I said I would turn back time

Chapter 383 Mending the Sky and Strength and Weakness

Yunsi Shadowless Sword (1% to patch the sky)

Sensing the new changes brewing in Yunsi Shadowless Sword, Lin Xing felt a sense of joy in his heart.

Since the battle on the moon, all the immortal weapons built by Lin Xing have been damaged. Not only are their combat effectiveness and various magical powers far inferior to those when the immortal weapons were intact, but they have also blocked the path to further complete the inheritance of Bu Tian.

Until today, it was repaired with heartwood, and the Yunsi Shadowless Sword, with the help of the infiltration of the power of time and space, finally returned to normal and can go further.

"Very good, now I am closer to the final breakthrough.

"And the day when I can change the fate of this world and create a new world is one step closer."

At the same time, on the battlefield below, the battle between Zhao Ping and the Sky Beast seemed to have entered the final stage.

Sixteen sword wires seemed to be tearing the entire battlefield into pieces, breaking out from under the earth and slashing at everything within a kilometer radius from all directions.

The bloody light fell from the sky and fell to the earth like a meteor shower, intending to bombard the entire battlefield. And every drop of blood droplets cut by the sword wire will be divided into more blood droplets and bombed out.

In the end, it was the Heavenly Beast that could control more and more blood light to kill in front of Zhao Ping while the blood light was being cut continuously.

Or Zhao Ping can continue to cut away more and more blood and completely obliterate the beast.

At this moment, both sides pushed their bodies, brains, and souls to the limit, fighting with all their strength and life! Go and destroy the other party!

Zhao Pingping looked ferocious and his eyes were about to burst: "Beast! Die!"

The beast laughed wildly and roared through the sky: "Hahahahaha! Zhao Ping, I will trample you under my feet today, and completely trample you to death like a cowardly waste!"

In Lin Xing's eyes, both sides were determined to kill and die, risking everything. At the last moment of the fierce battle, it was the beast's body that was shattered by the sword wire again and again, while Zhao Ping's head, heart, and lower body It was also pierced by the bloody light again and again.

After turning back time hundreds of times, both sides perished together. No one lost because of retreating, and no one saved his life because of retreating.

Both Zhao Ping and Tianshou gradually became familiar with each other's fighting styles and habits in this fierce battle, and their fighting power after risking everything became better and better after going back in time and surviving in death again and again. Coming closer.

Lin Xing can feel that these two good heartwoods have almost reached the upper limit of their potential today.

"It is difficult to continue this fight."

"The resentment between the two of them can hardly be increased..."

At the same time, Lin Xing also sensed that several kilometers away, Xinguo troops were coming towards the battlefield with their afterimages.

Farther away, soldiers from the Xia National Security Agency were riding in armed helicopters and heading towards the battlefield.

"Then that's it for today."

"Let the two of them rest for a few days and digest the gains from today's battle..."

Anticipation arose in Lin Xing's heart: "I hope you can bring me more surprises in the next battle."

Just as he was thinking, his body flashed, and he suddenly appeared in the center of the battlefield in the shocked eyes of Zhao Ping and Tianshou.

The next moment, something even more horrifying happened to them. The blood light and sword threads they controlled all went out of control.

Whether it was the sword thread that was about to cut down the heavenly beast or the blood light that was about to penetrate Zhao Ping, they all stopped at this moment and remained still in mid-air.

At the same time, Lin Xing's palm had been pressed on the back of the beast's head, and a piece of blood was slowly drawn out.

There was also a sword wire pulled out by Lin Xing between Zhao Ping's eyebrows.

All the lights, shadows and sounds about what happened just now appear back and forth on the sword thread and blood light, symbolizing the memories of the two people.

"Do you guys know?"

"The difference between humans and animals is that humans want to change their lives, or even change the world."

"I accept your memories."

"They will become the key to my future destiny, accompanying me into a new world..."

Zhao Ping struggled to see clearly the figure surrounded by infinite sword intent and blood, but found that he could not see clearly, and even began to gradually forget the existence of the other party.

"Damn... Damn it..." He tried his best to do something more: "What did he do... did he... what should I do?"

In his chaotic thoughts, everything around him seemed to be going backwards. Used cars, electrical appliances, garbage dumps, and even the entire sky and earth turned into countless bands of light.

Zhao Ping tried his best, as if he wanted to carve something on the earth with his sword wire.

But the next moment, when he came back to his senses, he found that the sword wire he controlled had collided hard with the bloody light erupted by the beast.

With a loud rumbling sound, the two sides flew back to two opposite directions.

Zhao Ping crashed through six containers and finally stopped surrounded by sixteen sword wires.

