At the moment when this command set was successfully sent out, the glue that bound Zheng Chenglong's body suddenly hardened and pressed inward.

The relatively fragile body of human beings simply cannot resist this terrifying pressure far exceeding 200,000 meters under the sea.

Zheng Chenglong was immediately covered in blood, exploded, and died heroically.

Half an hour later, Zheng Chenglong's wife completed the code breaking and translated his words.

The encryption methods used by Zheng Chenglong do not have any technological content and are very primitive.

This is an agreement between Zheng Chenglong and his wife.

You need to use a paper codebook that is a blend of the original script of "Feng Lei" and the original script of "The Crisis of the Compound Eyes".

The law of mixing is the disordered algorithm that the couple completed when they were doing intellectual development games, and it was also recorded on paper.

Zheng Chenglong compiled the code, and his wife took the code to find the corresponding text in the book.

For example, when the code is A-381-12-7, it means "Feng Lei" page 381, line 12, word 7.

When the code is B-2-113-6-15, it refers to 6 lines and 15 words on page 113 of the second volume of "The Crisis of the Compound Eyes".

This is very primitive, but sometimes the more primitive it is, the more secure it is.

The codebook is only a paper file, and it is stored in a safe in Zheng Chenglong's home, which has absolute security.

The text file translated by Zheng Chenglong's wife was printed on a thick stack of paper and presented to Andre Fréček.

"A pseudo-civilization without history is trying to fabricate history to disintegrate our fighting spirit. It is absurd and ridiculous."

"Compound-eyes are low-level living entities that can only rely on cloned immortality to copy memory, and only possess mechanical memory, which does not even meet our definition of civilization."

"But they are so arrogant that they can absorb our culture in their entirety. They steal our history and learn from the ancient backward strategy that we have criticized countless times, and they only learned a little bit."

"They imitated our looks and created pseudo-humans that look like humans but are not humans at all."

"Their war potential has even been drained. All the new combat units and all slave technologies we see now are nothing but the fruits of others stolen by this ignorant and despicable race."

"They are more like babies who have been given a ray gun, and more like the lowest-level intelligent weapons. They rarely use their brains once, but they can only reveal more information to me."

Zheng Chenglong first used his own subjective judgment to expand, and then described in detail everything he saw and heard after being captured.

There are two stupid Fu Ruowei and the white bug. They also objectively portray Fu Ruowei's lies made up by the Virgos, and analyze the strange cosmology of the so-called fourth-level civilization depicted in the lies.

Of course, the most important thing is the statement about the territory of nine trillion light-years.

After accurately describing the captured self and obtaining the information with the method of reportage, Zheng Chenglong began to entrain his "private goods."

The previous reportage is a task set by Zheng Chenglong for himself.

He has done well.

With the information he provided, both the Unnamed Fleet and the headquarters of the Empire are psychologically prepared for the new tactics that the other party will adopt on a large scale, and the corresponding countermeasures will be launched quickly.

"Private goods" is his last word.

He doesn't know how long the stupid compound eye will let himself "speak". In short, he finishes the most important thing first, and the rest can say one more sentence.

"I used to be a mediocre fighter. In the 10881 Germination Ship Escape, I was incapable of strength when I was young. I was injured and retired early, but I was lucky to survive."

"I won't put gold on my face, but failing to follow Captain Liang to the death on the battlefield is a regret that I will linger in my life, and it is a shadow that cannot be erased in my heart."

"I hate my incompetence and try my best to hone my fighting skills. But haste is not enough. After fifteen years, I almost made no progress. But when we arrived at Oasis, things changed."

"I believe many comrades know my journey from a C-level to a top fighter. Everyone calls me a miraculous genius fighter. I am ashamed of this title."

"Actually, my many times of near-death experience is not my credit. I am about to die, so I can't take this secret into the coffin. I suspect... the sage in the resurrection did not really fall asleep, he is still watching We, follow me!"


With a memoir of nearly a thousand words, Zheng Chenglong analyzed and considered the possibility of the existence of sage consciousness from various angles, as well as the mechanism of remote intervention to help him increase his potential on the spot and escape from death.

This is incredible, unreasonable, and puzzling.

