As for the Mother of Wudang, she was the only immortal who escaped from the disciples of the Intercept, and she was also a direct disciple of Lingbao Tianzun. Of course, the ending of the teaching could not be said to be very good. The twelve top immortals under the sect of Chanjiao, who are called "twelve golden immortals", were intercepted by the sect of Sanxiao Niangniang. The realm fell to the mortal. And among these twelve golden immortals, Cihang Zhenren is one of them. So I say that if you look at it according to this statement, now Limuru's \"the disciple of the real person of Cihang" actually has a grudge with this "unserved Virgin's split spirit". It is natural for this goddess of Lishan to misunderstand her intentions. It should be said that fortunately she did not say that she is "the real person of Cihang". After all, the goddess of Mount Li and the real person of Cihang must have really met, or even played against each other. However, if this "misunderstanding" continues, there will be nothing to say. If Limuru really admits this deep hatred. Still want to learn immortality from the other party? If the other party is not incapable, it is estimated that he has already worked hard with himself by now. If Xiu is really a disciple of Chanjiao, there is an immortal world behind him. Nowadays, there is no need to tangle so much, but the problem is.... Xiu is a fake! Behind the sleeve is an illusory real person Cihang, and in fact that real person Cihang is also his own role: so From Limuru's point of view, unlike herself, the goddess Lishan is a real immortal. And I am just a "pseudo-immortal". If I can't handle this relationship well, I have no mountain world to let her return. After all, I doubt whether there is an immortal world Limuru in this world. "The goddess of Mount Li? My name is Chicao, and I am the servant of the real person of Cihang in Putuo Mountain in the South China Sea. Limlu's thoughts turned and her face was still calm and said: "I also heard the name of the Virgin of Wudang from the teacher. After all. Logically speaking, since you are from the Shangxian Mountain of the family, you have the same origin as the ancestors. Then I should have called you Shishu. Today, the teachings have ceased to exist, and you are a Taoist spirit, not far from my origin. For so long, please forgive me for daring to call out \'Fellow Daoist.

"What? The teachings don't exist anymore!?"

- The goddess of Mount Li, who has been calm until now, suddenly looked shocked when she heard the words. She looked shocked, her brows furrowed tightly, as if she couldn't believe it: 'How, it's possible! You obviously won the battle of conferring gods... It stands to reason that after obtaining such a victory, you guys Limuru should have been shocked when she saw the goddess Lishan. The suspicion she had been thinking all along suddenly became clear. it is as expected---!

If it is said that the Immortal Virgin has been living in Mount Li since the Conferred God War, then she will not be shocked when she says that "the teachings no longer exist" by herself. But now that she has Showing such an expression. That means one thing - one thing - she is not a fairy in this world. She is not much different from herself, and she came here from other worlds, even other time and space. She just relies on her own. It's a big actor. She may have relied on other methods. Furthermore, one can also infer another thing: the battle of conferred gods did not happen in this world! One world, another time and space, maybe pan-human history, or maybe it happened in other time and space. But when the Virgin Mary finally escaped her life in that battle, she relied on some method to divide her own soul in a way. The incarnation was sent here. From the point of view of mythology, the Virgin of Wudang continued to do well after the Conferred God War, and later established the White Lotus Sect and accepted many disciples, including

But from Limuru's point of view: the Goddess of Mount Li in front of her now cannot do the same. It should have cut off contact with the body of the "Immortal Virgin" for unknown reasons. It does not share most of the 2 memories of the ontology, nor does it share the powerful immortal power of the ontology. So r didn't know anything about the events after the Battle of Conferred Gods. Even judging from the previous sentence "the demons can't get out of the Qin state", it is very likely that the goddess of Mount Li is also restricted by some restrictions and cannot get out of Mount Li. Otherwise, she will definitely come up with bigger moves after so many years since the beginning of the Zhou Dynasty. This can also explain why he can defeat her so easily. After all, the power that can be destroyed by the main body of the "Notre Dame" is definitely much stronger than that of the current goddess of Mount Li. Although from the point of view of combat power, it is enough to compare with the main **** of Mesopotamia, But in fact the main **** is also strong and weak. For example, if Anu did not have the Bull of Heaven, he would definitely not be Enlil's opponent.

And if it is Bienlil. Even the current Ike is not confident that he can defeat Enlil who is the Lord God of Storms and the Sky I. No, it should be said that against Enlil, if you don't use restraint, you will still lose. After all, the "Nammu-Duranki" that he used to control the Ending Sword and the Deviating Sword was not very useful to these main gods. Of course, if he used the restraining power, it would be another matter. It's just that his real name is \"Nammu-Duranki\" when he activates the sword of deviation and the lock of the sky. If you face the goddess of Mount Li, there is no doubt that you can win. . From the point of view of strength, although the system is difficult

In comparison, as a direct disciple of Lingbao Tianzun, even if she did not become the ancestor of the White Lotus Sect, it should be difficult for her to defeat her. Especially in the face of the Eastern Immortals, the "Sky Lock" that he regarded as his trump card could not be used. After all, from the point of view of enlightened beings and Nezhas, it is reasonable to say that immortals and Buddhas should not have the attribute of "divine nature". Maybe it will come after I get on the Conferred God List. But anyway, one thing is true. That is, the goddess of Mount Li must have the memory of "Xianshu" in the Chinese Shen Dynasty (or Xian Dynasty?) when she was the "Wu Dang Virgin". Then, in this case, her current goal is to Find a way to fool out these "magic tricks"!