He was about to launch another attack on the beast when he heard bursts of sound coming from outside the battlefield.

"Who's coming?"

Regardless of whether the visitor is a master from the Xin Kingdom or a warrior from the Xia Kingdom, Zhao Ping knows that the other party cannot help him. Now he is an isolated party in Donghai City.

"I didn't expect that this beast still has such potential. I can't kill him with 16 sword threads."

"I must retreat and continue to struggle. Once the beasts and other masters surround me, I will be in trouble..."

"But fortunately, it's not difficult to retreat from the direction where I was pushed back just now..."

Thinking of this, Zhao Ping pointed out, and the sixteen sword threads instantly broke the ground under his feet, and his whole body disappeared directly into the earth.

As he disappeared, the hole that was cut was filled again under the stirring of the sword wire, turning into a pile of soil.

In the past few days, Zhao Ping had relied on the sharpness of his sword to escape tracking.

But Zhao Ping, who was evacuating underground, suddenly focused his eyes and touched his palm with some confusion.

In the palm of his hand, the word time was engraved.


"Is this kind of mark the mark of the sword wire?"

"Did I carve it myself?"

"But why should I carve the word "time" on my palm?"

A strong doubt arose in Zhao Ping's heart. He had a vague feeling that he seemed to have overlooked something, something very important.

In the garbage dump on the other side.

The bloody light tore the twisted container into pieces.

Feeling that Zhao Ping was gone, the beast roared angrily, then looked up to the sky and let out a roar.

"Zhao! Ping!"

At the same time, more than a dozen experts from the new country had rushed to the outskirts of the garbage dump and were looking at the situation with shocked faces.

The garbage dump in front of us covers an area of ​​approximately tens of thousands of square meters, but at this moment it is like experiencing an earthquake and storm.

You can see debris of various cars, electrical appliances, building materials, etc. everywhere.

Even the ground was torn into pieces, exposing criss-crossing ravines, in which you could even see a lot of garbage that had been buried for who knows how many years.

There are also countless large craters scattered densely on the battlefield, one after another of different sizes, as if they were caught in a meteor shower.

And until this moment, garbage is still falling from the sky. This is the collision and explosion caused by the final blow, which blasted tens of thousands of garbage into the sky, and now it is falling like rain.

Such traces of the battlefield naturally caused waves of waves in the hearts of the new masters who arrived.

"Is this the destructive power of the three-passer? It's terrifying."

"The Heavenly Beast probably wasn't this powerful before. This kind of speed of progress... the talent is really too strong..."

"Is that Zhao Ping dead? He can make the Heavenly Beast exert such power to this extent. This person should not be underestimated."

Just when everyone was having different thoughts, they saw that the heavenly beast had stepped on a sea of ​​blood and came to them.

"Who asked you to come?" The beast looked at everyone angrily: "Do you know that you ruined my big job?!"

"I was about to explode Zhao Ping's head, but you scared him away as soon as you came..."

Fan Mingxiu stood in front of everyone. He was the one who decided to lead the team to support the Heavenly Beast.

He didn't expect that he kindly led people to support Tianshou and wanted to round up Zhao Ping, but he was scolded by the other party.

However, thinking that the other party had just had a fierce battle with Zhao Ping and exploded with such amazing destructive power, he must have pushed his own strength crazily.

So it is normal to feel restless and restless at this moment. Fan Mingxiu immediately exhaled and said slowly: "Sky beast, I think you just made a move and you are feeling restless at this moment. I won't argue with you..."

"Don't you care about me?" The Heavenly Beast snorted coldly, and his emotions became more and more excited under the influence of the dust poison in his body: "Without you wastes coming to cause trouble, I would have captured Zhao Ping long ago."

One of the men behind Fan Mingxiu frowned and said, "Sky Beast, how dare you talk to Commander Fan like this?"

The heavenly beast sneered, and the blood on his body suddenly swelled, bringing up a piece of blood mist and sweeping it towards everyone.

Looking at the blood mist that swept away lightly, the person who made the noise stretched out his hand and shot out a blast of energy in an attempt to bear it down.

But as soon as he came into contact with the power of the blood mist, his expression changed. He felt that the blood mist was as heavy as a mountain, making his bones creak under the pressure, as if he was about to be crushed.

"This blood mist is so heavy! You can't force it! Back away quickly!"

Others who saw this scene wanted to step forward to help, but one after another they were blown away by the blood mist.

Several corpses suddenly shot out from behind Fan Mingxiu, seemingly trying to block the blood mist, but the blood mist crushed the walking corpse's hand bones in an instant.

His expression suddenly changed, and he backed away with a heartbroken look on his face, and finally looked at the Heavenly Beast with a livid expression.

