And even though Hector had grown old in five years, he was once the most powerful knight in Britain, and his swordsmanship was—wait for it—formidable. The fact that Cortoria was able to beat him was a testament to her strength. 1 That is to say, Artoria's swordsmanship has far surpassed that of the original Knight King, and even surpassed the future Lancelot and Gawain. And that's not all... In addition to swordsmanship, Artoria also learned some commonly used magic. Although her aptitude in magic is not very good, perhaps because the aptitude of the red dragon is not suitable for magic, even with Limuru's teaching, Arturia can't compare with Morgan Leffey, but at least it has reached the level of ordinary magic. The level of the teacher. Therefore, Limuru's words are not just words. In terms of swordsmanship, Arturia has not reached the pinnacle, but in terms of simple understanding, she is no longer under Limuru, and the rest is to bring out her own uniqueness. That's it. As for... Artoria's qualifications, there's no need to go further. And now this level has been able to be competent for the level of the heroic spirit of the spell. wh "Let's stop here for today's teaching, and then prepare for dinner." Limuru said. After mentioning the word "eating", Arturia's eyes suddenly showed excitement: "But speaking of it, Guinevere, you should also eat a little more. You were obviously older than me, But now it looks like I'm a lot older than you.

Rimuru's expression didn't change when she heard this. In the past five years, Shou has made some slight changes in his body, but he did not follow Artoria's rhythm. Yes, even elves have bodies that change over time. Although I don't have any obsessions, I still do a little bit of pretense on this point, but I don't have any special plans, just to make Artoria's sense of disobedience less. Compared to Artoria In terms of changes, it can be said that it is even small. wh "I prefer the food I eat in my dreams to the real food. I can eat as much as I want," Limuru said. Of course, Artoria-instantly realized what Limuru was referring to. . In addition to the actual training in reality, Limuru also has a special training method, that is, dream training. Use the power of Merlin's nightmare to enter Artoria's dream. Then do real combat training to Arturia in the dream, or

Nightmare's powers are, of course, borrowed. In the dream state, any method that is free can be used, and it is also good for the absorption of training, which can strengthen the subconscious fighting talent. But in addition to this, there is a magical function, that is, there are all kinds of food in the dream. And no matter how much you eat, you will never really feel full. It can be said to be a weight loss tool, a food gospel. Although Limuru doesn't need to eat, it's also a very interesting thing to do this in a dream, "beautiful stallion". At this moment, Arturia nodded after listening to Limuru's words, He shook his head again and said: "Indeed, although under your guidance, Guinevere, I am also very obsessed with food, but I still feel that food is more important than delicious food and filling my stomach. Compared with Lim Lu is purely for the sake of delicious food, but Arturia adheres to the principle of never wasting food. Of course, delicious food is also very important. But eating all the time but not getting enough will always give her some sense of unease, as if the food is lost After all, the words that Limuru taught before, "The dining room is like a battlefield" can still be seen clearly in Aalto Qianya's expression. Limuru's cold expression, which has always been disguised, suddenly smiled, making Aalto Liya stayed for a moment

In my memory, this "Guinevere" teacher seemed to seldom laugh-.. However, for Limuru. Five years is not a long time, but it is not short. I am afraid that the time of living in Mesopotamia is not so long. But here, it was fleeting. "Altolia, the stable horse is about to give birth! At this moment, another voice sounded, and Sir Hector, who was a little old, was holding a huge wooden Barrel greeted. And when Arturia heard the news, her eyes were immediately attracted, and she hurried over with Limuru's agreement. "It's also time to look at Arturia's back, Limuru knows , at the moment she is 15 years old. She is close to the day when she will draw the sword in the stone and become the king of Britain

