Chapter 746: Difficult Excavation Work

After receiving this ominous news, Lu Yuan only felt that his heart was severely pinched.

“But this is happening again! So let’s let the expert team get out of the car and see if there are any traces nearby, to determine where we are now?”

So everyone got out of the car and began to explore the vicinity.

However, after several hours of exploration, no news came.

All I know is that this place seems to be a city buried by heavy snow.

“High Priest, are the marks you left behind right here?”

Fang Yuan stood aside and translated Lu Yuan’s words to the high priest. After listening, the high priest nodded gently.

“The high priest meant that when they came, they came across a route. When they passed through the gorge, they encountered a village on the edge. He still had some impressions. It was just that the village was buried near the mountain because of the mountain. After this, their road signs are no longer found.”

After hearing these words, Lu Yuan’s heart couldn’t help but sink. Now they can’t even find the only clue. It is almost impossible to reach the Amazon virgin forest.

“Why don’t we expand the search range, there will always be some traces around here.”

Lu Yuan could only lightly nod his head: “Okay, expand the search scope now to find the traces left at the beginning as soon as possible. There is not much time left for us. It is now a month. If you drag it down, We don’t have enough time to build our own shelter!”

Lu Yuan looked down at the time. It was December 23rd, and it was Christmas in two days. Lu Yuan didn’t have much interest in this kind of foreigners’ holiday.

He is a more traditional and conservative person, and Xiaoshan seems to be not very interested in foreigners’ festivals. Before the two had discussed whether to celebrate Christmas or New Year’s Day, the two finally unanimously decided to celebrate New Year’s Day.

Now it seems that if they don’t find this place and leave as soon as possible, then they may not even have a good New Year’s Day.

Expanded the scope of the search, a day has passed, there is still no clue.

Lu Yuan felt a little uncomfortable, and now they were not sure where they were, and they couldn’t leave this place.

Every time a day is delayed, then one day less is left for them, and if it is delayed like this, the establishment of a new habitat may be in vain.

“Lao Zhou, is there any clue?”

Zhou Tong dragged his tired body back, his eyes full of bloodshot eyes.

Sitting on the side of the stone lit a cigarette, Zhou Tong shook his head: “There are still no clues, the search range has been expanded to 50 kilometers! But still did not find the marking information that the high priest said! I doubt it all. Is it because the earthquake caused the topography here to shift!”Looking at the other person like this, Lu Yuan was also very helpless, patted Zhou Tong’s shoulder gently.

“Lao Zhou, go back and rest first. Today I will follow the search team to find it!”

Zhou Tong nodded, and after smoking a cigarette, he returned to the car to rest.

After Lu Yuan changed his clothes, he followed the team searching for clues to the south.

After arriving at the place, the members of the team saw Lu Yuan coming over and greeted them. Lu Yuan responded slightly, and then asked about the progress of the search.

“Mr. Lu, the search work here is still in progress, but there is still no discovery!”

One of them, a slightly older middle-aged man, reported to Lu Yuan. After hearing the other party’s report, Lu Yuan not only frowned slightly.

“I haven’t found the marks left in the ancient Indian tribes. Have you found anything else?”

At this moment, a member of the team hurriedly walked over in the distance, and saw that the opponent was holding a password suitcase in his hand.

Seeing the other party coming, Lu Yuan greeted him quickly.

I saw the other person holding the password suitcase in his hand with excitement, and said to Lu Yuan: “Mr. Lu, I just found this thing under the ice layer above. Do you have any clues?”

Lu Yuan nodded, and looked up and down the password suitcase he received, and found that the password suitcase was completely sealed. Although it has experienced many traces of disasters, it can still be seen that this is a model from the lighthouse country. A kind of password suitcase produced.

After staring at the password suitcase for a long time, the middle-aged man standing by the side turned to Lu Yuan and said, “Mr. Lu, I also had a password suitcase before the end of the world!”

“Oh, did you have this kind of password suitcase before?”

After hearing what the other party said, Lu Yuan was slightly surprised.

“Yes, there are not many productions of this kind of cipher suitcases. They are handmade products from some small towns. Not a lot of them are sold out. I used to prefer to travel around the country, so for this kind of handmade products It’s a very favorite!”

Then the other party told Lu Yuan what he knew. After listening to the other party, Lu Yuan not only showed a hint of joy.

“You mean this cipher suitcase won’t spread far, most of them are used by local people?”

The middle-aged man nodded heavily: “I can be sure that this should be used by the locals, because when I bought my password suitcase, I only bought it in the local area. His family’s reputation is not very high. .

But the handmade products are pretty good. Although they can’t compare with some famous brand bags, the price is indeed much lower. When I was in the last days, the family conditions were not very good, and sometimes when I went out to give lectures, I often use this cipher suitcase to store my valuables, so I can see this cipher suitcase at a glance! ”

After speaking, the other party turned over the password suitcase, and then pointed his finger at the deformed logo mark underneath that had been crushed.

“This logo should have been made by the locals. I suspect that this place should be in the lighthouse country of North America!”

Lu Yuan squeezed his chin and thought for a while, because the clue he got now did not confirm that they were in the lighthouse country. Although the scope of this kind of suitcases is not very popular, since he can buy them all, it means that these codes are There must be many places in the scope of the spread of suitcases.

After pondering for a while, Lu Yuan quickly turned to look at the young man who found the password suitcase.

“Brother, where did you find the password suitcase? Can you take me there?”

