I said I would turn back time

Chapter 436 Life and Death

Bang bang bang bang!

As the power of the incense and aspiration receded, and the foundation of strength supporting consciousness was lost, the Buddha's shadows belonging to the Great Light Buddha on the battlefield dissipated into the atmosphere one after another.

The electronic Buddhas who originally came here also lost the power to maintain consciousness and dissipated into the air one after another.

Only the physical body of the Great Light Buddha and the consciousness of the soul that relied on the physical body did not disappear.

But does this mean that the Great Light Buddha is still safe at this moment? Is there still some resistance?


I saw a delicate fist enlarged in front of the Great Light Buddha, and kept enlarging, and finally hit him hard in the face.

As flesh and blood flew everywhere, the second punch followed closely and hit his chest hard.

Accompanied by the sound of broken muscles and bones, the Great Light Buddha's chest seemed to have a big hole opened.

Then the third punch...the fourth punch...the fifth punch...

She didn't intend to kill the opponent in one breath. The girl just waved her fists to vent her anger, and in a blink of an eye she beat the Great Light Buddha in front of her into a bloody mess, making her look like a human.

"Aren't you very strong?"

"Aren't you going to defeat me?"

"Don't you underestimate me?"

"Fight back! Trash!"

The girl laughed wildly and pinched the head of the Great Light Buddha, looked at Lin Xing's face and shouted: "I just want to slowly kill you, what can you do?"

"You coward! Fight back!"


Another punch was thrown out, and the face of the Great Light Buddha in front of him suddenly deformed, as if it collapsed.

But no matter how the girl tortured his body and crushed his flesh and blood, the Great Light Buddha in front of him remained silent, as if he was praying for something.

And his soul is always entrenched in the sea of ​​consciousness, constantly replicating itself.

More and more consciousness occupied his sea of ​​​​consciousness, and they began to pray together, praying... praying...


The right arm of the Great Light Buddha was shattered, but he was still praying.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, thousands of great light Buddhas surround his soul and recite Buddhist scriptures in a low voice.

There was a soft sound.

His legs have been torn off, but the Great Light Buddha is still praying, praying non-stop.

Until the girl cut open the lower body of the Great Light Buddha, penetrated his chest with another palm, and squeezed his heart tightly.

The eyes of the Great Light Buddha suddenly opened, and a dead thought burst out from his body.

The girl who lacked combat experience was watching this scene blankly, as if she was shaken by the thoughts of the Great Light Buddha.

But God Lu Wu on her back reacted faster than she did. Nine tiger tails swept out in an instant, bringing with them clusters of fairy energy like a blooming lotus.

In the blink of an eye, the chest and abdomen of the Great Bright Buddha were torn apart by the impact of the immortal energy.

And above this large area of ​​blood, there was only a lone head floating in the air, looking at the girl calmly.

But in the remaining head, the girl could feel a large amount of incense and wish power pouring out.

"This bald donkey...is he copying his own consciousness and letting himself pray to himself?"

At the same time, the soul of the Great Light Buddha has come out of his body, carrying the power of incense and aspiration, as if he has transformed into a new body, emitting endless light.

As the power of the incense and the vows filled up again, the light of the thirty-third heaven behind the head of the Great Bright Buddha also expanded, shining like a round of great suns on the heaven and earth.

On the ground, the leader of the Taihe Sect, who had been watching the battle, also marveled in his heart: "I regard myself as a Buddha and feed it with my body... I didn't expect that this bald donkey has such skills? He can find a glimmer of hope in such a desperate situation. Unfortunately, Under the power of the Immortal Court, even if you have extraordinary talents, what's the use..."

In the battlefield in the sky, although the girl was a little surprised, she was not panicked at all.

"In order to have enough time to gather the last incense and wish, you couldn't even save your physical body. What's next is your final blow, right? After this blow, your physical body will be wiped out, and your soul will also be destroyed. To be completely crushed is to be truly dead.”

The Great Light Buddha clasped his hands together and said with a smile: "Dare you ask the master's name?"

The girl sneered: "I will let you know before you die that the person who defeated you is the thirty-sixth generation leader of the Mingshan Sect, Zheng Jingshu."

The Great Light Buddha said calmly: "Master Zheng, although I cannot kill you, I still have enough power to kill any strong person in this world."

"In the final battle of this battle, we will bet on the Mingshan Sect at our feet."

"Let's see if my final blow can kill all the Mingshan sect, or will I be killed by you one step ahead?"

The moment she felt the death wish of the Great Light Buddha, the girl felt that a vast Buddha's light had burst out from the other person's body.

The target of the Great Light Buddha is actually the people of the Mingshan Sect at his feet?

Feeling this, will Zheng Jingshu, the head of the Mingshan Sect, be angry and despise the despicability of the Great Light Buddha?


