Chapter 492

Wang Mingyue and Moussa climbed together, and something really happened.

When returning from the mountain, Moussa threw himself to the ground in order to hold Wang Mingyue, who had lost his footing, and suffered serious injuries to his right knee.

Fortunately, the location of the incident was convenient. Wang Mingyue hired a car to take Moussa to the hospital.

As a result of the diagnosis and treatment, Moussa needs to be hospitalized for at least one week.

Moussa was depressed because he could not follow the white wizard.

“I was too careless, I should have supported it at the time.” Moussa said to Chen Ling. He didn’t blame Wang Mingyue, but blamed himself.

Chen Ling comforted him: “You completed the task I gave you very well. You will be treated at the hospital with peace of mind. I will pay all the expenses. In addition, I will notify the warchief and send someone to take care of you.”

Because of the great impact of the Tanzania-Zambia railway project, both Tanzania and Zambia requested to sign a project package agreement at the annual summit of the East African Community.

The East African Community is a regional organization of six countries in East Africa, headquartered in Arusha, Tanzania. The goal of this organization is to establish the East African Federation, which will have a common constitution, president, parliament and currency.

Therefore, Chen Ling is about to leave Dar es Salaam for Arusha.

“Are you here with him for a week?” Dr. Hu asked Wang Mingyue.

Wang Mingyue fiddled with her camera and said, “No, I’ll follow you. I asked about the approximate cost in the hospital, paid a thousand dollars in advance for medical expenses, and gave Moussa another thousand dollars.”

Dr. Hu frowned and said, “What did you Mr. Zheng say?”

Wang Mingyue stopped his movements, looked up at Dr. Hu, and said: “Zheng said that I will follow your arrangements and obey Chen’s instructions.”

“My opinion is that you stay in Dar es Salaam and wait until the people sent by Chief Bemba arrive.” Dr. Hu said.

Wang Mingyue said: “I want to go to Arusha with you. The hospital is in good condition, and Moussa is taken care of by the hospital. I hired an extra nurse for him.”

The hospital here is not like in China, where the patients are accompanied by their families. People in the hospital are taking care of this place. This is derived from the concept that professional things are done by professional people.

“What you said, if it weren’t for Moussa, you might have fallen off the cliff. Don’t you think you should stay with him? He doesn’t have any relatives here.” Dr. Hu asked Wang Mingyue.

Although Moussa does not need Wang Mingyue’s care, Wang Mingyue should make a gesture that giving a sum of money alone is not enough.

Wang Mingyue also frowned: “My vacation is not very long, I want to go to a few more places.”

Dr. Hu gave up his efforts to persuade Wang Mingyue and said, “I’ll ask Mr. Chen.”

Arusha is located in the northeastern part of Tanzania, not far from Mount Kilimanjaro. Here is the famous Arusha National Park, Mount Meru, and the famous nomadic Maasai people in East Africa.

After Dr. Hu arrived in Arusha, he understood why Wang Mingyue had to follow.

There are too many places worth visiting here, and more importantly, it is very convenient to go to Serengeti.

Serengeti is the best place to watch animals in the world. There are more than 70 kinds of large mammals, more than 500 kinds of unique birds, and large animal migration once every six months. It is known as one of the world’s ten natural tourist wonders. .

“She won’t go out alone again? There is no Moussa to accompany her this time.”

Dr. Hu said to Chen Ling anxiously. Wang Mingyue has become a burden for her.

Chen Ling smiled and said: “I have already told her, as long as she doesn’t obey the management again, she will not follow me anymore. Anything about her has nothing to do with me.”

Dr. Hu sighed: “You go to Uganda in two days, and I will leave after staying in Tanzania for a few days. She will definitely follow you, I hope she can take care of herself.”

“Don’t worry about her, we just need to take care of ourselves. You see, if Zheng Haishan doesn’t care about her, let alone ours?” Chen Ling said.

Dr. Hu smiled bitterly.

“You are the life to worry about.” Chen Ling smiled.

What Dr. Hu worried about really came. Wang Mingyue found her and asked to follow the local travel agency to see the Serengeti, saying that there is a rare opportunity that should not be missed.

Dr. Hu immediately moved Chen Ling out to resist.

