Chuangshi in the Stone was stabilized by Phil 3 "under the 6 cells that can match" the strongest magic power, although it is definitely far from being able to match the powerful magic power contained in it, in business. But it has reached Understand the employment of the spirit, and it is also a countable divine sword. In other words, it is really placed in the treasure house of the king.

A bit of diligence appeared in her eyes. The moment Artoria saw the sword in the stone, her D movement after the battle was relieved from the bottom of her heart.

It was as if she saw Wen. Vivian saying "Only the most powerful and purest knight, R", this sword is a symbol of glory and nobility

back. It is a symbol - the blood of the national factory in Cherong Camp softened: "Today I gave you the station by Wei Wei An Ming Mo.

"Did you hear that? To Qianya-Yi M's cavalry, and to become the master of this holy sword. As a symbol. I hope you are Wu Lin teacher! I will definitely try to achieve that degree. Wu Lin's words made Aalto Yunya feel deep in her heart.

Looking at this dream-like scene, Mi Li D in the heart of former Mulu can understand that it is very likely that Chuan Lin and Wei Wei An are also deceived together.

Although Merlin did a good job, but. . Shop 5 (Existence of Destruction.m Beginning with Palin and King Mather's general Alto and Yagai Fang Guozhang, the reason why this holy sword man is to be controlled by Zerto is indistinguishable.

And according to some wine RR before the arrival of the big actor.... It is also for the battle that follows. On the contrary, in order to allow Artocia to inherit the time frame of the King of Inaccuracy with sufficient understanding, R

The battle with the "white dragon", the humble king, Futigeng 6. King Mather himself lost to Votigeng, Yi, and was seriously injured. I believe that the villain has inherited the existence of (the mystery of 9$), Ma Huiwang

Although King Se is not a good person, he is the incarnation of Yubuli Noodles, the rival of Dai Zhenggeng, the first doorman. But even so, it is not 0 Ruo Liu No. 7 a7 to use Ya to achieve victory. Tigeng is also extremely difficult, and even predicts that after the death of King Uther, the secret will be eliminated. Then, of course, Etovivian, who also owns the King of Crepe, Vortigern, created this creation stone, which perished with Vortigen. After that, even if it is not powerful. "The reason is to let Zelto refer to the identity of a businessman who takes the high life alone,

3 days 7 destruction, but at least Morgan Le Fay survived. E. But not so. This is of course, if Uther King Xiao Nairi's father's love seems to be in the identity of Aalto Qianya. But in fact, what about the lost years?

Really love the words of Aalto Qianya,

Chapter 282 Magic Teacher

The holy sword, the Sword in the Stone, obviously made Artoria excited. Of course, although the sword in the stone has been completed, it is not a good time to pass the sword to her judging from the age of Arturia. In the original King Arthur legend, Arturia was only 15 years old when she pulled out the stone. The sword inherited the British throne. But now, she is only ten

In other words, there are still five years before she grows up.

In other words, in the past five years, I didn't know what to do.-...-No. Even five years later, I didn't know what to do. Looking for the power that will allow big players to evolve? No clue. From the sound of the earth, I feel that although the British Isle is a mysterious area, it is completely incomparable with Mesopotamia. Even if you eat plum, the great actor may not be able to evolve. That is to say, besides playing Guinevere's life now, there is no other good way for him. But if that's the case, what's the point of not coming to order by yourself? If she really wanted to live a simple life, Limuru would rather choose to be an ordinary citizen in Uchank as an unfamiliar identity. Even as an ordinary person, watching Siqidu and Gurgamesh from a distance Alright. Although Artoria is not bad, and in a sense is a character that Limuru likes very's still very strange right now." Miss Guinevere, what do you think of Artoria ?"wh

Just when Limuru was thinking about it, Merlin's voice suddenly rang out. Only then did Limuru realize that the three people present seemed to be looking at him 2. What happened?

Why did Merlin suddenly ask himself this? It seems that they didn't mention anything related to him. " about it? Gmuru thought about it, "It's cute.

Her words made Artoria's face turn red. Obviously, this statement was unexpected by Arturia. Moreover, she herself was inexplicably happy after hearing this compliment. Seeing Artoria like this, Rimuru herself suddenly felt a lot of comfort. Let's not mention it in the future, the current Artoria is really cute. Although her character bears some shadow of the King of the Earth, she is a ten-year-old girl, and she is easily shy. "...If that's the case, how about you, Miss Guinevere, as Arturia's teacher? Before Rimuru could continue to speak, Merlin suddenly said. Liya was stunned, and even Limuru was stunned for a moment, looking up into Merlin's eyes. The oncoming eyes were full of sincere meaning: 'I can't teach Al because I don't do magic tricks myself. Tolia. On the contrary, I think Miss Guinevere seems to have a lot of experience in magic...F So, I hope you can serve as Artoria's third teacher and teach her magic."

