I pretend to be a fortune teller in a fantasy world

Chapter 690: All things have animism, Su Li attains enlightenment

However, when all these answers were about to be fully revealed, Hua Qidao suddenly raised his hand and touched Su Li's forehead with one finger.


Su Li was shocked, as if struck by lightning.

The next moment, all the information collapsed, turning into a natural and pleasant environment with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

Wearing Xie Gong's clogs, we climbed up the Qingyun Staircase. We could see the sea and the sun from half way up, and we could hear the sky chickens in the sky.

At this time, Hua Qiudao suddenly chanted softly.

There were only four sentences, but Su Li suddenly had some enlightenment.

At the same time, all relevant causal information collapsed...

The next moment, Su Li could only think of beautiful mountains and clear waters, and only——

The moon over the lake shines on my shadow and sends me to the Yan River. Xie Gong's residence is still there today, and the Lu River is clear and clear with the cries of the apes.

At this moment, Su Li understood further.

Hua Qiudao said seriously: This is a dream of Li Bai - sleepwalking with Tianmu saying goodbye, but what he saw in this dream is actually a scene of entering Taoism and enlightenment.

If you can see some scenes, just see them. If you can't see them, don't see them.

“Don’t rely too much on external forces, and don’t rely too much on the Tao.”

You yourself are the Tao.

Three thousand avenues are also Tao.

“The more you use it now, the harder it will be to control yourself in the future.”

You have clearly realized and understood part of the poem I told you, but you still only need to regard all this Tao as a dream to cultivate your mind and practice.

“If you think about it – what is this part about?”

Hua Qiudao said, and then murmured: Thousands of rocks have endless twists and turns, and the path is uncertain. The flowers leaning against the rocks are suddenly dim. The bears roar and the dragon sings in the Yinyan Spring, and the deep chestnut trees are astonishing at the top of the mountain.

The clouds are green as if it is raining, and the water is sluggish with smoke. There was a thunderbolt when the columns were missing, and the hills collapsed. The stone door of the cave opens suddenly.

The vast blue sky has no bottom, and the sun and moon shine on the gold and silver platform. Ni is the clothes, the wind is the horse, and the kings of clouds come and go one after another. Tigers, drums and harps come and Luan returns to the carriage, and immortals come and line up like hemp.

After this poem reaches here, do you know what follows? You know, but they obviously don't know.

So, you will find that the colors are the clothes, the wind is the horses, the clothes and feathers are there, the wind is there, and the horses are there. The king of clouds is here, what color are the clouds? Gray and white.

There must be a group of gray-robed and white-robed people working as immortals.

You must have seen these scenes before.

But instead of being involved, what you're dealing with is - but what?

Hua Qiudao suddenly asked Su Lidao.

Su Li muttered: But should——

Suddenly my soul palpitates and my soul moves, I suddenly start and sigh. But when I sleep on my pillow, I lose the ever-present haze.

The same is true for pleasure in the world. Since ancient times, everything has flowed eastward. When will you return after leaving? Let's put the white deer among the green cliffs. You must ride to visit famous mountains as soon as possible.

Hua Qiudao clapped his hands and said, That's right, that's right. It's really clear once you explain it. It's clear at the first glance. It seems that your so-called beating has some effect.

Let's do this. From now on, when you teach your disciples, just beat them severely first and follow your own rules.

Hua Qidao's sudden change came so unexpectedly that Su Li almost didn't catch it.

But Su Li immediately understood what Hua Qidao meant.

In fact, Su Li has clearly understood all these ways, or the cause and effect of the Space-Time Soul Locking Tower that he touched before, so he wrote such a poem.

What does Hua Qiudao mean?

It was Li Bai who met him and had the heart to follow Taoism, and then he had such a dream and saw Taoism——

This is a kind of induction in the dark.

But this is true and not true.

So Li Bai participated, and he was extremely shocked and immersed in it.

But that's not the point. The point is - Li Bai's insight behind.

Suddenly I had a midnight fright, woke up from my dream, and then sighed.

This midnight fright is like sitting up in a dying illness. What is going on?

In fact, it is a mysterious thunder reminder.

But this is just a hint - Hua Qiudao told him that this mysterious thunder should be the result of inner persistence and freedom, not deliberate force.

This thunder does not need to be derived by others, but is a reminder to oneself.

So after Li Bai woke up from his dream in fairyland, he sighed and looked away.

