I Really Didn’t Want to be a Savior

Chapter 655: Prototype of Leadership

Obviously, there is no answer to this question.

But in any case, this shocked everyone and felt deeply afraid of it.

Only caring about implementing the Nuwa plan to protect Tang Tianxin's line, he didn't realize that there was a more important line that was dying on the battlefield.

Especially the Zheng and Mo couple, they were so nervous that they could hardly wait to get into the alloy floor.

The two of them each recalled their many life-threatening experiences over the years, and they couldn't help sweating.

It's a small matter since death, but if the road to the resurrection of the sage is cut off, how can it be done?

In addition, the two felt very strange.

When everyone receives basic knowledge education, they are more or less inevitably instilled with admiration for sages.

But for now, it's okay. He and the sage's grandparents were actually printed out in the same mold, and they are likely to become the biological grandparents of the resurrected sage.

This is simply...

Distorted and delighted!

The two looked back at the baby in the swaddle, feeling a lot in their hearts.

The fate of this stinky boy is so good that he has appointed a daughter-in-law before the full moon, and even his son may have appointed him.

Wait, where is our daughter-in-law?

According to historical records, the mother of the sage Chen Feng was named Liang Yun.

If the assumption is true, another Liang Yun should be born in another month.

The two people must meet before 2996, otherwise a big deal will come out.

Only 25 years left.

If another Liang Yun was born in the headquarters of the empire, wouldn't it be...

Thankfully, only two weeks later, the Genting War Zone took the lead in completing the population genetic information census, and found that the genetic information of a newborn with an artificial embryo that was about to mature was also highly similar to Liang Yun.

The matter of fingertips for marriage is so settled.

The world said that good things must be paired. At the end of 2972, the then 29-year-old Tang Qin also got his own son.

Tang Qin, who had been suppressed by the Nuwa plan for more than ten years, was finally liberated, joined Tang Xiaao's special team, and began to fight alongside Zheng Mo and his wife.

As soon as Tang Qin entered the situation, he turned into a dragon, and soon formed a powerful duo with Zheng Mo, who was excellent in the field of smart pilots and combatants.

At this time, Genting Star has formed a new combat system.

With the four major war zones as the core framework, different theaters are not only responsible for defense and production independence, but also need to cooperate with the general policy of the Genting Headquarters to coordinate and arrange. When the enemy also learns to concentrate forces to attack a certain place, the other theaters also Must respond as soon as possible and go to rescue.

On this basis, there are a large number of special forces that are not controlled by the theater and are directly assigned to the Genting Headquarters.

Among them, the Dayu Special Forces, led by Tang Xiaao, is the largest, with a total of one million medium-sized warships, including more than one hundred thousand enhanced ships with continuous flexing capabilities, and top singles headed by Tong Ling and Zheng Mo. Military strength.

Dayu Special Team has a high degree of autonomous decision-making power, and can flexibly roam anywhere in the four major war zones. Tang Xiaao chose to station mainly at the junction of the third army and the second army theater with the weakest defense, maintaining a high degree of vigilance at all times.

In the vicinity of this range, where there are accidents, and where the pressure on the defense line is too high, the Dayu Special Battle Group will arrive at the fastest speed.

Under certain circumstances, Dayu Special Forces will also carry out long-distance maneuvers and participate in the large-scale strategy formulated by the Genting Headquarters.

At the same time, the Dayu Special Forces also completed internal integration, assigning millions of warships into one, three, and four fleets.

The large main fleet has 400,000 warships, and the three small ones each have 200,000 warships.

Compared with other integrated fleets and garrison bases, Dayu Special Forces only need to undertake combat tasks without participating in production and scientific research, and it is well-trained with excellent combat capabilities.

After Tang Qin entered the special forces, Tang Xia proudly did not avoid relatives. After a short assessment, he handed over a small fleet of 200,000 battleships to Tang Qin, and assigned the newly rising Zheng Mo to him.

Since then, the Golden Duo in the Dayu Special Team was established.

On the battlefield, Tang Qin was responsible for formulating the overall plan of action for small and medium-scale battles, while Zheng Mo was either responsible for manipulating 80,000 small smart ships as a smart pilot to strategize in the rear and attacking the city with fine and micro-manipulation, or he himself When the battle armor goes to the front, it charges together with other peak fighters, while manipulating the intelligent ship to attack the enemy's flanks or attract firepower from the front.

