I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 617: Combine 2 into 1, the gods return, Hela

Many things in the universe actually have their own rules.

If the operation of everything is in accordance with the law, some seemingly unbelievable things will happen naturally. The only difference is that people understand or don't understand.

The appearance of the soul of the blank is not accidental, nor is it a ghostly power.

Just like Chen Feng's last remaining personality melted in the universe after losing his memory and became part of the laws of the universe, the blank person had no memory of his own.

The memories of the blank can be retrieved at will and can be connected to each other.

These memories are different from people's chaotic quantum thinking, which is full of randomness. They can't filter information, and can only keep loading more, everything they see, hear, and feel. Information continues to stack and accumulate, like a continuously enlarged cosmic hard disk, forming a stacked memory belonging to humans.

This kind of stacked memory thinking is no different from computer data. It is stable and lacks change and cannot carry personality.

But the human soul needs to find a home after all.

When a person is alive, the broken personality resides in the human body.

After the body died, these personalities returned to their origins, integrated into the universe, and became a part of the universe just like Chen Feng.

This is not eternal life, it is still death. Just like the old saying "Dust returns to dust, soil returns to soil", it cannot be said that the person is still alive if the dust and soil are still there.

The fact that these people appeared near the corpse planet across time and space has involved another unknown domain of mankind, the concept of time and space.

Human beings have had countless imaginations about space, such as subspace, curved space, spatial folding, etc.

However, all the above-mentioned concepts of space refer to objects, not real spaces, but subspaces.

The only constant truth in the universe is change.

Change and time go together.

The space that is always "played" and "squashed round" is the largest definite number, but time is the largest variable.

Space is a container, and time is the liquid inside and outside the container, eternally flowing, turbulent, and spraying from time to time.

The flow of time never stops.

The space is eternal and stable, free from any external factors.

When the super bomb exploded, the space still existed.

When the space is compressed and the light is folded, showing a dark area, where does that space still stay stubbornly.

Even if the universe is dead, whether it is heat death or cold death, whether all matter returns to one point after the universe shrinks, or continues to expand, the distance between any two particles will expand beyond the observable diameter of the universe, and the space will be eternal. Existence, the essence of space rules are as stable as a rock.

The personalities of Chen Feng and the blanks are integrated into the rules of actual energy and become part of the laws of the universe. In fact, they are integrated into the eternal space and become part of the container. Evaporating in the years will not disappear because of the change of the universe's generations. Instead, it will be projected into the solution of time? Let the liquid also change its shape.

This is another way to become a critical civilization? But it is not worth emulating? No civilization will choose and learn.

Because when a civilized individual loses his own existence at the moment when he becomes a critical civilization in this way, he is no longer a civilization, just like the carbon atoms that made up the body of a dinosaur are still active in the body of a lizard? The dinosaurs themselves are meaningless.

Fanxing doesn't know what will happen next.

She has dismantled and dispatched scientific research tasks in the shortest possible time. There are tens of billions of scientific researchers participating in emergency research in their respective positions, and some specious conclusions have been drawn? But there is no reference value, and it is impossible. Used as the basis for the status quo judgment.

The most widely recognized statement is this.

The personalities of these blank people from different timelines have never disappeared, they have always existed.

Before Chen Feng entered the laws of the universe in the same form? Their existence was originally meaningless? They would only expand indefinitely? Until they flooded anywhere in the universe.

But as Chen Feng carved the first memory into the corpse planet, they seemed to perceive the invisible call and began to passively approach the corpse planet.

Fanxing found such a sentence in Chen Feng's memory.

He once said? No one will disappear in vain. He will use his memory to carry the information that these people have come.

Even if the universe forgets these people, he will use his way? Put these victims into his mind.

Let me tell you, [Replacement Artifact] Really good, it's worth installing, even Android and iPhone support!

This is not a polite remark.

He fulfilled his promise in his own way.

These blank people will appear here at this moment, not only the call of fate, a wonderful coincidence, but also the inheritance of faith and the inevitable rule of law.

