Chapter 180 This man is a monster!

On the ring.

Ye Fei half hugged Mu Zijin. The two limbs are only in short-term contact, = touch and split.

Ye Fei laughed and said, “Let’s take a break first-for a moment, Zijin, your Wing Chun is very powerful, and it’s just right.

There is a sense of vain eruption that seems like a shock.”

Ye Fei didn’t deliberately praise Mu Zijin, he was telling the truth.

Mu Zijin’s Wing Chun boxing is already popular among everyone, and I am afraid that many so-called Wing Chun Taishi in the country are her opponents.

In addition, Mu Zijin’s Xingyiquan is also excellent. She is also a combatist who does not stick to every move. Ye Fei and Mu Zijin have played against each other.

Two kinds of hearty feeling.

A light smile appeared on Mu Zijin’s pretty face, “Don’t praise me. Your skill and fist technique also amazed me._ 拳一

Athlete’s beriberi is amazing, with the help of the sound, the strength with the energy, and the essence is deep. ”

?Jin also spoke highly of Ye Fei’s kung fu.

After the two played against each other, Mu Zijin’s cheeks were flushed, and there were fine Wangzhu on her smooth forehead. She seems to feel the waist

There was Ye Fei’s body temperature just now.

10 This inadvertent physical contact between the two is indeed wonderful.

She was actually hugged by this guy. She also hugged her waist::

Mu Zijin suppressed the strangeness in her heart and kept her expression natural.

“Why don’t we play some other projects.” Ye Fei suggested, and he looked around. Want to play other types of projects.

Mu Zijin blinked. She whispered softly, “Okay, I think I can try shooting.”

Mu Zijin likes to get along with Ye Fei. Every time I get along with Ye Fei, Tu Fei “will surprise her and get along well with Ye Fei

The service is very relaxing.


Shooting is also a project that Mu Zijin is good at. She has been fascinated by the military since she was a child, and she was born in a military family, so she is right

Shooting is very proficient.

Mu Zijin said this deliberately.

Who made Ye Fei behave so well? Not only does she swim better than her, but also her best skills are not inferior to her.


This made Mu Zijin a little bit unconvinced.

Mu Zijin’s mouth was hiding a smile. She deliberately vomited in embarrassment.

Humph, who made you so good? I don’t believe you are even better at shooting than me!

Mu Zijin couldn’t help feeling like a little daughter in her heart. She blinked at her sleeping son. She looked at Ye Fei.

To Mu Zijin’s surprise, Tu Fei actually agreed. Ye Fei smiled and replied, “Okay. No problem.

There was a hint of surprise in Mu Ziying’s bright eyes, but she didn’t say much, and said straightforwardly, “Come on then.

Ye Fei opens the system page to silently open the page of system skills, consumes = 100 million funds, and directly ‘mastery of firearms’

’This skill has been upgraded to a high level.

In fact, Ye Fei wanted to upgrade this skill a long time ago. Mastering this skill with guns is especially useful.

After all, at critical moments, firearms proficiency is likely to save lives.

These knowledge and skills appeared in Ye Fei’s mind as if they were born with 2

Existing experience allows Ye Fei to use it at will.

Firearms proficient!

Ye Fei has this skill. Suddenly he was full of confidence. ,

He wanted to give Mu Zijin’er another surprise!

In Hongshan Boxing Gym. There are also venues dedicated to practice shooting and shooting.

Ye Fei and Mu Zijin went to the shooting area, and both got two high-simulation pistols given by the staff.

Pistol shooting!

Pistol shooting is very difficult because pistols are only suitable for close-range shooting, and aiming difficulty and accuracy are required.

It takes a long time to train to be effective.

“How do you want to compare?” Mu Zijin laughed.

“Just follow the rules of rapid-fire pistols in international competitions. Shoot 6 human targets with 6 bullets in each group.

Ye Fei’s words are concise and concise. The rules are simple and clear. They are completely game rules, but they are slightly looser in terms of time.

That’s it.

A faint surprise flashed in Mu Zijin’s beautiful eyes. It is hard to think that Ye Fei would actually compete according to the rules of the international competition.

Is it Ye Fei “Really proficient in shooting 3

“Okay.” Mu Zijin agreed.

So, Ye Fei and Mu Zijin held the pistols, their fingers must be placed outside the trigger guard, and both of them were ready.

Posture, stand still in front of the electronic broadcaster

Ye Fei has one-handed and one-armed guns. He was facing right away and pressed against the neck of the gun. When standing, the feet of Tufei should be about shoulder width apart.

Separate your toes naturally.

Ye Fei’s standing posture is extremely standard. It can be described as professional.

Mu Zijin was even more surprised when she saw Ye Fei’s gun holding and standing posture.

Mu Zijin didn’t have time to think about it, her graceful figure was standing, and her straight and slender legs were particularly eye-catching.


With the sound of the electronic broadcaster, Ye Fei and Mu Zijin shot at the same time.

A total of 18 bullets are divided into 3 groups. 6 bullets per group L_

Bang” bang” bang”

The sound of inspection sounded continuously.

After dozens of seconds, the gunfire fell silent again.

For a while, the surroundings are extremely quiet a

After a moment of silence, the electronic broadcaster first reported Mu Zijin’s results.

“179 Ring”

Ye Feik was slightly surprised. Mu Zijin’s performance was indeed amazing. In the case of rapid shooting, it reached an astonishing 179.


Mu Zijin rolled up the blue silk on his face, with a bright smile on his face, he was obviously satisfied with the result.

Immediately afterwards, Mu Zijin and Ye Fei looked at Ye Fei’s results.

In the next second, both Mu Zijin and Ye Fei were slightly startled.

757__ Because the e-broadcaster broadcasts Ye Fei results, 180 ring L

All soil rings!

This means that Ye Fei’s performance can only be described as horror.

He is better than Mu Zijin.

In fact, Ye Fei didn’t expect it. After all, this was Ye Fei’s first shot after acquiring the system skills. Ye Fei only felt

Very handy.

There may be some luck in this, but in short, Ye Fei won!

Upon seeing this, Mu Zijin blinked Shu Lingling’s eyes, her red lips were pursing slightly, 2-the pair of scissors and her pupils looked at Ye Fei carefully. Can’t help it.

In a low voice, 4 “What a monster, you are so good at shooting?”

Ye Fei chuckled, “It feels good just now.”

Ye Fei’s reaction and speed from holding inspection to standing posture to firing are all terrifying, absolutely at the level of well-trained!

Mu Ziying looked at the man in front of her with bright eyes, she found that this man was really like a treasure, the more you dig, the more you can get

The difference is now.

Mu Zijin couldn’t beat him in swimming, shooting, and skills that he was best at!

“Ding, congratulations to the host, increase the experience value by 100 points

Ye Fei’s experience points have increased again, and the corners of his mouth are curled up, and he is close to his goal of 500 experience points.

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