PS: Personally, I think that the divine nature of Sanzang is a bug in the setting of the moon shape. Of course, if it is round, it can come back round.

Chapter 159 The Frozen Sages

"Could it be that one--As a virgin virgin, you don't even know about the Second and Second Sects? Didn't Lingbao Tianzun tell you?" Limuru asked herself pretending to be puzzled.

The goddess Lishan fell After a long while, she sighed softly and said, "Chan... Fairy Chiyuan doesn't know something. Since the Conferred God War. I see the decline of the Intercept Cult, Teacher Tianzun disappeared again. I thought that the teacher had also encountered an accident. "I fled outside the vacuum of the universe at that time, but I expected that if a few patriarchs wanted to hunt me down, they would not be able to escape even in the vacuum. Therefore, in order to preserve the Dao Lineage of the Intercepting Sect, he had to take a risk, using secret techniques to differentiate 30,000 Ways of Dividing Spirits, intending to travel to different time and space, to preserve a ray of life for the Intercepting Sect. "Shocked by the power of the chaos of time and space. Most of the 30,000 sub-spirits perished on the road, and there is no one left-... but this body was lucky enough to come to this world, but even so, it also cut off contact with the main body. , unable to learn what happened in that world, let alone find a way to return. When the goddess Lishan said this, the expression on her face seemed to suddenly relax a lot, and 1 still maintained her eyes closed and said: "I can't think of the battle of the gods. After that, the interception is no longer there. But the teachings won the victory, but also died out? But in fact, I should have thought of it long ago. If it is a supernatural being like Yuanshi Tianzun, he really wants to destroy the sect. Even if I escaped here, Limlu, who should be unavoidable, nodded and said, "So when I came, you thought it was a misunderstanding, right? The goddess Lishan didn't respond, but she acquiesced. The two faced each other in silence for a long time—in fact, Limuru had other ideas. After all, he was dancing on the tip of a knife. Even Ike, who is not good at intrigue, At this moment, I had to think about how to win the trust of the goddess of Mount Li. When the atmosphere was a little awkward, the goddess of Mount Li said: \"All in all, since Fairy Chiyuan can be regarded as a disciple of an old friend, the disputes between the sects have now been resolved. go. Then come with me into the Lishan Temple - let's talk about it... Speaking of which, your magic weapon is really scary. Although most of them don't look as powerful as the previous two.

Limuru's heart skipped a beat, and she gathered up all the "king's treasures" behind her. In fact, this is of course. The treasure of the king today is the product of God Enki's collection of artifacts. Although the Noble Phantasms behind him are not as much manipulable as the future Gilgamesh, most of them are also extremely powerful, and are called "artifacts". What the goddess Lishan didn't know was that most of the artifacts behind Shi's body, Limuru, could not be manipulated freely. At most, it's just a tough obscenity and lose "the principle of creation, so that it can liberate its power like a stray sword, but if this is the case, it would be better to use the stray sword directly. Therefore, in the eyes of the goddess Lishan. , she took out hundreds of powerful magic weapons at once, which gave people a shocking feeling: maybe this is the key reason why she gave up resistance. Before the cultivation base has reached a certain level, the magic weapon is still very powerful... Not to mention that the two of them are now talking about "cultivation base\" or the degree of magic power, and Limlu is even better. Limlu looked at Limlu. The mountain goddess turned around, so she followed. However, Xiu still did not relax her vigilance. After all, the goddess of Mount Li seemed to be "relaxed" too quickly, as if the other party had already anticipated the ice release of the second religion. For example, with such deep hatred and hatred, even if he said this, whether the other party can believe it is still unknown. Originally, Xiu also prepared more words. But now I haven't had time to say it. So i Rimuru has no hostility on the surface, but on the inside, she is more affectionate.