It is not only the active choice of the blank, but also the development under the indifferent and ruthless cosmic law.

In this universe, the existence of the blanks has two sides.

They live both in Chen Feng's memory, engraved on Chen Feng's personality, and in the memory of the universe.

They are like the same person with two bodies.

When Chen Feng's personality entered the universe, the two bodies of the blank would have the instinct of natural fusion.

Chen Feng's personality is like an invisible huge black hole, attracting the blanks with gravitational tidal shocks.

Now they are here.

The figure became clearer and clearer.

In the void near the corpse planet, there seemed to be countless pairs of eyes staring and watching.

The quantum tide in the void of the universe became more and more intense.

From time to time, violent shocks appeared, like flashes of lightning, and like strands of dazzling radiation.

Within a range of 50 billion kilometers in diameter outside the corpse planet, a magnificent radiation nebula has formed, with brilliant colors and intense energy, as if a star is being born here. This is the energy released by the two "bodies" of the blank existing in the universe and Chen Feng's memory when they merge into one.

After a long time, the violent reaction finally stopped, and the radiation cloud disappeared, leaving only the corpse planet and the worm type III still running towards the distance at an infinitely close to the speed of light.

"Thank you. We are back."

Fanxing suddenly monitored human voices in the quantum network.

After comparing Chen Feng's memories, Fanxing discovered that this was the voice of a blank poet who had had a conversation with Chen Feng.

The sound rumbling again, as if with a huge echo.

This is the voice of tens of billions of people, finally condensed together, imitating the voice of a poet.

This means that the blank poets, philosophers, writers, scientists, and historians have recovered their memories and personality.

The poet continued: "We don't know how long we have been waiting, because we have lost the concept of time."

"Before, you gave us the meaning of existence. We live in your heart. Now is the time for us to return the meaning to you."

After finishing speaking, the quantum tidal surge that had just settled once again violently broke out, once again shrouded the area of ​​50 billion kilometers in diameter, and then quickly contracted back in the direction of the corpse planet.

Fanxing finally understood the situation.

Tens of billions of blank people are burning their personalities, catalyzing a reverse shock field that violates the diffusion characteristics of the universe, and suppressing Chen Feng's personality.

In a blink of an eye, the range of the abnormal surging of the quantum tide has been reduced to less than one decimeter in diameter near the dead embryo.

The embryo that was originally elongated has also become a normal shape again under the control of external force.

"The you we see, hear, and in our hearts will become you again. From now on, you will be the Chen Feng of the past and the Chen Feng of everyone in countless timelines."

The poet said another word.

The next moment.

The quantum tide surging abnormally disappeared suddenly, all being pressed into the embryo.

But the embryo did not come alive immediately, and it was still the last step.

At this time, Tong Ling was lying flat on the operating table in a biological experiment room separated by a wall from the embryo room.

She was panting, her face flushed with pain.

At this time, everyone in the base was in a state of extreme torment.

The moving speed of the planet has exceeded 298,000 kilometers per second, and it is too close to the speed of light. Everyone’s body is stretched too long, and the soul seems to be torn apart. There is even a kind of self that will be torn in sleep. Fragmented hallucinations.

Even more bizarre is that the song "Morning Wind" is playing in the operating room that should have been quiet and solemn.

After a lot of experiments, people in the research institute found that "Morning Wind" can effectively counter physical and mental pain and help people stay relatively clear when thinking about problems.

Yang Guoding was still sitting next to Lin La's bed, looking down at Lin La for a while, then turning to look at the embryo in the simulated projector.

When the quantum anomaly near the embryo disappeared, Yang Guoding pressed the button.

Numerous waves of intense radiation burst out from the launch port near the embryo culture chamber and hit the embryo.

The embryo began to tremble violently, sometimes transparent and sometimes blackish.

Fifteen minutes later, the monitoring data showed that the physical properties of the embryo had been completely separated from the real object, and it became a virtual life like a crystal water bear.

Lin La, who was in a coma, opened his eyes, "Are you ready?"

Yang Guoding nodded painfully, "Yes."

"I'm ready too."

