I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 145: Cause and effect fight in the restricted area, Meier is seen at the end of the road

I pretend to be a divine calculator in a fantasy world () Find the latest chapter!

Su Li glanced at Su Ye meaningfully and sighed: You are really powerful. At this point, you can trick me with your backhand.

Su Ye said modestly: Brother, what you said is serious. What do you mean that I have plotted against you? In this kind of thing, it is always about who has gained the most and who is the winner, and it is obviously you! Do you dare to say that? no?

Su Li glanced at Su Ye with disdain: Are you sure we have gained something now? Are we all birds in a cage?

Su Ye said: Then whoever suffers less loss will be the biggest winner, and it is obviously you! Do you dare to say otherwise?

Su Li said: No!

Su Ye said: You and the old man are really of the same virtue. No matter how shameless, even if you claim to be the first, he would not dare to claim to be the second.

Su Xinghe rolled his eyes: I'm deaf and blind. I can't see or hear. Don't get involved with me - now I've determined that I can't afford to offend you two. Can't I just hide?

Su Ye said: I couldn't think of this kind of thing originally. If you hadn't mentioned it deliberately, how could I have spent so much effort to deduce it? How could I have suddenly remembered it?

Su Li said: So I have to compensate you?

Su Ye said: That's not necessary, but you are not particular about it - since you have always remembered it, you were so angry that you didn't say a word? You still want me to calculate it? Don't you know that such a loss is extremely huge?

Su Li said: This shows that your shamelessness is unmatched by anyone and is invincible in the world.

Su Ye sighed: Okay, let you see through it - indeed, I did mean it, but if Yun Qingxuan does not appear, the rules of this world have changed, and you may be the creator of the world. Come on, what if I don't use any means?

The so-called seek the best, if I directly made such a suggestion, I am sure none of you would agree with it.

So I first proposed to let you enter my memory restricted area. If it succeeds, it will be comfortable. If not, I will settle for the second best. First, try your soul fighting ability and soul stability, and then enter your memory restricted area.

In this way, once we enter, although we enter your cage, we are also protected.

In fact, I have long suspected that there is something wrong with Leng Yunshang, not only Leng Yunshang, but also Feng Qianwei.

Leng Yunshang, Feng Yao and Feng Qianwei all came from the Zhenhun Hall. Leng Yunshang herself has been swaying, but it is undeniable that she is very close to the Soul Zhendian.

So I suspect that the Soul Soul Palace has been infiltrated by aliens.

You can't talk about this kind of thing even if you know it, and I don't retain the memory.

You showed your strong ability to protect the memory zone before, and then let Gongcheng Qingdie test this. Therefore, I simply regarded your memory zone as a defensive line.

This cannot be said outside.

You know why you can't say it - because I don't even know if Yun Qingxuan is really dead.

Since she is the founder of the soul-killing sect, don't you find it strange that she died so easily?

On the contrary, it is not surprising that Gongcheng Qingdie died. Although she was cunning and thoughtful, she still failed to live out her next life to pave the way for Yun Qingxuan. The level of her life foundation dropped by two to three levels. This was a fatal injury. , cannot make up for it.

If this kind of decline occurs, there will not be too much blessing from heaven and destiny in the future, and a vicious cycle will form.

In this way, the defeat of Gongcheng Qingdie is actually determined.

On the contrary, Yun Qingxuan's failure is not that simple - just like Hua Ziyan's.

As soon as Su Ye finished speaking, Hua Ziyan frowned and said, What are you talking about, why do you involve me? You are so shameless!

Su Ye chuckled and said, It's a shame.

When Su Li heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched and he said speechlessly: So, in the end, not only did I help you explore the core secret of your heavenly soul and show you the ultimate scenery, but I also became a refuge for you guys? You hide here to take refuge, and then let me face that powerful alien race that may exist? Can you be more shameless?

Su Ye said: But we are already in your memory restricted area. Aren't we at your mercy? Don't you like having three wives and four concubines hugging each other? Look, there are three of us now.