The two quickly entered the Lishan Temple. The appearance of the Lishan Temple was beyond Limuru's expectations. The shrine is in the depths of Mount Li, but it is not so much a "shrine", it actually does not have any magnificent decoration. This seems to be an "ice shovel", and among the ice staff, there are hundreds of statues frozen in ice facing Limuru, which makes Limuru feel a strange atmosphere in an instant. Each of those "ice sculptures" is lifelike, if you don't--if you feel it carefully, it should be a real person frozen by waves. Some of them are old and some are young. There are men and there are women. The clothes on the body are also different. "This is Limlu looking at the many ice sculptures." These people have existed since the flood control period, and they are famous people. "Lishan Goddess said lightly. Big---!" Limuru couldn't help showing a bit of surprise on her face. "If I were a fairy, I would be surprised too." Lishan Goddess said lightly. At that time, when I came to this world, I thought that I had traveled into the past. But it soon became apparent that the world was different from the one we had experienced. She walked to the depths of the temple, pointed to a frozen ice sculpture, looked at Limuru, and said, "Although the appearance may be different, presumably the fairy can recognize this one, right? Limuru carefully observed the ice sculpture. What is frozen in the ice sculpture is - an old man with white beard and hair, the old man's face has a deep and indifferent look, - his eyes are very deep, as if he has penetrated into the universe, and is all-encompassing. Who is this person, he For a while, it was nothing but an impression. But looking at the expression of the goddess of Mount Li, he knew that this must be the existence that "the disciples of the teachings" must know. So he made a look of extreme shock. In fact, when the goddess of Mount Li was After really saying the person's name, Limuru's disguised shock became real: "Not bad. This is the master... but, the master of this world seems to be just an ordinary mortal, not an immortal that has existed in the chaotic period. This is-... a Taoist Lao Tzu!! Lao Tzu was also frozen here by the goddess of Mount Li!? Unbelievable. Just before, Limuru had speculated that the father of this world, but he didn't expect to appear in front of his eyes now. Isn't it rumored that he has already left Hangu Pass and left the land of China? Now it seems that the goddess of Bili Mountain has been frozen here. But... if you think about it, it's not impossible. After all, let alone the Goddess Lishan who personally witnessed the existence of the Battle of Conferred Gods, even if it was herself, if she could do such a thing back in the past, she would definitely do it. After all, this is a living "sage". Wait. The goddess of Mount Li said that the ice sculptures here are characters that existed during the flood control period of Dayu - Limlu's eyes changed when he saw these ice sculptures.

Chapter 160 Rimuru's speech

Come on, it is the Lishan goddess who has been controlling the world for a long time. Judging from this frozen Mount Li, I am afraid this is similar to the "Lishan Treasury" in the Lost Belt of the First Emperor. ..Lishan Treasury!? At this moment, Rimuru was a little startled. Wait a minute, the world that I live in, is it the world of the First Emperor Lost Belt in Fgo? It should be... so coincidental? In fact, before this, Limuru always thought that the world she was in was one by one. A world without magic. Even seeing the state in which the First Emperor appeared, Shou didn't think it was too unusual. After all, this is the world of Xingyue, and maybe the first emperor of Pan-Human History is also like this. However, after seeing the Lishan Temple, he finally had some doubts. In the FGo Lostbelt, the first emperor of the Chinese Lostbelt, the first emperor mastered the superhuman "Xianshu technology", and used the Lishan mineral deposits to sigh with famous characters in history. It has been created into a "living human treasury" similar to the Hall of Valor, including but not limited to the three Taoyuan brothers, Han Xin, Qin Liangyu and so on. It's just that like some naturally anti-bone characters that cause turmoil, there is a risk in releasing it. Of course, Lim prefers that such risks are controllable. If it was really released to cause turmoil, the First Emperor would have killed it directly. Why, would it be frozen in the treasury? Yes, is this really the world of the First Emperor Lost Belt?

In fact, knowing now, Rimuru is not quite sure. After all, it seems that this world is not completely similar to the world that I imagined as the first emperor. In that Lost Belt, although the First Emperor found the "Forcing Lai Immortal Realm", the immortals in the Immortal Realm had long since disappeared, only the "hibiscus tree" was found. celestial technology", used and thus obtained immortality. Rule the world for two dry years. The First Emperor of the Lostbelt is far superior to Qin Shihuang in pan-human history. It can be said that he is a powerful existence. However, if the world of the Lostbelt is truly successful at this time, it is only in the process of growth. \"It turns out that the fairy daoist has such an experience.... It's really unbearable." Limlu looked at the goddess Lishan and said: "Since the fairy daoist you told me the whole story, then As a gift, I will also tell a female Taoist what happened after the Conferred God Battle. "After the Conferred God Battle ended. Although the teaching was won at that time. However, Yuanshi Tianzun, Lingbao Tianzun, and Shoude Tianzun have all received the eye drops of Tiandao. Because their strength is no longer suitable for appearing in the world, so I must leave the human world and go to the fairyland to stop them. ..although not sure if this is the world of the First Emperor Lostbelt. But Rimuru still suppressed the thoughts in her heart. Sleeves can tell the time and know that now is not the time to struggle with this.

