Chapter 296

This problem with the gold wire glasses was like a surprise attack on Chen Ling. While Chen Ling thought that the young French officer had a good interaction with him, he relaxed, and suddenly asked a question that Chen Ling might have to lie in order to deal with the past.

Sometimes, this is how the breach is opened.

Sure enough, Chen Ling stayed for a while before saying: “This… Doctor Shire knows?”

Dr. Charles shook his head and said, “To be honest, I don’t know. William and I are friends. He suddenly arrived in Abidjan two days ago and told me that George from the United States Army Institute of Infectious Diseases is coming to the clinic. They are all research. For infectious diseases and viruses, I have heard of this institution and the name of Colonel George. To be honest, I don’t like it very much…”

“Doctor Charles is a natural science worker with humane care.” The young French officer interrupted. “In order to overcome the infectious disease in Africa, he gave up the good living conditions in Europe. His wife worked in Abidjan for dozens of years. year.”

Dr. Shire smiled at the young officer, “Thank you! I just do something I like.”

The gold wire glasses cleared their throats and attracted everyone’s attention, saying: “The Army’s Infectious Diseases Medical Research is doing defensive research work, not graduated weapons. Before leaving, Colonel George left a report to the effect that Abidjan found a suspected mini-biochemical weapon victim, he took someone to investigate urgently. As far as we know, after he arrived in Abidjan, he only went to two places, the Shire Clinic and the Sofitel Hotel…”

“It was William who brought him…” Dr. Shire said, “William wanted my scientific research results, but I rejected it!”

“… Colonel George’s report stated that the victims of the mini-biological weapons were being treated at the Shire clinic.” The eyes of the gold glasses were suddenly sharp, and they stared at Dr. Shire through the lenses. “Where is the victim?”

Dr. Charles gaped, and it took a while before he came up with a word, “What?”

The golden glasses put away the sharp eyes and said: “Mr. William is an expert at the Army Institute of Infectious Diseases. He reported the bio-weapon incident to Colonel George, and then Colonel George’s trip to Abidjan.”

“Where did the biological weapon incident happen? I don’t understand what you are talking about!” Dr. Charles flushed. “There is no such thing in my clinic. I just admitted Ms. Charlotte and Mr. Chen, both of them. A person who was infected with Marburg virus is a severe and high-risk infectious disease. I closed the clinic and only treated them. They are not victims of biological weapons, and there are no victims of biological weapons!” Dr. Shire’s lips trembled, very excited.

“Doctor Shire, don’t get excited.” Jinsi glasses smiled, “How can you prove that they are not victims of biological and chemical weapons?”

“I’m an expert! If I say no, it’s not!” Dr. Charles said proudly.

The golden silk glasses smiled unchanged, and said: “Weapon-grade viruses are not the same as those in nature. Have you studied weapon-grade viruses?”

“Sir!” Chen Ling said suddenly, “My friend can’t support her anymore. She needs a good rest! Moreover, we are not victims of biological and chemical weapons. We are infected with the virus in the Kono area. If you want to investigate, you’d better go The Kono area, where the epidemic is now raging, is a good time for investigation!”

This gold-wired glasses looked gentle, very cunning, and went around. The purpose was not just to catch the person who caused the helicopter to fall. The people of United States did not give up the Marburg virus!

Sure enough, Jinsi glasses smiled and said: “Mr. Chen, it will be over soon. We have sent people to the Kono area to investigate, but the investigation here in Abidjan was interrupted because of the sudden crash of Colonel George. His The subjects of investigation are you…”

Because before he positioned himself as just a patient, Chen Ling couldn’t say too much about other things. He could only insist that he was not a victim of biological and chemical weapons. He said, “Doctor Shire, please tell him that Charlotte and I are only infected with the virus. !”

Without waiting for Dr. Charles to speak, the golden glasses said: “We will analyze your information and all samples, and then make independent judgments.”

This is naked blackmail!

Doctor Shire was already excited because he was forcibly involved in the biochemical weapons by the gold-wire glasses. At this time, he was even more furious and said, “You are a robbery!”

The young French officer also realized what the gold wire glasses wanted to do, and said: “Jackson, please note that Dr. Charles has the right to retain the results of his research.”

“Of course, we will keep it completely confidential. Mark, you have to understand, I did this to investigate the crash involving the lives of more than a dozen United States soldiers! We will never let the murderer go,” Jackson said. I will never let Al Qaeda go!”

The gold wire glasses had firm eyes and a decisive tone.

“I don’t believe your guarantee!” Dr. Shire said, “I won’t give you any information!”

The young officer Marco also said: “Jackson, French citizens have no obligation to cooperate with your United States government investigation.”

The gold wire glasses smiled and said lightly: “Our president has issued an ultimatum to Iraq, and the attack will be launched in 48 hours. Similarly, in Côte d’Ivoire, we must find the real culprit of the crash, otherwise there will be one. Ultimatum.”

The young officer’s face sank and said, “Is this a threat?”

“No, this is just a statement of facts.” The gold-wire glasses leaned on the chair, looking relaxed.

The young officer pondered for a while and said, “Doctor Charles, can we talk?”

Dr. Charles looked at Chen Ling.

Chen Ling said: “Doctor Shire, I have no opinion, everything is up to you, and the overall situation is important.”

The French-speaking countries in Africa are the traditional spheres of influence of France. They are an important source of raw materials and product sales markets in France, and play a decisive role in the French economy.

If the United States enters Côte d’Ivoire under the pretext of the crash, Côte d’Ivoire will surely become the sphere of influence of the United States. The French definitely don’t want to see this happen.

The United States guys used their power to overwhelm others, the French couldn’t stand it, and Chen Ling couldn’t stand it either.

Regardless of whether or not the truth of the crash can be found, the United States will definitely go to the Akan tribe. It is a matter of face. The Akan tribe will pay a huge price for being a priest. At the same time, people in United States will take the opportunity to obtain various benefits, and the research results of Marburg virus are just one of them.

Facing the strongest blue star, Chen Ling had no choice but to take a step back and agreed to hand over the research on Marburg virus to the United States guy.

After another half an hour, Chen Ling and others finally entered Mali.

The airport was refurbished, with flags of countries participating in the summit flying around, but everyone was not in the mood. Charles and Margaret were the hardest hit, their heads down.

Chen Ling comforted them and published relevant papers immediately after returning to France. At the same time, they accelerated vaccine research and registered patents before the United States. The academic and economic benefits would not be greatly affected.

“Mr. Chen, we are not for this.” Dr. Margaret said, “We are French. We are blackmailed by the United States under the protection of our army. We can’t stand the humiliation!”

Chen Ling comforted: “I think the officer named Marco is even more ashamed, because he can’t protect the interests of French citizens. You see, he is here.”

In the distance, the young French officer Marco came hurriedly. The Charles and his wife walked towards him, and the three of them stood on the side and whispered.

Although Ma Ke is young, he has experienced more things like today than the Charles and his wife who have been doing scientific research all the time, and his psychological endurance is stronger. It is he who is comforting the Charles and his wife.

Chen Ling looked from a distance. The three of them happened to stand under the blue, white and red flag of France, which made Chen Ling sigh with emotion and shook his head.

The French-African summit, the name alone demonstrates the powerful influence of France on Africa. However, the top French intellectuals were forced to surrender their brainchild on the eve of the summit that symbolized the power of France.

In the face of hegemony, you will be beaten if you are behind, and you will be bullied if you are not strong enough!

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