As the common leader of all mankind, the philosopher should only pay attention to such major events as the rise and fall of the entire civilization, and to the details, he should only pay attention to such major events as Methuselah, the Battle of the Traveller, the strongest warrior and the instructor Tong Ling. .

It is too absurd to say that the sage would actually put limited experience on a mere C-level fighter, and take over personally from time to time, and cultivate a person from beginning to end. .

You know, since the disappearance of the Murloc Corpse Planet and the Primordial Genetics Institute, there is no sign that the sage is in contact with anyone.

Even instructor Tong Ling has made it clear that T100 wisdom, which most likely represents the will of the sage, no longer communicates with her.

But there is no other way to explain the strange phenomenon that happened to Zheng Chenglong.

Andre can only say: "This is good news after all. I hope that Zheng Chenglong's judgment is correct. This at least shows that the sage is indeed paying attention to us. He helped Zheng Chenglong and even more shows that he cares about each of our soldiers. life."

Andre continued to consult the text file.

After finishing his memoir, Cheng Chenglong finally added two paragraphs of heavy private goods, two sentences respectively.

The first sentence: "The compound-eyes and their mastermind behind the scenes are full of cosmic justice, only committing extinction atrocities. Hypocritical and despicable, treating lies as truth, without the basic morality of advanced civilization. When the enemy begins to use psychological tactics against us, trying to divide and disintegrate. We can only expose their weakness. They are afraid! Humans will win! Humans have no illusions, fight to the end!"

The second sentence: "Zheng Mo."

Andre understood the meaning of the first sentence, but didn't quite understand the last word.

He asked Zheng Chenglong's wife: "This is?"

Zheng Chenglong’s wife put one hand on her abdomen, "It should be the name of the child I just conceived. I just confirmed the implantation a few days ago, and I am going to adopt traditional fertility methods."

Andre nodded, "Then I will let the Propaganda Committee reduce your workload."

"No, I am in good health."

Zheng Chenglong's wife said firmly.

Ten minutes later, Andre called several other persons in charge to the top-secret meeting room and began to discuss the response.

At the same time, Lu Guangda, the chief scientist of the joint fleet, has compiled the written materials provided by Zheng Chenglong and conducted a technical analysis of the pseudo-person.

"According to Zheng Chenglong’s description of the internal organs of the other party, it can be clearly identified that pseudohumans are essentially different from humans. They are arthropods, equivalent to insects, except that their appearance is highly similar to humans. Their body density should be slightly lighter than that of humans, and their brain structure is slightly smaller. Similar to insects, the thinking mode is relatively simple and highly similar to those with compound eyes."

"The other party obviously deeply analyzed the genes of the human captives and took great effort to imitate them. At present, the other party only imitates the appearance, but it is not ruled out that this is just the reason of the other party's initial experiment. In the future, it is likely that fake people will appear. We have to guard against this."

“As for why the other party didn’t directly cultivate the offspring of human captives to create spiritual pseudo-humans. I think it’s because the compound-eyes are afraid of the overly complex ways of thinking and the overly unstable values. Before the birth of the Fate Convention, humans themselves They can’t control their own complex thoughts perfectly. Those with compound eyes are even more unlikely.”

"Even when we had no resistance in those days, "Song of the Outside World" and the genital encephalopathy bacteria could not perfectly control human thought, and can only be guided from the side. Now, due to the continuous increase in genetic arousal, The effect of encephalopathy is greatly reduced, and it is more difficult to control thought pseudo-humans."

"Compound-eye people probably thought that if they create thinking pseudo-humans and integrate them into their overly simple social structure, they may even be seized of power before they can penetrate the earth's people."

Lu Guangda's analysis was highly recognized by commanders such as Andre, and further concluded that it is generally believed that compound-eyes now have a very clear understanding of the powerful innate superiority of human beings on earth, and are afraid of it.

About three hours later, the Morrowind Empire’s new administrative headquarters in the Shadow of the Sun system and the Salvation Organization headquarters in the solar system received encrypted intelligence at the same time.

This information has provided scholars with a large amount of unprecedented new knowledge, and demonstrated the "tool man" attribute of compound eyes to the fullest, so that civilization scholars simply redefine civilization on the basis of this knowledge.

This is the first time that mankind has seen a broader universe through the vision of a compound eye.