Now the goddess of Mount Li is in front of him. Although he didn't show any flaws and was not regarded as an enemy because he didn't directly play the real person of Cihang. However, if the hatred of the two sects has not been eliminated, it is estimated that it is impossible for him to get the assistance of this immortal. So no matter what the truth is here, you must first win the trust of the other party. Fortunately, the goddess of Mount Li was not in a good state at this time. And she couldn't tell the truth of the matter, and maybe even remembered Z was missing. If it is to face the real "Notre Dame", things may not be so simple. As for his current identity, the disciple of "Spiritual Cihang", especially this body, is the "Scarlet Yuan Immortal" based on Immortal Fu Hua, and it can be said that there is no intersection with the Holy Mother Wudang. Therefore, what you say should be more persuasive. "After the three people of Tianzun were restrained from appearing in this world, the world created by Tianzun and others also disappeared. Among them, the twelve golden immortals like my master, the real person Cihang, were not allowed to do so due to the loss of their cultivation. Not reincarnated and re-cultivation. After re-cultivation, some of them went to Western Buddhism, while others went to the fairyland. My master, in order to pursue the way of heaven, went to Buddhism. "Buddhism-. The goddess of Lishan couldn't help frowning when she heard the words, "If I If I remember correctly, at the time of the battle of conferring the gods, the two leaders of Buddhism also participated in the battle. Most of my fellow Daoists were arrested by them and headed west-..." Yes. Because Shizun is also concerned about the friendship of the Three Pure Ones, so I think that the Taoists in the West are not bad. What's more, whether it is the East or the West, if there is a quiet place to practice, it is always good. Limuru said: After the Battle of Conferred Gods ended, the human world was officially put under the management of the Heavenly Court, and my fellow Sanqings, or people from Western Buddhism, would no longer enter and leave the world, so the cause and effect would naturally be eliminated. Limuru can be said to be a serious nonsense. In fact, what happened after the Conferred God War. Xiu is not clear at all. But at this time, he doesn't need to know, let alone know the seal of Xingyue. What is the difference between the battle of the gods and the battle of the gods in the novel? Just make assumptions based on the final ending in the novel and lead it to your own side. In fact, the goddess of Mount Li finished listening to this passage After speaking, he was obviously more relaxed, but at the same time, he was also a little disappointed.

Rimuru felt this way. After all, he told the decline of Intercept and the disappearance of Interpretation. At this time, the goddess of Lishan, as the inheritance of the goddess of Wudang, has lost the faith in her heart to revitalize the sect.

"Yes... think about it carefully, the immortals should have been free from the shackles of the world. But the three gods and the two western leaders were angry because of the consecration of gods in the world. This is actually unnecessary." Li The mountain goddess sighed and said looking at her with some sighs and doubting her life, Lim seized the opportunity and said, "Fairy Daoist friend." I won't say much about this matter... Now the immortals are no longer in the world, but the world is still facing disaster. I hope fellow fairy godmother can help me to relieve the calamity in this world. Limuru said that.

"Disaster?" Lishan goddess Wei Wei--stunned: What does the fairy mean? There are disasters in each of the three thousand worlds, and this is the principle of the normal world. Generally speaking, it should not be inconvenient for me to help the immortals. Please forgive me for asking, is this matter personally ordered by Daoist Cihang, or is it your own wishful thinking, Fairy? Limlu has already prepared for this kind of inquiry from the goddess Lishan: "Fairy Daoist friend doesn't know anything about this. The second disaster, although it is a disaster in this world, actually involves a much larger disaster." This disaster is called 'the freezing of human nature'. It is the master's prophecy that it will occur after several dry years. , a catastrophe that has had a major impact on human history. Although this disaster

Humanity will be completely destroyed. Therefore, Master couldn't bear the disappearance of history, so he asked me to help. And now it's really a good thing to be able to meet a fairy buddy

Chapter 161 Persuasion

The two start a conversation. After some persuasion, Limuru used her eloquence to win the trust of the goddess Wushan in the process of tempting step by step. After all, if this world is really the Lost Belt of the First Emperor, then what God said Nor is it a lie. "Humanity Freeze" is indeed a great disaster for this world. It can be said that whether it is Alien God or Gu Dazi, it will eventually lead the world to its demise. The only difference from what he said was that Rimuru had no intention of interfering in the alienation so far. All he wanted to do was "deceive" the goddess Lishan's magic. From the process of communication, Limuru learned that the goddess of Mount Li is the only "immortal" in this world. There is no such thing as "immortal" in the native land of the world. By the way, during the interrogation process, Limuru also knew that there is no "Katsuhako" or "True Ancestor" like Poppy in this world.