The happiness in this world is not as good as before, but everything in this world is like running water.

Then let go of your worries and enjoy yourself in time. Aren’t the mountains, rivers and land in this world and the many scenery in front of you beautiful?

It’s not that the world isn’t beautiful, it’s that we lack the eyes to discover beauty.

Light up such a heart, and you will have such beautiful eyes.

Then you can see the most beautiful beauty in the world, not the darkness.

Is this world dark?


But if you just stare into the darkness, your eyes reflected by the darkness will also turn into darkness.

Confucius said: The deceased is like a man who never gives up day and night.

That is to say, the passage of time is like the passage of water, and there is no distinction between night and day.

But deep understanding takes more than just time.

What is the time? Time is a natural change.

What are the natural changes?

That is the Tao.

So, this is what Su Li understands.

The Time and Space Soul Locking Tower, the Lost Soul Tea Can, the Qingshuang Sword, and even Mo Xie's Sword Heart, all of them had been telling him one thing.

Everything is animistic.

If you truly understand that all things have animism, you will not be fettered by the many causes and effects in this world.

Judging from this theory, the three thousand avenues also have spirits.

Therefore, when he, Su Li, faced the cause and effect of the Daughter Kingdom with utmost sincerity, he succeeded.

And when he was full of purpose to lay out the Great Cause and Effect Technique, he still hasn't succeeded yet.

Even all purposeful layouts, etc., are difficult to succeed - even if they are successful, they must have put their spirit into it.

This kind of spirit can be regarded as the soul, or it can be regarded as sincere spirituality.

So who gave his spirit in this great cause and effect technique?

Jiufeng's death is an important event!

The death of the Ice Soul Goddess is an important event!

Yan Ji's death is an important event!

Meier's death is an important event!

Also, whether it was Su Ye, Su Wangchen or Su Li, the sacrifices made before enlightenment and awakening were also spiritual contributions.

If there is a spirit, then you don’t even need to open your eyes, or even do so many layouts.

If you bloom, the breeze will come.

Su Li looked at Hua Qiudao with this realization, and Hua Qiudao also understood that Su Li had indeed realized it.

With this realization, Su Li discovered that he could communicate with the body's spiritual consciousness.

It was because of the sudden communication with the body's spiritual consciousness that Su Li discovered it.

This is still not the result of his efforts to gain enlightenment here.

Instead - Su Li's body and mind went to the eighteenth level of hell to refine his heart on the other side, and received a severe beating from Hua Ziyan.

Sure enough, I still didn't escape the beating...

Su Li immediately didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

However, he did not immediately communicate with his spiritual consciousness.

He can communicate and understand the situation over there.

But now it seems that the guests have become the main guests.

But there are no guests and no hosts.

It's all him.

The reason he didn't communicate with his body and mind was because this was 20,000 years ago.

He shouldn't be able to communicate with his spiritual consciousness twenty thousand years later.

Oh, no wonder. Yes, this method does work.

Hua Qidao seemed to have some feelings again, and couldn't help but nodded with great pleasure, saying: This Hua Ziyan, it's not in vain that I touched her.

If she can't even understand this, then she really isn't worth it.

Su Li also vaguely understood what Hua Qiudao said.

Su Li said: Teacher, this disciple has really enlightened.

Hua Qiu said: You have achieved enlightenment.

Su Li was startled and said, Yes, this disciple has achieved enlightenment.

Hua Qiu said: So, you are considered an entry-level Taoist. You can call yourself 'Taoist Su Li' in the future. However, you are already a serious human emperor now, and you should look like a human emperor in the future.

Su Li said seriously: Yes, teacher.

Hua Qiu said: Now there is no taboo in calling you teacher, master, etc.

Su Li was convinced and said, Teacher, are you going to leave next?

Su Li felt something.

This time Hua Qiudao came, overall he was in a hurry.

Moreover, when Hua Qiudao preached, he almost taught the principles directly and directly, and he also taught them directly as if they were empowerments.

This is because Su Li's background is not bad and he can accept it. If it were someone else——

If it were anyone else, Hua Qiudao probably wouldn't be able to preach, because others would not be able to accept it.

This scene also shows that Hua Qiudao is in a hurry.

This rush is probably related to the cause and effect from the upper level.

Hua Qiudao nodded slightly and said: Well, before leaving, I need to help you deal with some cause and effect.

After all, I promised you to help you save Meier, right?