I believe in you, even though Merlin's eyes were full of sincerity, Limuru didn't believe him at all. This **** must be secretly working on something. Calculating... So, do you want to agree?

I play Guinevere. In the legend of King Arthur, Guinevere is the wife of King Arthur. Even according to FG0, she is the honey of the people.. But! So, it has nothing to do with any teacher, right? To be Arturia's teacher? This... In this case, how can she justifiably marry herself in the future? Is it possible to follow the example - The Legend of Condor Heroes? Although it is not impossible, it will always make people feel very strange. And in the end, his apparent age is no more than one or two years older than Artoria, so why would Merlin say that?--In addition, this guy said he can't do magic, which is pure nonsense. Although Wu Lin really doesn't like singing, because singing may bite his tongue... It's really Gu. However, as a substitute for the crown magician. This guy's magic ability and talent are no less than Solomon's. It is famous even in later generations, and even Gwartz is revered as the ancestor of wizards (wrong).

All in all, if this guy really wants to teach Arturia magic, there is absolutely no problem in creating a magic-level King Arthur. Therefore, it is clear that the original

Even the big dog can learn the rune script under the guidance of Skaha, but Artoria only has some enchanted Noble Phantasms. This guy Merlin-.. really hateful

Lim wanted to refuse. However, the appropriateness of the words has become if it is a formality, of course, Shou wants to directly refuse, but I have to admit that if you avoid your heart, being a magic teacher of Arturia is not enough.

What's so bad though, there's probably no Princess Britannia anymore. To a certain extent, his own performance will also have a bad angle. But.... I don't care about it

And I don't want to see what happened to Britain in the end. I-Rimuru felt that if she could save them, it would be a good choice.

I'm afraid that inadvertently it will create a British Lostbelt. If that's the case, it's too bad. In a sense, the birth of the Lostbelt is equivalent to killing itself - the life of the entire world.

However, given the general trend, the destruction of Britain has little to do with Guinevere, right? Rimuru thought so. Therefore, she feels that

"Of course. If Arturia can have you as a mentor, I must be able to become a qualified knight. Isn't it, Arturia? Merlin smiled and looked at Ruo Arturia.

\"Ah, _..-.-. Artoria's face turned even redder, and at the same time, her eyes were also a little panicked. What is the situation, so that she could be the lady of Guinevere...--.. disciple?

To be honest, Arturia didn't want it in her heart. After all, Guinevere was about the same age as herself, maybe just a little bit older. But judging from the situation against the red dragon Jihara just now, Ms. Guinevere is indeed much stronger than herself. As a qualified knight, humility is also a necessary rule. In the face of someone who is qualified to be his teacher, he should not refuse Artoria to hesitate. When she heard Merlin say again, "Come and meet your new teacher, Arturia. Don't be stunned.", Arturia suddenly became more nervous, and she suppressed her emotions and stepped forward to see Guinevere: \"Guinevere children.... teacher?" Arturia Limuru looked at her and said, "Okay. I will teach you magic from today, but you don't have to do it. Just call me a teacher, just as I said before

\""--Altolia breathed a sigh of relief. Although they are still master and apprentice in essence, it seems that it is not so difficult to accept.-w

Of course, the most direct reason why Guinevere was appointed as Arturia's teacher was that Gorin saw that Limuru used two powers that surpassed the mysterious power of this world when she conquered the dragon. That kind of power, even Merlin himself can't use it. But that kind of power is just a manifestation. Since this Miss Guinevere can use such a powerful power, what about the basic magic skills? Merlin thought so.

At the same time, when he discussed with Vivian, he also felt that if Arturia could have a teacher who was good at magic, it should also be a good choice. After all, the holy sword aibur can also be called a magic sword in essence. If Artoria can master some magic, it will be much more convenient. Besides, this "person who descended from God" appears here, definitely It came with a huge mission. Perhaps, this mission is to teach Artoria Vivian to think so. All in all, no matter what, the two proposed it, and Rimuru accepted it. Just after Limuru agreed, the voice of the big actor suddenly rang: [0J, because of the completion of the special plot, the host's performance on Guinevere has been increased by 30%. Now Guinevere plays 50%, and the host has acquired inherent skills and magic skills. Rimuru was slightly taken aback by the voice of the top actor. What is this saying?