In other words, it is very likely that Mahime is also an ordinary person in this world. But it's actually normal. Because let’s not talk about whether this is a Lostbelt or not, even if it is really the Lostbelt universe, there should be no mustard hinako in the universe itself. And this world at this time does not yet have the conditions to become a Lostbelt. , even in this situation. It stands to reason that there are still countless possibilities for development in this world. Its future is not locked, and there should be no possibility of being cut. However, the goddess Lishan said: "Actually, I have already realized it. This world may be It is already a world abandoned by 'Tao'. Goddess Lishan sees this world like this. "After I came to this world, I tried every means to restart Taoism. However, ordinary celestial arts or spiritual power cannot survive in this world, and human beings cannot learn this celestial can only be penetrated into the body of ordinary people through Taoism and seal script, and then they can use it. Some miracles like magic. The goddess Lishan said. When it came to this, Limlu also knew why Wei Liao and Xu Fu had that kind of seal script. However, it is indeed different from other mythological systems. By using the illusory seal script, one can give people the power of a Servant that is temporarily comparable to that of a Servant. "But you should have a lot of restrictions on this approach, right?" Limuru asked: "Carved Daoist seal script for ordinary people, but ordinary people are not immortals, how can they withstand the power of immortals?

"So I weakened the power of the seal script to the extent that ordinary people can bear it. But in this case, this seal script must be re-printed every six months, otherwise it will lose its effect. . The power of others is also a big loss to me. Limlu nodded. From the previous conversation, he already knew why the goddess Lishan closed her "vision". In fact, it is not just vision, Lishan The five senses of the goddess have been weakened to the extreme by herself, and the purpose is to prolong her stay in this world.

She said like this: "Fairy, you should have noticed it too? After coming to this world, the immortal power will weaken with the passage of time, just like the world is rejecting the existence of immortals. If it is in its heyday I, maybe there is a way to prolong the fairy spirit, but now I am Limuru listening to the words of the goddess Lishan, and I understand it. This world is actually similar to the world after the demise of the gods. The magic power of the great source in the air no longer exists. .After the death of the gods in Mesopotamia, those gods could only go to the throne without the wedge of the sky. In fact, the same is true in this world. But compared to those gods, \" The situation of "Goddess of Mount Li" is even worse. After all, she is not the body of an immortal, so she called herself "Goddess" (according to the setting of Fengshen, - under normal circumstances, the goddess is not as good as W) Goddess of Mount Li can't go to the throne, In the final analysis, it is still unknown whether there is a Throne in this world. Coming to this world, Limuru found that even the "restraining power" is in a state of inability to perceive. This shows that although there are human beings in this world, they do not even have the restraining power called 'Alaya'! Although, compared to the goddess Lishan, Limuru's condition can be said to be excellent of. Because the changes in the world actually don't have much impact on him. After all, he is not an immortal. The magic power stored in the slime body is like an ocean, and secondly, he can leave this world with the help of a big actor. Therefore, until now, he has not felt the "loss of his own", but he can undoubtedly feel the passing of the "fairy spirit". "Fairy Taoist friend, if this is the case, combine the family teacher's prophecy of this world. Now I have a basic understanding of the situation in this world. However, there is one more thing I want to ask...- Lim looked at the goddess Lishan." Fairy please say. "To be honest. When I appeared before, my fellow Daoists mistakenly thought I was a 'demon'. Could it be that there are still \'demons' in this world? Limuru asked her own question. "Yes--or rather, there was. "The goddess Lishan said: I came here when Dayu was controlling the flood, but I haven't seen it for all these years. Only at that time, the demon gods of the Jiuli tribe tried to disturb the world along with the great flood. But they were finally suppressed by Dayu. Qin State's rent is related to the aftermath of the Jiuju Clan, so I thought it was the Demon God reappearing. But now it seems that it is indeed my fantasy. The cause and effect of the battle, I have no other thoughts to hide. It's almost impossible in this world to revive the sect again. And it's meaningless... Even if the fairy wants to bring me back to the fairyland now, to return to the original body, that's my good fortune. " said the goddess Lishan

Lim knew that this was why the goddess Lishan believed in herself so easily.

Because in the face of such a world, in the eyes of the goddess Lishan, he has no meaning to lie to her at all. If you want to, you can do whatever you want with her at any time. For the goddess Lishan, returning to the fairyland and returning to the body is actually not a good thing. Although it is a separation of spirits, after leaving the main body for such a long time, he has already formed his own personality. In other words, the goddess of Lishan at this time and the "Wutang Virgin" of the year are no longer - one person, just sharing. - Part of the note Z. If it returns to the body, it is actually no different from death. Personalities will also be replaced by stronger beings. In fact, Limuru can feel that the goddess Lishan does not want to die, but she is helpless now. After all, in such a world, even if you do not want to die, death is only the number of time... However, for Limuru, it is different. : "Fairy Daoist friends.. If I say, I have a way to make the fairyland of this world come back again, and the fairy spirits will continue again. Jingmu has recovered enough to match the world like me, "What about the prosperous world of fairy spirits?"

Chapter 162 The Eternal Empire Plan

Limuru's words made the goddess Lishan slightly startled. Restoring the 'fairy spirits' An existence like your lord can reshape this world with fire, water, and wind...but that shouldn't be possible, right?" Limlu nodded.