As Su Ye said, he glanced at Hua Ziyan, Zhuge Qianyun and Zhuge Jiayi. His eyes seemed to say, this is your restricted memory area. Brother, my brother can only help you get here!

Su Li's mood at this time was also indescribable. This damn good reputation has not been spread out, and his little lustful habits have made a big fuss...

This Su Ye is not a human being. I, Su Li, am so shameless?

The expression on Su Li's face was a bit exciting, but he didn't take these words to heart. He also knew that this was Su Ye's way of diverting hatred - after all, he had plotted against Su Li, although he was indeed in Su Li's position. His memory restricted area was greatly suppressed, but this time, he did win a bit.

Zhuge Qianyun said: We are indeed unaware of this incident, and we do not have any memory related to Leng Yunshang - in the memory, it seems that you transformed into a male Qingdie clone and killed her, right? ?”

Zhuge Jiayi also said: Although we don't know, at the critical moment, making the choice to follow Su Ye Shenzi is also a matter of basic common sense, and there is no need to think too much. Although this may be used by him as a pioneer or a tool. But at least you can survive dangerous times.

With the rules of heaven collapsing, there is no privacy or security left in Yun Qingxuan's memory restricted area.

Since Su Ye Shenzi has chosen to come here, it will not be wrong for us to follow him.

Zhuge Jiayi's explanation was extremely honest and there was no deception at all.

From this sentence, Su Li could obviously sense her sincerity from the mysterious feeling.

And this is indeed one of the core reasons why Zhuge Qianyun will follow.

I don’t understand why Su Ye did this. It doesn’t matter, just follow me, right?

If we were to fight together against this abnormal world of forbidden memory, at least Su Li would have perfect emotions and be quite affectionate, so he wouldn't add insult to injury and kill him, right?

Of course, even if you kill someone, it is better to die in the hands of your own people than to die in the hands of a foreigner, right?

Su Ye said sternly: First of all, you must remember Leng Yunshang, so you will definitely mention it even if I don't mention it. In addition, Yun Qingxuan or Qingdie are not looking for anyone, but they are looking for you, saying that they are your mistress Not an exaggeration.

You guys have teamed up to plot against us, and now we can only hold our noses and admit it.

In this case, we can only choose the lesser of two harms.

In this way, what do I have to be proud of? Because of the loss of truth theory, I have lost more than you - for us, now we are your turtle in the urn.

The outcome has been decided, so what does it matter if there are variables in the process? If you are not balanced, then I really have nothing to say.

Su Li said: If it is not balanced, I will kill you on the spot and still allow you to babble there.

Su Ye said: There are three great fairies here, don't talk nonsense, I am very upright.

Su Li's breath was stagnant - Damn, driving is so direct?

Zhuge Qianyun spat lightly and said: Bah, we are a family of old perverts!

Zhuge Jiayi had a smile on her face but didn't say much.

Hua Ziyan's cheek muscles trembled, but she still pretended not to hear and said nothing.

Where are Mei'er and the others? How did they get here?

Su Li's voice was a little more solemn.

Su Ye glanced at Hua Ziyan and said, Wouldn't it be enough for the purple energy to open the heavenly path in the void? Her method is extremely skilled. You can use it more often. It's very useful.

Su Li looked at Hua Ziyan.

Hua Ziyan said: How about I teach it to you, Master Su, you can use it yourself.

Su Li said: I can't do it, you should do it yourself.

Hua Ziyan said: Master Su is still the same humble Master Su, but he is just too humble.

Su Li said: It's not humility, it's the truth.

Hua Ziyan said: I don't believe even half of the runes you say about your family.

Su Li: ...

Hua Ziyan glanced at Su Li and said: Let's go out together. We can't use it here. If you shrink the restricted area, I won't be able to release any strength at all. You can't remember the rules of heaven and earth in the restricted area. I don't understand it at all. adapt.

