Chapter 287

Chen Ling only knows that Charles and Margaret are well-known doctors from France, who are dedicated to the study of infectious diseases in Africa and are honest and kind. What special status do they have in Côte d’Ivoire, can they be used as a shield?

Seeing Chen Ling’s curious and inquiring eyes, Dr. Charles smiled and said: “Mr. Chen, Margaret and I are both French. Our husband and wife came to Abidjan to open the clinic more than 20 years ago. You know why we want to Come to Africa to open a clinic?”

Chen Ling shook his head. He didn’t know anything about Charles and Margaret’s past.

“At that time, we were in our 30s and were experts in infectious disease and virus research.” Dr. Charles said with some pride, “One year, entrusted by the United Nations, we led a team to Zaire to fight Ebo. In Zaire, it’s now called the Democratic Republic of Congo. We had a difficult time, but the final result was not bad. At the final report meeting, we met a person who invited us to his country to engage in the infection. Disease and virus research.”

“I think it must be a big man?” Chen Ling asked.

Dr. Charles nodded and said: “His name is Felix Hopuit Boigny. He was the first president of Côte d’Ivoire. In 1960, Côte d’Ivoire became independent and became president until his death in 1993. You may listen. You have said this name, but you don’t necessarily know that he used to serve as the Minister of Health of France. Felix attaches great importance to the development of health services in Côte d’Ivoire.”

“At that time, Felix was very worried that Côte d’Ivoire would also have an epidemic similar to Ebola virus disease. He hoped that the French government could help Côte d’Ivoire with preventive work. It happened that our couple had experience in this area, so he invited us to come. , Gave us a good start-up fund. At that time, we were young and wanted to continue to engage in research in this area, and if a country supported us, our research work would be much easier. So, here we are. ”

Chen Ling asked, “Do you think the original choice was right?”

“I think it is very correct. In the past two decades, Margaret and I have made great progress in our research work, as well as in our entire clinic. In our clinic, malaria, yellow fever, typhoid fever, and cholera And so on, the cure rate is 100%, and the survival rate of Ebola virus disease is 80% on average…” Dr. Charles proudly cited the results of his work and said, “If I stay in France, maybe I won’t be academically. It’s worse than it is now, but in terms of practical effects, I am afraid that it will not keep up with the current fraction. Moreover, Margaret and I have also made a lot of money here, and our family has benefited a lot.”

“Congratulations!” Chen Ling said, “But, how do you deal with United States guys?”

“Felix issued a presidential decree that year. My institution is protected by the Presidential Guard. When needed, I can request a 20-person Presidential Guard to protect my institution.” Dr. Shire said, sighing. He said, “I have never asked the Presidential Guard to protect my clinic, even when the civil unrest broke out in September last year. I didn’t expect that the first time it was to fight against the United States, it was too ironic.”

Chen Ling pondered for a moment and asked, “However, President Felix has passed away for ten years. Is his presidential decree still valid?”

“Of course.” Dr. Charles was confident. “The presidents after him have all visited my clinic. My clinic is a model of cooperation between France and Côte d’Ivoire. It cannot tolerate damage, even if it is from United States.”

“Doctor Shire, now there is civil strife…” Chen Ling said.

“Yes, but if you look at my clinic, is it good? Okay, I’ll go and prepare to welcome the Presidential Guard to protect our clinic.” Dr. Charles made up his mind and felt much better, “I Also inform the French garrison and they will also provide assistance when necessary.”

Chen Ling wanted to speak but stopped. Perhaps, Dr. Shire’s arrangement is more conducive to the implementation of Chen Ling’s own plan.

George from United States has a burly figure, white hair close to his scalp, a hooked nose, and deep eye sockets. It seems that because of dealing with death for many years, George’s eyes have lost the luster of human beings, which is daunting.

“William, your old friend is playing tricks.” George sat on the sofa in the hotel room and said coldly at the blonde William who was opposite.

Blond William pretended to be nonchalant, and said: “I know, but this is Côte d’Ivoire, it’s their French territory.”

“The French are already overwhelmed in this country.” George said, “I don’t have so much time to wait in this country. I and my people must fly back tomorrow afternoon.”

“Is that anxious?” William frowned. “I heard that you, the United States Army Institute of Infectious Diseases and Medical Research, leaked the anthrax pathogen…”

“This is a matter for us from United States!” George raised his voice slightly, “It has nothing to do with you!”

