After the other party finished speaking, there was no more sound.

The virtual world in front of Chen Feng's eyes changed again, becoming a familiar and unfamiliar environment for him.

In the deep black universe, blue planets are slowly orbiting around the sun in space.

This is the earth.

The field of view quickly zoomed in.

After blinking, the picture before Chen Feng turned into a virgin forest.

In the forest, a group of ancient apes are building wooden houses around the giant tree.

This is a very large population, at least three hundred.

The ethnic group seems to have just moved here from a distant place, and a new home needs to be built as soon as possible.

The scene seemed busy and lively.

Some ancient apes were dragging wood back from a distance, and some ancient apes were sitting on the ground cross-legged, grinding the sticks in their hands one after another, trying to sharpen the sticks.

There are also some female ancient apes holding their children naked and feeding.

In addition to these young adults and juveniles, in the middle of the forest flat land occupied by the ethnic group, there are also a group of elderly people who are obviously incompatible with other ancient apes.

They get together, sometimes looking up at the sky, sometimes lowering their heads to calculate, and sometimes reluctantly using sounds that sound different to exchange information with each other.

Compared with the busyness of young and middle-aged people, the elderly seem too lazy and laid back.

This is simply too much.

But the real difference between humans and other animals is not to walk upright, nor to learn to use tools.

Monkeys also use stones to smash walnuts and pry stones with wooden sticks.

But why monkeys have always been monkeys, but ancient apes eventually become humans. The fundamental reason is that humans gradually realize the value of knowledge as they move forward, and they also begin to attach importance to the experience accumulated by the elderly in their entire lives, instead of being pure. Judging the value of each individual to the ethnic group based on whether they are strong or not.

In ancient times when the external environment was harsh, being able to live longer than other ancient apes was not just because of good luck.

The elderly usually excel when they are young. They have physical advantages, and their minds and reactions are much ahead of their peers.

For example, a group of ancient apes are being chased by tigers.

Ran fast and survived.

The reaction was timely, knowing that he staggered the tiger's pursuit route and changed direction to climb the tree that the tiger could not climb, and survived.

Those who fell in the process of escaping, ran to the end and were overtaken, were eliminated when they were young or very young.

In the age of the ancient apes when the average life span was only ten years old, every ancient ape that could live to twenty years old had its own unique features.

It takes time for civilization to accumulate knowledge.

The knowledge of the group does not arise out of thin air, and most of the knowledge that has been enriched comes from the elderly.

In the period when food is sufficient, the life of the elderly is a valuable asset.

Today, the group of elderly people that Chen Feng sees represents the language, writing, survival philosophy, and many other important information related to the civilization process of this ethnic group. They are being enriched at an extremely fast speed.

Suddenly, one of the elders, with all their hairs and beards all dry, stood up abruptly.

He raised his head and stared at the sky, his brows furrowed, and his hair straight.

There was a blue sky and white clouds in the sky, and the scorching sun seemed to be nothing unusual.

The tall ancient ape, who was in charge of moving the wood while instructing other ancient apes to build a shed, walked over quickly and babbled for a long while in a slightly nervous and respectful tone.

The old man ignored him, but continued to observe the sky.

After a long time, the old man finally responded, and said in a whisper.

An expression of horror suddenly appeared on the face of the tall ancient ape, and he yelled and ran all the way in the group resident.

Many ancient apes stopped the construction of the shed and gathered together instead.

The tall ancient ape asked the old ancient ape to stand on a jagged high rock.

The old ancient apes and other members of the group were talking very fast.

Some ancient apes understood, and some ancient apes didn't quite understand what it meant. It wasn't until the people around them danced with them for a long time that they finally understood.

Then these ancient apes became busy immediately, each packed up portable tools and stored food and went straight to the distant mountains.

As for the sheds and resident sites that have been half built, they gave up without hesitation.

About three hours later, the ancient ape tribe arrived at the mountainside of the high mountain.

This mountain is the highest peak within a hundred miles nearby, and because of the perennial rain and wind, most of the mountain body is composed of rocks.

There is a huge natural stone cave on the mountainside.

But there is a nest of bears living in the cave.

The ancient ape tribe has known the existence of the stone cave and the bear for a long time, but they have been avoiding each other.

But this time, the young and middle-aged men of the ancient ape tribe took up rocks and sharpened wooden sticks to launch a fierce attack on the bears.

This litter of bears has a male and a female, both of which are very large. The male bears stand upright and stand nearly 3.5 meters tall, and the female bears are more than two meters tall.

There are also three little bears that stand upright and have been able to catch up with adult ancient apes.

The opponent is not a persimmon, and this war is obviously impossible to end quickly.

When the fighting between the two sides lasted for ten minutes, the sky changed drastically. Suddenly, there were dark clouds and lightning and thunder.

At first, the big raindrops were falling down, but within a few minutes, the raindrops became extremely dense, hitting the soil and rocks like a faucet.

In the torrential rain, the warriors of the ancient ape tribe still charged forward one after another.

Nearly a hundred meters away from the battlefield, below the mountainside, old and weak women and children stood in the rain and looked at the battlefield far away, all anxious, and even some underage children eagerly tried to come forward to help, but they were killed by adults. Catch it.

The fighting between the two sides lasted for nearly an hour.

After losing a total of nearly 30 young adults, the ancient ape tribe finally killed the male and female bears.