Chen Ling did what he said, just one sentence: “Let’s go with you, you don’t have to follow me.”

Wang Mingyue’s eyes flickered, and she didn’t know what she was thinking.

Dr. Hu asked along the way: “I will go back to Dar es Salaam the day after tomorrow, what do you do with Manager Wang?”

Wang Mingyue smiled and said, “I am not going to Dar es Salaam. I will follow Mr. Chen. I am going to Uganda to see the gorillas.”

Chen Ling shook his head: “There is no guarantee that I will have time to see the gorillas.”

Wang Mingyue smiled and said: “It’s okay. With Mr. Chen, you can always see good scenery and big people, and you can always open your eyes.”

Chen Ling smiled and did not speak.

He has come into contact with many big people in Africa, and those who can talk with him seriously now are big people in Africa, including the high-ranking officials who are about to meet in Uganda.

Wang Mingyue followed Chen Ling, feeling that seeing a big man was as common as drinking water and eating.

Uganda is a landlocked country to the north of Tanzania, far from the ocean, but bordered by many large lakes, such as Lake Victoria, the second largest lake in the world. The entire country is located on a plateau with an average altitude of 900 meters. Therefore, although most regions have a tropical climate, the climate is cool throughout the year. This is one of the most disliked regions for air-conditioning companies.

The name of Lake Victoria also comes from the Queen of England. When a group of explorers were searching for the source of the Nile River, they found this huge lake. In shock, they named it after the Queen of England.

In Victoria Falls, Lake Victoria, and Victoria Bay, the life of explorers is always so boring and unpretentious, resulting in the naming style is also monotonous and boring.

Chen Ling is now on a boat crossing Lake Victoria.

Lake Victoria is shared by Tanzania, Kenya and Uganda, and is a very important transportation channel between the three countries.

“I really want to go to the source of the Nile!” Wang Mingyue looked at the surrounding scenery and once again expressed her wishes.

Chen Ling didn’t speak up.

“I heard that there is the most exciting rafting in the world, it would be nice to have a chance to experience one.” She said again.

Chen Ling came to Uganda for the first time, and knew nothing about it, and didn’t want to know.

Wang Mingyue should have made the strategy.

“When I arrive in Uganda, I have to deal with work matters first. If we have the opportunity, we can go and see.” Chen Ling said casually.

We will arrive in Entebbe, Uganda in a while. Hu Xiaoxiao’s plane will arrive at Entebbe International Airport in the early hours of tomorrow morning, and Chen Ling will go to the airport to wait, and go to the capital Kampala together.

Hu Xiaoxiao is here and she will arrange everything. If she wants to be beautiful and wants to see the source of the Nile, Chen Ling must make arrangements honestly.

However, according to Chen Ling’s understanding of Hu Xiaoxiao, there is a high probability that Hu Xiaoxiao will not go.

Therefore, Wang Mingyue may be disappointed.

Chen Ling said, “Such a large lake must be rich in aquatic products. When we arrive in Entebbe, we will have a good meal.”

Wang Mingyue sneered: “There are only Nile perch in this lake.”

Chen Ling was surprised: “How is it possible?”

“Where there are people, all strange things are possible.”

Wang Mingyue did a lot of homework: “The ecosystem of Lake Victoria is quite terrible. Decades ago, the Nile perch was introduced into the lake to increase the fishery output of the lake area. But this perch eats everything, causing hundreds of This local specialty species has since gone extinct. This is the invasion of alien species, just like aliens invading the earth!”

Chen Ling smiled and said: “People come and go on the river, but love the beauty of perch. We will eat this Nile perch tonight!”

Wang Mingyue is keen on traveling, but he is not very interested in nothing. She nodded indifferently, focusing on traveling.

Uganda mountain gorilla, source of the Nile, Mount Ergon, snowy equatorial mountains…

While eating dinner, Wang Mingyue kept thinking about how to persuade Chen Ling to visit these places and not come to Uganda in vain.

Chen Ling said: “I will pick up people at the airport tomorrow morning. You are waiting at the hotel. Don’t go out alone.”

Wang Mingyue nodded: “President Chen rest assured, there is nothing fun around here, I won’t go anywhere.”

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