Miss Yun: Hello everyone, Meng Xin, please take care of you.

The most honest person: The big guy is too terrible, and he actually pretends to be new.

It will turn into a dragon: terrifying!

From small beauty to large: woo-woo… I also want the quasi-legendary Pokémon Miss Ben to be a big school flower: [Touch the dog’s head upstairs. JPG】

Looking at the news in the group chat, Lin Yunyi’s mouth smiled, which was really interesting.

Then looking at Doron Messia floating quietly beside him, Lin Yunyi couldn’t help but nodded Duolong Messia’s cheeks, cute!

“Boss, then I will leave first, and I will consult you if I don’t understand.”

After exchanging with Gu Xin for a while about the habits and cultivation of Doron Messia, Lin Yunyi stood up and spoke.

As for Chen Yun and Ouyang Xin, they had already left ten minutes ago.

Although Chen Yun really wanted to try to fight against Lin Yunyi’s Doron Messia, considering the problem that Lin Yunyi’s Doron Messia could fly…

He thought it would be better to let it go for now.

“Always welcome.”

Gu Xin smiled and sent this Bai Fumei out.

When Lin Yunyi’s figure disappeared from sight, Gu Xin quickly closed the door and hung up the sign that it was temporarily suspended.

“System! What do I do after the main quest is completed? ”

In the doubtful gazes of Tianxi and Manafei, Gusin quickly sat back in the front desk and communicated the system in his heart.

“Ding’s current turnover has reached 120 million, and the main quest one condition has been met, is it unlocked?”


“Congratulations host, you are taking a major step towards popularizing elves to the world!”

“The host can choose an area for system descent, and wild elves will randomly appear in the wild environment of the regional place.”

“System permission update, unlock the move learner prize pool and elf evolution related props prize pool, elf world fruit tree seedlings.”


Gu Xin had a smile on his face, beautiful!

“Choose the area, Magic City!”

“The area of the magic city has been selected, whether to come immediately.”


There was no hesitation at all, Gusin chose no, it is not yet appropriate.

The arrival of the elves is definitely not a simple matter, and there are many places that need to be prepared in advance.

After all, wild elves are different from the newbie-level elves sold to customers in his shop, and the elves provided by the system are relatively simple and flawless, even if some have strange personalities, they are definitely not evil.

But wild elves are different.

Don’t you see the scene where the little retard went out on a trip on the first day and was chased by a large needle bee swarm for half a day?

And the sudden and unprepared arrival of the elves will inevitably conflict with the people here, and the most afraid is that the state will send an army to surround and suppress, which is no joke.

What Gusin wanted to see was that the elves could fit perfectly into the world, rather than cause a backlash and hostility from humans.

“It’s time to talk to the people above.”

Gushin mused.

“And the seeds of these fruit trees.”

Gusin opened the interface of fruit tree seedlings, full of rows of various fruit trees. Cherry fruit, spare fruit, peach fruit, dragon fire fruit…

There are too many, these fruit trees in the Pokémon world are not only magical, but also materials for making energy cubes.

In the wild, the fruit produced by these fruit trees is also one of the foods of wild Pokémon. So fruit trees are definitely going to be planted, and they can’t be delayed.

Because this can provide nutrition and food for wild elves, although Pokémon also have their own food chain, there are not many elves who explicitly incorporate other elves into their own recipes.

“And will it improve the natural environment? That’s good. ”

After carefully examining the advantages after the arrival of the elves, Gu Xin couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

According to the description of the system, the natural environment of the area after the arrival of the elves will gradually improve and optimize, which is simply understood as the plant will grow more luxuriant.

The water will become clearer, making it more suitable for elven life.

This world is almost exactly the same as Gu Xin’s previous life, modern industrial pollution is quite serious, green mountains and green water are not absent, but there are not many anymore.

Or it is absolutely incomparable to the natural environment of the elven world.

“System, if the elves come randomly, which elves come?”

“The system is all random.”

“So, legend Pokémon also have a chance to come?”

Gusin licked his lips and asked the system more accurately the question he wanted to express.


After getting the system’s reply, Gu Xin’s eyes flickered slightly.

To be honest, the words of ordinary elves are fine, but if it is said that Pokémon will also have the opportunity to come randomly, it is really impossible to tell whether it is good or bad.

After all, there are not too many elves in this current world itself, and the first time the elves come, if it is the phoenix that comes, the legend of such a kind camp as the king Lokia Zhernias is still good.

But in case it is a disorderly chaotic camp like Gurado Gaioka, Chief Reim…

At a worse point, it is Ipertar who comes, Neklozma in the form of lack of light, and Infinity Tide who lacks energy…

That’s really hilarious.

“I hope you don’t descend on too strong legends, you have to do it step by step.”

