I said I would turn back time

Chapter 396: Imminent breakthrough and precarious situation

After hearing what Tao Shan said, several New Nation soldiers present looked in the direction of his finger.

Sure enough, I saw a young man sitting cross-legged, floating in the air one meter above the ground.

Not far in front of the young man, there was a strange big dog lying motionless on the ground.

Seeing this scene, a New Nation soldier immediately said angrily: "Besides us, are there any other colleagues who want to bring people in today?"

"It's just a matter of taking me with you. How come you just leave people here to practice at will? It's not easy to take care of them..."

Several soldiers subconsciously felt that this young man also came to the spiritual cave to practice with his spiritual skills, and they thought that one of his colleagues had accepted the money and brought him in without saying a word.

Immediately, a soldier walked up and wanted to ask the other party who brought it.

"Hey, get up, who brought you in?"

"I'm asking you a question, are you deaf?"

The soldier walked toward the other party and cursed several times. Seeing that the other party still didn't respond, he was about to have an attack, but suddenly stopped.

He saw a faint red light flashing on the ground a few steps away. He looked in the direction of the flash and saw red rubies all over the ground.

"Where did you get so many gems?"

He was overjoyed and rushed forward in three steps at a time. He bent down and picked up one of the thumb-sized red gems.

On the other side, Tao Shan watched his colleague step forward cursing, but suddenly stopped halfway, and then bent down as if picking something up.

But seeing the other person bend down and not move for a long time, Tao Shan instinctively felt something strange.

Another soldier walked up impatiently: "What are you doing squatting there..." He stretched out his hand to pat the other person's shoulder.

Unexpectedly, the other party suddenly turned around, roared ferociously, and the murderous intention bursting out in his eyes seemed to have taken shape, and he actually drew his sword and slashed at him.


The light of the sword flashed away and swept directly from the soldier's neck.

The fear of death flooded his consciousness, making him freeze in place with fear.


"You're crazy!"

Tao Shan and two other soldiers rushed forward, trying to stop the perpetrator.

But he saw that the other party seemed to be turning a deaf ear and slashed at the soldiers in front of him with the long knife in his hand.

Tao Shan's heart sank, thinking that the other party had been stabbed so many times in a row, and the swords were all vitals, so he might not be able to survive. If someone died this time... they might all be punished by the superior.

But at this moment, the man who was chopped screamed and suddenly retreated to their side.

"You...are you okay?"

"No wounds at all..."

"He didn't hit you?"

In Tao Shan's surprised eyes, the soldier who had just been chopped was uninjured, not to mention injured, not even a drop of blood came out.

"That's not right." Tao Shan frowned and thought to himself, "I just saw him being hit in the neck with a knife. The blade was slashed from one side to the other. How could he be fine?"

Just when a few people were in shock, the frantic soldier roared again and rushed towards them with a knife.

Tao Shan shouted angrily: "Old Song! Are you crazy? Stop it now!"

But Lao Song seemed to be completely crazy, and seemed to be completely deaf to Tao Shan's persuasion. He aimed the long knife in his hand at several people and slashed at several people. The light of the knife cut out cracks on the ground.

As natives of the new country, Tao Shan and the others were naturally not good people who would only take beatings without fighting back. Seeing Old Song's sword slashing at them fatally, they immediately drew their swords to meet them.

The sound of rushing through the air sounded one after another, and the light of the swords slashed by several people flashed in the air one after another.

They are all colleagues, and their strength is similar. Now that several people are attacking one person, it is natural that they can capture them easily.

In the blink of an eye, Lao Song's neck, chest, waist and abdomen and other vital parts had been swept by the sword light one after another.

But something happened that shocked them.

No matter how his body was cut, Old Song remained unscathed.

Even after the long knife pierced the center of his eyebrows, he was still alive and kicking, whistling and continuing to kill towards them.

Faced with this strange situation, one of the soldiers panicked and was slashed in the arm by Lao Song.

Just when he was shocked, thinking that this hand was going to be chopped off by the opponent, he found that his arm was actually unscathed.

