Chapter 519

Dong dong dong

Someone knocked on the door and came in.

“Mr. Chen, I’m ready.” The speaker was tall and sturdy, almost blocking the door of the room. The majestic and majestic was undiminished. It was François, Chen Ling’s top warrior.

After several years of development, Longli Security’s business covers every region of the African Federation. It is one of the largest security companies in the country, and it is gradually expanding in the direction of property management. The goal is to become a diversified service provider and no longer fight. Kill as the main business.

François has also retired from the second line, no longer the general manager of Longli Company, and only serves as the chairman of the board.

Now his main job is to be responsible for the VIP protection fund, build a strong elite team, only serve the most high-end customers, and the price is expensive.

The VIPs designated by Chen Ling are the core protection objects, and they are VVVIP.

Chen Ling sat up slowly from the sofa, put his feet flat on the ground, and turned his head to look out the window.

The evening sun was still dazzling, and he squinted his eyes.

“Bill didn’t come?” he asked.

François took a step forward, put the light blocking behind him back into the living room, and said, “He’s gone.”


“Yes, I drove away and returned to Abidjan.”

Chen Ling nodded and said with a smile: “This guy, don’t say hello to me… he still has opinions on me.”

Francois grinned and did not speak.

It’s a good thing that Bill is gone.

Anyway, Bill is from United States, a United States man who takes his identity as a United States seriously. When the African Federation announced the name of the country, Bill, who was already a father, actually quarreled with his neighbors with his child in his arms.

The neighbor is a former veteran of the Ivorian army.

Dr. Deyelica and Bill have moved in together, and they have two children-one of them is in the belly of Dr. Deyelica.

After the two were together, Deyelica insisted on going back to her hometown. Bill was a prodigal son. It didn’t matter. He followed her back to Abidjan in Côte d’Ivoire and the family lived a small life.

Chen Ling didn’t want to disturb Bill’s peaceful life.

What the veteran king needs is not the pleasure of discovering a family tragedy and ordering 100,000 soldiers to get revenge, but the bits and pieces of daily happiness.

Instead, Bill often took the initiative to take part in the action, as an adjustment in life. According to him, this is the best aphrodisiac. Every time he returns to Abidjan at the end of his action, he is like knowing De Yelika for the first time. Life starts again, and he will never get bored.

The recent actions have been related to people from United States. Chen Ling considered Bill’s feelings, so he no longer allowed him to participate, nor let him know the specific purpose of his actions.

Chen Ling didn’t want to make Bill embarrassed, much less wanted him to be the second or fifth boy who betrayed his country.

“Now Bill listens to Deyelica the most. You tell her, take care of Bill, and call him to play if you have appropriate actions in the future.” Chen Ling ordered.

Francois agreed: “Yes, I will call her now.”

He has only recently cooperated with Chen Ling’s actions and is not clear about the specifics of the actions. However, from the details that Chen Ling did not deliberately conceal, he can vaguely guess that Chen Ling’s actions are aimed at United States people.

As a descendant of a Frenchman in Africa, François’s emotional identity and political stance are obviously neutral.

However, François did not agree with the US military’s massacre of unarmed crew members and wanton destruction of other people’s assets, and even felt angry.

“Oh, yes.” François suddenly remembered something. “Molly called me in the morning. I listen to her. She is already in Africa and seems to be investigating the people behind the African Federation.”

“Molly?” Chen Ling immediately saw the beauty agent washing her hair.

Since the killing of the Quartet in Garamba, Chen Ling only contacted Molly once and asked her about Okapi, but then never contacted her again.

Molly is a senior agent of MI6, so it’s normal that she can’t get in touch.

François pulled a chair, sat down on Chen Ling’s side, and said: “She said that Africans have been torn apart for countless years, but suddenly they have gone through the process of reunification in a short period of time. This is abnormal. She asked me Are there any clues in this regard.”

Chen Ling sighed, “The establishment of the African Federation caught many countries by surprise. The United States people reacted the most fiercely, and the Europeans are not much better, but European countries have inconsistent interests in Africa… You ask her to contact me, I Have something to tell her.”