Su Ye said: You just discovered it now? I thought you had discovered it a long time ago -

Hua Ziyan said: Shut up!

Su Ye chuckled and said nothing more.

Su Li raised his hand, rolled up Hua Ziyan and left the place.

In the memory restricted area, Zhuge Qianyun took a deep look at Su Ye and said, Do you really want to be captured without a fight?

Su Ye said: Just die. Beings like us, cultivating heavenly secrets and peering into the past and future, no matter where we die, there will always be some whims. Sometimes, a sudden realization or It's just the thought that appears, and that's actually enough.

Furthermore, give him a chance to grow. I'm afraid it won't work just by relying on us.

We live so sadly.

Zhuge Qianyun said: It's useless for you to stir up emotions in his memory restricted area and use emotional attacks. Do you think he will sympathize with you?

Su Ye said speechlessly: I...I am really sad, okay?! Can't you tell the difference between true and false? Zhuge Qianyun, you have fallen! You are no longer the Zhuge Qianyun you once were!

Zhuge Qianyun said: My true body has been killed and a layer of my life essence has been wiped out. Although there is an element of pretending, the injury is still very serious. How can I guess your thoughts?

Su Ye said: I don't believe a word of what you say. Do you think I don't know that you even have a backup copy of your origin?

Zhuge Qianyun said: You insist on exposing my secret, then I'm sorry, we are mutually exclusive.

Su Ye: ...

Su Ye sighed and said: I won't argue with you. My thoughts this time are very direct, just like what I said before. Moreover, recently I tend to have some regrets and melancholy. mentality.

And every time I feel regretful and melancholy, I feel that the future person is asking for help from the past person - that is, the future me is asking for help from the present me.

But I am really powerless.

I tried my best, but I couldn't conquer less than 1% of the souls of gods.

One thousand seven hundred and thirty miles, this distance, I can't move forward no matter what.

Therefore, if you sacrifice something, you will sacrifice something.

Now what does it matter if some bodies are killed or even many origins are lost?

It is more miserable and miserable now, but it may be better in the future.

In the future, I may also be grateful to me who is working so hard now!

Zhuge Qianyun applauded and said: Okay, very good. Su Li really likes this one the most, and it is the most useful to him. You are indeed brothers, and you are the only one who knows him best.

Su Ye shook his head helplessly and said: To tell the truth, no one believes it. I am also... living a life of irony.

Zhuge Qianyun said: Then I will tell you something intimate, do you believe it?

Su Ye's breath was stagnant and he said, Okay, I live a wonderful life, it's not ironic at all.

Zhuge Qianyun said: Don't use these methods here. Even if Su Li is really useful, he is too immature. Even if you want to beat him to grow up, this is not the way.

You can fight internally at any time, but if you fight externally, you must put aside the internal fighting immediately.

Su Xinghe glanced at the two people thoughtfully and said nothing.

Zhuge Jiayun believed it and was filled with emotion. He felt that the life of a practitioner was extremely difficult and no one understood it. It was really too difficult.

Zhuge Jiayi, on the other hand, seemed not to hear anything and didn't believe even a single word.

Not only did she not believe it, she also gave Zhuge Jiayun a warning look in her eyes, telling him not to believe it.

Although Zhuge Jiayun was a little confused, he still cut off these memories honestly - forget it, it's better not to listen, otherwise he would be tricked into selling it without even knowing it, and he had to be grateful to the other party.

Rhododendron Little World, restricted area of ​​Sword Tomb.

The tall ancient tower, like the Tower of Babel, stands quietly.

When the ancient pagoda appeared earlier, it made a huge noise, and Leng Yunshang retreated and fled at that time.

After that, the figure of the ancient pagoda became much blurred, and Leng Yunshang also suddenly disappeared.

At this time, standing in front of the ancient pagoda, Hua Ziyan just watched quietly and did not immediately use the means of purple energy.

Su Li, on the other hand, did not urge him.

Do you know what this is?

Hua Ziyan suddenly looked at Su Li and asked softly.