Next, Tao Shan and others gradually discovered that not only Lao Song was in front of them, but they all seemed to have immortal bodies. No matter how various parts of their bodies were cut, penetrated, or beaten... they were all... Seemingly unscathed.

"Hahahaha, are we invulnerable?"

"What is invulnerability? This should be called immortality."

"Damn it, it's okay even if your head is chopped off?"

Several people were shocked to try their own immortality. The more they tried, the more surprised they became, and they couldn't help laughing.

Next, they fought for their 'immortality' and allowed Lao Song's long knife to chop on their bodies. Together they grabbed each other's hands and feet, pushed them to the ground and tied them up.

Looking at Old Song who was still struggling with a ferocious expression on his face, Tao Shan asked with great confusion: "What's going on with him?"

"And our bodies..."

Although it seems that he has gained the power of immortality, Tao Shan on the side is not as optimistic as other colleagues.

He couldn't feel the slightest bit of joy at this sudden and strange ability.

"There's no such thing as a good thing falling out of the sky. This thing is weird and inexplicable. It's definitely not something that a few of us soldiers can handle. I'm afraid it's a misfortune rather than a blessing."

Then he looked at the young man sitting cross-legged.

From the moment they called each other to the fight with Lao Song, and after surrendering Lao Song, the young man remained motionless, like a statue.

But looking at this statue-like young man, thinking of the crazy old Song Dynasty, and the immortality of everyone... Tao Shan kept guessing at the connection in his heart.

At this moment, a soldier looked at Lao Song's right fist that he had been holding tightly and opened it curiously.

"Huh? He still holds a gem in his hand?"

In the blink of an eye, the sound of fighting sounded again, and Lao Song also broke free from his bonds and joined in.

"Damn, they are all immortal, no one is afraid of whom!"

"Where did the gem in your hand come from?"

"Give me the gem!"

Tao Shan looked at the people who were fighting more and more fiercely, and looked at the increasingly ferocious expressions on their faces, and he felt more and more uneasy in his heart.

Turning to look at the young man who was still sitting cross-legged, he intuitively thought that all of this might have something to do with this strange young man.

"Could it be evil spirits?"

Since the great changes in the world, spiritual inspirations have surged, and spiritual acupoints have slowly appeared in various places, because the evil spirits in them are deep, evil spirits are more likely to appear.

As a result, the theory of evil spirits gradually became known to the public.

Especially spiritual cave guards like Tao Shan know that evil spirits often have extraordinary abilities, and because of the deep evil energy in the spiritual cave, it is naturally more likely for practitioners to turn into evil spirits.

At this moment, in his mind, the young man who had always been sitting cross-legged might have turned into an evil spirit, causing a series of strange phenomena.

Thinking of this, he summoned up the courage in his heart, drew his knife and rushed towards the young man.

"Suffer death!"

Tao Shan originally wanted to shout such a sentence in his heart, and then try to kill this evil spirit with a knife.

But in reality, he changed his mind and knelt down directly on the ground, shouting: "Senior, please spare your life!"

There were several loud bangs and bangs, and Tao Shan had kowtowed several times.

Just when Tao Shan thought that the other party still didn't respond and that his attempt was in vain, a chuckle suddenly sounded.

Tao Shan was slightly startled: "Female?"

The female voice smiled and said, "Little baby, you still have some wisdom. If you had really taken action just now, I'm afraid you would end up like your friends."

At the same time, another old voice said: "Why are you talking so much nonsense to him? He just knocked him unconscious."

When Tao Shan heard what the other party said, he subconsciously turned to look at Lao Song and others.

I saw that everyone who was still fighting just now fell to the ground.

Seeing everyone's heads being moved, their limbs separated, and their chests and abdomen broken into several pieces, Tao Shan felt his heart skip a beat.

"Is this the injury they suffered just now? Are they all breaking out at this moment?"

"Sure enough, what kind of bullshit immortality...how could we be so lucky?"