The girl who felt this scene just laughed wildly.

"Okay, Bald Donkey! Then with this last blow, let's see whether you die first or the people below die first!"

In her domineering thoughts, the girl's fist seemed to be carrying the power of huge mountains, and she struck hard towards the Great Light Buddha.

She has absolute self-confidence and will definitely be able to blow the opponent's head and soul first.

At this moment, the mountains below shook slightly as Zheng Jingshu punched.

The vibrating power of the mountain peaks was all gathered into the girl's punch, making her punch feel like it was carrying the weight of the mountains. It is now the seventh fairy scene in the inheritance of God Lu Wu, bestowed upon her The girl has the power to move mountains.

The next moment, the white and pink fist had hit the head of the Great Light Buddha hard.

Looking at the head that was about to explode, a trace of hesitation flashed across Zheng Jingshu's face.

In her induction, the power of the Great Light Buddha's final blow did not move downwards, but gathered into her sea of ​​consciousness.

"Is he scared to death? Want to block my blow?"


The exploding head filled the sky with blood, which surged backwards with Zheng Jingshu's punch, and sprinkled the thirty-three layers of lightning behind the Great Light Buddha.

As the blood stains blended in, the thirty-three layers of thunder light buzzed and took on a bloody color.

Zheng Jingshu looked at the exploded head of the Great Light Buddha in surprise, and thought to herself: "He... did he take my punch on purpose?"

"But why? Why did he do this?"

At the same time, as the head was shattered, the last incense and wish power possessed by the Great Light Buddha also exploded.

But this blow did not hit anyone in the Mingshan Sect, nor did it hit Zheng Jingshu.

I saw the Great Guangming Buddha's soul, accompanied by the exploding head, actually slapped the back of his head with a palm. This blow actually hit the thirty-three layers of lightning directly.

With the push of this incense wish, the thirty-three rays of lightning suddenly turned into light, with a layer of blood, like a red lightning that cut through the sky and shot towards the northwest.

The Great Light Buddha actually used Zheng Jingshu's blow to crush his own head, and then used his last strength to send the lightning out of the back of his head accompanied by blood.

The girl couldn't help but yelled: "Bald donkey! Why are you so crazy?"

The soul of the Great Light Buddha is gradually fragmenting.

"Buddhas, the war here is over, and the rest will be left to future generations."

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, the consciousnesses of the Great Light Buddha appeared one after another with their hands clasped together, and they dissipated one after another along with the Buddha's name.


"Good, good, good."

The soul of the Great Light Buddha has already suffered heavy losses, and now it has lost its head to stay in, as well as its last incense and wish power, and it has also reached the end of its life.

Looking at the broken soul, Zheng Jingshu asked again: "Are you crazy? Or do you think I dare not kill you?"

Listening to the girl's question, the Great Bright Buddha said slowly: "How can the donor not dare to kill me?"

The Great Light Buddha clasped his hands together, drooped his eyelids, and said calmly: "But after death, there is new life."

Invisible pressure came from the Great Light Buddha's soul, but it seemed to hasten his collapse.

"One generation dies before another generation can live. Whether it is a human being or a Buddha, the greatest thing about this world, in my opinion, is the word sacrifice."

Feeling the gaze of the Great Light Buddha, the girl couldn't help but turn around slightly to cover God Lu Wu behind her.

The Great Light Buddha smiled slightly, looked to the northwest, and said in his heart: "Lin Xing, this magical weapon you want, you never expected that I would finally build it for you."

"But you still miscalculated after all. I didn't live to the seventh year..."

At this moment, the Great Light Buddha felt his consciousness rising suddenly, as if he was connected to a corner of the infinite sky.

No need to communicate or speak, the Great Light Buddha understood his own state at this moment.

He chuckled: "Created a new fairyland?"

"Unfortunately, my final breakthrough came too late."

The Buddha Kingdom in the Heart: Taking oneself as a Buddha, through the cycle of life and death, the Buddha Kingdom will be achieved, overcoming the sufferings and tribulations in the world, and enlightening all living beings in the world to become Buddhas.

Just when the Great Light Buddha was feeling the information about this fairy scene, he also understood that he could modify the content.

It was even as if the message had come alive, asking him whether he wanted to make some kind of message dedicated to the creator.


"Someone will come to kill me."

"One day, I will kill you all."

Creator's message: Wait. Someone will come to kill me. One day, I will kill you all.

The next moment, when the consciousness returned to reality again, the soul of the Great Light Buddha had disintegrated to the end and completely dissipated between heaven and earth.

Looking at the disappearing Great Light Buddha, Zheng Jingshu could not feel the joy of victory at all. After being silent for a long time, she looked up to the sky and let out a long roar.

With her roar, the mountains below shook, spreading to all directions in the world, shaking everyone in the world.

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