Is this the Tower of Babel?

Su Li guessed.

Hua Ziyan shook her head and said: This is an imitation of the Babel Tower, and it's also very vulgar. In fact, its core is the Jiuhuang Tower.

However, the most complete Nine Desolation Tower that has appeared so far is the Nine Desolation Tower in the hands of Zhuge Jiayun, which contains the bloodline power of the Nine Desolation Divine Phoenix.

The bloodline power of the Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix can transform the bloodline of Guidie's lineage.

The bloodline origin of the Nine Desolate Divine Phoenix can even form a creation-level transformation - in this way, the foundation level of life can be improved.

In this case, do you think Yun Qingxuan would give up such an opportunity?

Su Li said: If I were her, I would never do it!

Hua Ziyan said: Do you know who is behind Yun Qingxuan?

Su Li said: Mei'er? Doesn't Yun Qingxuan control Mei'er for the time being?

Hua Ziyan said: Stop saying such false things, okay? You are just like Su Ye, sometimes you have to pretend to ask such idiotic questions, and it's too fake! Even if you act very real, it's still fake !

Everyone now knows that your intelligence has broken through the limit level of a practitioner's life level. If you continue to pretend to be innocent, it will be a bit disgusting.

Su Li said seriously: This is exactly what I want to say to you. Since I am not a fool, then you always treat me as a fool? Do you want to drive a wedge between me and Mei'er?

Hua Ziyan frowned and said: Mei'er's soul of heaven is stronger than yours, and no one knows its origin! Moreover, when she was suppressed, she suppressed a total of ninety-nine floors of the Babel Tower, did you know that? On the surface, it was just Ninety-nine levels of order chain, actually not!

Therefore, Zhuge Qianyun's sister Zhuge Qianlan is also a huge trap. You should not participate, let alone save Mei'er.

I'm afraid that you will rush in suddenly and lead our entire Mingshan Mansion into a trap.

Su Li frowned and said, Are you crazy? Are you saying this here?

Hua Ziyan took a deep look at Su Li and said, Why can't you say it here? You killed Zhuge Qianyun in half with a powerful weapon, and wiped out the green butterfly with a memory forbidden area. This area has long been It's yours. Why am I afraid of saying this?

What about the so-called alien race?

Maybe it really exists, or maybe it's just a way for you to control this world and play with us.

So it's a mystery? And then force us to use all kinds of secrets and methods? Peep into our biggest heritage and secrets?

So, is this the True Void Heavenly Forbidden? Or is it the weird place you created by using the soul of heaven to deduce the illusion and combine it with the true void heavenly ban?

Su Li's mood did not change. Instead, he looked solemn and said, Now, I'm afraid you won't believe anything I say. But I still want to say that Leng Yunshang has deceived me. Believe it or not!

Hua Ziyan said: If you say that, I believe it.

Su Li said in a deep voice: Call Mei'er and the others over. I'll pretend I never heard those words you said before.

Hua Ziyan said: If you heard it, you heard it. You can't pretend you haven't heard it.

Su Li said: Okay, then I heard it.

Hua Ziyan added: Everything I said is true, and if I were outside, I would never say such things. But since you will know sooner or later, if I tell you in advance, it is equivalent to making you owe It gave me a huge karma.”

Su Li said: Bring Mei'er and the others over.

Hua Ziyan said: Okay, soon.

Hua Ziyan didn't say anything more, but released Ziqi Ten Thousand Methods on the spot.

In an instant, endless purple energy spread across the world, as if a magical heavenly road had opened.

This method is similar to Yun Qingxuan's method before, which is to open a strange sky road, and then penetrate a void to connect two distant places into a road.

Setting foot on this road is like traveling through the stars or through the void, and you can quickly span extremely far distances.

Su Li watched quietly.

Hua Ziyan did not hide her methods, she performed them very focused and seriously from beginning to end, and every movement was meticulous to the extreme, as if she was deliberately letting Su Li learn from it.

After Su Li read it, he really understood.

