I really didn’t want to be a warm man when I was reborn

Chapter 588 The big guys gather together

July is the rainy season in Jeju Island, and the weather changes at any time.

Huo Lili and the others discussed walking around in the afternoon, but before they could go out, the gloomy sky started to rain.

But just after they stopped thinking about going out, after a burst of rain, the weather suddenly cleared up again, the clouds dispersed, revealing the bright sunshine.

"Where are you going?"

When Huo Lili, Cao Xiaoqian, and Song Xiaona went out, they happened to bump into He Zhigang and Yang Hao.

"Let's go to the city for a walk." He Zhigang said.

"Where are you going?"

"Let's go to the beach for a walk."

In fact, He Zhigang and Yang Hao had heard that there was a bar in the city with many beauties and wanted to check it out.

When you come to a foreign country, you will inevitably be ready to make a move. Men all have a heart to win glory for their country.

"Are you all going out too?"

At this time, Guo Jian came over with Lu Xuanxuan.

"Where are you two going to play?" He Zhigang asked.

"I heard that the nearby Zhengfang Waterfall is very beautiful, and I want to take Xuanxuan to see you."

Guo Jian said and glanced at Lu Xuanxuan.

Jeongbang Falls is a seaside waterfall located in Dongyeong-dong, Seogwipo City. It is also the only coastal waterfall in Asia that flows directly into the sea. It is 23 meters high and 8 meters wide.

The 23-meter-high waterfall can only be regarded as a small waterfall in China, but in South Korea, which has a small land, it is considered a large waterfall.

After the rain, the weather in Jeju Island is cool and the air is particularly fresh. The flowers, plants and trees washed by the heavy rain become greener and more vibrant.

Huo Lili and the others were walking on the beach, enjoying the sea breeze and looking at the blue sea, which was very pleasant.

There are many tourists on the beach, mostly from Seoul, and there are also many tourists from China.

In recent years, the relationship between South Korea and China has been relatively good, and traveling to South Korea is relatively cheap. Therefore, many people’s first choice for traveling abroad is South Korea, followed by Thailand and Southeast Asia.

Huo Lili used her newly learned broken Korean to stop a young South Korean couple and asked them to take photos of the three of them. Unexpectedly, the girl directly spoke pure Chinese.

After chatting, I found out that the other person was an international student who came to South Korea to study. He had been here for several years and his dress had become Korean.

After taking the photos, Huo Lili watched the young couple walk away, "I think Korean dramas are all lies. There are no handsome Obamas in reality."

She had high expectations before coming to South Korea, and even fantasized about meeting a romantic foreign love.

But when I came here, I discovered that although the men here in South Korea are better at dressing up and have better temperament, most of them have average looks, and many of them still squint their eyes. I am really disappointed.

Cao Xiaoqian and Song Xiaona couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

"Lili, there are many handsome guys in domestic dramas, but have you ever met them in real life?"

Song Xiaona paused and said, "If you ask me, someone like Li Zhe is a real handsome guy, a male god."

Huo Lili smiled and said, "Li Zhe doesn't have Tzuyu anymore."

Cao Xiaoqian also smiled, but felt a little disapproving in her heart.

Li Zhe is good-looking, has a better temperament, and is considered a handsome guy, but it would be a stretch to say that he is so handsome and that he is a male god.

The fact is that it is still the same as before, just like the appearance of Shi Cong has absolutely nothing to do with handsomeness, just an ordinary appearance.

But with the status bonus, the only son of the former richest man suddenly made many people think he was handsome, and the girls even called him husband.

Huo Lili and the others walked around the beach for a long time until they got a little tired. Then they found a convenience store, ordered a few drinks, and took a rest while drinking.

The drink is Jeju Island’s specialty orange juice, pure orange juice, which is delicious.

There was also a girl eating ramen in the store. She was eating ramen so deliciously that Song Xiaona was even a little hungry.

She is the kind of girl who is slightly chubby...a little chubby and likes to eat.

South Korea's ramen is actually the domestic instant noodles, but they call it ramen. It appears very frequently in Korean dramas.

While Huo Lili and the others were resting, a bus drove over and stopped in front of the convenience store.

A young female tour guide wearing a red vest and a group of domestic tourists wearing red hats got off the bus one by one and entered the convenience store to purchase things.

After the tour group left, Huo Lili said to Cao Xiaoqian and Song Xiaona.

"How about we go to a hot spring? I heard them (people from the tour group) say that there is a hot spring nearby."

By the time Huo Lili and the others finished soaking in the hot springs, it was already evening and it was getting dark when they returned to the hotel.

