Chapter 260

The old woman knows the value of expert specialties, especially the attractiveness to women.

It’s just that she was wrong. Although Liu Ya and Charlotte like diamonds very much, they are from an extraordinary family. Especially Liu Ya comes from the world’s top jewelry family and has enough resistance to diamonds.

Therefore, the old woman priest was disappointed to see Liu Ya and Charlotte shaking their heads together.

“No matter how many diamonds you give me, it’s useless.” Liu Ya said, “I have no fewer diamonds than you, but they are all sold.”

“Our family also has a lot of diamonds, and the diamonds have been cut by our family.” Charlotte also said. Charlotte’s family also runs diamonds, but Charlotte is not involved in it. She has other businesses.

The two women smiled at each other. Love diamonds, but not enslaved by diamonds.

Chen Ling suddenly thought of something and asked Liu Ya in Chinese: “You two, don’t you directly mine diamond mines?”

“Nothing. Directly mining diamond mines doesn’t make much sense to our business. We purchase rough stones from the market and then process them.”

“These diamonds given by the old woman are unusual, right?”

“It’s not uncommon, but you can’t see it. You can’t see it in the ordinary market. This type will only be auctioned, and some will be directly made into finished products and then auctioned. The premium is higher. But if you…” Mei Mei thought and said, “If the diamond mines here are of good quality and the probability of high-quality diamonds is high, then we can consider participating in investment to ensure the source of our high-quality diamonds from the source.”

Chen Ling gave her a thumbs up: “That’s right! The auction is too expensive, and the price is transparent, so the profit will not be too high.”

“I’ll just say such an idea, I can’t be the master, I need my family to decide.” Liu Ya said.

Chen Ling nodded, thinking about it.

“Old woman priest, I ask you, what’s the matter with your bullhead? How did you find me?” Chen Ling asked.

The old woman priest is obviously a bit dissatisfied with Chen Ling’s name, but she asks others and dare not show it. She honestly said: “The bullhead worm is a tracking bug that I cultivated. As long as the pattern on your body is still there, it is within a radius of more than ten kilometers. , Minotaur can find you.”

“What pattern?”

“The bull head pattern on your arm. Only on the arm of our priest’s distinguished guest can we draw this pattern.” The old woman priest explained.

“Can’t this pattern be washed off?” Chen Ling wanted to wash off the bull’s head pattern long ago. When he took a bath, he deliberately rubbed it for a long time and didn’t wash it off.

“It will disappear naturally in a month or so.” In order to obtain Chen Ling’s help, the old woman priest had no reservations.

Chen Ling said dissatisfied: “It will take so long? I warn you, you can’t use the bullhead worm to track me!”

The old woman priest smiled and said: “No, no, no! We drew this pattern for you to show respect and closeness to you. This bull head pattern represents the soul of our ancestors and cannot be used by ordinary people.”

“Okay! Tell me, how do you want me to help you, and what conditions do you give me. Make it clear in advance, I will agree to help only if my two friends agree,” Chen Ling said.

The old woman priest was overjoyed and said, “Great, thank you Mr. Chen! This is how things are…”

The Fulani in Sierra Leone mainly gather in the east and south. In the past, the Fulani people lived a traditional nomadic life here, and some gradually began to engage in handicrafts and agriculture. Their life was not easy, but they were peaceful and peaceful.

Knowing that in the 1930s of the last century, this area was discovered to be rich in diamond resources. Anyone with a shovel or sieve can break into the Fulani territory to search for diamonds.

Since then, the life of the Fulani people is no longer peaceful. Some people get rich because of diamonds, some people die tragically because of diamonds, and many more people are trapped in wars caused by diamond resources, displaced, homes and lives are destroyed.

In order to save their homeland, generations of Fulani priests rushed to shout, uniting the tribe to fight abroad. However, they are not only facing domestic enemies, but also international enemies. The most ferocious enemy is the international smugglers. They hire private armed forces to make huge profits, sneak across the border, break into the villages where the diamonds are produced, burn, kill, rob, and do nothing.

In 1991, a large-scale civil war broke out in Sierra Leone again because of diamond resources. One-third of Sierra Leoneans were displaced. Fulani suffered countless deaths and injuries in this war. The previous generation of priests also used to deal with smugglers who fished in troubled waters. He tried his best to be caught alive, suffered all the humiliation, and was finally buried alive.

The civil war ended in January 2002, and the Fulani returned to their hometowns to rebuild their homes. The new government also agreed to the Fulani requirements for territories and designated part of the Kono region as Fulani territories.

The Kono area is less than one-fifth of the original Fulani territory. Of course, the Fulani are very dissatisfied, but they can do nothing, because the government will not sit back and watch the Fulani occupy a large area of ​​rich diamond production. .

Moreover, this is the first time that the government has officially recognized the Fulani territory. Compared with the fact that the Fulani people themselves maintained their territories, the situation is much better.

So this generation of priests, the old woman priests, led the Fulani people to relocate and gather in the Kono area. The Kono area is also one of the main ore producing areas. She believes that as long as no war breaks out, the Fulani can slowly live a good life in the future.

According to the Fulani tradition, the priest must summon the souls of the Fulani who died outside the territory back into the territory, so that the Fulani can be passed on from generation to generation. However, this civil war caused tens of thousands of Fulani deaths throughout the country, and some died in neighboring countries; and the size of the territory was greatly reduced, which caused the spiritual distance to be too far.

When these two factors are added together, the old woman priest is not strong enough to complete the spiritual call.

Since the old woman priest inherited the position of priest, she has never cut off the idea of ​​calling for souls, and has discussed countless times with her people, but she has always been unable to complete it because of lack of strength.

This is unacceptable to the Fulani people. For those who believe in the ancestors of the cattle, family grouping is the most important thing. They don’t need diamonds, and they can’t let the souls of their relatives float outside and stand alone. They will not accuse their priests, but the old woman priests can feel the resentment and sadness in their hearts.

In desperation, the old woman priest put forward the idea of ​​using power, and the leading figures in the tribe also agreed. However, this matter is easy to think of but extremely difficult to do because the conditions are too harsh.

Firstly, the other party must have enough power; secondly, the other party’s power must be similar to the priest’s power; and finally, the other party must be willing to lend it out.

Of these three conditions, the first two can be met or not, and the third can be resolved through a series of ceremonies such as Shahruo.

Therefore, when the old woman priest discovered Chen Ling, she was very pleasantly surprised and immediately mobilized all his power to get Chen Ling to Freetown. She was worried that Chen Ling was unwilling to take the initiative to lend strength, so she started the Sallo ceremony directly.

Unexpectedly, the power that Chen Ling borrowed from the baobab tree was not stable. At the beginning of the ceremony, it broke out and knocked everyone who participated in the ceremony into a coma on the ground. Chen Ling woke up and escaped. control.

After the old woman priest woke up, if nothing happened on the surface, in fact, she suffered serious injuries. So he used the bullhead worm to send a young man with tendon meat and another pair of five to search for Chen Ling.

However, both teams ran back, and the five-member group collapsed naked in the guest room of the Leon Palm Hotel, with a loss of face; the tendon guy with slap marks on his face and nosebleeds went back to report.

The old woman priest knew that Chen Ling had regained her strength and could no longer use her strength, so she stood firm and went out to negotiate.

“Mr. Chen, we would like to ask you to help us complete the soul-calling ritual of the people. We use diamonds as rewards.” The old woman priest said.

Chen Ling glanced at Liu Ya and Charlotte. The two pretended to be calm, but they couldn’t escape Chen Ling’s eyes.

“Old lady, how many diamonds do you plan to give me?” Chen Ling asked.

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