But he didn't use it, nor did he think about or meditate on this technique.

Because for him, he would not practice any technique in this world without systematic correction.

Once you practice the techniques of that world, it is equivalent to acknowledging the laws of heaven and cause and effect in that world, and you will be greatly involved.

Other things like magic weapons have little impact.

In particular, after experiencing the incident where Su Ye and others entered his restricted memory area and learning some relevant information, Su Li had a vague feeling that the practitioners in this world only had the starting level of one soul and one soul. The result of being 'suppressed'.

So much so that what they call 'slaves in the realm of sin' is probably the truth of this world.

This should be a place of imprisonment.

But whether this is the case specifically, Su Li cannot make a reasonable judgment based only on a few small towns under the command of Mingshan Mansion, but at least it should be a direction that can be referenced.

But no matter what, according to Su Ye and others, if you seize a large number of soul-suppressing tablets and understand the secrets in the soul-suppressing tablets, you will know the truth.

If you can participate in the life-and-death fight and competition in the Soul-Suppressing Tomb, you can get more secrets.

And this time, if there really is a so-called ‘foreign race’, it would indeed be a huge opportunity to understand them.

While Su Li was thinking deeply, the purple sky road had already extended into the distance.

At the other end of the road, Su Li's vision followed, and soon he saw Mei'er at the end of the road suddenly raised her head and looked to this side.

Meier looked a little lost and haggard, and her whole person seemed to be thinner and more depressed.

But she is still her, even in this state, she is still stunningly beautiful, and people can't help but feel pity and closeness to her.

Su Li glanced over, and after seeing Meier, his slightly uneasy heart immediately calmed down.

At the same time, an indescribable feeling of relief and satisfaction emerged spontaneously.

But the moment this feeling arose, Su Li understood that he was really tempted.

Does this world really have feelings?


Su Li closed his eyes and immediately put a layer of Yuqing clone on his body.

Then, he opened his eyes, and after his eyes calmed down, he found that Meier's eyes had already looked through the purple sky road to this side, and it was very possible that she had even seen the process of him closing and opening his eyes.

After Su Li met Mei'er's eyes, he found that the haggard, lonely and other expressions on Mei'er's face had disappeared, and there was only a faint demureness, smartness and a trace of charming affection that seemed to be released only towards him. ?

I must have seen it wrong.

Su Li immediately rejected his idea.

At this time, Meier, who was originally wearing a light purple gauze skirt, immediately changed some colors and turned into a light red gauze skirt.

Immediately, she released a hint of charm.

At this moment, Su Li seemed to have returned to the moment when he saw Meier for the first time.

That was the scene when she emerged from the tea jar of dead souls for the first time - she was wearing a light red gauze dress, and she was breathtakingly beautiful at the time.

At this time, Mei'er manifested such a state on the spot, and then smiled sweetly at Su Li - Damn it, do you want to forget this person?

Su Li felt that his Yuqing clone's heart trembled violently.


Cold sweat broke out on Su Li's forehead.

Is this too strong?

Yuqing's clone almost couldn't withstand it?

Fortunately, this abnormal feeling quickly disappeared and Meier returned to normal.

Su Li even vaguely felt that no one around her knew about Meier's special changes.

Su Li looked at Hua Ziyan, but Hua Ziyan didn't notice at all.

Su Li was a little confused - Meier meant to tell him, don't panic, your wife is going to support you from behind?

The strange idea came to fruition, and the vast amount of purple energy on the purple sky road swept over the group of people who had been lost at first.

Hua Ziyan still didn't notice anything unusual, and Mei'er was still wearing a light purple gauze skirt at this time, and her temperament was very restrained.

In terms of appearance, she is also very restrained. She looks very beautiful, but lacks a lot of charm and the ultimate charm.

The purple energy dissipated, and eleven people including Leng Yunshang, Mei'er, Mu Yuxi, Zhuge Qingchen, Que Xinyan, Zhuge Ranyue, Meng Siyun, Yan Ruoxi, Gu Miaoyi, Zimo and Feng Qianwei all appeared. .

