone is in the same pot for food, cohesion is there.

However, there is also a drawback of doing so, that is, many people will be lazy secretly. Lu Yuan also responded to this method, which is to count the workload of each person every day. Although everyone does not know now, they are all Knowing that Life is not easy to come by, basically there are few acts of stealing, rape, and slippery.

But now he is about to enter Life in the cave. Lu Yuan’s management ability cannot penetrate into it, and he knows that once the extreme cold weather arrives, everyone will shrink in the cave. Life will be long. The psychological changes will be great.

For a long time without seeing the sun, every day besides playing cards, it’s just sleeping. By that time, someone’s personality will definitely change, and he will not be able to manage it at all. If all the poultry and livestock are allocated according to the father’s will. On the one hand, it is to give everyone a task to kill time. On the other hand, there is no need for Lu Yuan to ration food every day, and in terms of manpower, Lu Yuan does not need to find someone alone to breed.

However, there is also a disadvantage of doing this. People’s hearts may gradually loosen, but there is no way. However, Lu Yuan still has a warehouse in his hands, and there is a huge amount of food in it.

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