François looked hesitant, “Actually… she wouldn’t let me tell you about her contacting me.”

Chen Ling was taken aback and sighed secretly, but the situation of washing his hair became clearer, secretly regretting.

“You don’t have to be so embarrassed, you did it right.” He said, “Molly is an agent of the British government after all, and she has her position. No matter what she considers to come to you, don’t tell her about my whereabouts. So as not to see each other badly in the future.”

Francois nodded, “I’ll be careful.”

Chen Ling glanced at the clock on the wall and said, “Okay, that’s it. You wait for me for a while, and we will leave in half an hour!”

Francois agreed and got up and went out.

Chen Ling limped and walked into the bathroom again.

My third eye

Being fierce

Staring at this well


The beast in the corner of the eye

Thinking about

When will you be relieved

get freedom

Running towards the clear water

Swim towards that

A place with many companions (Note)

Chen Ling’s efforts in the bathroom ended in failure again, so he had to set off with the beast in the corner of his eye.

Target-Serengeti National Park at the junction of Tanzania and Kenya.

It is nearly 5,000 kilometers by car from Douala, Cameroon.

For this long-distance performance, François prepared three off-road vehicles and two off-road pickup trucks, each with two drivers, taking turns driving.

After suffering from the losses of the United States, Chen Ling didn’t dare to take the plane. If the U.S. military actually launches a missile and knocks the plane down, it is estimated that the security system will not be able to save him.

Douala has a population of nearly two million, traffic is congested, and houses on both sides of the road are in dilapidated conditions. There is still much room for improvement.

Chen Ling gradually fell asleep on the rickety car.

Two hours later, when the convoy entered the rural area, the scenery on both sides of the road changed. The dense vegetation clustered on both sides of the road. The smoothly moving car began to bounce, awakening Chen Ling.

He squinted and looked out the window.

It’s getting dark.

Choosing to set off before dark is to deceive people.

Although Chen Ling has already escaped the hunting of the Hermester contingent, and no longer uses any GPS products, the United States people may still find themselves.

There are billions of people in this land, how many of them are the eyeliners of United States people? no one knows.

Even the former opponents under the bed began to doubt him, and were no longer willing to be candid with him. Chen Ling, who was hiding behind the MOIN company, did not think that he was completely out of the sight of the United States.

Inside the United States, perhaps they have not yet connected Hermes and MOIN, but, who knows, someone will find the connection someday and overlay the images of Hermes and Chen Ling. Together.

Therefore, we must be cautious.

Chen Ling planned to finish the 5,000-kilometer journey in ten days and go out at night.

“Mr. Chen, when I retire, I want to be a farmer in Africa.” François kept his eyes open and didn’t dare to squint for a while when he saw Chen wake up and start talking.

He said: “Look, it’s a pity that there is a river nearby on such a large area of ​​land, but no one is farming it!”

Chen Ling’s heart moved.

Francois suddenly mentioned retirement. Why? Is he envious of Bill?

Bill is already semi-retired. Participating in the action is of a playful nature. Come and go freely. He has a stable family. His wife and children are hot on the bed, which is his harbor.

François continued: “In this land, you can grow bananas, cassava, corn, rice, tomatoes, onions, green peppers, okra, and you can raise cattle and sheep. There are so many things I can do. You can learn to make cheese, the kind that is naturally dried…”

A fighting elite who usually doesn’t speak much suddenly talks about disarming and returning to the field. This style of painting means that this life is not long in many film and television dramas.

“Haha, are you joking?” Chen Ling interrupted François quickly, “At this time we should talk about how to solve dinner.”

François froze for a moment, smiled shyly, and said, “I’m sorry… dinner is ready, we are in the pickup truck behind. According to the schedule, we will find a place to stop for dinner in another 30 minutes.”

Chen Ling smiled and said, “I’ll talk about things in the future. We only consider the present now!”

At this moment, someone in front of the convoy waved a flashlight to signal to stop.

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