The other party nodded immediately and led everyone to the place where he found the password suitcase.

I saw a dry tree trunk standing in the snow not far away from the suitcase, looking lonely, and there were some pits that were dug out near the trunk, which were obviously just dug out by him.

Then the opponent gingerly stepped over a ditch in front, and then came to the place he had dug just now and pointed.

“Mr. Lu just now I found the password suitcase here!”

“Okay, it shouldn’t be too late. Hurry up and call the exploration team to come over and excavate with all your strength to see if you can find more PIN suitcases. If you can find more PIN suitcases nearby, maybe you’ll be back. What new clues can I find!”

So everyone came close, holding tools such as shovels and hoes, and began to excavate nearby.

Lu Yuan, on the other hand, looked at the password suitcase in his hand carefully, and then slammed his fist on the password lock.

The code lock shattered, and the code suitcase was opened. After gently opening the code suitcase, there was nothing in it, except for the lining used for the packaging, there was nothing else.

At this moment, the middle-aged man on the side looked happy after seeing the lining.

“Mr. Lu, what I just said is right. This is the place where the password suitcase is made! You see, the packaging and linings are still there. Basically, they don’t sell outside the town, they just sell it locally. For other villagers, buyers usually have to wait a few weeks before they can get their own suitcases!”

After speaking, the other party excitedly picked up the bulging inner lining, and then patted it gently. After tearing off the inner lining, the inside was empty, just a piece of ordinary plastic foam.

After receiving this news, Lu Yuan couldn’t help but feel a burst of joy, while the excavation work in the vicinity was still in progress, Lu Yuan also picked up a shovel and started digging nearby.

The excavation work went very smoothly. Five or six boxes have been excavated in less than two hours.

Although the box became dirty under the attack of various disasters, and there were many indentations and cracks on the top, the overall situation seemed to be a new thing that could not be sold.

The middle-aged man picked up a few boxes and carefully looked at the logo printed above and the signatures of some nearby producers. After seeing these, the other party was very sure.

“Mr. Lu, I can be sure that this village must be the place I have visited before in the lighthouse country!”

Lu Yuan also nodded again and again, because finding a box might indicate that it was discovered by accident, and two boxes were not enough to show that this was the village.

However, five or six boxes were found in a few hundred square meters nearby, indicating that this should be the place where the opponent came, so Lu Yuan hurriedly put the boxes down.

“Then do you remember the location of this small town? Where is he in the lighthouse country? Where is the specific direction?”After hearing Lu Yuan’s questioning, the man suddenly held his chin and meditated for a long time before finally speaking.

“It’s been a long time. After the disasters of the past few years, I don’t have a deep impression of the past, but what makes me remember deeply is that there seems to be a cowshed near the head of this village.

This is because there are many people raising cattle in the countryside in the lighthouse country, but most people in this village are engaged in handicrafts, and this is the only professional cattle raising household.

I was invited to visit his farm before. If I guess right, there must be a cattle farm nearby. As long as I determine the location of two points, I should know where is the south, east, west, northwest! ”

After hearing the other party’s words, Lu Yuan happily patted his thigh, and then he excitedly shouted at the people around him: “Brothers, hurry up and search for me within a 20-kilometer radius around here, see. See if there are any cattle farms and cattle bones. If you find them, report them immediately!”

After receiving this order, everyone began to excavate one after another. Hundreds of people around the periphery continued to dig down on the ground with shovels.

Soon there were deep pits on the ground nearby. Because the snow covered it was too thick and the ice layer on the upper layer was very hard, the excavation was not going very smoothly.

But this is the best way so far. If you use equipment to excavate, it is likely to cause great damage to the nearby ground.

Lu Yuan didn’t cherish the land here, but worried that if he excavated with equipment, he might miss some details.

After a day and night of digging, there was finally a good news report.

Seeing a team member rushing over holding a corbel bone, Lu Yuan and the others couldn’t help being surprised when they looked at the corbel bone that had been frozen so hard.

“Mr. Lu, the beef leg bones were found in that place!”

The player was holding the corbel bone with excitement, and pointed his finger in the direction behind him.

Lu Yuan immediately summoned personnel to expand the excavation where the beef leg bones were found.

Hundreds of team members picked up their shovels and dug there desperately, but they were not sure where they were. After digging a lot of places nearby, they only found scattered bones, like a beef leg bone but one of them.

After receiving this news, Lu Yuan couldn’t help but frown, “No, it shouldn’t be. It stands to reason that there will be more complete beef bones nearby when the beef leg bones are found here, why can’t it be dug up?”

Zhou Tong walked over with a shovel and cigarette in his mouth, and saw Lu Yuan sitting quietly on the side, reaching out to pat his shoulder.

“Perhaps this family ate beef leg bones, or maybe we continue to dig nearby according to the previous plan. This village is quite big.

Unlike the villages in China, the per capita land area in Dengta Country is very large, and sometimes the distance between the villagers of one family and another has to be several kilometers! ”

Lu Yuan sighed slightly, then looked at the people who were still working in the distance: “Some are not reconciled, they have already found the first corbel bone, why can’t we find the others? Is it our work? There is a problem with the direction, or is this beef leg bone just really like you said that someone ate it and left it out before the end of the world?”

Lu Yuan felt that he was in confusion, and he didn’t know what to do next.

Seeing the passage of time day by day, on the second day of Christmas, I finally made a major discovery.

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