At this moment, I heard the female voice say: "Old guy, after you knock him out, what will happen if another person comes? Then knock him out? Wouldn't that quickly alarm the top officials of the New Kingdom? You can't just practice for a few days. If we kill all the senior officials of the New Kingdom, are we such evil people?"

"Besides, that bitch is still watching secretly. Do you want to interrupt his practice? Ask him to move to another place?"

After Duan Jian heard this, he communicated with Bai Yiyi inside Lin Xing's body.

Just listen to him calmly say: "At this moment, he has entered a state of forgetfulness of things and myself. Even the surrounding time and space have changed because of his thoughts. Creatures that approach even the slightest threat are automatically killed by this powerful force."

"Compared with the times on the moon, this situation is also very mysterious."

"Obviously, he is about to make a breakthrough in the first skill of Space and Time Power. Naturally, if he can do it, don't change places."

Bai Yiyi said: "Then you will have to follow my arrangements."

She smiled at Tao Shan and said, "Listen up, my dear, ancestor, I passed by this place and felt something in my heart, so I planned to practice the breakthrough magic skill for a few days. Since I met you, it is fate, so I will give you You are a blessing."

Tao Shan smiled bitterly in his heart: "It must be a bad fate..."

Bai Yiyi continued: "Ancestor, when I was practicing, I didn't like strangers approaching me, so you stayed here to protect me and prevent others from intruding."

"But you have to remember, never leave me more than three hundred meters away."

Tao Shan cautiously asked, "Why is this?"

Bai Yiyi snorted coldly: "Ancestor, when I was practicing, I had already spread my power three hundred meters away from my body. Anyone who comes close to me will have the slightest intention to kill me, and my power will invade me."

Tao Shan recalled the strange phenomenon that had just happened to everyone, and felt a chill in his heart. He knew that he had guessed right. The so-called immortality was all because of the weirdo in front of him.

But I'm still a little curious in my heart about what the 'soil power' is, and it has such a strange effect.

Bai Yiyi continued: "You have been hit at this moment. If you leave three hundred meters away, the knife wound you just received will explode immediately and kill you on the spot."

Tao Shan's face immediately turned pale when he heard these words, and his mind recalled the knife wound he had just received in the battle.

"Two on the hands, one on the thighs, and one on the waist..."

"If it's just these, that's all. At best, he's a cripple, but..."

Tao Shan recalled that when everyone was testing each other's immortality, one of the gangsters suddenly stabbed him through the heart and laughed with him afterwards as if it was a joke.

Thinking of this now, he felt furious.

"Senior!" Tao Shan knelt on the ground and said respectfully: "If I am trapped here, I am afraid that someone will come to investigate soon, especially the officials above me..."

"I don't care about you." Bai Yiyi laughed and said: "If you can stop it, then stop it. If you can't stop it, then that's it. Anyway, I am practicing here, ancestor, and anyone who disturbs me will die."

Tao Shan felt chilled in his heart when he heard this, and finally asked: "What if after the matter is completed..."

Bai Yiyi said calmly: "Before I leave, ancestor, I will use my strength to heal your injuries."

Just when Lin Xing was concentrating on breaking through the infinite future consciousness and gradually entering the deepest state of concentration, the situation in Donghai City became increasingly ups and downs and precarious.

A dilapidated building that has been abandoned for a long time.

The originally eighteen-story building only had ten floors left, and the ten floors were torn apart, as if they were torn apart by some force.

Obviously this is another modern building affected by the battle between strong men.

The eight floors above were blown away by a strong man, leaving the remaining ten floors of dangerous buildings standing here.

At this moment, in this dilapidated building, Ma Hong and Duan Feixia were hiding inside.

"I didn't expect that after just a few comfortable days, I would have to flee again."

"I don't know where Lin Xing has gone. Why has there been no news for so long?"

Ma Hong lamented in his heart, thinking of his experiences in the past few days.

Ever since he received the message from Mo Xingye that day, he had fled all the way under the guidance of a mysterious man, and finally hid in this dilapidated building.

