I Plant Zombies in The Last Days

Chapter 402: Social reform

When Qin Hao was about to take revenge, everyone immediately became anxious.

"King calm down! The top priority now is to start rescue work!"

"Yeah, the king, Qin has just unified the world and its footing is not stable, and now it has been hit by a nuclear bomb. It is just panic. When the storm is shaking, if you leave again, then Qin may collapse at any time!"

As a king, Qin Hao no longer represents just Qin Hao himself. He is a symbol, a symbol, a flag that everyone can see.

As long as he is there, people will have the backbone, the direction of hard work, and hope.

"MMP" Qin Hao cursed and sat down again.

In fact, Qin Hao knew in his heart that the number of blood demons and the area occupied by blood demons were thousands, or even tens of thousands, times that of human activity areas.

To put it bluntly, this is just one of the many human breeding areas of the Gorefiend.

If you throw nuclear bombs at each other, then at the end, it is difficult to say whether the blood demons will annihilate the race. The humans here will definitely die.

Injured the enemy eight hundred, self-defeated twelve thousand, this is a loss!

What we have to do now is to do everything possible to accumulate strength and reserve strategic resources to shorten the gap with the blood demon as much as possible.

After all, the war is fought by population and resources, and the resources that the blood demons can mobilize are thousands of times that of Qin!

A sense of powerlessness made Qin Hao depressed.

If you change someone else, knowing such a desperate gap, you will definitely have conceded!

Who is Qin Hao? Qin Hao is a Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten, he is big and shameless, and the most important thing is to comfort himself.

"To catch up today is better than to catch up tomorrow. Just keep your head down and work hard. I am the best, I am the most handsome, refueling system!"


After shouting in his heart for a while, Qin Hao became confident again.

Isn't it just a nuclear bomb? When a flower planter encounters a nuclear threat, it is not impossible. With history as a reference, Qin Hao knows what he should do.

Qin Hao coughed, calmed down the civil and military officials, and immediately raised two major issues.

"Construction of Underground Nuclear Refuge" and "Social Transformation Movement Participated by All"!

The first is the issue of safety, and the second is the issue of adjusting production relations to liberate productivity.

As soon as these two issues were thrown out, the hundreds of civil and military officials present only felt that their eyes were bright, and the originally chaotic thoughts immediately became organized.

After overnight discussions, the two drafts of guiding opinions were quickly formed and distributed to all regions for immediate implementation.

The radar warning system supporting this is also being developed and developed. Scientific experts in related fields have all been concentrated in the Genting Academy of Science and Technology Research Institute to step up development.

In order to speed up the progress, Qin Hao even made an exception to bring the minions out and joined the R&D team.

Of course, the prerequisite is that Qin Hao must provide enough scarecrows for every scientist.

Otherwise, if the early warning radar has not been successfully developed with the minion’s ability to kill, scientists will have to take a dog.

Along with the two drafts of guidance, a video of Qin Hao's speech to the people was also sent to various places.

"Dear citizens of the State of Qin, I am Qin Hao, your king!"

"Qin State was formally established. This was an exciting thing, but the nuclear explosion in Qingdu made this joy disappear. We feel heartache, please let us mourn for the dead compatriots for three minutes! "

"The lives of thirteen million compatriots are fleeting, and a majestic city is instantly annihilated! Such power may come again at any time, are you afraid? I am afraid, everyone will be afraid! But shall we surrender? Do you want the Gorefiend to continue to feed us like cattle?"

"I want to yell, no, go **** the Gorefiend! We've been kneeling for too long, it's time to stand up, for our loved ones, for our lovers, for the children, for the future generations, stand up!"

"Although I am a king, I am also a husband of the Qin State. With a dignified seven-foot beard, my belief in resisting demons and saving the country is as solid as a rock. Although death is unshakable, if blood splashes the mountains and rivers in the future, this life will be enough. , The power of human civilization for thousands of years!"

After speaking, Qin Hao almost roared out.

At the end of the video, there is a scene of a blood demon being publicly executed.

After watching the video, the cities are boiling!

People shouted, shouted with all their might, as if they were going to vent a hundred years of shame.

Some people shouted dumb, but they still shouted over and over again, "Down with the Gorefiend and restore the mountains and rivers!"

Someone shouted hypoxia, still stretching their necks and shouting, "I'd rather die than surrender, defeat the Gorefiend!"

An old man fainted with too much emotion, and was awakened by someone. The first sentence was, "Take revenge, you must take revenge, kill the blood demons!"

People have never been so united as they are now.

Subsequently, a series of guidelines and policies formulated based on the two draft guidelines have also received full support from the public.

Which involves security, economy, society, culture and other aspects.

Article 1, the census;

Article 2: Abolish the posts of city lord, and divide the country into nine counties and eighty-four counties, adopting the county system.

Article 2: Encourage people to reclaim land and build houses outside the city;

Because Qin Jun will clean up local zombies wherever he goes, so now it is much safer outside the city than before!

And with the completion of the railway, a large number of zombie businessmen went to various places to buy zombies. Good luck went to Noah City to make a difference, which also stimulated the local people in disguise to go out and arrest zombies.

The zombies everywhere are decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, so going to live outside the city is not absolutely safe, but there is not much danger.

Moreover, this measure can greatly alleviate the housing pressure of the entire city, and can also create wealth, and more importantly, decentralized living, and the arrival of a nuclear bomb will kill a few people. It will kill three birds with one stone.

Article 3. Underground refuges shall be built for cities above the "town" level;

Article 4, an economic development policy based on the state-owned economy and coexisting various economic forms;

Article 5, encourage cultural innovation;

Article 6: Abolish slavery, prohibit human trafficking, advocate equality between men and women, and monogamy;

Yuji was originally sold as a slave trade. As for the promotion of equality between men and women, it is based on a common phenomenon in society.

The physical quality of men is relatively stronger than that of women, and the previous society was the last days where power was respected. Women naturally became male vassals.

The status of women can be seen from the fact that men can marry concubines in the last days.

When this regulation was enacted, many people were afraid to write about the monogamy behind, after all, King Qin himself had taken a concubine.

As a great king, Qin Hao naturally cannot take the lead in breaking the law!

Everyone thought that Qin Hao would righteous Qiu Yanan, but they did not expect Qin Hao to make a decision that everyone unexpectedly made!

Divorce with Qiu Yannan.

It's not that Qin Hao is hard-hearted, but the contradiction between the two has reached the point where it can't be reconciled.

The complete outbreak of the contradiction had to start from Qin Hao's return from Yulong Mountain half a month ago.

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