“Congratulations Mr. Zheng, this elf is very good.”

Gu Xin looked at the elf picture on the elf book and smiled at Zheng Shiqian.

“Can you please introduce the boss?”

Zheng Shiqian’s eyes lit up, very good? Wouldn’t that be…

Zheng Shiqian’s heart was beating a little fast, could it be that he was finally transported today?!

“Its name is Heart Scale Treasure, a quasi-legendary larvae of the dragon line.”

Gu Xin said with a smile, yes, this elf is the Heart Scale Treasure, the quasi-god Pokémon larvae of the seventh generation. Sure enough, it is a quasi-legend!

Zheng Shiqian looked at the book excitedly, and it was still a quasi-legend of the dragon system!

“So Mr. Zheng, do you think…”

“I want this! Boss, I want it! ”

Without waiting for Gu Xin to ask, Zheng Shiqian looked a little uncontrollably excited, and quickly said to Gu Xin. Do you still need to think about it? He had been waiting for this day for four days!

This is only necessary to legend him! It’s not easy for anyone to come!

“Okay, please wait.”

Gu Xin was not too surprised, nodded with a smile at Zheng Shiqian, and turned to walk towards the compartment.

Soon, under Zheng Shiqian’s expectant gaze, Gu Xin walked out again, and at Gu Xin’s feet, he followed a small gray-black dinosaur, raising his head and looking around.

“This is the heart scale.”

Zheng Shiqian’s eyes were bright, and he carefully scanned the heart scale.

The top of the head is a yellow heart-shaped scale, the overall appearance of a four-legged baby dragon, the upper body is gray, the abdomen and limbs are black, the back has teardrop-shaped scales, and the tail is also scaled.

“Drop Heart Scale Treasure, Dragon Attribute, Scale Pokémon Feature: Bulletproof Trick: Impact, Glaring, Hold, Double Return

“Tapping the scales conveys your mood, and the sound of metal echoes on the high mountains where the heart scales inhabit.”

The elf guide introduced the information of the heart scale treasure, and Zheng Shiqian looked at the scales on the heart scale treasure.

Well, it’s beautiful!

“In the introduction of the Heart Scale Treasure’s guide, it seems that there is no mini dragon and Yukira cow.”

Rao Xiaofei looked curiously at this young dragon walking around in a novel way, which is also a quasi-legendary dragon. However, the introduction of the book feels that there is no mini dragon and Yukira B block high.

“The introduction of the book is only to let people better understand the existence of elves, and does not fully represent everything about elves.”

Gu Xin shook his head when he heard this.

Compared to the mini dragon, it was once considered a Pokémon of illusion

“The description of the Heart Scale Treasure’s book is indeed not good, or by Kira”

“Once ate a mountain”

It is also more than the picture book of the heart scale treasure to introduce the cow.

But this does not mean that the Heart Scale Treasure is worse than the Yukira Mini Dragon.

“The final evolutionary strength of the Heart Scale Treasure is not low in quasi-legends, and the Heart Scale Treasure itself is excellent.”

The final evolution of the Heart Scale Treasure is the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon, with attributes as dragon and fighting, and this attribute combination is still very good.

The distribution of the race value of the staff-tailed scaled armored dragon itself is also okay, and the attack defense special attack special defense has all exceeded 100! Even the speed is eighty-five points, which is not particularly low.

Not to mention that the staff-tailed scale ankylosaurus has exclusive skills!

The exclusive skill of the staff-tailed scale ankylosaur is the scale noise of the dragon system, and the power is not low, with 110 points.

Moreover, the staff-tailed scaled armored dragon also has exclusive Z moves, and it can be said that the treatment of the staff-tailed scaled armored dragon as a quasi-god is very good.

Do you compare the treatment of Kuailong again? Hyperevolution? Exclusive? Exclusive Z? Super giant?

There is no hair, none of these four hypertrophy are touched, not even a pseudo-exclusive technique, not only nothing, but also four times weaker ice.

The staff-tailed scaled ankylosaurus was stained with at least two.

Chill the air! When will hypertrophy be able to stand up!

The only pity is that the distribution of the race value of the staff-tailed scaled ankylosaurus is too balanced, in a sense, balanced means mediocrity, although there are no shortcomings, but there are no advantages.

Of course, this is analyzed from the perspective of the game, in reality, the strength of the staff-tailed scale ankylosaurus as a quasi-legend naturally does not need to be said, and although the game cannot be fully referenced to reality, it can definitely be used as an important reference.

And the real staff-tailed scale armored dragon, with its four-dimensional growth that broke the value of hundreds of races, compared to other ordinary elves, the perfectly grown staff-tailed scale armor can be said to be a chilling opponent!

But there is one thing to say, the popularity of the staff-tailed scale ankylosaurus in the player is really not particularly high, mainly because of its appearance…….

Well, after all, people are visual animals, and appearance is still a little important.

But although the staff-tailed scale ankylosaur is a little bumpy, the heart scale treasure is still very cute!

“The Heart Scale Treasure family is generally brave and proud by nature, even if there is no trainer, the Heart Scale Treasure will sharpen itself in order to become stronger.”

“With a harsh environment, exercise day after day to become stronger, it can be said that Xinfengbao is a natural warrior.”

Gu Xin looked at the curious Xinfengbao who stared at the TV and said slowly.

Yes, even wild heart scales, they have a stronger heart.