Could it be possible that Guinevere has magic skills in her own right? This - "Although it's not impossible. However, after acquiring this skill, Limuru suddenly found herself with a lot of magic theories that she wanted to call profound. Accomplishments. This level, even directly refers to the magician of the generation of God. There is even a skill such as "high-speed divine words". It stands to reason that no matter how powerful Guinevere is, it will never be better than the magician of the generation of God, right?

Limuru smiled slightly in her heart. It seems that the big actor gave Zi 2 the green light. After all, this world is different from the past, but it is for the evolution of the great actor. In other words, this is most likely a skill that the big actor checked himself and gave it to Rimuru. But.... this is just the icing on the cake for Limuru. Originally, after Limuru possessed Raphael, the "King of Wisdom", skills such as magic and swordsmanship were just casual. The analysis and insight possessed by the King of Wisdom, Raphael, is so powerful that he can easily grasp the principles of magic in an instant. What's more, Rimuru herself is not completely ignorant.

It may not be able to have its own experience like some powerful magicians, but it can be guaranteed that it is the power closest to this world. Of course, teaching others is completely fine, and even more fair.

It was because of this that he had the confidence to serve as Arturia's teacher. However, the opening of Raphael, the king of wisdom, is still limited after all, and it takes a lot of mental energy, not to mention a complete magic theory system, it also takes a long time to calculate. Therefore, it saved Limuru a lot of effort when the big actor took the initiative to offer the skills of magic skills. whl-cut. Seems to be all set. But at this time, another surprise occurred. °0B? Aren’t you the magic teacher of Alto Gya? After saying goodbye to Vivienne, Limuru asked Kihara to return to the nearby mountain on standby, and followed Merlin and Altolia to Eke Sir f's home. But when Wu Lin told Hector the whole story, the middle-aged knight immediately looked at Limuru, his eyes full of distrust: "This Guinevere-.- Miss. Let’s call it that. Logically speaking, as a knight, I shouldn’t doubt you without grounds, but are you sure you have enough qualifications to teach Arturia?

After Sir Hector asked this sentence, he looked at Merlin again: 'As Artoria's adoptive father, how can I let someone from unknown origin be Artoria's teacher! To be honest, Mage Merlin, there are You, a person of unknown origin, has already disturbed me very much. "Unknown origin... It's a bit sad for you to say that. After all, I am also an old friend of King Uther." Merlin said with a smile: "But in short, please rest assured Sir Hector, Guinevere has excellent magic skills and attainments, and she is the perfect teacher to be Arturia's teacher." I disagree!

But don't forget, humans are not the same as fairies! And something like magic is still regarded as an ominous omen by a large number of people in Britain. In the era of King Arthur, Europe was at the beginning of the Middle Ages. Although this time was not as absurd as it was later, the human aversion to magic and wizards has also begun to be born. At the same time, riding the soil is noble. However, in the eyes of some knights, if some disgraceful means are mixed in the duel, it will inevitably lead to the collapse of honor. This is also the reason why Hector doesn't want Arturia to learn magic, and Merlin doesn't care. After all, he is a friend of King Uther, and at the same time, he doesn't teach Arturia much magic, which Hector can do. sure. But this new girl was obviously different from Wu Lin. Wu Zhong Hector felt that she would teach Arturia seriously. If she's a master swordsman, that's fine, even Hector would be happy. But...she's a magician, and even Hector doesn't know if she's human. Hector didn't want the future King of Blindsun to become the disciple of a goblin or an elves. Even if elves in this era had no notoriety, Hector would always feel all kinds of worries. However, this is of course.

As the best knight in Britain in the time of King Uther, Hector raised Arturia for ten years, and these ten years have gradually transformed him from the heart of accepting the mission to the mentality of a father".P So i. For Arturia, he is really sincere.

Chapter 283 Duel

Remember KE^Z in one second. Read the book. First ^ send K direct access to mobile phone: m.wodeshug.


