I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 514: Ideas for the 0-year plan

After teaching Fatty Ou, Chen Feng called Uncle Long to the side and ordered a few more words.

Uncle Long took out a document and only said that Chen Feng was relieved.

Chen Feng looked around and expressed admiration at Ou Guohua.

The boss of another company was bleeding out of his own pocket just to train the head of his overseas branch.

What a great humanitarian spirit, I would like to give Mr. Ou 32 praises.

After walking around in the North American branch, Chen Feng took a break.

Now is the time for him to summarize and think, he needs to find a place to be quiet.

He didn't think much about it, so he subconsciously decided to go to the teahouse in Chinatown.

Now he and the teahouse owner are quite familiar. After going there, he asked for a VIP seat in the top-floor pavilion for $100 an hour, and then he took out a pen and paper, and really pondered it seriously.

First summarize the gains and losses.

Judging from the results, this time there is no doubt that it failed.

But from the perspective of the process, this time it has achieved unprecedented success.

In the general direction, there is basically no problem.

But there were also major mistakes.

The most obvious of these is that under the impact of the ZS bacteria, humans have not been able to preserve the solar system of the parent star.

Even if humans in the solar system perish once, humans should risk rebuilding the solar system.

Even if the dome is next to the neighboring galaxy, it may move to block the solar system at any time, and you should not give up the parent star easily.

Someone in the Morrowind Empire had proposed reconstruction, but the proposal failed the risk assessment.

But Chen Feng now believes that if the Morrowind Empire weakens the prosperity of the solar system and only places a scientific base on the earth, this is not impossible.

And since 2500 years later, the neighboring galaxies have attracted firepower. Scientists in the solar system can communicate with the outside world widely. Chen Feng believes that there will be more creations on the earth.

Even if it is blocked again, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

Those who stay inside can always make things that can't be done outside.

The scientific and technological routes of different planetary systems can confirm and promote each other.

Unfortunately, I didn't do it this time.

This is not unrelated to the "Five Hundred Years Plan" implemented by Chen Feng. The Salvation Society and the subsequent expansion of the Academy are too unified in their decision-making.

Minority opinions that are at odds with the majority can hardly be voted unless they can show absolute persuasive power.

The matter of the solar system reminded him.

This time, when the Academy and other scholars worked out the Millennium Plan, Chen Feng explained his views and accounted for, and the two sides communicated well.

Therefore, this millennium plan is both huge and macroscopic, and its influence on the direction of the entire civilization has changed from the nuances of the past to the silent spring rain.

Strictly speaking, the earliest "Millennium Plan" does not actually refer to the millennium.

Its supreme goal is for mankind to reach the level of science and technology in the 32nd century in the ninth timeline at the beginning of the 27th century, when the shadow galaxy collapsed, with a total population of more than 10 trillion.

The accurate span of this time is 600 years, so it can only be called the 600-year plan.

But after transforming into quantum intelligence, Chen Feng is not just lying down waiting to receive the fruits of victory.

He personally took the lead, assisted by Fanxing, and then transferred manpower and material resources from the Resistance Alliance to truly complete the millennium plan to "one thousand years."

The heavy book "Millennium Project" has become a well-deserved "great wonder" in the universe.

In the book, Chen Feng will fully summarize his experience and lessons.

The most perfect way to manipulate civilization must be a perfect combination of mandatory control and flexible guidance.

Even the omniscient philosopher must respect the uncertainty of time and the contingency of human civilization with infinite random variable thinking in the process of copying "history".

Chen Feng will return more options to future generations.

The perfection of the "Millennium Project" is that Chen Feng and many scholars have finally found the perfect balance between control and guidance by relying on space-time topology.

Space-time topology was born because of Chen Feng, and in the end he learned to become a master.

He will secretly cultivate relevant academic personnel in space-time topology from the 21st century.