Su Li finally moved his eyes away from Mei'er's face with some reluctance, and then looked at Leng Yunshang.

This is still the state of Yuqing's clone. If it were the original state, Su Li estimated that he would have turned into a peerless licker - he didn't want to, but he couldn't help it!

Su Li suddenly really understood the mentality of Que Xinyan and Yun Qinghong back then.

Leng Yunshang was slightly palpitated by Su Li's gaze, but she still walked out bravely, bowed to Su Li, and said respectfully: Master Su.

Feng Qianwei and others were quite excited to see Su Li again, as if they had found a backbone.

Su Li called up the system's functions and scanned Leng Yunshang on the spot.

As a result, the system scanned out the character information. Leng Yunshang is Leng Yunshang. This is a real person!

This is outrageous!

Although the first function of the system is sometimes a sinkhole, it is never wrong in judging the clone of the main body!

And this is a kind of ‘locking’ ability, whoever you are is who you are!

At this point, even Zhuge Qiming's true body was revealed to be 'Yun Qiming', so Leng Yunshang couldn't find out.

But at this time, detailed information and a complete past were scanned out. This person was Leng Yunshang.

Then who was Leng Yunshang before?

Su Li's pupils shrank slightly, and then he looked at Mei'er with a serious expression.

Mei'er nodded and said: There is no problem with her here, but Youyue is missing. I think she must have sensed something was wrong and retreated.

Su Li understood Mei'er's words on the spot.

It seemed that even if there was a problem in the restricted sword tomb area, Meier had indeed sensed it, and immediately realized that something was wrong with the laws of heaven and earth, and therefore judged that You Yue had retreated rather than died.

Su Li had already deduced an abnormal scene before, and knowing that Mei'er was suppressed by the mysterious chain at the ninety-ninth level, he naturally knew that this person might be the strongest person at present.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Meier is in this situation.

If Meier was the strongest, why was she suppressed by Zhuge Qianyun? Is Zhuge Qianyun stronger?

This is obviously impossible!

Su Li continued to record many questions on the system panel, and then looked back at Leng Yunshang, who looked a little worried.

Leng Yunshang is actually not weak, and Su Li is not actually strong either.

However, the addition of a Yuqing clone and his vague reversal of the rules of heaven and earth caused the archive world to recognize his identity as the creator, thus giving him a special aura of majesty.

This kind of aura made Leng Yunshang quite afraid. In addition, Su Li's previous performance was amazing. At the same time, he transformed into a jade carving clone on the other side, almost piercing through the heaven and the earth.

Although they were far apart, they could vaguely see what was happening.

Therefore, Leng Yunshang is really afraid of Su Li at this time - the key is that Su Li has no way of controlling his anger, and no one can figure out what kind of temper he has. He kills with one move at every turn, which is really scary!

When this kind of person got better, he was so good that she wished she could become a maid by his side.

But when it gets bad, it's also extremely vicious, and it kills people without batting an eyelid!

Su Li looked at Que Xinyan and Zhuge Qingchen again, and his first thought was to let them try to test and meditate on whether the magic weapon would be killed by backlash.

So Zhuge Qingchen was ready to greet Su Li with a smile and give Su Li a gentlemen's hug that rekindled their friendship, but suddenly he froze, and then his expression froze, and he looked at Su Li speechlessly. His eyes were quite helpless.

Que Xinyan's situation was similar. He didn't want to give him a hug to show his enthusiasm - the key was that he was afraid of being beaten by Su Li.

But he was also ready to run over and say a few words to express his love and pain for him, but unexpectedly, at this time, he also shivered instinctively, and the muscles on his handsome face twitched, and his expression It immediately became exciting.

Master Su, you are simply not a human being. We haven't seen each other for a long time, and I miss you every moment. But the first time you saw me, you made my hair stand on end... Master Su has prepared some vicious tricks. I want the other party, Que Xinyan! Even if I am treated like a bitch by a woman, Master Su is going to make me continue to be a bitch in front of you?