Two adult giant bears fell to the ground, scarred all over, especially the facial features were completely unrecognizable.

One of the three cubs also lost their breath, and the other two cubs seemed to have a short breath, but they were also pierced with several sharp wooden spears, which was soon killed.

However, there were more young and strong apes lying on the mountainside, all of them mutilated, which described them as miserable.

The red blood was washed by the rain and flowed down the mountain, turning into a stream of red blood. It was not known whether it was the blood of an ancient ape or a bear.

Old and weak women, children, monks and active young men began to step on blood to the cave.

Along the way, with tears in their eyes, the ancient apes kept picking up the broken wooden spears that fell from the ground and the stone knives that were broken into two pieces.

There are also some people who are holding the bodies of their fallen companions with difficulty and want to drag them into the cave, but they are stopped by other ancient apes.

The heavy rain outside is getting heavier and heavier. The human eye's visibility is less than two meters, and there is no sound in the ears. It seems that there is only the patter of heavy rain in the world.

Chen Feng watched this scene quietly all the way, not knowing what to say.

He has imagined the appearance of human ancestors struggling to survive in nature countless times, and he has also seen numerous descriptions of these in film and television works.

But there is no doubt that the picture that the fish star showed him is not a hypothesis, but a real return to Chen Feng’s consciousness millions of years ago, witnessing this seemingly small section in the long human history, but actually thrilling. History.

Chen Feng has not only seen it with his own eyes, but also participated in countless cosmic wars.

But inexplicably, he experienced a strong sense of tragedy from the primitive, ancient, and simple fighting of wooden spears, stones and claws.

The fish star people have truly participated in the process of human civilization, and they will not aimlessly.

Therefore, these ancient ape tribes are undoubtedly the true ancestors of mankind.

There are many tribes of ancient apes, but this group is the only one that eventually evolved into humans.

Other ancient ape tribes either went the wrong way on the path of evolution, or unfortunately perished in a disaster.

Droughts, floods, changes in ground, hungry wolves...

Every disaster can destroy the buds of human civilization.

Chen Feng could guess the next thing.

This heavy rain will last a long time.

The earth will become water.

The soil landscape and vegetation conditions will be earthshaking.

The biodiversity of the earth’s organisms will also change drastically.

But the group of ancient ape tribes who responded in time and successfully climbed to the heights finally persisted. After millions of years of development, he finally appeared Chen Feng, and Orion Arm humans appeared.

Chen Feng couldn't help thinking to himself, perhaps after waiting tens of millions of years, human beings would recall the battle between the Morrowind Empire and the compound eye on the earth and the galaxy, whether the human beings today are also these ancient apes wielding wooden spears in the hearts of posterity Is the compound eye just a "fragile" giant bear?

Will later generations have their own sense of vicissitudes of watching these ancestors from millions of years ago resolutely charge with a spear in the face of disaster?

How will people imagine?

Chen Feng was thinking about how lucky mankind is.

If the old man’s reaction is slow.

If the tall ancient ape who was obviously the leader didn't believe the old man's judgment.

If those warriors who went to death generously retreat a little bit fragile, eventually exhausted all their combat power and failed to kill the giant bear.

If any of the above happens, then humans will have no ifs.

Chen Feng watched all the ancient apes staggering into the cave.

He took a deep breath and bent over slightly.

In any case, as a warrior of the Galactic Age, he wants to express his sincere respect to the warriors who saved the fate of human civilization in the ancient times.

Maybe they don’t even speak, they don’t understand any language, and they don’t even know what the so-called respect means.

Perhaps they only know that when the group needs it, even if they face a giant bear that can slap themselves into flesh with a slap, they must wield a fragile wooden spear to come forward.

They can never imagine that future generations can destroy the world in battle armor. UU reading

They look so fragile, but the courage they showed when they charged has also turned things around.

Afterwards, several ancient apes crawled out again, bound the bodies of five giant bears with canes, and slowly dragged them into the cave.

The heavy rain has been falling.

I don't know what nature is crazy.

This torrential rain lasted a whole month.

In this month, the outside world was flooded and vicissitudes of life.

On the seventh day, the elderly who first pointed out the imminent disaster walked out of the cave with a high temperature of 41 degrees Celsius and entered a heavy rain.

He had a high fever for seven days, and he knew he was dying.

Two hours later, he dragged the floating corpses of two rabbits back to the cave.

It was originally a plain and high mountains, but now it has become an isolated island in the ocean.

The earthy mountain pack in the distance has collapsed, and only this rocky mountain is still standing within a few tens of miles nearby.

The old man put the rabbit at the entrance of the hole, and then walked far away.

When he walked several tens of meters down the mountain, he fell on his back.

He fell into the rain, never got up again, and was eventually swallowed by the higher and higher water level before being swept away.

During this month, the ancient apes in the cave ate the food reserves, ate the bears, and ate all the edible things that could be found on the mountain.

More and more young, middle-aged and elderly people walked out of the cave.

Some ancient apes came back, with empty hands, or carrying something, even the root of the tree.

Some ancient apes have not been able to return and do not know where they fell.

Originally, nearly 300 ancient apes dropped sharply to more than 130 in this month, of which more than 80 were still young.

Chen Feng looked at the sky anxiously.

He doesn't know when the rain will stop.

If this continues, human ancestors will disappear in the long river of history.

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