Episode 150. I’m here (1)

“Hey, Hurt Locker. Look at this.”

“Don’t touch it…”

“What? Schlust gets scared and locks himself in his room? Fuhahahahaha!”

“I don’t want to hear…”

“At that time, the rebels were cutting the rebels 1v 2000 in the Great Forest? What happened? Huh?”


Even if Eric tapped him next to him, Hurt Locker clenched his teeth and ignored it.

The front-page article he brought in was about none other than Schlus Heinkel.

The story of Schlus, who fights alone with the rebels on the way back from a deal with the Great Forest.

At the same time, the Hurt Locker, who had blocked the attack on the 4th star, must have thought that Schlus was shivering in the hotel, but the truth was revealed.

“Anyway, I thought it was weird. Does that make sense? What’s wrong with that madman being scared of an assassin and being locked up with a woman?”

“Then what do you mean he’s a sacrificial person?”

“Of course.”


At Eric’s prompt reply, Hurt Locker was at a loss for words.

Excluding his feelings for him, looking at it objectively, Schlusus wasn’t the kind of guy who could put his colleagues first.

If you stand in the front and die, you die.

After thinking so deeply, it felt like the heat was soaring.

How can a person always only look dignified?

There were times when he had to run away unsightly when he met a strong man or was in danger.

A person who can’t decide when to act and when not to, with his pretentiousness controlling his body, dies quickly.

That must have been the rule of the world, but Schlus was the madman who was always naughty, but never died.

“After all, Emilia was a prophet.”

Eric chuckled and put the newspaper down.

As soon as she heard that Schlus had been locked up in a hotel room, it was Emilia who completely denied it.

Because I’ll never be that person.

It is clear that you are misunderstanding something.

He even aggressively asked if it was true that he had seen Schlusus hiding in person.

“What is a prophet?”

“Well. It doesn’t.”

“Emilia, from my point of view, it’s dangerous these days. I think you’re being too emotional for the subject of surveillance.”

“How about that?”


“It’s better than that. The more Schlust falls for Emilia, the easier it will be to monitor and control Schlust.”

“That’s right-“

“Why. You’re just getting jealous from your brother’s point of view?”

“Okay! What kind of conversation…. Ttt.”

Exhausted, the Hurt Locker jumped to his feet.

In any case, I don’t think anyone is my sister.

Eric smiled and folded the newspaper.

The Hurt Locker, who wanted to leave the store as it was, stopped and turned his head slightly.

“There’s only one thing I’m worried about. There’s only one thing.”


“I can’t change Emilia’s heart. I know her stubbornness best. So I can’t stop her, and I have no intention of stopping her. But when Emilia is frustrated… I’m worried about it.”

“What are you worried about. First love is a failure. You have to overcome it to become an adult.”


I’m not talking about that now.

If Schlus Heinkel dies.

No, he was talking about what if he had already died.

The situation has already piled up to some extent.

But somehow, it seemed that he was the only one who doubted Schlust’s death, so Hurtlocker sighed.

“Okay. Let’s go.”

“Look. Don’t show your face outside.”


Emilia hadn’t noticed yet.

Hurt Locker left the store feeling a little uneasy.




widely. widely. widely.

A hollow sound echoed every time the little shoe hit the ground.


Emilia, who was flipping through the newspaper, let out a sigh.

There was no news about Schlus.

No, strictly speaking, there were many, but there was no news of his return.

It was strange.

Obviously today is the 7th day since you left.

This afternoon, Trier, Erika, Iris, and the four Einz all returned to their home in the island and to the dormitory of the Imperial University through the intelligence service.

But only Schlust did not return.

Absolutely Schlusmann.

“Why are you doing this, really…?”

Oddly enough, only the news of Schlusus was getting on the press late.

Even considering the time difference, it was too late.

Are there any press guidelines or something?

If that’s true, it was said that the hasty report was news that could cause great social chaos.

For example, the death of a hero who was supported by the whole nation…

“That’s absurd.”

Emilia shook her head and dismissed the possibility.

It couldn’t be.

Schlust could die.

There was no way that the man who always made detailed plans could not have foreseen his death.

“no way······.”

I had an ominous thought.

What if something happened that forced someone to die?

What if someone had to make a sacrifice?

And what if Schlust had foreseen the situation?

He must have burned my body without hesitation.