She has never forgotten about Hengshi Bei Ketuo, and she rarely had any preparatory studies before. Although she had never met this sergeant Hector, Abu Tuo Laihu was the candidate for the future king after all. Even if this king is in Limlu and I, the T-king in Fumulu's eyes, it is very likely that it is for King Uther's disaster. A king is a king. . Don't even admit it. Then the brain of the star King Arthur after Li Li has inherited an inexact force, not only a rich king, of course, Wenyi has a great relationship with her own personality charm. But there is no future of E0 in Arto's Arleigh-like Wanglue, which must have a great relationship with his serious tutoring.

Previously, Pamlu thought that such a tutor had a lot to do with King Uther. However, now it seems that it should be mainly due to the personality of this knight Hector.

Yes, if you think about it carefully, King Uther has already and with his character after the war with Vortigern, he should not have been seriously injured, and whether he is still alive in this world is a question. now,

Perhaps others are unlikely to pay too much attention to Aaltocia. The last time was spent with Morgan Le Fay, and he hadn't even thought about Zelto and Ya. However, it is precisely because of this. Although Sir Hector is indeed an excellent rider, and his love for Zeltoqianya is also true. However, he himself is old-fashioned enough. In addition, due to the reason of the dragon's heart made by Aalto, it is not so sensitive to human emotions to a certain extent. So M, Caihe gradually evolved into such a character under the guidance...-;

In other words, although the culprit of everything is Xianglin, of course, Hector, this 5mge8 is but Hector's adoptive father, which has the greatest influence on his Renge. The 7th area of ​​the lottery field is already in the @ post, after all, the destruction of the correct list is the legal choice of the world, the production period, the final release of 88, all the people in this film and the 9 must die and must be destroyed C Only in this way can Jingdai be able to truly die. "Because of this, since a few years ago, there have been various movements and disasters under the action of Zhizhi.

For no reason, the promotion of Lingyou is nothing more than the biggest smoothie in the match. The appropriate disease and dry nail level in the past month, even the new face and the unparalleled area, also see you at DBS

Ye Huangran himself will know that Erto's teacher is accurate. Anyway, if he didn't understand the demise earlier, then Erto's personal coup should not have much impact. Oh Hector, I can't say that. It's really disturbing. Please let the teacher wait for Cloneville now. She """ Wu Linpi wants to say something, but at this time, he guides Aalto's career. From swordsmanship, from magic, from All aspects of the general morality of personality. This is my mission, I suddenly said this. Such a reference made everyone present suddenly stunned.

Aren't you a magician?

Artoria thought so - at this moment: "What a joke! Hector is furious. Originally, Shunlin's words have turned him into a rage. Since Bi Liangzhilin himself is the best of the Ukrainian King A friend, and a powerful wood-seeker, it doesn't matter if Dianya recommends a magician to be Arturia's teacher

Ethnic occupational soil is shocking though. The allies know that this is unstoppable, if Lelin wants to, King Wuhui can teach the same to Genisier the magic of Ertoria.

The reason why he said those words was more because of Hector's personal incompetence and the opportunity, but what he didn't expect was that this

Not only the magic wood, but also in terms of swordsmanship and personality and morality. Then what are you doing? If all of you are in the 8th area of ​​Gurney, then what is the meaning of your existence. It's not important to be different. Intentional expense. The location is very small. What kind of regiment is Shawenmo that makes him the unparalleled in the middle of the world in terms of spiritual development. Is the 8 skills quasi 0 stronger than himself as a knight? Not to mention his personality and morality. !ali "District" Miss Guinevere, no matter what, Palin is also a jerk. Of course, it is different from the hesitation on the outside, but Green's heart suddenly surges with the 7+2 troubled location "Unpacking" The secret leak of the child has aroused a lot of interest, and it can even be said to be some kind of very skinny "everyone".

Seems different

Lin's Yu Li is "Ge Chuan Lei's intellect. Although his personality is similar to Guer Puying's intellect, he actually has a limited responsibility. In this aspect of premonition, Lin cannot respect the omniscient and holy energy. But the future, who can only see a small part of his body, bought Red Dragon and E Yuan B, not the last Kamran battle.

At least until the 10% of the quest for Votiger, Merlin didn't see a humanist like "Gurney Zanger" who said that the battle to ask for Votigeng was not the collection period of the Brena era-H\ "It was a bag, but she appeared in vain. Green was even more interested. The energy bag that appeared at the same time. The Gurney quilt that appeared in the machine a87 made everyone witness the emotions of the students, and it also became a dream face. Green's best fang

. Kate, you are the father of the Aalto system and that's why your duty is to serve the Aalto system. As for the teacher's responsibilities, if there is a more suitable person than you, you should also be obliged to communicate with that person.

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