The time was once unavailable, but now it has almost arrived.

When Su Li heard this, he couldn't help but be startled, and then said: Teacher, then... then this charming child...

Hua Qiu said: In this world, there is nothing but me, the id and the superego - but they are all just me after all. So you don't have to worry - have you forgotten that we in China have a method called 'soul calling'?

Su Li: ...

Hua Qiu said: If you remember your origins and origins, and then use your own things and have a firm mind, you will definitely succeed. In other words, what did the Three Thousand Avenues sharpen for you? In the final analysis, it made you stronger. of confidence.

But these things are all imaginary. In reality, we are ancestor-level existences. If we use our way well, it is the way to be the strongest.

Love that comes from hope and hope that comes from love are, in the final analysis, a powerful way of obsession, that is, a kind of belief.

In this belief, difficulties are not terrible.

You can even think of it as quantum entanglement - when your obsession is stronger and more quanta gather, the entanglement becomes more powerful.

Su Li said: Teacher, disciple understands.

Hua Qiu said: To put it aside from martial ethics - this broken reincarnation is riddled with holes, and you still talk about death wear to me? If I take action, they will not even think about death wear. What? Call it death wear? It can only manage the return of a generation, but the structure is still too small.

What does it mean to die and return to the ruins?

Besides, what are the Three Realms, Five Elements and Six Paths defined in their way?

It's just so outrageous.

These are actually very... just very superficial and shoddy.

So what are you worried about?

Let's put it this way, step by step, you must first condense the three thousand avenues. This should be regarded as the entry test of our orthodoxy.

A spiritualist meeting, right?

Gathering the spirits of yin and yang and the five elements, the method of gathering the souls of five ghosts...

Forget it, it’s enough for you to learn this thing casually.

It's almost equivalent to the Great Spiritualism, the Great Soul Gathering Technique and the like.

Su Li: ...

Su Li called out to the expert, Good guy, you can really step on three thousand avenues with just one sentence.

Has Three Thousand Avenues become entry-level in your old place?

Are you jumping too hard this time?

Hua Qiu said: Don't be shocked - because this is an endless cycle with no solution, but I can solve it with my hands like this.

If you want to think about it, how did the prehistoric mythical world come about?

To destroy the prehistoric mythical world, three thousand avenues must be evolved.

But the Three Thousand Avenues must be another level of prehistoric mythical world.

It's equivalent to our world - in order to protect something, some people researched weapons such as knives.

Then after these came out, others were threatened, so they developed firearms.

After firearms, cannons were developed.

After the cannons come the missiles...

These weapons have no autonomous consciousness and are relatively controllable.

What is uncontrollable is the human heart, but the overall situation is actually fine, because in the beginning, human nature is inherently good and beautiful.

No matter how bad he is, he won't be particularly bad or abnormal.

Because the upper limit is there.

But this world is different. You have just learned that all things are animistic - tell me, if such evil things as the Sky-Suppressing Coffin, God-killing Spear, Meteor Holy Pill and Six Soul Flags are condensed, they must still have spirits.

Guess what happens?

There is no doubt that the worlds will be tortured to death by them.

What is the God-killing Spear?

The God-killing Spear is the possession of Demon Ancestor Rahu!

The lotus stem of the Chaos Green Lotus combines with the evil energy between heaven and earth to turn into a god-killing spear, which can hurt saints. It is owned by the Demon Ancestor Rahu. After being damaged, it is reduced to an innate spiritual treasure, which is also a rare and evil treasure of heaven!

What is the Sky-Suppressing Coffin?

It is the most ferocious and rare treasure in heaven. It comes from the same lineage as the Six Soul Flags and the Holy Death Pill. It is transformed from the spirit and essence of the Dao Demon. A supreme treasure that can seal the saints of heaven. Once inside the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin, all the divine powers of the Heavenly Sage are useless. In just seventy-seven forty-nine days, the Heavenly Saint will be sealed forever!

What is Meteorite Pill?

It was owned by Taoist Hongjun and came from the same lineage as the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin and the Six Soul Flags. It is the essence, energy and spirit of the three thousand great demons after their death. There are three pills in total, which can harm the Daoist Saint of Heaven - Patriarch Hongjun, when he was trying to resolve the grievances of the Three Purities, he coaxed each of the Three Purities to take one Death Saint Pill. Ancestor Hongjun waited until the Sanqings were convinced before revealing the power of the Holy Death Pill, forcing the Sanqings to stop fighting with each other!