The rapid growth of the two people made Zhou Donglai and others happy, and they couldn't help but dream of what it was like when the multiple carriages composed of Chen Feng, Tang Tianxin, Ou Qinglan and others lead civilization in the void of history.

This mentality seems a bit naive.

But in fact, they are also tired, and sometimes feel inferior, worrying that they are still not doing well enough, and yearning for the leadership of the ultimate human leader that the less they can get, the more they yearn for.

Someone might say that Zhou Donglai and others have already represented the highest level of human civilization, how could they have such a "down-to-earth" thinking like a minor, and I am really sorry that they hold the power and control billions of living beings alone. authority.

But the interesting thing about humans lies here.

Ordinary people always look at great people with their own relatively narrow eyes, and give each other such an extraordinary halo in their hearts.

Because the distance is too far to really contact, the leader in the eyes of ordinary people is never the real leader, but the leader imagined in their own heart.

There is an ancient saying that a scholar in the feudal era asked the old farmer to imagine the life of the king. The old farmer said, “The king must work with a golden hoe.”

This may seem absurd and ridiculous, but it is actually true.

Many people ignore it. No matter how great a person holds, no matter how powerful he is, he still has to eat and drink, and he sits in embarrassment when he is in the tub. When cutting his hair, the barber has to lower his head and then lower his head.

No matter how high a person stands, after stripping off the countless auras from his body, his essence must also be human, he must have emotions, and he must feel tired and hard when he dreams back at midnight, and he will also long for it. Get help and salvation from others.

The same is true for the imperial leadership represented by Zhou Donglai.

Why is this happening?

That's because before becoming a leader, every leader will have to go through the ignorant teenage years, and will also act rebellious in adolescence.

Under the competitive promotion system of the Empire Republic, no one is born to be a leader.

Even Zheng Mo, Tang Xiaao and Tang Qin, such as "sons of destiny", have had to face competition from a huge number of peers since their birth.

When they combine diligence and talent perfectly, they first show enough ability to be promoted to lower-level leadership positions.

Later, in their new positions, they have to face new competition while continuing to strengthen their abilities, exercise their will and temperament, and give play to their talents.

When they surpass the same age and level again, they can be selected to the next level.

For example, Tang Qin, who was the commander of the small fleet, became a colonel-level staff officer early when he was in the rear staff.

He was promoted quickly, but it was never because he was the son of Tang Xiaao. It was just that his ability was improved too quickly, and he was always worthy of a higher position.

Every leader in the imperial republic, no matter how high or low, has stepped forward from the grassroots in cruel and intense competition.

A low starting point is never a leader’s shortcoming, but rather an advantage.

It is precisely because these people have lived like ordinary people and thought that when they reach high positions, they will understand what ordinary people, who occupy the largest proportion of the human group, need.

Only those who know what people are can lead mankind to the right path.

Of course, higher positions do "deify" people to some extent.

But this so-called "deification" does not turn this person into a three-headed six-armed god, but in the process of promotion with greater ability and responsibility, one's own position will in turn influence his soul.

To give an example, when Tang Qin just became the commander of the 200,000 warships, he completed the handover with the previous commander. He stood in front of the space array of 200,000 warships neatly laid out.

He looked up, under the endless starry sky background, under the not-distant bright silver heart, 200,000 warships with awe-inspiring military appearance radiated out in space, forming a huge umbrella-like army formation. , Tang Qin's heart was not the first feeling of pride and complacency, but could not help thinking that the lives of the 40 million brothers in these battleships would be handed over to him.

From now on, every decision I make will affect the life and death of at least 40 million people. When participating in major tasks, it will also affect the life and death of hundreds of millions of human compatriots.

This is a great honor, and it is also an indescribable pressure.

But anyone who is a bit human, as long as he realizes that he is burdened with so many people's expectations and fate, he can't restrain the urge to put all personal honor, disgrace, life and death behind him.

The greatest charm of the Empire Republican system is that it can push an ordinary person who is talented but born ordinary in spiritual quality step by step along the civilization system until it pushes him to the boundary of his ability.

And it can also ensure that this person still remembers his human nature when he becomes a senior leader who is easily deified.

It is not ruled out that under certain circumstances, certain individuals will become obsessed with power and become corrupted in their hearts.

Such people represent "corruption."

However, the emergence of the Destiny Pact has strangled all signs of "corruption" in advance, making humanity an unprecedented unity, leaving only the conflict of different ideas guided by the same belief.

