
The three of them slowed down, and not long after they went on, they saw a torrent of mud and water full of debris.

The width is not very wide, it is only seven or eight meters, but at this distance, three people can’t fly through air anyway.

“What should I do, miss?” Su Hong asked anxiously.

“Su Qingyun, you can’t get through this mountain torrent, so surrender honestly.”

Qin Liangyi chased him up and saw a flash of joy on his face when the mountain torrent was blocked.

“For the sake of classmates, I will help you intercede. Ning Shao only wants that person and won’t embarrass you.”

“Shao Ning? The person behind you is Ning Family? Lin Jiahui and you are together?”

Su Qingyun finally asked the question that had always been in the heart.

“It was not originally, but she persuaded me.” Qin Liangyi replied briefly.

“Your Su Family is now being pushed down by the wall and everyone is pushing, I just mix in it to pick up and stutter, I hope you don’t take offense.”

It turned out that he didn’t have other purposes before joining the internship team, but was offered by Lin Jiahui to buy him during the internship mission.

“With your strength, it is not a big problem to enter the reserve of the Demon Hunter, why bother to go to this pool of muddy water?” Su Qingyun asked in confusion.

With Qin Liangyi’s achievements, he has a bright future after graduation, but if his performance in this internship is known, it will definitely become a stain on his resume.

For Great Influence, it is not difficult to find out a person.

Maybe in the future, he who could have become a glorious Demon Hunter will become a Bounty Hunter.

Qin Liangyi’s expression was a little sad: “No way, I need a sum of money now, the demon hunter’s relocation expenses are not enough! After entering the reserve, I will not be able to make any more money for at least two years!”

Su Qingyun sighed.

If she had known that a Qin Liangyi would let her fall to where she is today, then she would rather pay ten times the crystal coins to buy Qin Liangyi over.

It’s a pity that everything is too late now.

Money cannot solve the problem by this time.

The rain is still rushing.

The chasing soldiers on the periphery have completed their encirclement and are being gathered. Under the rain curtain, both sides can see each other’s silhouette clearly.

Two silhouettes walked out of the chasing soldiers and stood less than fifteen meters away from Su Qingyun.

“Qingyun, don’t wait a few days, didn’t expect to see each other again.”

Under the demon crystal lamp, Chen Ping faintly saw through the rain curtain that the person speaking was a young man about the same age as Su Qingyun, wearing a leather armor similar to Su Qingyun.

Next to the boy, there was a young man carrying a gun that looked like a bayi bar.

It seems that this person was the one who shot the gun before.

“Ning Feixiong, I didn’t expect that the first person who jumped out to attack our Su Family will be your Ning Family.”

Su Qingyun also seemed a little surprised to see the Lord.

As everyone knows, Blue Star Chengdong, Su and Ning have always been friendly.

Ning Family occupies several fertile mountains and forests, planting a large number of crops and medicine ingredients.

Su Family is good at developing medicine, and Su Clan Pharmacy is spread all over the blue star city inside and outside, which is second to none in the blue star city.

The two Old Ancestors started together in this relationship, and this relationship has lasted for hundreds of years.

Not only are there no business conflicts between the two families, they can even be regarded as a family of brothers with excellent relationships. For several stations, there are people in each generation of children who have formed marriage relations.

Even Su Qingyun and Ning Feixiong were almost married by the patriarch of the two races before they were born.

It is said that the collapse of Su Family is not good for Ning Family. Even the forests of Ning Family’s medicine ingredient have to change their nature and become crops with low economic efficiency.

But judging from the action of Ning Family this time, there may be some hidden secrets in it.

Although Chen Ping does not understand the specific relationship between the two, from the dialogue between the two, it can be seen that the two normally have a good relationship.

Is this a plot of dog blood that will be ruined because of love and hatred?

On Su Hong’s back, he only hated that he couldn’t have a lizard on hand and hand him a watermelon.

Huh? Why does the idea of ​​letting lizards hand melon come up so magical?

Chen Ping was dumbfounded for a moment, and then gathered his spirit to the scene again.

He is not particularly worried about the current scene, because whether it is Su Family or Ning Family, it seems that they are not clear now but they attach great importance to his value.

So no matter who wins, he feels that he is at least safe.

Although from the personal sense, he prefers the beautiful and kind-hearted Su Qingyun’s little elder sister, but this newly emerging Ning Feixiong seems to be a bit older.

For Chen Ping, to find a partner, naturally the stronger the better.

So, Qingyun little elder sister, this one, I will put Xiao Ningzi on her first.

He thought with keen interest pleasure.

“Qingyun’s use of the word “start” is a bit too much.

In the Blue Star City for thousands of years, I do not know how many families have ups and downs.

Now you Su Family on the verge of collapse, instead of making outsiders cheaper, it’s better to help our in-laws.

As long as you are willing to bring the entire Su Family into my Ning Family, in the future Ning Su will become a family, and you will be Mrs. patriarch, and enjoy the same glory, wouldn’t it be beautiful? “

“Bah! I won’t marry you even if I jump into the river!” Su Qingyun scolded in shame.

paused She seemed to think of something again, and said bitterly: “Speaking of the ancient recipe that caused us Su Family to use the power of the whole family to study, it was sent by your Ning Family. This arrangement has been really for many years!

No wonder I and my father went to your house to borrow some money for emergency situations a few days ago, and you all shied away!

It turns out that all this is the plan of your Ning Family!

I just don’t know that Su Family is down, what benefits can you Ning Family get? “

Ning Family is so forbearing! Chen Ping probably understood the whole sequence of events after hearing this.

It took several years to lay out a conspiracy, and it turned out that the whole family is always dark.

Come on, Xiao Ningzi, I am optimistic about you!

Chen Ping was a little bit happy eating melons.

“according to what you said, our Ning Family planted the medicine ingredient for you Su Family for hundreds of years, so should it be a coolie?

You Su Family are rich and wealthy, and they are all nine in the Blue Star City. What have our Ning Family got?

How many acres of fields?

What is the difference from the domestic slave who helped you Su Family farm the land? “

“hmph!” Su Qingyun snered: “You Ning Family Old Ancestor back then were the domestic slaves who helped us Su Family farming?

If it weren’t for my blue heart Old Ancestor to see your Ning Family Old Ancestor for your hard work, giving you the freedom of the Ning Family, can your Ning Family develop such a large family business?

Letting your family grow medicine is a way of survival left by the Blue Heart Old Ancestor for your Ning Family.

Your Ning Family can last for a hundred years. Isn’t it the work of this medicine?

didn’t expect the kindness of Old Ancestor back then brought out a thankless wretch! “

Oh! Sure enough, it is a big melon, didn’t expect the two families have such historical friendship! Chen Ping has become more energetic.

“I got it right! You Su Family never looked at our Ning Family from beginning to end!

Either when we are wolves or when we are dogs!

In the eyes of the world, our Ning Family is your Su Family’s subsidiary and domestic dog!

But where can you Su Family be?

Now it’s not that we have made the mansion fall!

Su Qingyun! You are proud now! Let me catch you, and I will let you taste what it’s like to become a plaything! “Ning Feixiong said with gnashing teeth.

The devil is stunned! This Xiao Ningzi seems to be unreliable, so let me go to Xiao Qingyun.

Chen Ping changed his mind after eating melon.

Hundred years of favors have cultivated enemies, such a Ning Family, he dare not put in effect.

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