Where is the Six Soul Banner?

The Six Soul Banner is the possession of the Tongtian Cult Leader, but it was transformed from the endless resentment after the death of the three thousand Dao Dao Demons! The six tails under the banner can harm the holy body of the saint of heaven - after the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation was broken, the six soul banners of the Tongtian leader were smashed by the Pangu banner of Yuanshi Tianzun. It is difficult to recover, so that from now on, if the Heavenly Saint has a defensive treasure, he can resist the Six Soul Flags.

Would you say that these things have evolved into their peak form, or are they in incomplete form?

Once these things have spirit, it is better if they are spirits of righteousness.

But how likely do you think the spirit of righteousness is?

It can be said that there were some rats in the world at the beginning, so they brought some cats over. As a result, these cats mutated, got out of control, and overran the world, making them more terrifying than rats.

So as a last resort, they brought a group of tigers.

After the tiger killed the cat, he lost control. All the mice came out and the tiger mutated.

Now they have brought lions and even monsters over.

Then repeat.

What do you think it will be in the end?

In the end, they had no choice but to create another batch of beings with the same authority as them or even higher authority. They could kill their own beings as well as those gods who were more powerful than monsters.

Because in the end those gods and their authority have equal rights and are equal.

If they want to kill those monsters and other gods, they need higher authority - they can give this authority to outsiders, but they themselves can no longer take action.

This should be the origin of the Three Thousand Avenues - they built it, but they couldn't get it.


Because it exceeds the standard and is outside their authority.

So whoever has the ability can get this thing.

Therefore, everything you do now is not wrong, because you have obtained the Three Thousand Avenues.

Of course this must be done during guidance.

So, do you think that if this is the case, the prehistoric mythical world will let it go?

Will the Guixu royal family let it go?

Will even the indigenous factions of that world let it go?

The only person who will really let you go is the heaven itself in that world.

But I'm afraid the heaven itself in that world has been split into several parts.

So this is the second possibility I mentioned before.

You didn't understand these causes and effects at that time, so I explained it directly before, and you couldn't understand it.

Just like the cause and effect of you touching the ancient pagoda - when you were enlightened, I felt that you seemed to be transformed into the ancient pagoda, and I must have known that you were involved in the ancient pagoda... The Time and Space Soul Locking Tower, right?

Among this kind of cause and effect.

Cause and effect are always there, and if you respond, you will enter.

You shouldn't, it will always be there.

Like, is Su Meng your daughter?

Strictly speaking, it is true.

But - you have to understand, what is the emphasis on reincarnation in China?

What matters is the past and present life.

What matters is that death is like a lamp going out.

You have to talk about cause and effect.

In this life, marry a wife and regenerate her openly.

Rather than always being entangled in the past life, the past life, the past life, and the past life.

Because she felt guilty, she would never forget it for the rest of her life.


It's not because of how deep her obsession is, but because the cycle of reincarnation in this world is so watery, you know it?

Come, go and take a sip of Meng Po soup in my Chinese reincarnation system, I promise you won’t jump anymore.

If you can’t let go of the past, what present and future do you have?

It's like the fantasy world you once experienced.

That is really just a deduction, and you are just living in the deduction.

Living in the present means that you live in an experience and respect the life in the experience.

But jump out, cut it off, and then set it up again. What should come back is yours as well!

Your experience in the Daughter's Kingdom is complete only when you let it go.

How can you achieve Consummation if you don’t let go?

And this kind of letting go is really letting go, not letting go for the sake of perfection. Do you understand?

Just like the cause and effect of the ancient pagoda, you should not pay attention to it, unless one day all the cause and effect converge into a complete truth.

At that time, when the water arrives, the canal will be completed.

You have to know that those who are shaking hard are only half a bucket of water.

Just like the mature rice will have its head lowered, while the empty and shriveled rice will have its head raised high.

Hua Qiudao's education is simply a kind of cleansing for the body, mind, and soul.

At the same time, the series of cruel truths revealed in it also made Su Li's hair stand on end.

Su Li had already noticed something from the moment he obtained the Five Emperors Ancient Coin, the Five Emperors' phantoms gathered together, and even when the phantoms behind him exploded to save him.

The more direct one behind is the clear frost that turns into a sword.

But he never realized that everything is animistic.

But is this useless?

This is.

But not entirely!