Tianshou looked at Fan Mingxiu nonchalantly and said: "Times have changed. You old guys were very powerful back then, but you lacked potential. Since your strength has not improved as much as mine over the years, don't show off in front of me, otherwise don't blame me." Give you face."

Fan Mingxiu gritted his teeth and suppressed the anger in his heart and said: "Sky Beast, what you did today, I will report it to the president truthfully."

The Heavenly Beast felt the blood rushing in his body and thought to himself: "If I continue to become stronger, maybe... I may not be able to compete with the Immortal Emperor one day."

As his power grew and his strength strengthened, ambition and desire also grew in the heart of the heavenly beast, and as his emotions were constantly stirred up by the dust Gu, they became more and more powerful.

Thinking of this, Tianshou was too lazy to tangle with Fan Mingxiu anymore. He wanted to seize the time and go back to explore and develop the power of his blood.

Watching the Heavenly Beast leave, Fan Mingxiu sighed in his heart: "Perhaps times have really changed."

As a senior official of the new country, he could feel that the new generation of strong men were getting stronger and stronger, and their temperaments became more arrogant and domineering as their strength grew, and he did not look down upon the older generation.

This feeling of being gradually abandoned by the times made Fan Mingxiu feel increasingly bitter.

"My long-standing forbearance has only dragged down my character even more."

"Compromise to the overall situation, compromise to the strong, and obedience to the president...all these prevent me from exerting my own power and satisfying my own desires..."

"In this era, it is even more difficult for me to improve my cultivation. I can only watch the geniuses of the new era surpass me..."

Fan Mingxiu raised his head, looked at the moon in the night sky, and thought of the unparalleled strong man who once dominated the world.

"When you were punished by the immortals on the moon and had your cultivation level cut off, did you feel as powerless and bitter as I do now?"

"You once ruled the world, how many people are still in awe of you now?"

"The things left behind have been disposed of at will, and even my own woman is almost no longer safe..."

Thinking of this bleak ending, Fan Mingxiu clenched his fists: "I... will never become a remnant of the times like you."

Shortly after Tianshou left, personnel from the Donghai City Security Department also arrived.

But Fan Mingxiu just waved his hand and asked someone to stop them: "Tell them that they can't come in until we finish searching this place."

After a while, there was a quarrel outside the garbage dump.

"This is the land of Xia Kingdom, the garbage disposal center of Donghai City. How can you stop us from entering?"

"Sir Fan, your behavior is too out of bounds. I will ask my superiors to issue a solemn warning to Xinguo..."

Looking at the people from the Security Department who dared to be angry but dared not speak out and wanted to argue with each other from a distance, Fan Mingxiu suddenly felt that his heart felt a little lighter.

And with a slight thought in his mind, two zombies suddenly rushed out from the shadows under his feet.

"What are you doing!"

"Stop it! You are committing a crime by attacking the Security Bureau!"

"Don't even shoot! Don't shoot!"

Looking at the members of the Security Agency who were blown away by the zombies but still did not dare to shoot, Fan Mingxiu suddenly smiled and thought to himself: "One thing, what the beast said is indeed right."

"In this world, the weak will be trampled on by the strong."

"There is nothing I can do. If I don't trample on you, how can I become stronger?"

"If you want to blame it, it's because you are too weak, your country is too weak, and your civilization is too weak."

At this moment, Fan Mingxiu felt that he seemed to understand why the Heavenly Beast liked to stay in Xia Kingdom, especially in Donghai City.

"The environment here is indeed conducive to practice."

In an alley in the outer suburbs of Donghai City.

The street lamps emitted a dim light, barely illuminating the alley in front of them.

The tall buildings on both sides almost cover the space above your head. When you look up, you can barely see a gap from the sky, appearing between the tall buildings on both sides.

In the cold wind, an old man with white hair was standing shivering behind the food stall, waiting for customers who came to have late-night snacks after the night shift as usual.

At this moment, a young man stood in front of him at some point and asked: "Boss, would you like some fried rice? It should be slightly spicy."

The egg fell smoothly into the iron spoon with the old man's gentle knock.

The collision of hot oil and eggs made a sizzling sound, and soon a burst of fragrance emerged.

The loose white rice began to roll back and forth in the iron pot. As the old man moved, it gradually turned golden and emitted puffs of white steam.

The young man just watched the boss cooking rice, as if he had been hungry for a long time.

The boss asked casually: "You work near here too?"

Lin Xing seemed to think about it for a moment, nodded and said: "Well, that's right."

The boss smiled and said, "You look very tired. Have you worked overtime for many days?"