I've been looking forward to that day for a long time.- However, it should be a few more months. Until then, there is one more thing I have to do. Rimuru thought so. Night came slowly. After guiding Arturia in the dream, it was about early morning when Rimuru came to the forest of elves. At this moment, Merlin with short rainbow-colored hair appeared in front of Limuru wearing the same robe as before: "Ah, Miss Guinevere, it seems that you feel it too? The holy sword you asked for has not been long ago. The production is complete. I asked Vivian to make the materials I searched for. Although it is not necessarily stronger than the sword in the stone, Merlin said with the expression of the past. In the past five years, due to Limuru, he has been relatively close. The manor where Artoria is located. This is mainly because Limuru is wary of him." But even so, Limuru asked Merlin to help forge another "Holy Sword" Yes, that is, the future After the sword in the stone was broken, the holy sword "Chopping Steel Sword", which is the sword of oath of victory, was made by Vivian, the fairy in the lake for Arturia. , Although he felt that Arturia had different goals from his own, Rimuru gradually liked and cared about her. Regardless of whether or not Rimuru was destroyed, he might not stop him, but, for Votigen, he But don't want surprises. Although it is reasonable to say that this should be the world of official history, but it is not necessarily that there will be no episodes of alienation. Therefore, for such a powerful existence, if he doesn't go there himself, he must try his best to give Arturia a reassurance, so Limuru's purpose is to "slash the steel sword", and I ask Merlin to do it. . And Merlin, since he also had his own plans for the existence of "Guinevere", he did not refuse. At this moment, when Merlin saw Limuru's questioning, he gently stretched out his right hand, - the holy sword shining golden gradually appeared on his right hand--I thought this was the sword of oath of victory. However, after seeing the holy sword, Limuru's eyes stagnated slightly - momentarily: "You, the holy sword I want?

Chapter 288 Merlin's Random Thoughts

The golden radiance gradually began to fade away, and after the radiance completely disappeared, what appeared in front of the former Mulumin was an earth-riding sword with a pounding power.

Different from the golden brilliance at the beginning, its shape looks like the light of a lake, and the whole body exudes a light brilliance.

Although its appearance is as delicate as Gang Liang, it is not the "Sword of Oath of Victory" in my impression. "Indeed, according to what you said, this sword is in the hometown of elves outside the world - Ava Tong. , the holy sword forged by Wei An with its fragments,

Green said, "Although this holy sword is not as powerful as Shizhong Chuang, it is still very powerful, and it can be said that it is not under any legendary holy sword."

Limuru couldn't help but hope in her heart. However, this truth is also in God’s calculation. Maybe. Car Tiaojian is not more than 2-person, can be set out in advance, the steel sword, the successful one is said to be the victory of the oath.... The description in F6O is not the legend of the king of anger It's as simple as the so-called "Sacred Sword Made by Stars"

Its essence is the crystallization of the inner sea of ​​stars, representing the soul of the planet. Therefore, its scabbard is \"Awa sleep", and it is the strongest fantasy holy sword on the planet, second only to 6A and other powerful treasures,

It can be said that its strength is to surpass the sword in the stone. Of course, if the sword in the stone reaches the peak of collapse, it will also have the power close to the victory of the oath, but the current holy sword is powerful, but it is obvious

It's weaker than the Sword in the Stone, let alone the "Sword of Promised Victory". - Before the beginning, Mulu felt a little wrong when he felt this power, but now it seems that it was his own words that made Vivian misunderstand. Therefore, although it took five years and Sun Yun used the crystal fragments of Ava Weizhong, it was not beneficial to create the "Sword of Oath Victory".

If that's the case, the former Mushuang should instead hope that the true sword of oath victory will not be affected.

"What's the matter? Is there anything wrong?" Merlin asked again.- nothing. Thank you, Wu Lin." Rimuru gently took the holy sword from Green's right hand.

It always felt strange that Merlin's expression had not changed, but he began to ponder in his heart that Tang. Yes, although it was subtle, Green's observational power still noticed what concerns "Gurney Quilt" Yiping had.

Could it be the sword's problem? Since five years ago, Greene has been thinking about how to solve that "Ex-Mushuang" since he suffered a lot in "Guinevere's dream."