This is not an excuse for his incompetence, but a lack of moral integrity. He has not yet reached such a realm and level.

Just like what Hua Qiudao told him, even if he told his past self now, would he understand?

I can understand something.

I guess I will be suspected instead - you want to attack me? Take away my system? Go to hell, idiot!

What will be the result?

Needless to say, there is only one result.

Just like some people feel that if they go back ten years ago and send a message to themselves ten years ago, asking them to do whatever they want, will they listen to it? Won't listen!

Because if you can listen, then imagine that ten years later you are back to the present. From now on, I ask you not to stay up late, not to pay attention to too much gossip, read more, live a self-disciplined life every day, and exercise more...

Will you listen?

You might say: Where does this silly criticism come from?

That's the truth.

This is also what Hua Qiudao mentioned - insufficient virtue and poor foundation.

Only with the accumulation of quantity can there be a qualitative leap.

Otherwise, everything is metaphysical.

If you don't understand these things and can't accumulate these things, you can only be a leek in such a world.

Therefore, it is a good idea for Su Ye to kill Ji Ba and a group of people like Ji Ba.

It's not about venting anger or taking revenge.

But you can't help the evildoers - if Tian Dao doesn't repent, then you can make the matter bigger. You can do it, I can do it, and everyone can do it together.

But since Tiandao is repenting, then it would be inappropriate to continue brushing him off.

Things change and develop, and so does cognition.

But one's own abilities will always change slower than cognition.

Why is there a theory of the unity of body and mind?

It is also because the heart goes in front and the body follows behind.

The common manifestation of disharmony between body and mind is that one has high ambitions and low intentions.

Hua Qiudao's preaching is astonishing and enlightening.

What's even more amazing is that Hua Qiudao is the kind of person who unites knowledge and action, and unites body and mind.

If you have such an ability, it will not be so difficult to deal with the many causes and effects of this world.

Su Li doesn't know what will happen with Hu Chen and Su Wangchen at the moment.

But if the two of them had more contact with Hua Qiudao, Su Li knew that they would benefit immensely.

If you learn a little bit, you won't suffer much loss in this world.

Because judging from this Tao, Tao is always changing, and it is obviously useless to go back to how long ago.

It won't change anything - even if you go back a long time ago to settle, it can only be a skill, not a Tao.

When skills are accumulated to the extreme, the skills are close to the Tao, but they are still not.

This is the core reason why Tao can stand.

But if you don’t reflect on yourself and don’t care about your heart, then everything will be affected and involved in a subtle way, and you will be unable to extricate yourself.

Just like boiling a frog in warm water.

That’s why we have to wipe it diligently all the time, because we can’t reach the state of ‘where dust is caused’ and we can’t reach that state.

If you really reach that state, you don't need to care about anything in any world or plane.

In terms of Hua Qiudao's ability, it is obvious that he has not reached that level. Therefore, he can say this and understand the truth, but it is because knowledge and action are one, body and mind are one, and he knows that he is just the body is a bodhi tree, the mind is like a mirror stand 'Such a level of realm.

So avoid many causes and effects.

So ask your heart at all times.

Many true Taoisms have been clearly presented by the ancients, but unfortunately, not many can truly understand them.

It can even be said that there are only a few people.

Looking back at Su Xia's experience now, there is no doubt that reading books to settle down is the right answer.

Because this is the only way to quickly improve your experience and self-accumulation!

At this point, during Hua Qiudao's sermon, Su Li deepened his understanding.

Because of this, he was truly recognized by Hua Qiudao and was judged to have 'attained the Tao'.

Teacher, from now on, this disciple will remember that all things have spirits and all things are worthy of respect.

Su Li responded seriously and took a long breath.

At this time, he already understood.

At the same time, he no longer thought about whether the Great Cause and Effect Technique had settled.

At the same time, the change method originating from the pages of the Heavenly Book therefore seems unnecessary.

It's all too early.

Because he didn't even cross the eighteenth floor, but relied on many means to accumulate it.

You are the real Taoist master.

Hua Qiudao was very pleased and said: Although you can pull it here and there, there are still some flaws here.

Let me draw a picture. This will help you deal with some cause and effect, otherwise it will be difficult for you to struggle and cope.

Hua Qiudao said, taking out the creation pen from Hu Chen.

Seeing this pen, Su Li grinned involuntarily.

This pen comes from the fantasy world of the past, the pen he placed at Hangu Pass...

