Chapter 157 – Someone’s Teacher – 5

I was an idiot. I was sick Because I didn’t know that the disciple’s body was turning into rags.

i was trash He was a worm that ate both his master and his pupil. After all, they both died because of me.

On a rainy day, it was only me and the old priest who attended the funeral. The elders of the Mage Tower, who burdened the child with death, did not attend, saying that they could not allow an orphan to be buried in the Tierra family graveyard.

“In the name of God, may there be no pain in Miss Trisha’s death. And may the Death Apostle guide the way…”

“Priest. There is something I want to ask you.”

“… what do you want to ask?”

“Who decides how long a person lives?”

The old priest hesitated before answering.

“Everything is ordained by God.”

“… Then, does God give you talent?”

“Yes. Talented or not… It’s all up to God to decide.”

“God… seems to have ordained all of them. This man has talent, this man has no talent, this man will die young, this man will live a long life…”

A cold drop of rain ran down my face. Unlike the old priest, I didn’t use an umbrella and caught the rain.

“Priest… you may go now.”

“Yes… Then what about brother?”

“It’s over now. It’s not yet time to pray for peace.”

I still had work to do.

I had to deny Master’s dream and the world that labeled Trisha as having no talent.

Master’s dream was great, and Trisha had to prove that she was a genius.

I took all the research materials and headed to the Magic Tower. To deny everything and prove everything.


Those who came to this presentation were all giants in the magic world.

All the magic tower lords were present except for the water magic tower lord who was absent due to problems with his daughter and successor. In place of the mage lord, even the genius archmage Werner, known as a hero, came. Although he was young, not even an adult yet, he was clearly the strongest wizard.

Trisha was a fan of his too, and I thought that Trisha would be delighted if he recognized my magic.

“I have called you here… to tell you about the magic that me, my master, and my apprentice have perfected.”

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Normally, I would have been very happy, but my heart was not beating. Instead of expectations, only the impatience to be recognized quickly and the anxiety of not making a mistake settled down.

“First of all… the basics of magic are chanting. Of course, there are magics that can be used without chanting, but in this case, the power tends to be relatively low, so it has not received much attention.”

Despite my explanation, Werner was looking at the distant mountain. Yes, it is still only an introduction, so I believed that it would be interesting to explain the theory in earnest.

“That’s why my teacher, Skadi Tierra, paid attention to the ignorant chanting magic. First of all, the chronic problem of magic, the chanting time…”

Werner suddenly took out something that looked like a cigarette from his pocket and lit it. I didn’t say that this place was non-smoking, but it was common knowledge.

“To overcome… He wanted to create a new magic without chanting. First of all, by excluding communication with the spirits and using only pure magic…”

Werner, who had burned something that looked like a cigarette, was now groaning with his hand on his forehead. He must have been drinking yesterday.

“I… I continued my research even after Master passed away. I devised the method of increasing the power of magic and the method of circulating magic power after deleting the chant. However, as for the method of replacing and operating the magic power afterwards, my disciple… “

I brought up Trisha’s name and wanted to acknowledge the child’s genius.

But Werner suddenly got up from his seat and said:

“I’m sorry, but I’m going to get up now. I’m not feeling well…”

“Sir Werner, if you leave, I will follow.”

“Ah then me too…!”

In an instant, several magic tower owners who worshiped him followed him. I haven’t been able to name the child yet… I haven’t been recognized yet…

“Sir Werner…!”

“Ah, I roughly stamped the new magic registration approval, so don’t worry.”

Werner said so and left. I continued my presentation while suppressing the unknown emotions that were rising in the dark. It was because he wanted the other remaining Mage Tower lords to acknowledge the greatness of this magic.

“That’s it. So the creators of this magic are Skadi Tiera, myself, and my student Trisha…”

Then, the fire mage lord raised his hand.

“I get it roughly, but I don’t like the fact that there are three initiators. Isn’t that Tricia in particular a defective product with a defective circuit?”


The magic tower of lightning raised his hand.

“Why don’t you just register under the name of the lord of the mage tower of the land? To be honest, the lord of the lord of the mage tower from the previous generation was also a prodigal daughter who had a lot of friction with the family of Carven, the shield that protects the imperial family, and defamed the honor of magic. Isn’t it?

“What the hell does that matter now…”

The wind mage lord raised his hand.

“Besides, if you ask me if I like the magic itself, I’ll be happy. It’s an effect that can be produced with just chanting magic, but I don’t know if it’s worth researching like this. To be honest, if you chant with that magical power, you can use stronger magic.”

“Where the hell am I going to explain now…”

“You can ignore the duration of the chanting. Are there any wizards who die from that magic because they couldn’t chant it?”

So people trampled on our dreams.

I was devastated. To the fact that our dreams were not recognized.

I was furious. To the world of magic and Werner Alton who trampled on our dreams.

I lamented. In the past, my teachers and disciples all gave their lives for a dream that would eventually be trampled on.

I was adrift. In the end, in the beggarly present with nothing left by my side.

I was sad. In the end, in the future where our dreams will be trampled on.

What pierced my heart the most were the words of the elders of the Mage Tower. Because I was in so much despair, I couldn’t even tell who said the words, so I dug into my heart properly for those words.

“Haa… Why would you want to put that untalented handyman on the list of wizards in the Mage Tower? Don’t be emotional, act like a little ‘wizard’.”

That painful word became a painful dagger and pierced my heart.

“Be a man and don’t get caught up in such trivial matters and grow a little.”

Everyone’s callous gazes became poison and made me suffer.

What is it like to be a wizard? What is manly?

Master, I don’t know. What is manliness? What should not shed tears even at the death of the teacher? I’m not sure. please teach me

Trisha I really don’t know. What is it like to be a wizard? Even if everyone’s dreams are trampled on, should I just go over? I’m not sure. Since you are a genius, you must know the answer, please tell me.

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No one gave me an answer. no one left by my side

The magic no longer showed me a beautiful light. It became a deep, deep darkness and covered my front. The magic incantation no longer sounded as sweet as the master’s lullaby. It sounded ugly, like the cry of a wild beast.

Then, the woman spoke to me.

“If you’re getting hit in the rain like this, you’ll get sick, right?”

“… A fallen saint. No, a devil who has been acting as a saint from the beginning.”

“So have you considered my proposal?”


The woman had come to me and asked me to hold her hand. But he refused. Because I wanted the world to acknowledge our dreams.

“I accept it.”

“I believed that you would understand our will.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I don’t care what you guys think.”

“hahahaha… Then why the hell are you trying to join hands with us and turn your back on the world?”

“… only to prove.”

If you deny me, Master, my disciples, our dreams and affirm this world…

Even if I kill you all, I will deny this world. Even if we become evil, Master, my disciple, and our dreams will prove how great they are.

If even that proves the proud god wrong… I will gladly throw myself into the abyss of evil and burn my soul in the flames of hatred.

“Anyway, welcome. There are many people here who can understand your pain.”

“… I don’t need the understanding of people like you.”

I stepped forward in the cold raindrops. It was the first step towards turning your back on the world.

“It’s blasphemy to refuse an umbrella from a saint like this.”

“That’s not what I want to hear from a prostitute whose very existence is blasphemy.”

The depraved saintess laughed and asked me.

“Do you like rain?”

I answered while looking up at the raining sky.

“Yes, I like it.”


A stream of hot rain ran down my cheek.

“…I’m neither a ‘man’ nor a ‘wizard’.”

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