In the end, Wu Lin gave up thinking. Keke, it's not quite accurate to say that. About "Using Mleite Empert. With Green's clear test, if God is really from Gurney If Wei'er is released from his body, then the world's destruction is only a matter of time. Even if he was employed in Avalon, the Inner Sea of ​​Stars, he probably wouldn't be able to stop that kind of existence.

However, this does not mean that Merlin can only wait for his death helplessly. After thinking about it, he finally felt that the only way to stop the "Ex-Muru: Ten Pesot", I am afraid there is only one- that is all

The cooperation of force\"Logneville" Merlin learned from Vivian that Guinevere came from some mysterious existence. At first, Green only thought that it was a kind of main god-level existence.

At present, it seems that the other party is also free in the universe, some kind of galaxy-level existence. Yes, although most of the world creation species have been sealed or left by themselves for various reasons, there are also a few existences that have not completely disappeared.

Instead, it is free in the universe. For example, the origin of the legendary Greek gods, the original order of Chaos, time and space, and the carrier itself, the beginning and beginning of the world. Although Shoujo disappeared at the beginning of the Age of Gods, but it was not sealed, but it is said that he went to a space where he could never interfere with this world.

However, the so-called "forever" is just a statement. It's like four hundred years ago, a "Lord" who had already passed away still sent his "son" to this world by some means, no. Not only that, the same is true for the existence that Merlin who was born in the east could not observe a thousand years ago.

Law pregnant blindly produced such a "sage". From this, it can be seen that even the Creation Seed that has already disappeared, if it does not die, it is not impossible to reappear at any time. Although no matter

The existence of Fang, the "Holy Son" from four hundred years ago, finally left. However, the former "Guinevere" is likely to be an existence similar to that **** Christ. It was sent to this world by a higher-level and more magical being, with a mission similar to that of **** Christ. If this is the case... don't think about any countermeasures yourself. Because if Guinevere herself has a mission, then this is nothing more than a game. Chess tells her own story, while Berlin

You can enjoy the fun of being a bystander, and of course help Guinevere at the same time, lest the "Pumlut Embest" best defeat the "God Brittle" who sent Guinevere here.

Therefore, in the past five years, Merlin has been obedient to \"Gurney". Even Wu Lin did not hesitate to use the power of the dream demon at the bottom of the box.

Of course, this holy sword is the same. And \"Guinevere asked for the suitability of this holy sword, and Wu Lindi-time of course didn't think about Aalto Qianya. After the "mission" of Lonnie's quilt, Wu Lin even took Guinevere. The matter with Artoria is seen as two things, although

Guinevere's face is very similar to Arturia's, but it might just be a medium in Merlin's eyes. Using the soul or body of Aalto Crafts, a similar existence was created again in this world, and it came. As for why with Aalto

see two things

So when Guinevere made a request for the holy sword, Wu Lin naturally thought that there was a reason for this.

But judging from the reaction of the other party, it seems that this holy sword is not the one that "Guinevere" wants, but think about it carefully, it is of course. Although the holy sword in front of me is powerful , but not how much Ertoqianya's sword in the stone, since this is a pair of

Naturally, this \"Guinevere" is not of much use.

If that is the case. "Miss Guinevere, if you think this sword is not powerful enough, Vivian said that there is another Noble Phantasm in Avalon." Berlin said "That Noble Phantasm is 3 of Avalon's "Qi Xin, located in the inner sea of ​​the stars, nurtured by the planet itself. . . - Once that Noble Phantasm is born, the entire power of the Noble Phantasm will be contained in the Noble Phantasm. That Noble Phantasm will then surpass any artifact and become the world

The most powerful being. Wu Lin suddenly thought of this. Could it be that what Guinevere wanted was "that Noble Phantasm"? Although Greene wasn't sure if that was "ar. In terms of scale, that Noble Phantasm is much larger than the sword. But" 0 really

Is it a relatively large "gold"? If so, then maybe it really is. Also, the holy sword that represents the planet may be able to cause damage to that "Rimlut Embest". .

