Chapter 155 – Someone’s Teacher – 3

Blood gushed out like a fountain, and magic and swords collided. If it was normal Skadi, I would have wiped out those guys, but the symptoms of her chronic disease returned and she was in a state where she couldn’t use her power at all. I haven’t seen her dream come true yet, so I moved forward because I wanted to see her expression when she realized her dream.

After putting mana on his hand, he cast a spell. Because my everything existed for her dream.

“Earth horns rise!”

The horn of a sharp rock that rose from the ground pierced the assailant’s stomach and shattered his heart. It was a murder that I had done quite often in the past, but when I did it in front of her, a feeling of embarrassment about not knowing the name settled in my heart. I don’t know why. I don’t know. I don’t know. Why am I doing this… What is the awkwardness that is nestled in this heart.


The nameless awkwardness created a fatal gap. I finally allowed one of the assailants to attack me with a sword. If you do this, you will be stabbed to death. But strangely, even if he died, there was nothing to be afraid of.

The only thing that scared me a little was that I couldn’t hear Skadi’s lullaby anymore.

However, unlike me, who tried to give up slightly, Skadi strongly rejected that fate. She pushed me away and stabbed me in the side.

“Spring of the earth, rise.”

“Sword of the Earth, be strong.”

“Fangs of the earth, bite and kill.”

Even in that state, she slaughtered her enemies with magic. The magic was emitting a brilliant and beautiful light as always. I couldn’t do anything about that beautiful radiance. She was emitting that light as she squeezed her own life.


Unlike her beautiful bright magical radiance, she was bleeding muddy and dark blood.

“S… Master?”

“It’s really good. You’ve become repulsed by killing… I’m so glad that fact alone. Oh, is that why you’re dying…”

“Now don’t say anything… Get healed soon…”

“No, I know my body best. I’m wrong now. The time to return to the earth has come…

She continued to vomit black blood. The black color of the blood made me feel only dark fear, just like my emotion.

“You say you make that magic? You say it’s your dream? You’re not going to die without seeing it like this? So, just hold on…”

“hahahaha you fool… I told you… I want my dreams to come true… It’s okay even if it’s not me.

“No matter what it is! You have to see it first! Whatever it is, you have to die…”

I wanted to see her make that dream come true look. I hoped she would give me a hug with a satisfied smile.

“You’re really stupid.”

she hugged me tight Even in the cold rain, her embrace felt as warm as a campfire.

“I have already accomplished a lot of what I want to achieve.”

“What do you achieve… I haven’t seen the magic complete yet…”

“I became a teacher to a foolishly diligent disciple, and in fact, became a mother to a child who was very fragile… I showed the way of magic to a child who was lost and wandering… There will be no wizard who has achieved as much as I have. ..hahahaha…”

She started petting me. Even though everything in the world was rough and cold, her hand was warm like the sun, and her arms were as cozy as the arms of a mother she had never held.

Hot rain water started to run down my cheeks.

“You idiot… don’t cry… neither the ‘wizard’… nor the ‘man’… they’re not crying.”


“I’m not dying… Like the earth that supports everything… I’m just going to be a rock… that supports the path you and your descendants will walk on…”

Since that day, I have been able to see the beautiful light in magic. I haven’t heard the lullaby since that day.

I’ve hated rain since that day.

Did they say that when it rains, the earth is swept away?

A lot of things were washed away by the rain that day. No teacher, no light, no tears, no love.

That’s why I lost my teacher, my mother, my family, and my singing voice.


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No matter how painful it was, the guy called time ignored my feelings and ran at a savage speed. Seasons changed, war broke out, life was born, and life died. New things were born and old things disappeared without a trace.

“It’s been a while, Master. It hasn’t rained recently, so I couldn’t see you.”

A lot has happened over the past 20 years, but to me it was nothing more than a pebble on the dirt road on the way to achieve her dream.

“As I told you every time I came, there were some who did not acknowledge that I succeeded to the Mage Tower Master.”

From generation to generation, the elders of the Mage Tower have held the position of elders and their children. Since the lineage of the Tierra family, which held the position of the owner of the mage tower, was cut off, they claimed to be next. Of course, in their eyes, even if I was the adopted son, I, who inherited that surname, would have been seen as a thorn in their eyes.

Wizards say they don’t care about bloodlines as long as they have talent… but the Mage Tower of the Earth was different. Because of the honor of being the master of the Magic Tower, they were betting their interests and biting each other.

“So I made her shut up with magic.

Because that would be the way you want to be a ‘wizard’. There were a lot of other ways… but that’s because it’s not ‘manly’.

“Well, I’m currently conducting research to make your dream come true… but it’s difficult. I respect you for establishing a rough framework and theory.”

Twenty years have already passed, but all she had to do was to develop the work she had done only one-third to two-thirds. It was said that the beginning was half done, so my achievements were insignificant and insignificant compared to hers.

I put a white chrysanthemum on her grave. never cried Because it’s not like a ‘man’.

“Then next time it rains, I’ll see you.”

I always visited her grave whenever it rained. That way, it seemed like I could hear her singing, albeit faintly.

I tried to go back to the mansion through the pouring rain like that. Because there is still a lot of overdue research. But I accidentally dropped my pocket watch, so I bent down to pick it up. Cold raindrops continued to seep into my body.

But suddenly something covered the sky and stopped the rain. It was a red umbrella like Skadi’s eyes. There were some tears in some places, so a few drops of rain fell on my shoulders.

“use it.”

She was a beautiful girl with brown hair and golden eyes. Judging from her swarthy skin and rags, it was clear that she was a girl living in a slum. Knees and elbows were full of wounds, and around the neck there was a stab wound that appeared to have just been sustained.

“Kid, I’m fine. So use this for yourself.”

The little boy was smiling brightly despite his appearance.

“Mister, then he catches a cold. So he writes.”

“You’ll catch a cold if you don’t wear one? Besides, I don’t have a wallet, so I can’t even pay for an umbrella.”

“But you can’t just pass by someone in trouble. And there’s no need for a price. I’m doing it because I want to do it. Life is dead anyway, isn’t it better to die doing everything you want to do?”

Her confidence that she would do whatever she wanted to do, her kindness that would not pass by those in trouble… She was a girl who reminded me of Skadi in many ways.

If I had shown her the talent of a mage, I would have made her my disciple and made her the next Mage Tower owner. However, her circuitry had some serious flaws. I felt the suitability of being able to use earth magic… but my body didn’t follow suit. It was really a matter of talent.

“What’s your name, kid?”

“It’s Trisha.”

“What a pretty name. I want to know how old you are.”

“Five years old.”

It is said that children have recently matured prematurely, and the child was overly smart for his age. If it hadn’t been for that talent, he would have been a suitable disciple for the Mage Tower of the Earth.

“Little boy.”

If only she had talent…

“Follow me. I will pay for the umbrella in some other way instead of money.”

There was no need for the same assumption. Just as Skadi saved me for no reason, it didn’t matter if Trisha had no talent. Even if he had no magical talent, he was also a smart enough kid to live as my assistant.

“From now on, call me Master.”

In order to enter the Magic Tower, a justification was needed. And there was nothing more certain than the title of my disciple.

Even if I couldn’t teach you magic, I could teach you how to live in the world.

“By the way… you seem to like rain.”

“Why did you think so?”

“Because you were in the rain without an umbrella. Do you like the rain that much?”

“… No, I really hate rain.”

Soon the rain had stopped.

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