I said I would turn back time

Chapter 308 Cultivation Lock and Xingxiao Memory

Jing Shiyu, who was on the side, was worried that Lin Xing would kill him casually, and reminded him: "We have to completely extract his memory first. For a master of the nine sects, every memory in his mind is a treasure."

"Don't worry, I never kill people randomly." Lin Xing nodded: "But although this person is just a clown to me, he is quite a threat to ordinary people."

"I won't be able to be by his side and watch over him at any time in the future, so I have to prevent him from recovering."

Jing Shiyu knew that Yunhezi's memory was very different from those of the White Eagle Kingdom officials.

Those officials only need to quickly play the memory to confirm whether they have the memory of the Mirror World.

If you want to collect Yunhezi's memories, you need to read them carefully and spend a lot of energy to distinguish their value.

Therefore, Lin Xing did not intend to put the other party on the reincarnation stage and watch the other party's memories bit by bit.

He planned to photograph all the memories of the other party on the reincarnation stage and enter them into the database.

Then, according to different directions such as martial arts, Taoism, geography, history, sect information, personal experience, etc., it is handed over to more people to analyze, summarize, and organize, and it is also convenient for him to retrieve and refer to it at any time.

This process takes a long time. If you don't want Lin Xing to accompany you all the time, you need to eliminate the possibility of the other party's cultivation level to recover.

Regarding this matter, Jing Shiyu had already thought about it before arriving.

"Reorganize his physical body again. The greater the gap between the physical body and the past, the more difficult it will be to restore his cultivation."

Jing Shiyu smiled slightly and suggested: "Let his physical body be completely different from the past, and everything will be completely opposite to the past."

"It would be best to completely destroy his understanding of his own body and make him unable to accept his new body. For example... let him become a woman."

Hearing these words, Yun Hezi and the leader of the Shenlong Gang were stunned.

But Lin Xing nodded slightly: "If this is the case, it will indeed be difficult to restore cultivation."

"Then I'll give it a try..." He walked up to Yun Hezi and pressed his palm on his head: "It's my first time to reorganize my body like this, so I might have to spend more time. You Just be patient."

The next moment, countless sword lights pierced out of Yun Hezi's body, and accompanied by a burst of fierce screams, Yun Hezi's body had been divided and reorganized again and again in an instant.

When the black six secret runes dissipated from his body, the original Yun Hezi had disappeared.

What appeared in front of everyone was a petite girl with a delicate face.

Feeling the changes in himself, Yun Hezi quickly lowered his head, observed his body for a while, and then broke down and roared: "Lin...Lin Xing!"

"You and I are at odds with each other!"

"I will kill you! I will kill you!!!"

Jing Shiyu looked at the other party's collapsed appearance and nodded secretly: "That's enough now." But suddenly, she frowned slightly, feeling that the girl Yun Hezi transformed in front of her looked familiar.

Lin Xing's heart tightened, because he had not observed other women's bodies in the past, so when he just reorganized his physical body, he subconsciously referred to the body of a woman he had recently observed.

"I just... subconsciously used Fairy Gushe's body to reconstruct Yunhezi?"

On the other side, watching the scene of Yun Hezi's transformation, the leader of the Shenlong Gang felt a chill down below, and looked at Lin Xing and Jing Shiyu with a hint of fear in his eyes: "These couple of bitches are too cruel. It’s too poisonous! Fortunately, I didn’t fight them head-on. My way of being a warrior is indeed correct.”

Yun Hezi was left with a collapsed face.

Lin Xing and his party soon came to another room.

I saw that the walls of this room were covered with protective pads.

A short young man wearing a straitjacket was fixed to the hospital bed.

He is surrounded by several surveillance cameras, and someone is always guarding him day and night.

This person who was heavily guarded and protected was none other than Xing Xiao, who had fought fiercely with Lin Xing for several days and shocked the whole world.

At this moment, most of his flesh and blood had been reconstructed by Lin Xing. Although his face had not changed, his body had turned into that of a child.

In such an abnormal physical state, coupled with the multiple restraint devices on his body, it was difficult for Xingxiao to use any force.

In order to prevent him from harming himself or committing suicide, Jing Shiyu arranged for personnel to monitor him 24 hours a day.

Until this moment, Lin Xing finally finished dealing with all the external matters and had time to take care of Xingxiao.

The door opened, and Lin Xing, Jing Shiyu, and Bai Yiyi walked in.

Xingxiao raised his head and looked at Lin Xing, sneered and said: "Lin Xing, you are finally here."

"It seems like you mad dog has caused a lot of trouble outside? You finally have time to read my memory."

"But what if I read it to you? Those cruel facts will only make you, a loser, more desperate and speed up your loss of control."

Jing Shiyu frowned when she saw Xing Xiao looking so proud, and was about to teach him a lesson.

But he saw that Lin Xing had already stepped forward: "Xingxiao, for a loser dog, you are too wordy."

"Jing Shiyu just thought of a way to lock down your current cultivation level, so that I won't waste my energy on guarding you."

He smiled and stroked Xingxiao's head: "I think her method is excellent."

"But after coming to you and seeing your appearance..."

"Suddenly, I got a little more inspiration on top of this method. It can lock your cultivation and make you less noisy at the same time."

A bad premonition suddenly surged in Xingxiao's heart, and the next moment he saw that Lin Xing's big hand had already pressed his head, and countless sword lights kept cutting his flesh into pieces.

He gritted his teeth just because he didn't want to scream in front of his opponent Lin Xing.

After a long time, the severe pain dissipated, Xingxiao opened his eyes and found that he seemed to have recovered.

So he opened his mouth, intending to taunt Lin Xing: "Woof!"

"Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof!"

A burst of rage exploded in Xingxiao's mind: "Dog? He actually turned me, Xingxiao, into a dog?!"

Extreme anger kept pouring out of Xingxiao's heart.

What's more shameful than turning into a dog? What could be more pathetic than the barking just now?

Xingxiao roared angrily: "Woof woof woof! Woof woof woof!"

Realizing that no matter how he roared, he would only make that shameful sound, Xing Xiao suddenly closed his mouth, and the killing intent in his heart was condensed to the extreme: "Kill you! I must kill you, Lin Xing!!"

And what happened next, Xing Xiao felt even more humiliated that Lin Xing just lifted his neck like this, exposing his body so casually to the sight of countless passers-by.

Xingxiao could only close his dog eyes and remain still as if his heart was filled with despair.

But at this moment, his heart was as turbulent as a storm on the sea, and he had already made full plans for revenge in the future.

And Xingxiao, who has countless memories and reincarnations, believes that if he has a chance, he must have such an opportunity.

Star Xiao Dog was carried all the way to the reincarnation stage and thrown on it.

The next moment, a large number of memories belonging to Xingxiao turned into masses of light and shadow, appearing in front of everyone.

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