Chapter 515 Interview

After the Europeans discovered the New World in the 16th century, the newly opened plantations required a lot of labor.

However, the population of Europe willing to immigrate to the New World is always too small.

Native Indians became the first choice for the plantation labor force, but they lacked immunity to various germs brought by the colonists. These germs swept through the Indian settlements, and there were many rooms and empty spaces.

As a result, Europeans turned their attention to Africa. Blacks on the African continent were trafficked to America by Europeans as labor.

For a long time, white people have regarded their colors as holy and beautiful, while black people’s colors are ugly and sinful. When blacks were sold as slaves, whites discriminated against blacks even more. This kind of discrimination is deeply ingrained from the 16th century to the present day.

African-Americans fight tirelessly for their rights, but they can only rely on themselves, because there has never been a strong black country on the blue planet to support them.

Dozens of black countries in Africa are weak, and the most powerful Republic of South Africa only abolished the apartheid system in the early 1990s. They can only express support for the black compatriots who are far away every week, and they are unable to do more.

When a huge African Federation was formally announced, it was not the Africans who were most excited, but the descendants of African descent who were far away every week.

There is finally a big country dominated by black people in this world!

In terms of population, this is the third largest country in the world, after China and India.

In terms of land area, this is the largest country in the world, far ahead of Russia, which ranks second.

In terms of GDP, it can also be ranked in the top ten in the world.

Someone re-extracted the famous speech “I Have a Dream” by Dr. Martin Luther King, the leader of the black movement, calling on African Americans to “return to their ancestral land”, because the dream has become a reality there.

It is against this background that the African Federation published the “A Letter to the Black Compatriots of America”, calling on the African Americans to unite and defend the great motherland of their race.

“…The new Africa in the infancy is the hope of all our blacks… Armed threats, economic sanctions, someone trying to stifle our hope in the cradle…”

The open letter spread all over the world in just a few days.

While accusing the African Federation of interfering in United States’ internal affairs, the United States government prohibits the media from spreading and reporting the open letter on the grounds that it “incites citizen hatred”.

However, the more forbidden, the more attractive, and the slogan “Defend Africa” ​​has spread like wildfire in the African-American community.

On the streets of major cities, black-dominated marches gradually appeared to protest the United States government’s sanctions against the African Union.

More and more people gathered on the streets, and out of control incidents gradually appeared. Violent beatings, smashing and looting were frequently seen in the media.

The United States government had to dispatch a large number of police and National Guard to deal with the domestic situation.

Not only did the blacks of America take to the streets, but the blacks of other continents also began to speak out, calling on the United States to immediately lift the sanctions against the African Federation and to be transferred from the aircraft carrier fleet.

“Why can United States sanction the African Federation?”

People in the parade and many international media have raised this issue.

The African Union was established by the unanimous agreement of the heads of state and the National Assembly of 55 African countries. The political system basically copied the United States, and it is the largest democratic country in the world.

This newly born country has neither infringed on the territory of United States, nor attacked United States people overseas, nor did it have weapons of mass destruction or chemical weapons.

Why sanction the African Federation? The United States government did not answer this question and continued to blockade the African Union.

Liboville, the capital of Gabon, and the port of Owendo.

Today is a memorable day.

The governor of Gabon and media representatives from all over Africa gathered at the port to see them off.

The first super giant ship at the Owendo Mining Terminal and the largest iron ore ship in the entire history of Africa.

On the brand new mining wharf, a 400,000-ton super-large iron ore ship is berthed. The behemoth is like a land floating on the water, silent.

The ship was loaded with high-grade iron ore developed by the Belinga iron ore, ready to go.

The iron ore invested by MOIN Group was officially put into production a year ago, and a steady stream of iron ore is supplied to the world.

The iron ore on board was sent to Russia, but the crew was Indian.

A Russian company bought the iron ore, and the MOIN Group contacted a super-large iron ore ship from a French shipping company to deliver it to a port along the Black Sea.

The shipping company hired a group of Indian crew because they were cheap.

After the grand ceremony, the iron ore ship with complex composition sounded its whistle, slowly left the dock, and embarked on an ocean-going journey for dozens of days.

Among the farewell crowd on the pier, a dignified and beautiful Hua Guo lady wearing sunglasses, was being interviewed by the media, and chatting in the face of guns and guns.

“…400,000 tons of high-grade iron ore, with a total price of 140 million African dollars. Russian customers paid directly in African dollars. This is our first international trade in the currency of the African Federation…”

A white reporter asked: “Dr. Hu, how do you convert the Russian ruble to non-yuan? How is the specific exchange rate determined?”

Dr. Hu looked through the lens and fell on the reporter, not sure which media he was from, “Which media are you from?”

“I’m sorry, I’m a Reuters reporter.” The white reporter took the opportunity to stretch his arms, and the phone for recording was delivered to Dr. Hu’s mouth.

“Oh, reporter from USA…” Dr. Hu paused intentionally, causing people around to snicker, “I’m not involved in finance, and I can’t tell the specific details. I only know the exchange rate between non-yuan and renminbi. Fixed, so the exchange rate of non-yuan and various currencies can directly refer to the renminbi.”

A Reuters reporter asked: “Will you still use U.S. dollars for settlement in the future? For example, when trading with Japanese and Korean companies, which currency do you use?”

Dr. Hu nodded slightly, “You asked this question well, but you can ask it more directly: Do we still use US dollars for settlement in the future? In fact, we have never ruled out the use of US dollars for settlement, but now your USA does not allow the USA here to use it. Dollar.”

The Reuters reporter had to follow up and was stopped by Dr. Hu raising his hand, “There are three more questions. Let others have the opportunity.”

A capable black female journalist took the opportunity to ask: “Dr. Hu, United States has announced sanctions against the African Federation, prohibiting any country and company in the world from trading with the African Federation. How do you evaluate the risks of this shipment? Are you worried about United The States people will stop this huge ship?”

Dr. Hu thought that the pre-prepared lines could finally be used, and the corners of his mouth raised and said:

“We are just an enterprise, and we can’t manage matters between countries. However, we are now a company incorporated in the African Federation and must abide by the laws and regulations of the African Federation.”

“At present, the laws and regulations of the African Federation do not prohibit us from selling iron ore to Russian customers. The 400,000-ton giant ship can resist sea storms and the sea route is unobstructed. Therefore, we believe that this is a regular trade with risks. Control, unless pirates stop the ship…but we bought pirate insurance to hedge against this risk.”

“Dr. Hu, do you mean that the US military will stop the ship?” the black female reporter asked.

Dr. Hu smiled and said: “I mean pirates. It is pirates who rob and kill people in violation of laws and regulations at sea, no matter what nationality it is, whether it is the army or not. The last question!”

Another reporter raised his hand and asked: “Excuse me, Dr. Hu, if the United States Navy stops the ship, do you have a plan?”

Dr. Hu gently held his sunglasses, put a smile away and said: “If the United States Navy is willing to become a pirate, let them go!”

After that, surrounded by several assistants, she hurriedly left the dock and got into a Mercedes-Benz.

“It’s hot to me!” Dr. Hu took out a tissue and gently sucked the sweat from his face. “I just haven’t been used to it. Why do I have to wear so much on such a hot day? Isn’t it good for everyone to be relaxed and happy? …Hey, did I recite the lines just now? I always say that I have a low EQ and can’t speak, but it makes no sense to let me go to this kind of occasion!”

The person in the co-pilot turned around and said, “Full score!”

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