This comprehensive knowledge is very complicated. In the 21st century, scholars need to learn about psychology, mathematics, logic, philosophy, society, history, basic physics, artificial intelligence, modern industry and other disciplines. A considerable state, and after they have been integrated, can you officially start.

Space-time topology is not only a science, but also a summary version of the "Millennium Plan".

Using space-time topology to control civilization can keep the pace of rapid advancement and the diversity of creation that randomness may bring.

Space-time topology is a new discipline that combines chaos and exhaustive algorithms to the extreme.

In the philosophy of this science, the future is not inevitable, it is still chaotic, and anything can happen.

Change is everywhere, good and bad.

But if the right time and the right guidance are added, civilization can always develop in a good direction.

Every choice made by civilization on countless branch roads will be the right choice.

This can squeeze the potential of civilization to the extreme.

According to Chen Feng's plan, it is Ryan who is most suitable to become the second person in space-time topology besides him.

Ryan will become the first chief executor of the Millennium Project.

But even with Ryan's wisdom, Chen Feng estimated that he would have to learn to be 80 years old to get started, and 130 years old to get access to the complete Millennium Project.

Other geniuses in the general sense are afraid of getting started at a hundred years old, and one hundred and fifty years old can be a battle.

Therefore, in order for these people to live for that long, Chen Feng will set a core tone for this tenth timeline, focusing on biology and medical technology.

Gene arousal development technology will become a reality within twenty years.

He wants to make Ryan, Zhong Lei, Irwin, Lu Wei, Song Siyu and others live up to two hundred years in the 21st century.

The ultimate goal of his plan is to allow mankind to have the level of technology of the 41st century when the warship arrives in the 31st century.

In other words, in the 31st century, human beings can truly step into the boundaries of Tier 4 civilization and have the ability to detonate the Milky Way.

As for the outbreak of the war between humans and compound eyes, it will be advanced to the middle of the 27th century.

Humans will set ambush the compound eye sniper at the midpoint between the Orion arm and the Centaur's spiral arm to start the war ahead of time.

Chen Feng once thought that the development and application of the network of curvature and gravitational lines by mankind was due to the fact that compound eyes were one step ahead and found the "frequency" of the universe.

But after Xiaofu perfected the Grand Unification formula, he discovered that there was originally only this gravitational line network in the Milky Way.

Humans can find it, but those with compound eyes have already felt it well.

The only gravitational line network in the ninth timeline is the barrier of sigh that humans cannot break through.

Because in the stalemate stage of the war, the 500 times the speed of light cruise capability of compound-eye rafts has formed an overwhelming advantage to humans, leaving people nowhere to escape.

But in the tenth timeline, when mankind prepares to ambush the Prism fleet ahead of time, the only line of gravity becomes the first support for the enemy's aircraft.

Based on the data collected in previous wars, scientists can easily calculate the route of the cruiser and what point it will pass at what time.

Then, in the 27th century, mankind can prepare several clusters of excess gamma-ray bursts and latent beam energy bombs on the only way for compound eyes.

Well, this must be enough for the flies to drink a pot.

Of course, UU read www.uukanshu.com with Chen Feng's current plan.

He will perfectly disguise the plan to intercept and block the enemy as a "natural phenomenon", and he will also leave a handwritten note for future generations. If he is not fully sure that the disguise is successful, he would rather not bomb.

Now he can be sure that the super civilization behind the compound eye is the fundamental source of hostility.

Therefore, it is not a good strategy for humans to expose their full strength prematurely.

First show that the enemy is weak, deal with the enemy slowly, and then secretly explode in some special planetary systems to accumulate strength.

This time of weakness can even last into the 32nd century or even longer.

As long as humans have a firm foothold in the fourth level of civilization, they can create enough escape spacecraft that can reach 25,000 times the speed of light, and even create better large spacecrafts that allow humans to have the best survivability.

Then, when the super civilization pays more attention to human beings, it may already be too late.

Although Chen Feng had never seen a super civilization with his own eyes, he can now rely on his own knowledge to predict the opponent's dynamics.

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