185. 1St semester final exam (5)

“How many layers of barriers are you asking for?”

“I want it to be as safe as possible.”

As the elaborate technique unfolded, the barrier opened.

Soon, the wide barrier completely covered the chairman’s quarters.

This is the third layer.

“You’re deliberately trying to keep me from taking the test by straining, what is it?”

“Something like that. Thanks, Erica.”


We had to assume the worst case scenario.

I mean the case when the Hurt Locker’s eyes turn around and he recklessly attacks me to kill me.

All this time she knew I was holding her sister’s life, but when she finds out it’s a lie, she’ll really want to kill me.

In that case, it would be difficult to subdue the Heart Locker with just my senses and brute force.

I had no choice but to wait in the barrier and wait for Sergei to come and subdue him.


“What? Why are you sighing?”

“My situation is so awkward.”


I didn’t know that even Emilia would run away without listening to my story to the end.

No, if she feels the Secret Service is under threat, she’s wise to run away.

From Emilia’s point of view, she must have felt that the country was in danger of being ruined if she didn’t act quickly.

Anyway, thanks to that, I am now at a crossroads.

Cooperating with the Secret Service against Asylum.

And the way to completely separate from the intelligence service.

But somehow, my footsteps seemed to be getting closer to the latter.

I had to contact the intelligence service and resolve the misunderstanding, but the problem was that there was a high risk of being attacked if I tried to contact the intelligence agency.

I had to come up with a way somehow, but the fact that the final exams overlapped right away was also a problem.

From noble mtl dot com.

No matter what I did, I had to take the test today, so I blew up the whole day yesterday with no response.

No wait. Alas.

‘Am I really an asshole?’

One day would be enough time for the intelligence service to withdraw and open the system.

I couldn’t think of the number of cases in which the intelligence service completely withdrew from the system and ran away.

It was clear that he had lost his mind studying for the exam while being wary of the thought that the Hurtlocker might come in.

Now there was no other way.

I had no choice but to pray that the Hurt Locker, who couldn’t get rid of his anger when I tried to withdraw, would come to kill me.

Because whether you fight or whatever you do, you will be able to convince him once you meet him.

“But what about your attendant?”

“You mean Emilia. She gave me a short vacation.”

Vacation. It’s like a vacation in a way.

While Emilia is away, I cook and do the laundry by myself, but I didn’t know that it was so difficult and time consuming.

When Emilia comes back, I’ll hire another maid to lighten the workload.

They give me a generous salary.

So please come back, Emilia.

I can’t live without you.

“Huh? Isn’t that Professor Relic over there?”

“Looks right.”

Escorting Erica out her front door, she suddenly pointed her finger somewhere.

It was Professor Relic who hurriedly ran somewhere.

Since a person is a person, he looked suspicious no matter what he did.

“You must have some urgent business. Then I’ll go? See you at the exam center.”


After sending Erica away, I continued to look at the back of Relic’s head.

That fat professor who hates running is running to the point of sweating.

If I had been late for a class or seminar, I would have walked leisurely and been late.

It meant that it was more urgent than that.


I immediately spread a thin perception suppression system around me and sent communication magic.

At the same time, Erwin’s vision and hearing were interlocked.

-Now, hold on! Not now!


It was the wrong timing.

I turned it off right away, waited for a while, and reconnected it.

Then Erwin’s flushed face came into view as he stared into the bathroom mirror.

– Did you see it?

“That doesn’t matter. Now-“

-Did you see it!

“Would you believe me if I said I didn’t see it?”


A loud scream erupted.

I really didn’t see anything, but I didn’t think Erwin would believe me if I said that.

So she decided to just watch it.


“Ervin. Have you called from Asylum yesterday or today?”

-I don’t have one.

“What do you mean?”

-Executives were called, but I was not applicable.

“Then you should have reported it sooner!”

Damn it.

Having such an inexperienced guy as her subordinate made her head hurt.

You should have reported everything about Asylum, even if it wasn’t about you.

“Ha… I only know that the executives were summoned? Anything else?”

-Other than that, I received only the same information. Oh, there was one more in particular. Don’t go outside as much as possible today and stay calm.