"I know."

Lin La coughed fiercely again, and her face became more and more red, as if a drop of blood was about to fall from her face.

Yang Guoding's gaze turned to the other side, it was Lin La's body scan modeling.

Modeling shows that more than 95% of the cells in her body have been completely occupied by foreign DNA.

"Go ahead, hurry up."

Lin La urged.

Yang Guoding pressed another button again, and the nanotubes pierced her body and began to extract substances, which were foreign DNA strands.

This time, after another outbreak of foreign DNA, she no longer treated herself with a gamma knife, but allowed the foreign DNA to continue to multiply.

She used herself as a culture medium, and the object of cultivation was the foreign DNA in her body.

A look of intense pain invading his brain suddenly appeared on Lin La's face.

Upon seeing this, Yang Guoding quietly moved his finger to the tranquilizer injection button.

Lin La shook her head, "Don't, I want to talk to you again, so be it, it's not particularly uncomfortable."

Yang Guoding asked, "Your cells are dying one after another. Every time a cell dies, your nerves will send a signal of severe pain to your brain. How could this not be uncomfortable. Obviously, it can cut off the nerves of the brain and the body. Contact, why do you refuse?"

"You don't understand. After so many years, there has been a very strong connection between the foreign DNA and my brain. I cut the link and waited if what we provided to the philosopher was inactive DNA. This is our last attempt. Don't miss the slightest. You see, there are still so many people busy with this. As the initiator of the final plan, of course I must keep improving."


Yang Guo nodded fixedly.

At this time, there are only 310,000 people left in the base. Every step of the operation that takes place in this operating room and the next embryonic room, there are countless people behind them who are busy for it, one after another because the body or soul cannot Support again, walked to the end of life, suddenly died on the job.

"Old Yang."

Lin La spoke again.

"I'm here."

"I love you."

"I know."

"But I stayed, not just because I love you."

"I know too."

Lin La was silent for a few seconds, and said quietly, "You said, what on earth do people really need to be alive?"

Yang Guoding thought for a while, “find yourself a goal that seems impossible to achieve, and strive for it for the rest of your life. Regardless of success or failure, you can leave some traces of your own in the universe, probably even if you are truly alive.”

"Do you think the foreign DNA in my body counts as a life? Is she alive?"

"She has been dead for many years, but in a sense, she is still alive."

"Yeah, it's incredible. Who would have thought that there would be a piece of human DNA that could exist in the universe for 800 years and multiply for countless generations. Hela, it's an incredible life."

Linla's body is capable of multiplying and dividing indefinitely with foreign DNA. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is HeLa cell.

HeLa cells represent the other extreme of human genes, giving up the characteristics of intelligent life from the genetic level, and striding forward in the direction of another eternal life.

This is immortality in the chemical sense.

Lin La said: "A philosopher once said. Great people will never die. As long as there is someone in the world who remembers him and misses him from time to time, he will live forever in the universe. I actually didn't believe this. Sentence."

Yang Guoding: "But the sage let us know that this sentence is true."

"Yes. Lao Yang, do you think we can be remembered by the world like the sage?"

"Will do."

"Is my pattern very small? I always fantasize about the name behind me, is it naive?"

"Everyone struggles and sacrifices for different reasons. Motivation does not determine a person's height."

"You really can talk, why I haven't noticed before."

"That's because we were too busy before and never had time to sit down and have a good chat like this."

Two lines of tears finally fell on Yang Guoding's face.

"If there is still a chance, when the sage's heartbeat recovers, you can help me say sorry to everyone. I always say that you have selfish intentions, myself, in fact...not better...where..."

Lin Ladd's voice became smaller and smaller.

She finally closed her eyes.

All the foreign DNA in her body has been extracted.

Her body turned into a dull color.

Her skin no longer has peak luster.

There was a faint smile on her face and a lingering trace of guilt.

Yang Guoding knew that she had used Yangmou to "kidnap" many people who should have left on the warship.

But Yang Guoding knew that Lin La was using her character to make up for his own character defects and to help him complete the task perfectly.

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