Lin Xing nodded casually: "Well... it took a lot of time to cooperate with the people this time. It took a long, long time..."

Seeing Lin Xing sniffing his nose, the boss smiled and said, "I think you look very hungry. Did you forget to eat after working overtime?"

Lin Xing sighed: "Well... I haven't eaten for a long time."

The boss just thought that the other party was making an exaggerated joke, so he added a spoonful of green onions to the pot, stir-fried for a while, and then put the steaming fried rice into the lunch box.

"Boss, can I use cash?"

"Huh? Cash...Okay, you can put it over here."

Lin Xing walked slowly towards Mo Xingyi's dormitory with egg fried rice in his hands. Bai Yiyi said in his heart: "Lin Xing, where did you get the money?"

She still remembered that when Lin Xing passed by a food stall before, he wanted to buy something to eat, but he gave up because he had no money.

Lin Xing said casually: "I took it from Mo Xingye's drawer."

"Then I can rest assured that we will not be exposed." Bai Yiyi asked again: "Can you give me a bite when you go back? I haven't eaten for a long time."

"Didn't you take the nutritional ointment in the refrigerator?"

"That person doesn't even eat food. I don't know what Mo Xingyi does with so much."

"Okay, I'll eat half of it first and give you the rest."

Inside the dormitory.

Duan Feixia was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

"...The following is the image data of the dangerous person Zhao Ping. The suspect is extremely dangerous. Please call the police immediately if you encounter him. Never take action on your own."

Looking at the building bursting with sparks in the video, Duan Feixia exclaimed: "That heavenly beast of the new country, I heard it is a strong man in the three passes, right? This Zhao Ping can escape from his hands, he must be very strong. "

"I didn't expect that our Xia country still has such a powerful person."

Just as Duan Feixia was sighing, there was a soft snap. She turned her head suddenly and found that it was Lin Xing who had returned to the dormitory at some time.

Seeing the strange girl on the sofa, Lin Xing asked with some confusion: "Who are you? Why are you in Mo Xingyi's room?"

"I..." Duan Feixia looked at Lin Xing blankly and said hesitantly: "Didn't you bring us here?"

Bai Yiyi's voice came from Lin Xing's chest: "You took too long this time and forgot about someone again!"

"He is Ma Hong's apprentice. We rescued them to Mo Xingyi's dormitory before."

"If you think about it carefully, the proportion that should be in your memory is probably too small, and the impression is not deep, so it was simply forgotten."

Lin Xing touched his chin, seeming to be lost in memories.

Listening to Bai Yiyi's voice and looking at Lin Xing's serious look, Duan Feixia thought to herself: "What the hell, it's only been a few hours and you don't remember me? I'm so ordinary that people can't remember me like this." Live?"

Looking at Lin Xing who was still thinking, Duan Feixia only wondered if the other party was pretending on purpose.

"Oh, I remembered, Duan Feixia, right? Your dust Gu is still in my body."

With a flash of understanding in his eyes, Lin Xing sat down at the dining table, opened the lunch box, and Ling Nian Weijuan took a mouthful of fried rice and put it into his mouth.

Feeling the aroma of rice and eggs spreading in his mouth at the same time, Lin Xing's eyes also flashed with a trace of nostalgia, as if there were many past memories in his mind.

Duan Feixia on the other side sniffed and was also attracted by the aroma of the food. After being on the run for several days, she couldn't help but touch her belly and secretly glanced at Lin Xing who was eating.

Seeing the deep expression on Lin Xing's face, she thought to herself: "I'm just eating fried rice. What's going on with his expression? Is this rice so delicious?"

At the same time, Lin Xing's voice came: "I didn't find much cash at Mo Xingye's house, so I just bought this bowl of fried rice, and I can't tell you apart."

Duan Feixia curled her lips, turned her head, swallowed and said, "I'll just eat human food."

Lin Xing's voice continued: "Although I can't tell you apart from the rice, I can still tell you apart from the taste."

The next moment, Duan Feixia saw a grain of rice flying in front of her and dropped it directly into her mouth.


Before Duan Feixia could question, various strange feelings flashed through her mind as the rice grains entered her mouth, as if she had really eaten a big bowl of fried rice.

The texture of the rice, the aroma of the scrambled eggs, the hot white air, and even the feeling of being full all came out and she felt them one after another.

She looked at Lin Xing in shock and asked, "What did you just do?"

Lin Xing said casually: "It's just a small trick."

Not paying attention to Duan Feixia's confusion, Lin Xing had a thought in his mind while eating. Mo Xingye's mobile phone also floated in front of him, and web pages appeared, playing various news.

At this moment, an unexpected line of red text on the web page caught Lin Xing's attention.

"who are you?"

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