194. Waiting and waiting

“Is Schluss Heinkel really coming here?”

“The man who fired that blue flash is here…?”

The underground chapel of a certain cathedral.

The secret service agents who were seated whispered.

Schlus Heinkel is here.

You even want to cooperate with the Secret Service.

In addition to that, rumors were already spreading that he was marrying Hurtlocker’s sister, Emilia.

“What the hell is Hurt Locker thinking? He formed an alliance with such a fearsome bastard…”

The unmatched absolute.

In the intelligence service, the perception of Schluss was so ingrained.

In addition to playing with the Heart Locker, the greatest force of the Intelligence Agency, as if playing with a toy, he is a man who single-handedly confronts the airships of the Imperial Army…

To them, the very existence of Schluss was like a natural disaster.

“The bride enters.”

With a jolt, the door of the cathedral opened.

At the same time, the gaze of the agents turned to the back.

Standing there was Emilia, dressed in a neat, red dress.

Holding onto the arm of the heartlocker with a displeased look on his face.


At that time, a cloak appeared out of nowhere with a fluttering sound from an empty seat in the front row and landed on the ground.

The one who appeared with him was Schluss Heinkel, a knight in Imperial University uniform.

The agents’ hands went into their pockets and grabbed the daggers, froze in an instant.

It was here, in the Secret Service, that only those who were called the best in the kingdom gathered.

But it never occurred to me that they would be able to win even if they attacked at the same time.

Schlus Heinkel took a glance at the trembling agents and then walked out in front of them calmly.

“Sir Schluse······.”

“You don’t call me oppa here, do you?”

“Be quiet, really.”

Emilia walked slowly and stood beside Schluse.

Hurlocker, who was watching this disapprovingly, went round and stood in front of the bride and groom and coughed.

Originally, Eric should have been the moderator.

But since Eric died and there was no suitable person, Hurt Locker had to stand in his place.

“I will hold the betrothal ceremony for the groom Schluss Heinkel and the bride Emilia Siegfried. Schluss Heinkel swears to accept Emilia Siegfried as her consort in the future…”

The engagement ceremony began in a solemn atmosphere.

The agents, who had heard the news in advance but were dubious about it, were now agitated inwardly.

That Schluss Heinkel forms an alliance with the Intelligence Agency.

Apart from how Schluss Heinkel found out about the Secret Service, this was clearly a boon for the Secret Service.

Asylum and the Imperial counterintelligence agency’s attack, the intelligence agency, whose survival was in jeopardy, was an opportunity to have an allied force with a considerable presence within the Empire.

If Schluss were to be purged, he would have to abandon it and run away and plan a way to live as usual, and if Schluss took real power within the empire, he would have to drink the sweet water.

“I, Schluss Heinkel, ardently love Emilia Siegfried, and I swear in front of Aegis that she will marry Emilia Siegfried when she becomes an adult.”

“I will accept it…”

Emilia shyly nodded her head.

As the agents watched with bated breath, only Hurt Locker looked uncomfortable.

A common oath made by Schluss Heinkel was missing the usual word ‘one person only’.

Once or not, the engagement ceremony continued.

Schluss took his ring out of his front pocket and got down on one knee.

A jewel that emits red light.

It was Emilia’s birthstone, garnet.

Holding Emilia’s awkwardly outstretched hand, Schluss slowly slipped her ring onto her ring finger.

“With this, the engagement has been completed. The bride and groom face each other and are key… Key… Eight! This is the end!”

Heart Locker, who was reciting the officiating speech, was beaten, and soon applause broke out.

Chullus and Emilia look into each other’s eyes while holding hands.

Unable to see the two of them, Hurtlocker crumpled the paper on which the officiating speech was written and came down from the podium.

‘If only I had the strength.’

Hurt Locker clenched his fists and gnashed his teeth.

If the Secret Service had more power, she wouldn’t have to force Emilia into marriage.

Now, Emilia will find out sooner or later.

She said that until now, the feelings she had felt were not love.