Gu Xin frowned slightly, he couldn’t handle the legend of Ipertargai Oka Gurador now. Although Tianximanafei is indeed powerful, but the legend is also high-grade, take them two to scare the original Gaioka them? Silly.

“It’s a blessing or a curse, it’s a curse that can’t be avoided, let’s deal with the matter in front of you first.”

Gu Xin shook his head, how can there be so many and some of them, not to mention that Gu Xin does not believe that the system will really let those disorderly legends come so early.

Otherwise, what’s the point of what you’ve done so far?

Whether it is the primordial Gaioka or the primordial Gurado, or the lack of light Neklozma, they all have the ability to truly destroy the world, and it is really bad for them to come so early.

It is estimated that it should be the legend of the three holy beasts and three divine birds that descended first… Right? Magic Capital No. 1 Middle School.

“Hu finally finished school, to be honest, I don’t want to come tomorrow.”

After walking out of the campus, Chu pitifully stretched out his arms and stretched out, revealing his slender curves. Well, it’s that the curvature of a certain part is really small.

“Okay, you, obviously lost your mind for a day.”

Bai Qian rolled his eyes, and complained to Chu Pian angrily.

“Hee-hee, that’s not important, if it weren’t for my mother making me come to school, I wouldn’t be too lazy to clock in every day.”

“Let’s go, let’s go, go to the elves.”

Chu smiled pitifully and held Bai Qianshian’s arm, pulled her and ran to the driver who was rushing to pick her up. Is there a meaning to going to school? Elves are the most fragrant!

Home of Pokémon.

“La la la boss, here we are.”

The familiar wind bell sounded, and Chu Pi said hello to Gu Xin full of vitality.

“Business is good.”

But when you enter the store, you will be greeted by several figures, and they are all quite unfamiliar, and they should all be new customers.

“Coming? School so soon? ”

Gu Xin was collecting the bill, heard the sound glanced at the two Bai Fumei, smiled and said hello.

“Sit down first, if you want to fight, just go to the backyard.”

Let the customer in front of him swipe the card again, Gu Xin said to the second daughter.

Business is really good today, and I just sold two more elves, although they are Appa snake and pangolin.

“Then I’ll go to the back with Asabao.”

Chu was pitiful and not polite, took out the picture book to record the Appai snake, although he mainly wanted to smoke the elves, but seeing that Gu Xin was quite busy now, he was not in a hurry anyway.

“Go ahead.”

Gu Xin took the energy cube handed over by Tianxi and handed the energy cube to the young man in front of him.

“This is the poisonous energy cube, the taste that the Appa snake likes to eat, and the two boxes are given away for free.”

“Of course, the Appai snake is a poisonous Pokémon, and you should usually be careful not to let it accidentally hurt others.”

“The best thing to say is to buy two antidotes, just to be safe”

Gu Xin reminded the young man in front of him, and the young man listened carefully and nodded.

Then he looked at the Appa snake with his body coiled at his feet with satisfaction, he was not afraid of snakes, or he liked snakes very much.

“Then ask the boss to bring me five antidotes, and five more boxes of the energy cube of the Appa snake.”

After thinking for a moment, safety is indeed the most important thing, the young man said to Gu Xin.

“Okay, please wait.”

Gusin smiled and nodded.

Half an hour later, when all the customers were finally sent out of the store, Gu Xin drank his saliva and let out a long sigh of relief.

It’s a pity that it’s finally busy, although there are many people who come to consult and there are many heartbeats, but those who are willing to buy are a few.

After all, it was the price that dissuaded many people.

Gu Xin shook his head helplessly, anyway, it is impossible to reduce the price, the price of the elves he currently sells to the guests is basically a low price.

“There are more plains in the western suburbs, there can be a variety of them, and there are forests in the east…”

Sitting in the rest area, Gu Xin took another map of the magic city area and carefully examined all the areas,

“Huh? Boss, why are you still studying geography? ”

A few minutes later, Chu Pi and Bai Qiansha came over and looked at Gu Xin curiously.

“Let’s understand the distribution of the magic city.”

Gu Xin came back to his senses and looked at the second daughter and smiled.

“How was the battle?”

“If you smell a face, you know to restrain me with attributes.”

Hearing this, Chu pity pouted, a little unhappy.

“You’re about the same, do I have anything else besides the water elves?”

Bai Xiaosha simply laughed when she heard this, her three elves are all water system, and Chu’s poor little fire dragon and big jaw ants are all weak water system, blame her?

“Attribute restraint is a point to be used in elf battles, this is normal.”

Gu Xin replied with a smile, and then thought for a moment.

“But I do have a question for you.”


Chu pitifully waited for Gu Xin’s next group in confusion.

“What if… I mean, what do you think if elves appear in the wild of the magic city on a large scale? ”

After a deep groan, Gu Xin asked the two.

He also really wanted to know how the locals would react if they knew that Pokémon would appear in large numbers.

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