Xiu understood the meaning of the goddess of Mount Li. If you want to revive the Age of Gods, unless you have a powerful force that can overturn the existing world. Like Tiamat's [Anti-Genesis like this. And want to do this even the main **** is impossible. The power of the main gods in Mesopotamia is still extremely powerful, but they still cannot prevent the demise of the gods. This is the reason. Therefore, at least it must be at the level of "creation god", or a powerful existence with the power of "creation". "Indeed, from a conventional point of view, the resurrection of the fairy in this world is nothing short of a dream." Limuru said: "But what if it is from a different angle? "A different angle?"

"Yes. Do you remember the 'artificial immortal' technique that the Taiyi Zhenren I taught was good at?" Limuru asked. "Artificial immortal?" The goddess Lishan couldn't help frowning, as if she didn't respond for a while. .Yes, like where. Limlu pondered her own words, and Shi-Shen Tongchi knew that she probably used her wooden language wrong. I'm afraid someone like Nezha is not called an "artificial fairy" or something. "Who is Ming?

"The goddess Nuwa once had the Pearl of Quan Ling... Limuru changed the word again. Goddess Lishan seemed to have remembered something at this time and asked, "Do you mean 'dharma body'? \""Fairy Daoist, if I'm not mistaken, you should know about the \'Xianmu Technology' I demonstrated in Qin before? In fact, this is the real teacher Cihang, who is a man-- Or a deeper study of what you call 'Dharmakaya'. "Limlu was afraid that she would be wrong more and more, so she changed a way to start directly from the "Xianju Technology". "This - please forgive me. I don't quite understand." But if you talk about the body, in fact, my interception teaching and the interpretation teaching where you are, I have studied this. The reason is actually created by the power of the fairy spirit in the clothing hall. "The goddess Lishan said. Speaking of which, she gave some examples. For example, Luo Xuan, the immortal in flames, and Emperor Wenhuang. The three generations of disciples of the teaching, such as Nephe Yinjiao Yingong and even the Yang Jian. They all have different dharma bodies.

Its performance is either three heads and six arms, three heads and one arm. Or three eyes and so on. Of course, the Law Bodies can be put away. Limlu nodded, secretly delighted that it should not be much different from what she remembered. So he continued: "Fellow Daoist may not know, which 'dharma' is different from the Dharma body in the general sense. The sleeve is a body reshaped by the incarnation of a lotus flower, not a Dharma body that is cultivated according to the human body." It is an artificial fairy body made with spirit beads as the core. In fact, this kind of fairy body is the field I have focused on so far. The main components in ': lotus incarnation and spirit beads. In fact, it can be replaced by other substances. Like... bronze or iron or something. Limuru said: "With the help of the calculation of the '1 Immortal Technique System' that I proposed earlier. Coupled with the power of immortals...or the wisdom of human beings. This kind of immortal body, there is a possibility of success!

"Fairy Daoist friend. If I'm not mistaken, your time in this world is running out now. You are a sub-spirit. After all, there is no physical entity. She, the new inner body won't last long in the world where the mountain spirit is exhausted. "Humph. When the goddess Lishan heard this, she snorted disdainfully: "Life and death have fate, and they are all fates. Although I am reluctant to leave this world, I am also disdainful to continue my life by taking a home. Otherwise - to fall into the filth again and again, wouldn't it be to humiliate the reputation of Intercept Cult. At that time, even if he died, he would have no face to see Lord Tianzun. Ouch! After hearing this, Limuru couldn't help but think: After all, the old bug is nothing but a rotten thing, how can the fire of Yingzhu compete with Haoyue?

"Daoist's feeling is admirable... But what if we can create a 'dharma body' that can supply another kind of energy power? When the time comes, let the daoist go to seize the house, it is a lifeless and pure structure Material. Could it be that fellow Daoists are also unwilling to do this?" Limuru asked. .... The goddess of Mount Li was silent for a long time, and asked: Daoist Cihang...are you really sure that this will work?" "It works! Moreover, although the teacher is not in this world now, you can borrow My medium is still able to get in touch with the tutor. I have come with a mission, and I must stop the corruption of this world from the outside of the world. So let's work together!" Limuru said. Yes, Yi-Xiu intends to develop a real "fairy magic technology" in this world.

Besides, if this world is really the world of the First Emperor Lost Belt. Then, this idea will definitely be realized.

Although judging from the Lost Belt's plot, Limuru also tends to be that the emperor's celestial technology is not the real service business celestial arts, or at least not the heyday of J. But in any case, this kind of power is beyond imagination ,strong force. For the current Rimuru, this kind of power is very important. For this reason, even if one more "eternal empire" is created, it will not hesitate to come out. As for the Lost Belt Universe and Humanity Freeze? This is not very worrying. The reason why Shi Huangdi's Eternal Empire was identified as a Lostbelt was, in fact, irrelevant to whether he had been emperor for two thousand years. It is related to his "policy of ignorance of the people". Although the first emperor created a perfect utopia, which eliminated the world of birth, old age, sickness and death. But from another point of view, it also curbed the development of that world, allowing Possibilities become singular. Hence they are cut.