Soon, Emilia’s disillusionment with Schluss Heinkel made her angry at the thought of a future where she cried and complained.

“With this, I, Schluss Heinkel, and the Secret Service are on the same boat. I remembered the smell of all the agents gathered here. I can recognize you guys anytime, anywhere, no matter how you dress. You’d better not think about doing it.”


“I’m sure you all know this, but I’ll say it again. Our engagement is a secret only to those present here. We’ll keep it private until the right time comes. So please, warriors of the realm. .”

If Schluss betrays him, he loses all honor.

On the contrary, if the Secret Service betrays them, all of the kingdom’s elite agents will be slaughtered, and human assets will be damaged to such an extent that it will never be possible to recover again.

They aimed their swords at each other, so it was rather the safest state.

“Accept orders.”

The agents all stood up and knelt down.

It was the birth of a new ‘king’.


It’s been quite a while since I gave Arya her bombshell remark.

I haven’t stopped by the imperial palace since then.

I wasn’t even looking for me in the imperial palace.

Rather, I was even more anxious because it had been quiet for several days.

One day, I thought that the special forces of the imperial family would break into the whole mansion…

“That… Older brother.”


“It wouldn’t work if I called you honey, right? We’re not married yet.”

“No way.”

“Ehhhhh. As expected.”

“I wonder if you’ll be fine though.”

“Everything, you?! Are you okay?”

And for those few days, the unreasonable life of a honeymoon continued in the mansion.

Of course, I had never actually spent my newlywed life, so I just guessed that it would be like this.

Aside from when Triena and Erika came and went, Emilia always acted this way.

In the past, it felt like a sly little sister was sitting in it, but now it feels like a shy lady.

I also felt that Emilia was no different from an adult.

“All, you. Here… Today’s newspaper.”

“Why are you saying honorifics all of a sudden?”

“It’s just… I think I should use honorifics when I call you something.”

Emilia’s face turned red, and then she couldn’t meet my eyes and kept flinching.

Emilia has broken down.

If I leave it alone, it will reboot itself in no time, so I decided to read the newspaper.

‘It’s not even a fuss.’

News about simultaneous incidents in the old town continued day after day.

Perhaps it was an order to refrain from reporting, the knights did not clearly reveal the identity of the attack, but only dealt with the Asylums who were attacked and came to the surface to fight.

However, because the incident took place in broad daylight, especially in a densely populated city, the number of citizens involved was by no means small.

There were definitely people who were unjustly arrested and then released after being beaten for days.

It would be great if all their anger went to Asylum, but things couldn’t be so easy.

The commoners are not fools either.

Even if they are less educated, that doesn’t mean they are less intelligent.

They picked nobles to be the culprits behind this incident.

It is said that the aristocrats committed it to massacre the commoners whom they considered inferior.

It wasn’t the right answer, but it wasn’t quite wrong.

After all, nobles are also members of the ruling class of the empire.

In the end, the common people’s anger was directed upwards in the imperial pyramid.

This is what Asylum wanted, causing the empire to split.

“When I go out to the city to buy groceries, I hear his brother’s name here and there.”


Emilia wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me from behind.

She heard that protests were taking place in the old town.

As a commoner, I believed that I would stand on their side and bring about reform.

I didn’t say anything, but the protesters treated me as if I was the instigator and representative of the protest.

That was bad news.

I have nothing to say even if the emperor immediately sentences me to death using this as a pretext.

I hope Arya will give me the job quickly before the emperor carries out his second plan to kill me…



“Brother, what’s wrong?!”

At that moment, an intense sensation hit my brain with a direct hit.

As I rolled on the ground clutching my head, I noticed that this was a powerful communication spell.

A communication spread from the islands to the entire empire.

As the output was enormous, it was a line that was rarely used unless it was an important matter that was fighting for the survival of the empire.

From noble mtl dot com.

-Notify the subjects of Freya Empire Federation. His Majesty Emperor Gustav Friedrich von Freya has passed away. Inform once again His Majesty the Emperor…

This was the news I had been waiting for.

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