Chapter 243

The restaurant owner reached out his hand to hold the long stick and said, “Priest, please tell everyone your plan. I will help you hold the stick, and I will help you carry the short knife.”

The yak monster trembled all over, as if to shake off the long hair on his body. All the rings on his arms fell on his wrists, layered on top of each other, silently.

The restaurant owner looked at him quietly, and the onlookers watched Mrs. Volo. Even the rally drivers and spectators who were abducted looked at him, seemingly expecting him to speak out the plan.

Only Chen Ling sat on the ground with his eyes closed and his brows furrowed, as if something difficult had happened.

The yak monster struggled for a while, handed the short knife to the restaurant owner, and said, “Today is our Mrs. Volo’s big day! The biggest day in hundreds of years! What a pity!”

The restaurant owner was surprised: “What a pity?”

The yak monster seemed to have made up his mind and said loudly: “The children of the Kingdom of Wolof! We are gathered here at Lingai’s call; we invite so many guests here and give them to enter Lingai. The honor of offering. Our Lady Volo has a majestic and strange history…”

Once the yak monster made up his mind, it was like a person changed from the original mysterious royal representative and priest to a eloquent orator, with a loud voice and full of air, introducing everyone present to Mrs. Volo. The brilliance in this land.

Instead, he recounted the shame of a hundred years ago in a low tone. The history of being oppressed by the colonists was spoken in his mouth, which was sad and infuriating.

Then he narrated in a cheerful tone that Lingel’s recovery had brought new hope to Mrs. Volo, and the well-known Dakar Rally provided a perfect opportunity for Mrs. Volo.

Like many African countries that were once French colonies, although Senegal is an independent republic, it is politically heavily influenced by the former sovereign state, and it is even more dependent on the former sovereign state economically. There are not many foreigners in Senegal, but for ordinary Senegalese, they are all upper-class people who cannot be offended.

Since the Dakar Rally was held, before and after each event, Dakar and Senegal will have many more foreigners.

These foreigners are racers and tourists. Their organization is very weak and their sense of self-protection is poor. They are a very easy group for criminals to succeed.

The influx of foreigners made the worrisome royal family think that the time was ripening.

The royal family of Mrs. Volo is not an ignorant person. They know very well that it is no longer possible for a new kingdom to appear in modern society, and it is impossible to regain the status of a family ruling that year.

They retreat to second place, working on both political and economic aspects at the same time, to find their wealth status back then.

However, it is always difficult to climb to the top politically, and there seems to be an invisible net blocking the political elite of Mrs. Volo.

Economically, due to the backward economic development of Senegal, all industries are very fragmented and do not have the foundation of several industries. This makes it difficult for Mrs. Volo to form an influential large-scale enterprise and it is difficult to emerge as an economic leader no matter how hard she works. .

Madam Volo’s royal family had no choice but to embark on the path of introducing mysterious power into modern society to compete.

No one can tell the history of animism, people only until animism once dominated this land.

With the invasion of colonists and the development of trade, Christianity and Confucianism opened up their borders on this land. Like many empires and kingdoms, they gradually lost their former glory.

The prosperous modern science and technology has dealt a heavy blow to the aura of all things. People are desperate and desperate, and they will not think of using the power of the aura.

As a result, the legend of the existence of all things is gradually forgotten, and only a few unique inherited families have been continuing. They are difficult to be elegant, and they are gradually labeled as mysterious, weird and even evil.

The royal family of Mrs. Volo once again embarked on the path of taking advantage of the spiritual power of all things.

“Brothers and sisters!” The eloquent yak monster still has such a loud voice, “After all the hardships, we finally relied on Lingaier’s great power. All of us were shocked by her great power. She towered high. Entering the cloud, she takes root in the earth, she is the source of all our hopes!”

“It was Lingaier who gave us the strength and let us invite foreign guests here. They will offer a part of their body to Lingaier and exchange more and more mysterious Lingaier power for us. With this Strength, we, Mrs. Volo, can do a lot in politics. We will win in elections everywhere, we will win in legislative elections, and we will win in presidential elections!”

The yak monster’s speech was impassioned, but the people around him reacted flatly, just watching him speak quietly.

The yak monster has not been affected by the cold field at all, and the mood is even more elevated.

“The Dakar Rally is the remnant tail of colonial rule and the latest evidence of foreigners’ prowess on our land. We Mrs. Volo will never allow those cars, trucks and motorcycles that spit this smell to run wild on our land. , We will let them pay the price they deserve!”

The restaurant owner leaned on the stick and listened carefully to the speech of the yak monster, but his eyes were as calm as water, and there was no longer the initial enthusiasm.

“Priest!” the restaurant owner suddenly asked, “please tell me more about the plan this time.”

The yak freak stopped and began to talk about the specific plan.

After the Dakar Rally last year, the royal family of Mrs. Volo began to implement this plan.

“One of Lingaier’s greatest powers is confusion. The vellus hair on her leaves has the most magical power of confusion. After being refined by the priest, the vellus hair can be used as a primer to confuse people. Put it on anyone within a kilometer, and if activated by a priest from a distance, it can return to the deceit. The deceived person and even the animal retain all their original abilities, but they will completely obey Lingai’s orders. .”

“We started collecting the vellus hair on the leaves of Lingail last year and distributed it to the operatives before this rally. UHF23 TV station is a television station controlled by our royal family. We sent reporters to the rest area to interview, and put the vellus hair on the bed. On the team members we interviewed; we distributed the vellus hair to the people in charge everywhere, and they put the vellus hair on the foreigners who came to watch the game. We also put the vellus hair on a large number of cattle, and use the cattle to help us in the wilderness People here, this can try to prevent us from being exposed to the government’s eyes.”

“Brothers and sisters, we won a big victory this time! I followed Lingaier’s instructions and mobilized the power of confusion, and brought all the people with vellus hair to Lingaier. I sensed Lingaier’s joy. In the mood, we will gain greater strength, and our royal family will have more powerful priests who will go to all parts of the country to control various election scenes! Brothers and sisters, Senegal will belong to us!”

The yak monster waved his fist and responded with a roaring gesture to the detailed plan requested by the restaurant owner.

As soon as his voice fell, someone sighed and said, “I’m bored, let you confess, how did it become a speech?”

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