But if he is there, as long as he can always lead the first emperor behind his back. This is not going to happen at all! In other words, as long as you don't kill the possibility of human development yourself. Coupled with the special nature of this world, the possibility of this world becoming a Lostbelt is actually very small. At most, it becomes a "parallel world" that is allowed to exist - in fact, as long as it is not a world that kills "human possibility" and does not invade pan-human history. Then it is an alien universe. It will not be targeted by the will of the world. Of course, maybe 2500 years later, the alien gods will still pay attention to this world and move their minds. But to be honest, Limuru is confident. If he really regards this world as his base and develops himself for 2,500 years, the alien gods are not worth fearing at all!

Chapter 163 Bronze Computer

Just after Rimuru said those words, the atmosphere seemed to freeze. After a while, the voice of the big actor suddenly sounded a little abruptly. [0T, the first teacher Xian Cihang's real-person character conformity is 30%, and the host has acquired inherent skills: The voice of the first major actor of the first technique recalled, and Limlu's understanding of "self-law" became clearer. At the same time, Xiu also knew that the "Goddess of Mount Li" in front of her must have been persuaded by her own words. The predecessor of the goddess Lishan was a real immortal in the period of conferring gods. Therefore, there is no doubt that she also has a certain understanding of the real person Cihang. But even so, after all, the two are different sects, and there should be no intersection. So r is not impressed. Of course, in "Journey to the West" or "The Legend of the White Snake", the Holy Mother of Mount Li and Guanyin Bodhisattva are obviously recognizable and familiar. But fortunately, the goddess of Mount Li at this time was not from that period. Therefore, after saying these words, although Limlu's current identity is the disciple of "Shenzhen Cihang", Immortal Chiyuan, but because everything Shou does represents the meaning of "Shenzhen Cihang" behind him, Therefore, this scene finally deepened the impression of the goddess Lishan on the real person Cihang, and implemented it to the degree of character fit. The first technique of inherent skills.

It is only a Taoism, and the skills included can be said to be all-encompassing. But it is a pity that the Taoist skills given by the big actors are not a direct understanding of Taoism, but can be used like a certain skill, but it is not learned. If you want to have a deeper understanding of Taoism with Taoism, you also need to rely on Limuru's own learning. However, in terms of results, there is not much difference.

.Do you really want to cooperate with me?"

At this time, the goddess Lishan asked again. "Of course."

Limuru said without hesitation: "Although I am not a tutor, but the tutor at this time is no longer the one from the Battle of Conferring Gods. By virtue of the tutor's temperament, he is definitely willing to let go of his past grievances. He... .-. Fairy Taoist friend is also a member of my generation. From one world to another unfamiliar world, we are also the source, this kind of coincidence is rare.

The goddess Lishan was silent for a long time. Finally, he nodded lightly and said, "Okay.

After officially confirming the cooperation with Lishan Goddess, Limlu finally learned about Wei Liao, Xu Fu and others.

In this world, because the goddess of Mount Li came during the flood control period of Dayu. At that time, she still had a lot of mana left, so she accepted many disciples when she traveled to the mainland.

Among the disciples accepted by the goddess of Mount Li, the most talented one was a girl named Wang Xu. Also known as Guiguzi.

Guiguzi inherited the magic of the goddess Lishan. Although he could not become an immortal due to the decline of the fairy spirit, he found another way to prolong his life. And in these days, she has always respected the goddess Lishan as her teacher and worked for her... And Wei Liao and Xu Fu are actually just people taught by Guiguzi. Of course, for these beings who can be called "second-generation disciples", They didn't know the existence of the goddess Lishan, and they only thought that their master was Guiguzi. After the two established a cooperative relationship, these things naturally did not constitute a secret. "Fellow Daoist Chiyuan, you already know most of my affairs now. Then I would like to ask - how do you plan to use the \'immortal system' to achieve the 'artificial fairy body' you mentioned before?" Li asked the mountain goddess. She paused, then said, "I have heard Wei Liao say about the rumors about the 'Xianmu system' that is indeed a good checking system in my opinion, but it still suffers a lot from day to day. Limiting profits. She waved her hand lightly, and a huge bronze furnace suddenly appeared in front of Limuru. The bronze furnace was slowly burning with flames - at the same time, Limuru also saw the real "fairy technique" for the first time.