What the hell does that mean?

I haven’t heard that a national blood test is scheduled yet.

Then, what is the reason that even the lowest-ranking followers of Asylum have to be prudent today?

I couldn’t guess.

“Come and stay at the director’s residence for the day.”

– What? Why?

“I heard there was an order to stay calm. It means that something dangerous is about to happen. So get to a safe place.”

-Is that okay?

“Uh. I’ll hide the key under the flower pot in front of the front door.”

Spies had to be carefully guarded.

It’s a valuable asset that will become an executive of Asylum in the future and become the main force in tracking them down.

I stopped the telecommunication magic.

‘I don’t know what the hell is going on.’

Issuance of warnings and calls from executives within Asylum.

In addition to that, the work of the intelligence service overlapped, and it became too complicated in my head.

I grabbed my pounding head and headed out the front door.

First of all, taking the exam was the priority.

In the end, everything would be meaningless if I was kicked out of the Imperial University.

I hurriedly tidied up my school uniform and headed for the exam hall.


In front of the exam hall door.

Iris turned around and greeted me with the same smile as always.

It’s exam time soon, but what are you doing when you don’t go in?

“What happened.”

“Schlus. This exam, let’s just solve the last question.”


“You’re in a hurry. You’d better finish the exam quickly and leave.”

Iris smiled and opened the door and she went inside.

She didn’t even give me a chance to ask what that meant.

Are you saying that something so urgent that we can fight each other for one minute and one second is happening right now?

Looking at the circumstances, it sounds like you should solve only the last question and submit it before leaving…

I wondered if I was going to ruin the exam.

“Sit down.”


Ludwig quietly instructed as he opened the door to the exam hall.

All the other students were already there.

I quietly exchanged eye contact with Erica, then found an empty seat and sat down.

But this time, each seat had something that looked like a slate.

I was about to go and ask Iris about what I said earlier when the bell rang.

“Now that it’s time, I’ll explain the test. There will be a tablet on everyone’s desk. It’s a kind of artifact, and it’s possible to display a specific screen through mana. Solve them in order.”

From the beginning of the explanation, I seemed to already know what kind of test it was.

As expected, there was no deviation from the original work as far as the test was concerned.

Still, there might be some rules that are different from the original, so I decided to listen carefully.

“The questions are presented one at a time. You may skip them all and move on to the next one, but keep in mind that once you skip a question, you cannot do it again. The total score is 99. The explanation is ideal. The act of giving answers to others and the act of peeping at other people’s artifacts will be canceled if they are caught.”

The students started to stir.

Since it was a test that even used artifacts, I thought it would be an unusual rule, but it must have been nothing special.

It will look exactly the same as the original exam, except that once you skip a question, you cannot solve it again.

However, there is a secret hidden in this test.

“Then, I’ll start the test from the current time. The time limit is one hour.”

With Ludwig’s signal, the artifact lights up.

Question 1. It was a problem with a score of 4 points.

The level of difficulty is…

‘Oh. What is this sound.’

A cursory glance at it made me dizzy.

I pressed skip without hesitation.

Then a warning message popped up, and when I clicked it again, it went to question 2.

The score for question 2 is 5 points.

However, the difficulty level was lower than number 1.

If you concentrate, you can solve it in 10 minutes.

The secret of this test is that as the questions go backwards, the points awarded increase and the difficulty decreases.

Usually, if you hear the rule that you can’t roll back, you can’t easily pass one question at a time and cling to it foolishly.

However, if you decide to boldly pass the most difficult problem 1 without solving it, you will immediately notice the regularity.

From then on, the ability to determine how many times a problem must be passed and solved to get the highest score within the one-hour time limit becomes important.

Ludwig wanted to evaluate this capacity and audacity.

‘Skip this to the end? Why?’

After recalling the original test, Iris’ words didn’t make much sense.

The last problem is number 11, and it should have 14 points.

Are you saying you can get the top spot with just 14 points?

No, it couldn’t have been.

No. 1 And No. 2 Were also very difficult, but a genius like Erica would have been able to solve them all within enough time.