It’s better to let that piece of shit ‘Su Wangchen’ run away.

The rest are obviously pirated copies.

But now he also has a creation pen in his hand, but he doesn't know how it is different from this one.

Su Li relaxed a little, but was no longer distracted, but watched silently.

At this time, Hua Qiudao was painting directly in the void without using any drawing paper.

But the next moment, Su Li understood - his own place was in the pages of the other side.

Therefore, Hua Qiudao painted on the book on the other side.

As long as he paints it, then according to the definition of painting - he lives in the painting, and the things in the painting will naturally become real.

It seems that this is the secret of the rules of ‘Magical Pen Ma Liang’?

Calmly, Hua Qiudao made Su Li understand the true meaning of painting.

This skill is extremely popular.

In other words - when painting, first go to the world in the painting and paint in the void of that world.

Everything I drew immediately became real.

There is a definition - a definition of rules.

After all, this is how the Tao comes to be.

When Su Li realized this, Hua Qiudao had already directly drawn the Qingdi Palace.

The moment the Qingdi Palace was painted, it covered the entire world here.

Later, the moment Qingdi Palace appeared, Su Li was even able to communicate with the system.

But Su Li has no communication system.

But Su Li had no communication system, so Immortal Light Blue appeared instead.

After Hua Qiudao saw Immortal Light Blue, he was obviously stunned for a moment.

Then he fell into a deep state of thought.

Immortal Light Blue just stared at Hua Qiudao calmly.

An unimaginable atmosphere escapes.

After a while, Hua Qidao glanced at Su Li and said, Just wait here, don't move around, I'll come as soon as I go.


As he spoke, Hua Qidao's figure entered the Qingdi Palace.

Immortal Light Blue also entered the Qingdi Palace after a moment of silence.

After a while, in the Qingdi Palace, there seemed to be the aura of Sanqing Daoyun, and there was also the aura of Daoyun similar to Hongmeng.

Then, there was no movement.

After a while, Hua Qidao's expression became quite solemn, and his brows were furrowed deeply.

The immortal light blue is the same as before, as if nothing happened.

After Hua Qidao's figure emerged, Immortal Qinglan also followed.

Don't worry, I'll leave after a few words.

Hua Qiudao seemed to have compromised on something, his expression was not as relaxed as before.

The immortal light blue condensed for a moment and then disappeared.

Later, Hua Qiudao said: Some of your previous judgments were correct, but there may be some things that I didn't consider enough.

From this perspective - most of the old guys who were with me back then suffered.

Even if they are in charge, it will be a bit difficult to handle.

you know what I mean.

So just follow your plan for these 20,000 years.

Your current inheritance is not suitable to be carried with you. Just cut it off. Don’t worry, there will be something that belongs to you.

Hua Qidao suddenly changed his attitude, or perhaps Su Li Huizhan came to the realization.

Such performance also made Su Li a little confused.

But now that he has realized it, he looks away.

So he said without any hesitation: Good teacher.

As he spoke, Su Li mobilized the Great Cause and Effect Technique, the Great Reincarnation Technique, and the Great Destiny Technique, the Great Time Technique, to perform self-destruction on the Tao he had previously comprehended.

Just like the blessing of time tracing, in an instant, Su Li seemed to have returned to the previous state before seeing Hua Qiudao.

Many understandings of the Tao have temporarily disappeared.

Seeing this, Hua Qiudao said again, I will take Fuxi Qin away, and I will give it to you in a special way later.

You can stay in Qingdi Palace.

After Hua Qiudao finished speaking, he turned around, glanced at the immortal light blue figure, and said, Is this okay?

Immortal Light Blue said: Okay.

Hua Qiudao said, and then said: It's ready to be summoned.

Immortal Qinglan said: It has been summoned, just follow me.


Twenty thousand years later, a place of ruins.

Hua Qiudao's figure regrouped and flew out from the time fault point.

As soon as Hu Chen saw Hua Qiudao appear, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said, Brother, you're lucky to have come out, otherwise you wouldn't have been able to come out!

Hua Qiu said: Did something happen?

Hu Chen said: Yes... a real Nuwa was born, and the way of heaven was repaired. It can never go back to what it was 20,000 years ago.

Hua Qiudao was not surprised at all and said: I understand - come, follow me to the Light Blue Star. I will summon Su Ye, unseal the Soul Suppressing Monument, release the Heavenly Soul, save Su Li, and revive him.

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