At present, there is one and only one belief recognized by mankind, that is, facing the threat of compound eyes, there is no compromise, there is only one choice to resist.

There is only one principle for the supreme decision-making of affairs. All for better and more effective resistance, as long as this goal can be achieved, any price can be sacrificed.

Conviction is extremely firm, and principles are above all else.

This looks good, but everything has advantages and disadvantages.

Under the dual role of the Imperial Republic and the Fate Pact, it can be recognized by everyone at the highest level. Any order can be perfectly executed without any reservation. There is only one supreme leader who has completely overwhelmed the conflict of ideas. That is Chen Feng is not yet born.

As for others, whenever there are irreconcilable differences of ideas, they can only be weighed by voting.

But sometimes, voting can not make a decision.

In 2975, a major incident occurred in the Genting Star Territory's Third Army resident.

In the star field where the Third Army is stationed, there is a medium-sized star, and there is a large planet that humans transferred from other orbits to the habitable zone.

What breeds on this planet is a kind of compound-eyed slaves-lizard people with relatively simple thinking but strong single combat effectiveness.

Lizardmen look exactly like lizards on earth, both of which are carbon-based life, and their physiological structure is very similar to that of cold-blooded animals.

Lizardmen originally lived in the Yinxin region, but after the humans successfully instigated a rebellion, they moved here from the Yinxin region and joined the human multiverse system.

Although the lizard people suffered heavy losses during the relocation, the population loss rate was as high as 90%, but after all, one billion people successfully arrived in 2968 and reproduced to a population of ten billion in 2975, and provided humans with a large amount of Elite fighters even formed a special battle fleet dominated by lizardmen.

In order to coordinate the development of the Lizardmen and coordinate the relationship between the two parties, the humans sent a planetary development advisory group to the Lizardmen, headed by the retired veteran officer Michael Ansel.

McCann Ansel is the second generation of unknown people, and he was in a high position in the Free Will League at the time. Later, he reformed. Under the guidance of the seal of the Fate Convention, he made a deep confession and determined to make up for himself with lifelong struggle The mistakes you have committed.

His will and belief are extremely firm. On the way to follow the 2816 squadron, he has participated in wars many times, experienced life and death on the front line many times, and performed important tasks many times.

Whenever necessary, he always volunteered to take part in the difficult task with the lowest survival rate, but it was a coincidence that every time he was lucky, he survived until 2968 because of his advanced age and his thinking reaction. The speed dropped and he had to retire with the rank of colonel.

It stands to reason that at this time, he could choose to live in his old age or accept human freezing, but he was eager to continue to dedicate his last remaining heat and became the advisory head of the lizardman planet.

For many years, McCann Ansel did a good job, until in February 2975, civil strife broke out in the planet Lizardmen.

In history, due to the relatively simple emotional thoughts, the social system of the lizard people is actually very similar to the primitive society of mankind, which is a tribal alliance system.

Even if the technology is already very advanced, the lizard people are used to online conferences. The simple way of UU reading www.uukanshu.com joint voting to decide major decisions has never been a recognized supreme leader.

But after joining human society, perhaps due to human influence, or finally liberated from the oppressive rule of the compound eye, the lizardman began to undergo subtle evolution, and a lizardman with both EQ and wisdom was born in 2969. , And obtained absolute obedience of more than 60% of the tribe in just six years.

He even asked a human for an Indo-European name, called Subo, which means Super Lizardman.

In February 2975, Subo decided to start a small-scale civil war to force the other 40% of the tribes to submit to themselves, and to advance the lizard people's social structure from primitive society to feudal monarchy.

Under normal circumstances, human beings handle the power changes within the slaves with one eye and one eye closed, without interference.

Because human beings believe that giving these slaves proper freedom to evolve on their own will help the slaves discover their own potential in the rapid evolution.

Many scholars also feel that the lizardmen who have been exposed to a lot of human technology should carry out a rapid civilization advancement to integrate their seemingly scattered simple thinking.

But this time, McCann Ansel believed that the feudal monarchy of the Lizardmen did not conform to the principles of the human republic system, and decisively shot and killed Subo, the newly born leader.

This is the first time that humans have directly interfered with a foreign race since they began to gather the slave civilization.

This was originally a trivial matter, but never expected that the other 40% of tribal leaders who appeared to be resisting Subo publicly stated that they are quickly improving the law and preparing to fully obey Subo. They are also waiting for the new The leader leads them to rise.

This time things became violent.

McCann's behavior interrupted the free progression of a slave civilization.

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