Que Xinyan couldn't laugh or cry, with a look of resentment on his face.

Su Li: ...

Su Li was also convinced. In a place like this, his thoughts were very deep, right? These two people sensed it immediately?

Is the sense of crisis serious?

Su Li asked thoughtfully.

Zhuge Qingchen pondered for a moment and said solemnly: I don't know what method you are thinking of, brother Li, but if you use it, I estimate that all my origins here and in reality will be penetrated in one fell swoop, and I will definitely die! Don't say that I, Zhuge Qingchen, am Immortal, if you use this method, I will definitely die! However, you can still try, I will consider helping you!

Su Li thought for a moment and then said in surprise: Oh? You are actually willing to agree? You don't even know what methods I will use, right?!

Zhuge Qingchen said: I don't know, but it doesn't matter. Even if I kill you in one fell swoop, there should be some other ways to survive. And I believe that since you did this, you must have thought of a way out for me. After all, I saved you before, so this Before the cause and effect is resolved, you won't really want to kill me. At best, you will let me be a tool, but there must be a reason. I am a person who sees these things too thoroughly - so, I already understand how It’s something, so of course I am willing!

For me, this is indeed a rare blessing.

Su Li sighed with emotion: You are really too smart. This shows how stupid I was in the past.

Zhuge Qingchen said: When you are stupid, the partners around you must also be stupid, because that is the meaning of life. I was not necessarily very smart at the time. It was not that I didn't want to be smarter, but that I couldn't be together if I became smarter. You grow together.”

Hua Ziyan suddenly said: Zhuge Qingchen, have you been influenced by Que Xinyan? If you like Master Su, just confess your feelings. He has a very good impression of you.

Zhuge Qingchen glanced at Hua Ziyan in surprise and said, What are little girls thinking about now?

Hua Ziyan said: Little girl? Are you talking about me?!

Zhuge Qingchen said: Yes, little girl, do you want to know my origin? Do you need me to revive you?

Hua Ziyan's breath froze, as if she thought of something, and sighed: Okay, I'm convinced. What happened to you over there? Why do I feel that you have transformed more than one level?

Zhuge Qingchen said: It's nothing, I just blew up two Netherships. Some clowns always want to ride on my face to deal damage, so I'll teach them a lesson.

Hua Ziyan showed a strange expression.

Meier's beautiful eyes smiled and said: It's okay, Que Xinyan drove two Netherships to eliminate some hidden dangers. They were two naked strangers holding battle axes, similar to the dead soldiers of Tianji Puppet, better than Mu Junyi and Zhuge Qiming , Su Xinghe’s research is more advanced, but I don’t know where they come from, but they are not aliens.”

Hua Ziyan said thoughtfully: Then the foreign government has reached out?

Mei'er said: Then it depends on what you think about it.

Que Xinyan said: It's okay. If they all rush to death in one boat, Master Que is still afraid of them? I don't even care what kind of place this is.

Zhuge Qingchen said: Yeah, where is it? Now that the laws of the world are distorted, are you sure your ship can sail out?

Que Xinyan said: The boat should be able to sail out, but my big black stick is hard to use.

When Su Li heard this, he glanced at Que Xinyan and said nothing more.

Let's go.

Su Li raised his hand to drag everyone into the memory restricted area.

But at this time, Zhuge Qianyun's voice came from Su Li's mind: Master Su, wait a moment.

As Su Li thought, Zhuge Qianyun immediately flew out from between his eyebrows, turned into a purple light, and condensed on the ground.

This scene made Leng Yunshang and others look surprised.

It seems that Master Su has suppressed Zhuge Qianyun, the Tianji banished immortal...

Then, Zhuge Ranyue and Meng Siyun were both curious... Did Master Su take down Zhuge Qianyun?

If you win, how far has it developed?

Su Li casually glanced at Zhuge Ranyue and others, and was speechless for a moment - wasn't the meaning in these people's eyes too obvious?