He must have carefully planned his own death to save everyone else.

Thinking about it like that, it seems that the grounds fit perfectly in all circumstances, so Emilia lost her mind blankly.

“Handkerchief… by now….”

The handkerchief handed to Schlus.

I put another handkerchief I had made that day in the drawer.

Emilia rushed into the room and opened the drawer.


The magical handkerchief was gradually fading.

The handkerchief that could not reach the master’s magic for a week was about to scatter and disappear.

On the same day, it must have been the same for Schlust’s handkerchief, which had been enchanted with the same amount of magic.

“It’s said to come back. It’s said to come back before the magic power runs out…”

The handkerchief had completely collapsed in shape.

It has now become a tiny mass of magic that is invisible to the naked eye, which might be a handkerchief.

Emilia’s tears were dripping down on it.


It was clearly a meaningless promise.

A promise like a joke that only urges you to come back soon.

But why?

Feeling betrayed more than ever.

But that feeling of betrayal turned into anxiety first.

At first glance, the thought that it may not have been that he had not kept his promise had passed.

“Don’t be funny… It’s not. Say no. Really…

Tears flowed uncontrollably.

I tried to stop, but to no avail.

Even after wiping and wiping, tears continued to flow as if the dam had collapsed.

It looked like my eyes were broken.

He hadn’t heard of Schlus’s passing yet.

I didn’t even see his body.

He even resurrected once.

However, it was funny to even think of it as such a fuss just because of coming home late.


No matter how hard I tried to laugh, it turned into an unheard-of cry.

It’s the first time I’ve cried like this since the end of the war.

Even though I knew I was ugly, my tears flowed out.

Being the best spy in the kingdom couldn’t control his emotions, so it was like this.

Anxiety, fear, and a sense of shame were all mixed together, and Emilia felt her heart pound.



Then there was the sound of footsteps from the hallway downstairs.

heavy footsteps.

Emilia’s body was the first to respond to the familiar sound and prepared to jump out.

There was a faint sound of the door opening.

Not all door sounds were the same.

The schlust pulls vigorously at first, then slowly pulls after an annoying squeaking sound.

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Just like now…

“no way.”

Did you say that the horses catch people?

Knowing how much betrayal would feel when expectations were high, Emilia had to put her hand on her chest and work hard to suppress her pounding heart.

It may not have been Schlus.

It could have been someone else.

As I went down the stairs while brainwashing myself like that, a bright light poured in through the open door.


Only then did Emilia realize that it was dark because none of the lights in the mansion were on.

A black figure seen through the pouring flashes of light.

Emilia’s eyes widened, chasing the shadow in the backlight.

Tears welled up again from Emilia’s eyes, who had finished adjusting to the light in an instant.

“I’m here.”


Schlus was right.

If what you’re seeing now isn’t welcome.

Emilia smiled broadly as if she had ever cried.

I ran into that bright light and jumped into the one who couldn’t help but wait.



I hugged her tightly and called out loudly.

It was Schlus’ waist.

It looks like she’s lost some weight though.

It was Schloss’s voice.

Maybe I’m tired, but I’m resting a bit.

And this gentle touch caressing my hair…

This, too, must have belonged to Schlus.

“Why are you so late! You say you’ll be here in a week! You say you’ll come before the handkerchief disappears! It’s been 7 days and an hour!”


“Liar! Bad guy! Why break your promise! I’m anxious! Missing you. I thought you were crazy because you missed your brother. .”

“Emilia. Won’t you fall for a moment?”


Schulz’s voice was trembling.

as if confused.

Only then did Emilia realize that Schlust’s tone was strange.

It wasn’t the plain language when the two of us were alone, it was speaking in respectful language.

“Sue, Mr. Ascetic? Hello…?”


The woman behind Schlusz.

The green-haired woman’s hesitation was clearly visible.

Closing her eyes, Emilia finished grasping the situation and froze on the spot—

“Oh, ah! Were there guests?”

He quickly moved away from Schlust and stood up straight.

“I’m practicing acting for the fortress. How was it?”

“Who, it was wonderful. It was like a couple reunited after years…”

“Is that so? The practice has paid off!”


“I’ll bring you the car!”

Ignoring Schlus’s call, Emilia quickly disappeared inside the front door.

With the tips of his ears dyed red.

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