In fact, Hurtlocker and Erica in the original work solved all the problems without skipping.

If that’s the case… Then…

‘I don’t know.’

There was nothing more stupid than doubting Iris’ words.

According to Iris, something urgent is happening outside right now, so she can’t waste her time worrying about it alone.

I ignored all warning windows and continued to pass the problem.

-No.6. 9 Points awarded.

-#7. Allocate 10 points.

So far, the total has exceeded 49 points.

And that was the moment we moved on to the next problem.

– This is the last question. 8 Times. 50 Points awarded.


I froze for a moment in bewilderment.

50 Points per question. It was a higher score than the total of all the problems awarded so far, which was 49 points.

Besides that problem-

– Dismantle this spell.

It boasted an absurd level of difficulty.

It was so complex that it was put forward to destroy the tangled tangle of magic.

Usually, even if you use the entire hour of the exam, it won’t be enough.

But for me it was easier than any other problem.

‘Selection and concentration. 1 Second used for calculation power.’

I used my ability without hesitation.

Come to think of it, it’s been a while since I used ‘Selection and Concentration’ for calculation power.

Because there are few things that require higher computational power than stat 48.

From noble mtl dot com.

My stats rose in an instant, and my arithmetic power stat reached 147.

The time limit was one second, but that was enough.

Since the spell on the display I put my hand on had already been dismantled and disappeared.





The minute hand of the pocket watch just passed 20 seconds.

Ludwig looked around the lecture hall, which had been transformed into a serious exam hall.

The students’ expressions were varied.

Some of them seem to be working on question 1 by looking at themselves with distressed expressions, and some seem to have realized the rules of this test by slightly opening their mouths in surprise.

As Ludwig looked at them, he forced himself to smile.

When I thought that all of them would soon turn into puzzled expressions, I kept feeling ecstasy.

‘I gave a little variation on the originally planned exam.’

If the rule that points are increased by 1 point is correct, the sum of points assigned up to question 11 is 99 points, the total score.

However, Ludwig never once said that there are up to 11 questions and that there are specific rules for the distribution of points.

In other words, question 8 is declared as the last question, and there is nothing strange if the score suddenly comes out as 50 points.

This was a device to annoy those who passed the previous problem without thinking.

If you follow the ‘rule’, you can get 50 points if you skip all the 7 questions and start with the easier 8 questions.

But what kind of expressions will they make when they encounter the last problem of unexpected difficulty in #8?

How can those who tried to easily get 50 points but ended up getting 0 points despair?

Already, Ludwig seemed to be looking forward to it.

‘That bastard…’

Then Ludwig saw the figure of Schluss.

The figure of Schluss repeatedly hitting the stone slab with his fingers, with eyes that seemed to have no thought.

Anyway, it seemed that I would soon be able to taste that despair.

Instantly, Schluss’ fingers stopped and froze for a moment.

It seems that we have finally reached the final problem.

‘That’s not fun.’

Aren’t you able to open your mouth even if you don’t fall out in surprise?

Ludwig, who was delighted at the thought that he had fed Schluss 0 points, said-


As Schluss stood up, his eyes widened.

He was coming down the stairs with the same expressionless expression as always, carrying an artifact.

Shoolus, who had reached Ludwig, held out an artifact.

The artifact was marked like this.

-Overall 50/99

“I’m leaving the room.”


Schlus Heinkel then turned around and left.

Ludwig was dumbfounded and looked at the artifact for a while on the spot.

The moment he heard the door slam shut, Ludwig finally came to his senses and put the artifact down.

To make the mistake of forgetting the instructions from above.

Ludwig hurriedly climbed the stairs and opened the door to the classroom.

Then he could spot Schluse’s back as he tried to exit the building.

“Schlus Heinkel. Come back.”

“You have already submitted an artifact that has been used for testing.”

“I know. Please come back anyway.”

“May I ask why?”

“I refuse.”


Instructions not to send Schluss Heinkel out of the Imperial College by any means.

As soon as he grabbed Schluss, his eyes turned to Ludwig.

At those empty eyes, Ludwig felt a chill as if his body was frozen.

Now Schluss was clearly hostile.

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