However, the general view of scholars is consistent with Zheng Chenglong, who firmly believes that the cosmic pyramid depicted by the compound eye may not be the truth, but may be a lie.

The thinking of other four levels of civilization may not be so primitive and low-level.

This is just a family statement from the compound eye.

Because theoretically a civilization that implements such a simple forest law does not have complex philosophical thoughts, it is impossible to break the barrier again and again on the road to explore the essence of the universe, and the low-level civilization enslaved by it cannot easily burst out enough. Leaping from the first order to the fourth order, a little bit closer to the sublimation technology of the essence of the universe.

Of course, there is another pessimistic possibility.

Perhaps the entire universe, as the compound eye said, is a civilization of the law of the jungle.

Then these civilizations are bound to be, and can only be all slaves of the master behind the scenes.

The "family words" of the compound-eyes may really be the "justice" of the current universe.

The universe today is still the one-word universe behind the scenes.

In short, the new concept believes that the compound eye is not a civilization composed of intelligent life at all, that is, an instinctive animal.

All the actions of the compound eye are not regarded as civilized actions at all, but are not essentially different from other natural phenomena in the universe.

The damage caused by the army of compound eyes to human beings is not essentially different from the natural disasters caused by cosmic phenomena such as abnormal supernova explosions, accidental gravitational coefficient abnormalities, dark energy storms out of control, etc., except that the natural disasters of compound eyes have changed slightly, disguised as It's just a civilized war.

At the high-level meeting of the empire, Dong Shan, who is increasingly standing in the academic world, said: "We need to adjust our strategic policy. The compound eye is not a civilization, but among the slaves of the compound eye, there is likely to be real civilization. We should break We are blindly wary of compound-eyed people, and the enslavement system built by the other party is not so perfect. If we have the opportunity, we should try to win over the compound-eyed slaves and disintegrate the enemy from the inside."

"Human races have their own advantages. But we can't deny the fact that we have entered the universe for too short a time. Some slaves who seem to be backward and can only be easily destroyed by us do not have the technology that surpasses us, but In its longer existence, it will always be exposed to some time-limited cosmic wonders that occurred before our birth."

"To maximize our advantages, we must fully demonstrate the rapid learning ability of human beings, and we must also pick up the advantages of human beings, that is, the masterpiece of ideological and political ancestors. A set of cosmic level can be established. The theory of the alliance of civilizations raises self-interests from the interests of individual civilizations to the interests of this generation of universe."

"If we can persuade the compound-eyed slaves to believe in the existence of the former master of the universe, then we can indeed establish a community of cosmic destiny and implement a cosmic-level win-win cooperation strategy around the earth."

Dong Shan's words may not be all right, but he did put forward a complete feasible plan.

Then the headquarters of the empire immediately began to form a new department called the Universe United Front Command Headquarters, or UMS Department for short.

The current mission of the UMS Department is to continue to improve its strategy and formulate a more specific plan for disintegration and communication with prisoners of war. This requires the coordination of countless departments such as cosmic linguistics scholars, and it will take at least a few years to see initial results.

But it's always right to plan ahead.

Another revolution in the structure of human civilization has begun, and the fierce battle that took place in the Oasis Star also never stops for a second.

After Fu Ruowei was exposed, the compound-eyes did quickly adjust their strategy to no longer hide the existence of pseudo-humans, and began to use countless Fu Ruowei as a source of troops to form a large number of cloned Fu Ruowei pseudo-human army.

Although the clone Fu Ruowei has no potential and is only equivalent to a B-class fighter based on human combat power, it can’t stand that every Fu Ruowei is a B-class fighter. He drives a special mobile team composed of new blade beetles to the joint fleet. Caused a great threat.

Tiandong defense was breached several times, damaging the internal industrial logistics organization structure.

It was not until March 2945 that the 173 squad, known for its combat power, finally arrived. The genius young fighters of all mankind, second only to Tong Ling in comprehensive strength, led five thousand special fighters to break through the enemy in the Xuanyuan special armor. The outer encirclement of the army rushed straight into the sky hole to defend on the spot, and the situation finally stabilized slightly.

This genius young man was the one who was deceived by the teacher in March 2934.

After ten years of training, he has become the second sharpest knife in the Unknown Fleet.

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