Although Ma Hong had some guesses about the identity of the mysterious man, since the other party didn't say anything, he didn't try to find out.

Holding his mobile phone at the moment, he continued to check the situation in Donghai City online, wanting to know more about the current situation.

But at this moment, she heard Duan Feixia on the side say angrily: "All the spiritual points were handed over without firing a shot. Do these people in Donghai City still have the backbone?"

Ma Hong glanced at his apprentice and said nothing. As a native of the mirror world, he had no feelings about his family and country. He only thought that this kind of law of the jungle was normal.

Then I heard Duan Feixia sigh: "This Zhao Ping is really amazing."

"I read on the Internet that in the past few days, Xinguo has sent people from all over the city to block him in Donghai City, and there are also three strong men from the Shenyin Camp who are chasing him."

"This man was able to break through the siege several times under such circumstances and is still safe and sound. He is truly a genius."

"Master, do you think he will have the opportunity to master the fourth inheritance in the future?"

"Maybe." Ma Hong nodded casually.

Duan Feixia looked at him like this and couldn't help but said: "Master, are you still thinking about that person? I think that although that person is also a third passer, his behavior is quite unreliable. If we have a chance, we might as well go to Zhao Ping for help. Not much more powerful than him?"

Ma Hong glanced sideways at Duan Feixia and said with a smile: "Good disciple, you really look like I had the demeanor when I was a young master."

Duan Feixia smiled and said, "Really?"

Ma Hong thought to himself: "I am just as blind as when I was young... I am still less insulted by the strong."

In a sewer somewhere in Donghai City.

There was a loud bang.

Baoshan's extremely majestic body has smashed through several walls in succession.

He just heard him say with an annoyed look on his face: "Are all the people in your world mice? Are they digging so many tunnels under the earth?"

Zhao Ping didn't say anything, he just kicked his legs hard, and as the cement floor under his feet exploded, he accelerated and rushed out again.

In the past few days, he had been running away under the guidance of Zhao Wanxi, and had narrowly avoided the opponent's attack several times in a row.

But after constant escaping and fighting, his physical strength and energy could never be well replenished, and his overall condition continued to decline.

Now facing the roundup of the three powerful men from the Shenyin Camp, they are even less of a match.

At this moment, a burst of laughter came from the front.

I saw the woman named Jiuye, her clothes flying, coming through the air with a burst of immortal energy, and in the blink of an eye she had intercepted Zhao Ping.

"Young Master's skills in swordsmanship are astonishing and beautiful. The President admires him very much and would like to invite you to come and get together."

As she spoke, the sewage in the sewer seemed to come alive, turning into roaring turbid currents, rushing towards Zhao Ping with overwhelming force.

Zhao Ping snorted coldly: "When I become a master of swordsmanship, I will take his life."


As soon as he pointed, the sword threads cut open the corridor in front of him.

As tens of thousands of tons of cement fell, the entire sewer was completely sealed.

Zhao Ping, on the other hand, turned around, cut through several walls under Zhao Wanxi's guidance, and rushed in another direction.

But just when he had just rushed out more than a hundred meters, a sharp sword intent rushed in front of him, stopping him in his tracks.

At the same time, the voice of the heavenly beast sounded from the front: "Old guy, your murderous intention is too obvious, and he discovered it."

The thin Leng Jian slowly walked out and said calmly: "The president wants to live. I'm afraid if I don't remind him, he will die under my sword."

The Heavenly Beast also walked out with an arrogant look on his face: "Huh, just watch from the sidelines. I will take him down personally today."

At the same time, with a loud rumbling sound, Baoshan and Jiuye, two strong men from the Shenyin Camp, also walked out of a hole opened by them, blocking Zhao Ping's rear.

Seeing the four strong men completely surrounding him, Zhao Ping's expression became more solemn.

"Hey, you asked me to come here, where should I escape next?"

Seeing that the mysterious person on the other end of the phone did not respond, Zhao Ping's face suddenly turned ugly.

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