As soon as they walked to the door of the hotel, they saw several luxury cars driving over from a distance.

The cars stopped in front of the hotel. The door of the Bentley opened first, and Li Zhe and Zhou Ziyu got out of the car.

Immediately afterwards, the doors of other cars opened one after another, and a group of good-looking men and women got out of the car.

"Li Zhe is here, is Ziyu going to pick up the plane?"

After Huo Lili's eyes fell on two of them, she was stunned for a moment and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is not a jack horse or a pony horse. Are they coming over?"

"There are also Zhou Hongyi and Ding Sanshi."

Cao Xiaoqian and Song Xiaona were also very surprised.

"They are all here to attend Tzuyu's wedding too? What a great honor!"

Compared with Li Zhe, a rising star, Internet giants such as Jack Ma, Pony Ma, and Ding Sanshi are famous.

After all, when someone started his business, he was still in elementary school or junior high school.

Last year's 3Q war made Pony Ma and Zhou Hongyi famous throughout the country.

On the other hand, although Rebus is well-known in the industry, he is not well-known among ordinary people at this time.

He became an Internet celebrity CEO after Xiaomi went public.

The Xiaomi press conference without Rebus would be boring.

As for Richard Liu, he is still not well-known at this time, and his highlight moment will have to wait until Goudong goes public.

Marrying Milk Tea made him and Goudong famous on the Internet, and I don't know how much advertising expenses were saved for Goudong.

So don’t look down on Internet celebrities.

Huo Lili and the others know that Li Zhe is the youngest billionaire and a big shot in the business world, but subconsciously they still feel that he cannot compare with Jack Ma, Pony Ma, Ding Sanshi and other long-established Internet tycoons. one level.

After all, big companies such as Netyi, Penguin, and Ali have been established for many years, and Li Zhe has only been in business for a few years?

But now when I see Li Zhe standing with big bosses such as Jack Ma, Pony Ma, Ding Sanshi, etc., I suddenly feel that his level has suddenly gone up and he is also a big boss.

Just like when a newcomer stars with a popular star, the celebrity status is immediately promoted.

For this wedding, Li Zhe sent invitations to all the big guys in the Internet industry.

Except for a few people such as Robin Li and Charles Zhang who did not come, Ding Sanshi, Rebus, Jack Ma, Richard Liu and others gave him face, and basically all came.

Even pony horses are here. You must know that the competition between Quchao and WeChat is fierce at this time, and the two sides are like fire and water.

Li Zhe smiled and made an inviting gesture to Jack Ma and the others, and together with Zhou Ziyu, led them into the hotel.

When he turned around, he seemed to realize something. He turned his head and glanced. After noticing the three of them, Huo Lili, not far away, he smiled at them.

When Cao Xiaoqian met his eyes, her heart skipped a beat.

Gentle, mature, free and easy, confident, this smile is so charming.

He (Li Zhe) seems really handsome!

Seeing Li Zhe, Zhou Ziyu and Jack Ma enter the hotel first, Zhu Qianlin, Cornia and other second-generation celebrities looked at each other and followed them into the hotel.

After receiving the wedding invitations from Li Zhe and Zhou Ziyu, Zhu Qianlin and others, who had been somewhat alienated from Zhou Ziyu, suddenly became as close to her as ever, and they are still good friends.

However, just now I saw Zhou Ziyu accompanying Li Zhe, chatting and laughing with big guys like Jack Ma, Pony Ma, and Ding Sanshi.

This made Zhu Qianlin and the others think of her even more highly.

You must know that although they are the second generation of prominent families, they have not yet taken power. They are juniors and are not qualified to talk directly to Jack Ma and the others.

It's like ripping off onions and eating Richard Liu's melons, only to be taught a lesson by the richest man Wang and his Weibo was deleted.

When Li Kaifu faced reporters' questions, he didn't even recognize a word of Shi Cong's comments.

In this world, strength will ultimately speak for itself.

Seeing Li Zhe and the others walking away, Huo Lili looked back and sighed, "It's amazing, Tzuyu has really become a big shot!"

Song Xiaona nodded in agreement, "Being the mistress of a billionaire family, my status is different!"

The fastest way for a woman to achieve class leap is to marry. Just like when Milk Tea marries Richard Liu, her status will suddenly be different.

"Xiaoqian, what are you thinking about?" Huo Lili turned around and found that Cao Xiaoqian was still staring at the retreating figures of Li Zhe and the others.

Cao Xiaoqian came back to her senses and smiled unnaturally.


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