Heart scales will actively gather in harsh environments such as canyons where there are no people and Pokémon around them to exercise, and hit the scales on each other’s heads to learn how to fight.

This is enough to prove the temperament and will of the heart scale.

“So awesome~”

Rao Xiaofei blinked his eyes when he heard this, such a small guy actually had such a firm will.

“Boss, how much is the heart scale? I want to check out. ”

Zheng Shiqian obviously liked Xinfengbao more, and couldn’t wait to take out his bank card.

“There is no discount now, you also know that the price of the heart scale treasure is 70 million.”

Gu Xin smiled and said to Zheng Shiqian, before the preferential price was all 60 million, now that the preferential period has passed, the price will naturally be pulled back.

“No problem, swipe your card.”

Zheng Shiqian didn’t blink his eyelids at all, and handed the bank card to Rao Xiaofei. Sure enough, it’s a super young master.

Gu Xin was surprised, but it was not unexpected, after all, people’s temperament and words and deeds are difficult to deceive, although Zheng Shiqian has a relatively peaceful personality, but the young master’s temperament revealed between words and behaviors is not something that ordinary people can have.

Of course, Gusin does not pay attention to this, and the richer the guest, the happier he is.

“This is to buy the precious ball of quasi-legend and buy the energy cube given by the elf.”

Gu Xin handed the crimson precious ball and energy cube to Zheng Shiqian.

Not bad, good luck in the past two days, now deduct the 100 million of the main line of the first stage, the turnover is almost 200 million.

It’s only 800 million away from the billion of the main line of the second stage, well, selling nine mini dragons is almost all together…

But there is really no hurry, the current Magic Capital Tournament is still a month away.

“Thank you boss.”

Receiving the precious ball, feeling the texture of the precious ball, the corners of Zheng Shiqian’s mouth involuntarily raised. Cool!

In their trainer circle, the precious ball has simply become a symbol of B-frame!

After all, there is no place to buy the precious ball, and this is only a gift to the elf Gu Xin who buys the quasi-legendary level!

As a top young master, Zheng Shiqian also has vanity, and now he finally has a precious ball!

It’s so cool!

Although he threw out 70 million just after a while, Zheng Shiqian never felt that he was so clear!

“Heart Scale, we will be partners from tonight, let’s work hard together to become stronger.”

Zheng Shiqian walked to Xinfengbao and squatted, smiled at this little guy and said softly.


Xinfengbao stared at Zheng Shiqian with big eyes for a while, and a low cry sounded.

“Come on!”

Hearing that Xin Fengbao did not resist himself, the smile at the corner of Zheng Shiqian’s mouth deepened, and he gently stroked the scales on the top of Xin Fengbao’s head.

Ha ha!

Pokémon House group chat.

Ancient board: Congratulations to Mr. Cheng Shiqian for being approved for the legendary heart scale treasure, and warmly celebrated [scatter flowers. JPG] Traditional powers.

It’s the male fox: good guys! I’m straight good guy! Quasi-legend again? 【Sour. JPG】

Miss Ben is a big school flower: I can’t understand it! What kind of posture did you use to pull it out? 【Smile】

Poison pet lovers: Long Shaoqiang, finally have a second Pokémon for you. Dragon City No. 1 Shao: Hahaha thank you thank you, it’s really not easy. Yukira is not a foodie: congratulations on the opportunity to come and fight.

Little Bird Yiren: Mu, what is the attribute of the heart scale treasure?…. Dragon City No. 1 Few: Heart Scale Treasure is a [Picture] of the dragon attribute] Zheng Shiqian directly took a picture of the book information and uploaded it.

From small beauty to adult: I went, I always thought that the only quasi-gods who did not appear were baby dragons and single dragons were dragons.

Miss Yoon: It’s a bit too much to look at the dragon line in Kamisato like this… Isn’t it much?

Doron Messia, mini dragon, heart scale treasure has been drawn, and baby dragon and single head dragon must be dragon attributes, and the rest are only round land shark iron dumbbells and sticky treasure.

Antiquitic Board:…

Gu Xin sent an ellipsis, so that he would not say that in fact, the round land shark and the sticky treasure are also dragons. West.

Edward cautiously came to the outside of the abandoned factory and glanced inside through the window.

The inside of the factory is not small, and after getting closer, you can obviously see more clearly, the factory is indeed flashing with golden light, but I don’t know what the source of this golden light source is.

But don’t think about it, it’s obviously abnormal.

The biggest possibility is that there is an extremely powerful Pokémon inhabited here!

Otherwise, could it be that this golden light is still the light of a light bulb? What light bulb is golden? Not to mention that this is still an apparently abandoned factory.

It stands to reason that the facilities inside should have ceased to operate long ago. The only problem now is…

Want to go inside and take a look?

“Just a glance should be fine… Right? ”

Edward was extremely moved, and reason told him that it should be now. Get out of here.

The wild elves in this area are completely beyond the ability of the ice and snow dragons to deal with, let alone the mysterious elves in this factory.

But his adventurous nature kept pushing him to open the factory door. One of the web hits.

Q: What is one of the reasons for the sparse number of foreigners? Answer: Die!

One of the traditional abilities that foreigners are best at.

Edward put the water in his hand back into the space backpack, walked to the factory gate, took a deep breath and solemnly pushed it away.

Just do it and you’re done! Big deal, after noticing that something was wrong, he immediately ran, he just wanted to simply know what this elf was.

Because I’m so curious! Can’t stop this damn curiosity!

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