Chapter 458: The Highest Occupation

Most countries will prepare long-term development plans and draw many lines and circles on the map, but they are often difficult to implement.

Not all countries have the same executive power as China. On the contrary, the plans prepared by most countries basically cannot be realized.

For poor countries, the main reason is poverty.

Large-scale infrastructure construction is a capital-intensive and labor-intensive industry. Poor countries have no money or qualified labor, so they can only fill up their hunger.

And Chen Ling can help turn the painted pie into a real pie.

He can mobilize funds, mobilize experienced teams, and most importantly, he can give a complete plan.

Tangkelili iron ore has a very good taste. As long as it can be mined and shipped to the port, there is no worry about sales. The transportation demand of iron ore can meet the operational needs of new railways and ports, so that the investment in railways and ports will be rewarded.

The financial and technical problems have been solved, but it is not enough.

There are also government and policy issues. Chen Ling has also considered.

Sierra Leone has been facing the threat of severe infectious diseases for a long time. The lives and property of local people have been seriously threatened. The related costs have overwhelmed the entire country.

Whenever Sierra Leone suffers from a major epidemic, the international community will lend a helping hand to help fight the epidemic.

The problem is that these helping hands are all symptomatic, not the root cause.

The filovirus has been discovered for decades, but there is no medicine, treatment or vaccine against this virus in the world.

Because this virus only exists in Africa, and the technological level of African countries is not enough to develop specific medicines, vaccines and treatments.

Pharmaceutical companies in developed countries in Europe and the United States have no incentive to research and develop because they do not make money.

On the contrary, if a company invests heavily in the development of specific drugs and vaccines for filovirus, the company will be in a difficult situation.

From an economic point of view, this company must sell products at a high price in order to recover its investment and make a profit. This is in line with business logic.

However, Africa’s economy is backward and there are very few people who can afford high prices. Moreover, those who are really rich have good sanitary conditions and tend not to be infected.

As a result, infected people who have no money can only wait to die because they cannot afford medicines. At this time, as long as there is a slight artificial influence, the pharmaceutical company will face huge public opinion pressure and be subjected to moral criticism.

If you sell this medicine, you lose money, and you lose money if you don’t sell it. To sell or not to sell?

Therefore, no R&D is the best choice.

Therefore, the vast number of poor people in Africa have to rely on their immunity and use their bodies as the battlefield to fight against the gods of plague.

In Chen Ling’s hands, there was a weapon against filovirus. The vaccines and special drugs developed by Charles and Margaret in France were mainly completed with the financial support of Chen Ling. The ownership of these two achievements belonged to Chen Ling.

Now, what Chen Ling has to do is make a deal with the Sierra Leone government.

Chen Ling’s company supplies Sierra Leone with specific medicines and vaccines at low prices. Sierra Leone approved Chen Ling’s company to invest in the development of the Tangkelili iron ore mine and supporting facilities.

Chen Ling is not worried that the Sierra Leone government will not agree.

As long as the plan is submitted to the government of Sierra Leone, as long as it is slightly disclosed to the media and NGOs, naturally someone will take the initiative to speak for Chen Ling’s company.

Affordable medicines and a large amount of direct investment. If the government does not agree to such a good thing, the people will not agree to it, the WHO will not agree to it, and human rights organizations around the world will not agree to it.

Moreover, the Pan-African medical organization will also speak out and demonstrate in a professional capacity that Chen Ling’s medicines and vaccines can effectively fight the epidemic in Sierra Leone.

More importantly, Chen Ling hopes to form this model in Sierra Leone and apply it to other countries in the future, so as to avoid being criticized by public opinion.

Dozens of countries in Africa may use no cash to buy medicines, but which country does not have some resources on the land? Which country does not need to invest in infrastructure?

Therefore, Chen Ling is very confident.

In Freetown, Chen Ling called a few people to a meeting.

Betis, Dr. Hu and Zhou Xuemei.

Chen Ling looked at the three women, old, middle and young, and felt a little weird. Is this in the country of daughters?

Chen Ling said his thoughts again, arranged tasks for the three, and Betis was responsible for dealing with the government and persuading the government to accept the plan.

Betis couldn’t wait to ask: “We Fulani people can work on the project, right?”

The traditional industry of the Fulani is to raise cattle, but no amount of cattle can meet the needs, because the needs of the Fulani are becoming more and more diversified.

Many young Fulani people no longer raise cattle. But employment is hard and life is difficult.

Chen Ling said: “Of course you can. The premise is that you ask the government to approve our project. After the project is completed, the mines, railways and ports will require thousands of people to work, and there are various positions.”

Betis was overjoyed and said: “No problem. I have friends in the government, Congress, and the presidential palace. I can guarantee that as long as this plan is proposed, the government will definitely approve it.”

As the priest of the Fulani, Betis has led the Fulani through more than ten years of ups and downs and has a wealth of network resources in Sierra Leone. This is also one of the reasons why Chen Ling wants her to go.

But Chen Ling knows that there is a problem with the Fulani, that is, the level of education is too low, in other words, the quality of the labor force is not enough.

Betis is a priest, but his level of education is very average, basically relying on traditional education in the tribe to gain knowledge. In the local society, she is like a fish in water, but it is not easy to enter the modern industry.

Even priests are like this, let alone ordinary people.

“Dr. Hu, we have to prepare labor for the mine.” Chen Ling said, “So we have to start training. The same is true for Zhou Xuemei. Only qualified personnel can enter our project by setting up training courses for future needs.”

Zhou Xuemei said: “There is no problem. Our President Zhou also explained our work in this area before. We have built schools in Mali and Sierra Leone. The effect is very good, and it can be replicated here.”

The Bamako-Dakar railway is equipped with two transportation technical schools, which is the request of Chen Ling.

This kind of school that combines project construction needs and has job security is very popular. With countless people signing up, the school has to increase the difficulty of the entrance exam time and time again, and select a group of good young people to enter the school.

Chen Ling was an advocate, but he forgot about it.

After Zhou Xuemei reminded him, he immediately said: “This must be replicated, transportation and mining, two major professional training. Cameroon and Angola should do the same.”

Betis worried: “Tuition is not low, right? I’m worried that our young people can’t afford it.”

Zhou Xuemei answered her question: “As long as the students who have passed the entrance exam have the opportunity to apply for student loans, they can pay it off after graduation.”

Betis was surprised: “This is the first time I have seen such a good thing. Does the school make money?”

Chen Ling waved her hand at her and said, “The school is not for making money, but for imparting knowledge. It just needs to be able to keep running.”

Betis stood up slowly, with a solemn expression, and bowed to Chen Ling.

“Mr. Chen, thank you!”

“Thank me for what I am doing. Everyone takes what they need and has their own benefits.” Chen Ling smiled.

Betis was a little confused. How is this each taking what they need?

Zhou Xuemei explained: “Priest, we cultivated people, and then used them in projects. One earns wages and the other gets talents. So we get what we need.”

Dr. Hu smiled without saying a word. Zhou Xuemei was still young and did not fully understand the meaning of Chen Ling’s words.

This young President Chen is still quite ambitious. He wants to export Chinese standards to African countries.

The students trained by the Chinese have mastered the standards of the Chinese and earn the money of the Chinese. In the future, some of this group of students will surely rise above others, and hold a position in the transportation and mining fields of Sierra Leone.

If things go on like this, the Chinese culture will gradually occupy the minds of local people.

Occupy the mind, this is the highest-level occupation.

After the meeting, Dr. Hu stayed alone in Chen Ling’s room.

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