If so it makes sense. And after Green made this sentence, Lim Shuang's eyes lit up at the same time. Yes, it should be that the so-called "Noble Phantasm nurtured by the planet" may have been misunderstood. The sword of the oath of victory, in FGO, does not seem to be forged by the elves, but by the planet itself. And along with the birth of that holy sword, there is a truly powerful existence, that divine weapon that surpasses the cut, the "sheath" that even the stray sword can't hurt - Avalon. Avalon is definitely extremely precious to the 2nd. A powerful artifact. Compared to Avalon, the swordsman who vows victory is like a subordinate creator


It seems that this sword has not been born yet.- However, since that is the case, there is no need to force it. "It should be that Noble Phantasm, but thank you Luelin. Since the sword is still there, it will be born naturally when it is born.

use other means. Limuru said. And in an instant, Merlin confirmed his conjecture even more. Of course! The purpose of "Gurney" in Area 0 was really for that "Noble Phantasm". The only way Pace can hold it is that

It's called "Holy Sword".

Merlin secretly confirmed in his heart, and at the same time made a call to Vivian to pay attention to the "Holy Sword\"", since it was the holy sword that defeated \"Demon King", then you must watch it carefully for a long time. Okay, once the holy sword arrives at the birth master, it will be handed over to this little guy immediately.

To be honest, it was the first time that Wu Lin was so concerned about a matter. After all, it was just like **** Christ defeated me 400 years ago. If Xiu hadn't

Although Merlin, who is a nightmare, is not qualified to speak of Satan. But, presumably the world will become very boring by then. And if the "former Mulu Tespeth" is really like the one in the [Dreamland], then he will be an existence that knows more evil than Shudan!

Green wants to see an interesting story, even if it's not a good one. For him now, witnessing the inaccurate destruction is a good painting. If you witness the whole world being swallowed by that black mud, then

It would be a bit over the top. After all, that is something that the Lord can only see once, and after reading it, he will never see any story again. Wu Lin doesn’t want to end with that kind of story.

the rest of his life. Moreover, the story of the beautiful girl Guinevere defeating the evil demon king, "Since this sword is not so important. --- Let's give it to Alto Yunya?" At this time, Green said again. Although in Green's eyes, the story of "Gurney's victory over "Mruten Pace" is already the highest priority. However, Green still

Anyway, this holy sword is not important to Gurney Quilt.

But "No, Aalto Qianya will get that P soon, right? Since that's the case, there's no need to add another one." Limuru

Say....Berlin opened her eyes slightly, "Guinevere" actually knew about the sword in the stone? It's hard to believe that she has also seen through "Alto Qianya"

Come\"? Sing..but it's a normal thing. Biga said that for **** Christ, seeing the future is as easy as eating and drinking. Guinevere

It is not surprising to have a dry eye that surpasses your own. Unconsciously, Green would always associate the girl in front of him with "Jesus Christ" or \"Sakyamuni" and other saints and sons who have existed in the past.

As for the former Mulu, he didn't think too much. What kind of plans Green has, Xiudage can tell, but he doesn't care too much. As long as the opponent can stand on the 2-side most of the time, that's fine. As for the critical moment, box Shizhong never hoped to persuade him to escape.

Berlin. In my impression, Green mostly likes to escape in front of battle, except for going to the battlefield in the Absolute Demonic Front. At the critical moment, he also abandoned Artoziya and fled alone—although this cannot be asserted.

"Also, this holy sword is not very useful for Aalto's system." Green nodded.

If it is the holy sword in Avalon, there is no need to say more, but the holy sword in front of me is no better than \"alburn\', to Alburn

Although Toqianya cannot be said to be completely useless. But it's not very useful either.

Wu Lin thought about what he said, Qian Shilu didn't answer, but wanted to go back with the holy sword in his hand. When he turned around, Li suddenly thought of a question and asked.

: "Merlin, the name of this sword is "Oh,. _... Wu Lin wants to answer.

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