I, Su Li, am so lustful?

Depend on!

Forget it, I won’t argue with you guys who have long hair, short knowledge, big breasts and no brains!

Forget about others, big breasts are amazing!

But you, Zhuge Ranyue, Xiaoxiao vs. A, are you still inflated?

Su Li glared at Zhuge Ranyue and others, with a somewhat unhappy expression on his face.

Meier couldn't help but smile with her beautiful eyes, as if she liked seeing Su Li deflated.

Zhuge Qianyun frowned slightly and glared at Su Li: It's all your fault, you old pervert!

Then, she said in a deep voice: I have discussed with Shenzi Su Ye. I am afraid that not only powerful people from outside the country have infiltrated into this killing situation, but also aliens have invaded. We want Zhuge to investigate. Do you agree? ?”

Meier smiled and said: Of course I have no objection to such matters. You can check it any way you want, right Master Su.

Su Li said: Indeed.

Zhuge Ranyue said: If you want me to use it...forget it, with Fairy Qianyun here, my little eyesight will be of little use. But I don't have any objections.

Leng Yunshang said: I don't have any objections either.

As soon as Leng Yunshang said these words, Zhuge Qianyun seemed to have remembered something and immediately looked at Leng Yunshang, with a look of surprise on his face.

Leng Yunshang was once again horrified by this look - why did Su Li and his party seem to have forgotten her and then suddenly saw her?

This look really made her feel extremely uneasy.

Fairy Qianyun?

Leng Yunshang took a deep breath and said in a solemn voice.

Zhuge Qianyun condensed her colorful plum blossom eyes on the spot and glanced at Leng Yunchang.


The moment Zhuge Qianyun's plum blossom eyes appeared, Su Li felt as if the colors in the world suddenly dimmed. This scene was ten thousand times more amazing than the effect of Zhuge Ranyue's plum blossom eyes.

Su Li even felt as if time had suddenly fallen into a stagnant state.

This is very scary!

If Zhuge Qianyun used this method to fight his soul, he would be beaten and killed on the spot!

Are these people... too shady? How much strength did they use during the battle? One ten thousandth of the strength or one millionth of the strength?

When anomalies are detected, a talent can affect time and space?

When Su Li saw this scene, he was extremely speechless.

He is the only co-author who not only explodes with all his strength when fighting, but also uses Xuanji Fighting Spirit to increase the power, while others are constantly compressing and reducing their combat power?

These people are really inappropriate!

Su Li felt like he was being taught... a lesson by Zhuge Qianyun again.

Are you the real deal???

Zhuge Qianyun took back the colorful contact lenses and looked quite weak.

It seems that the loss is very large, and it is very real - but Zhuge Qianyun is in the forbidden state of Su Li's memory. Although he has come out, he is actually still affected by Su Li.

So Su Li was unable to complain immediately.

Zhuge Qianyun's loss seemed extremely normal to everyone present.

Neither Zhuge Qingchen nor Meier noticed anything strange? Don’t you know Zhuge Qianyun is just faking it?

Su Li disconnected from the memory restricted area and immediately discovered that the backlash of Zhuge Qianyun's use of colorful contact lenses was really serious - how miserable!

Naturally, he believed it.

Then I opened the system panel information and took a look. Damn it, it’s so insidious.

Zhuge Qianyun noticed something, rolled his eyes at Su Li, and then sighed: It seems that we need to use some means to investigate strictly, otherwise we will all be in great danger.

Mei'er nodded slightly and said: Master Su, hurry up, investigate thoroughly.

Su Li was speechless. He always felt that Meier did it on purpose. She was just watching the fun and it was not a big deal!

(PS: The second update of 10,000 words is here today~ The third update will be around 1:30, I try to be as early as possible~ I would like full subscription, monthly pass and recommendation ticket support, thank you, thank you~ Also very grateful to 'book friend 20180601081528140'200 Qidian coin reward support~)

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