The corner of the blond William’s right mouth pulled back. This action was caught by George.

“You have controlled the target man’s girlfriend and can use it. My people will fully cooperate with you, but the time I return to United States cannot be changed.” George said, “If I need to take action in person in the end, I will take someone directly Take them all away!”

Blond William frowned and said, “It’s best not to kill people, or it will be very troublesome!”

“That depends on the effect of your work.” George said, “The last thing our institute is afraid of is trouble.”

Blond William shook his head and said nothing.

George is just trying to save face. In fact, the United States Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases is now in trouble and is trying to disassociate himself from the anthrax attack.

In 2001, just a few days after 9/11, there was an anthrax attack in United States. Beginning on September 18, 2001, someone sent letters containing Bacillus anthracis to several news media offices and two Democratic senators. This incident resulted in five deaths and 17 infections.

An article published in “New Scientist” on May 9, 2002 confirmed that the bacteria originated from the United States military laboratory through DNA research. These Bacillus anthracis all belong to the same strain, the Ames strain. This strain was first studied at the United States Army Institute of Infectious Diseases Medicine.

For a time, the United States Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases, which was rarely seen in the news media, was called the center of the whirlpool of public opinion.

In order to clarify the relationship, the United States government publicly suspected that the anthrax attack was the second wave of attacks launched by Al Qaeda after 9/11 and urged the FBI to find out the truth. However, the FBI already knows that the anthrax used is weaponized, and their manufacture requires complicated instruments, and it is unlikely that they will be produced in al-Qaeda’s caves. Therefore, the Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases personally went into battle, claiming that the study found that the anthrax powder contained a large amount of silica, which did not reach the weapon level, and listed evidence that the anthrax powder came from Iraq.

Saddam is the best gangster collector in the world, and he is also the most popular man in the United States. Therefore, the public opinion in United States has pointed the finger at Saddam.

The pressure of public opinion has temporarily passed, and the United States Army Institute of Infectious Diseases Medicine breathed a sigh of relief. However, some professional media still cling to the institute.

The reason is that the institute itself.

The United States Army Medical Institute of Infectious Diseases is the only highest protection research laboratory under the United States Department of Defense with a four-level biosafety protection level. The original intention was to develop biological and chemical weapons. After the end of the Second World War, all the experts of the 731 Biochemical Unit of the Japanese Army were accepted by this institute to carry out secret research.

Professional media agree that the only weapon-level anthrax pathogen on this planet is the United States Army Institute of Infectious Diseases. Neither the former Soviet Union nor Europe has this technology, let alone buy weapons with money from selling oil. Of Iraq.

George is the chief expert in the development of weapon-grade anthrax pathogens. This achievement allowed George to be promoted to the position of No. 3 in the Institute, becoming a senior technocrat in the United States Army, with great power.

Once the anthrax pathogen was leaked, weapon-grade anthrax could only be locked in a safe that would never be opened. Since then, the U.S. military can no longer use this weapon, which has caused George’s efforts for more than ten years to waste.

Under such circumstances, whether it is the US military or George, there is an urgent need to find a new weapon that can replace the pathogen of anthrax.

Blond William has been in the top international virus research field and knows some inside stories of anthrax leaks. When Dr. Charles asked him to discuss the treatment plan for Marburg virus disease, he immediately realized that the best chance of fame and fortune in this life had arrived!

Overcoming the scientific research problems of filoviruses can bring fame; developing corresponding vaccines can bring benefits; helping the US military develop weapon-grade filoviruses is even more invisible.

As a British, Blond William thought about cooperating with the British army, but he immediately denied it. Because the British army did not dare to do such things, and did not have so much funding to do these things.

Blond William knew the character and temper of Charles and Margaret, honest and honest, gentle and generous, or bully. As long as the couple donated the patient’s blood samples, no matter whether it was forced or actively, there would be no future troubles.

If you must use the strong in the end, then use the strong to the end-as George said, take it all away. Côte d’Ivoire is now in a period of civil strife, and it will soon become more chaotic. At this time, a clinic is destroyed. The government and public opinion will pay attention to it for a while, but in the end it will only stop.

“George, I will give you an answer at noon tomorrow.” William said at last.

“You won’t regret it, just like I did.” George’s eyes flashed, as if recalling something.

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