Among the flames, a huge model was gradually generated. Just like the "logic gates" that Limuru concealed before, the model has formed countless complex systems. However, with the first technique of the real person Cihang inherited by Xiu, Zhi can feel that these systems are actually only manifested by the power of the fairy. phantom. Sure enough, after doing all this, the goddess Lishan said, "This is an illusion that I manifested with immortal power. But in fact, such a simple system, as long as there is enough motivation, it can be promoted and evolved with bronze. It's not a problem. From a human point of view, the 'gunpowder' accidentally created by the use of alchemy soil for alchemy is a good choice. Limuru listened to the goddess Lishan, and her eyes could not help but show Surprised. Using gunpowder and bronze to build a computer?

What a joke--. This shouldn't be able to do P? But Lishan Goddess really did it. After a while, at Limuru's request, Lishan Goddess really used up immortal power to condense the bronze furnace with mana, and manifested The "Bronze Computer" came out.

But in fact, strictly speaking, this is not a computer. This kind of computer is processed with bronze parts and uses "gunpowder" as the power to operate the gear structure. However, the form of gunpowder here is fixed by immortality, so it is not violent, but produces a kind of energy. The bronze computer is roughly divided into three parts. The first part is: the repository, which is the array of gears that store the logic gate data. Equivalent to a memory card. The second part is: the cloud computing room, which is the data column of the operation logic gate. The third part: the controller, the external buttons that operate the bronze computer. This bronze computer was finally completed under the guidance of Limuru. But to be honest, the results were not satisfactory. "Fellow Daoist Lishan...let me call you that." Limuru looked at the "bronze computer" formed and sighed slightly, and said, "This kind of thing is too much. inferior. Although the speed of its operation is much stronger than the current manpower, it still can't keep up with the \'Xianshan Technique System\' that the master said. Especially the gear project is too vast. "It can be said that it is wishful thinking to rely on this kind of thing to develop an artificial immortal body. Of course, I don't mean that what you said is meaningless... In fact, if it is not limited by materials, it is not impossible for you to reproduce the fairy system of the teacher.

Chapter 164: Immortal Body

\"The material is limited---then, how do you plan to solve this problem?" asked the goddess Lishan, she paused, and then said: \'About the 'artificial fairy' you said, if you use a lotus root similar to the fairy spirit It's not difficult to do something like that. But this world doesn't.... If you mean the material is limited, then the unreproducible spiritual root will be the fatal premise that hinders the development of this \'immortal technology'. Limlu nodded, and she understood what the goddess Lishan meant. An existence like Nezha is actually a model of an 'artificial body', but the material itself used to make the sleeves is also very rare. The incarnation of the lotus flower also adds the power of Sakyamuni. Lingzhu is a female milk. The power of the Great God. Both of these existences are destined to be imitated in ordinary ways. But Limuru knows that imitation can definitely be done. Xiang Yu from Yumu in the Lostbelt is an example. Jindan" is neither a spiritual bead nor the body of a lotus incarnation. But its strength is still very strong, so I can see that the human wisdom in this world is not something that can be underestimated.

"You only need to provide some basic operation methods of immortality, and leave the rest to me." Limuru said: "The first thing we need to do is to choose an emperor who is destined to rule this world. At this point, I think Qin's winning government is the best candidate.

The goddess Lishan was silent for a while, and then said: "After all, Qin is the strongest country today, so I have a certainty about Kunzheng.

of. I think in terms of his thinking, it should not be suitable to lead a country.” This is a bit one-sided. Besides, no matter what happens, isn’t there still us behind? Just do it.” Limuru said. Thought of the class, sleeves have also been produced. But to be honest, he also has a good understanding of this aspect, although it is not impossible to want compound interest technology with a little knowledge of previous lives. But one is too time-consuming and laborious, and the other is a meaningless thing.

Chi believes that with the wisdom of human beings in this world, - will be able to find a better way. Or restore the field of the world of science and technology, or something else--but in fact, these are not important. Goddess Lishan was silent for a long time, then nodded: "Since you have said so, then I will leave it all to you. It's done. Limlu smiled slightly. Xiu knew that from this moment on, this world will be greatly subverted. A completely different system from the fairy world or the age of the gods is about to develop. This is not It is a half-baked magic system, but a brand-new system of "Xianshu Technology".

After discussing this matter, first of all, Limuru made an arrangement, that is, to place the immortal art materials provided by the goddess Lishan on the islands of Pengcai and Fangwen in the overseas immortal island. It explains the immortal materials left by the real person Cihang on the two islands of Pengcai and Abbot. Of course, the goddess Lishan didn't know this. During this process, as a disciple of the real person of Cihang, he carried out "good lies" to the goddess of Mount Li and Yingzheng at the same time. The reason why the real person of Cihang did not directly give it to Qin, but placed the technology of Xianshanshu On those two immortal islands, under Limuru's words, it was to test whether Kōzheng had such a measure. In a blink of an eye, the date to discuss with Xu Fu has arrived. Sure enough, it was not what Rimuru expected. As a disciple of Guiguzi, Xu Fu's bronze computer is exactly the same as the one he negotiated with the goddess of Mount Li in Lishan".

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