The star color that had been condensed by countless colors of light suddenly dimmed like a extinguished candle, and even the liquid body of the giant began to slowly condense and stop flowing, as if it was asleep.

The countless auroras in the sky slowly disappeared, and the light of the sun descended again.

"What's going on?"

The Deep Diver High Priest's eyes widened, and he couldn't help but have a bad premonition in his heart.

Its spiritual power poured into the altar in an attempt to awaken the star color once more, but received no response, only a frenzied and chaotic consciousness.

It's like a lit bomb that could explode at any moment.


The liquid star color suddenly began to crack, like a decaying stone sculpture, and it was on the verge of end.

The High Priest of the Deep Diver looked at this scene with a look of disbelief on his face, and couldn't help but take a few steps closer and muttered in a low voice:

"No...... It couldn't be ......."


The huge star color suddenly cracked, and countless colored fragments fell to the ground, and the liquid was almost solidified, flowing slowly, but it lost its previous activity.

And in the midst of this explosion, a figure rushed out of it, grabbed the throat of the High Priest of the Deep Diver, and lifted him up.

And this figure is naturally Lu Yu!

He used the power of shadow, frost, and hellfire to intertwine together to form an arcane steel seal, which was deeply imprinted on the opponent's throat, sealing its spiritual power and turning it into an ordinary deep diver.

It's a secret technique he's learned from the books of the Crimson Skull Mage, and he's needed to master many different powers to weave the steel seal and thus travel the terrifying seal.

If you can't break through it forcibly, and there is no special spell to unlock it, you can only be obediently sealed for a long time.


The High Priestess of the Deep Diver let out a painful sound as he was lifted, and the huge fish eyeballs stared at Lu Yu deadly, as if they didn't know why Star Rainbow had failed.

That was the only hope he had pinned on for a thousand years!

Such a powerful weirdness, even suppressed the demon dragon and the extremely evil war demon at the same time, even a few more could not break through its blockade.

When it devours these guys, it will definitely be able to become a terrifying existence that even the Eternal Sun level will not dare to provoke.

But why......

Why did it fail suddenly?

As if seeing the other party's doubts, Lu Yu pinched the other party's neck and increased his strength slightly, and then said with a smile:

"Can't figure it out? Curious?"

"Uh-uh...... For...... Miscellaneous...... ......"

The high priest's voice was hoarse from the intense pain, but it wanted to know the cause more than the physical pain.

Two huge eyeballs stared at Lu Yu deadly, covered with bloodshots, and it seemed that they might fall out of their sockets at any time.

Lu Yu heard the voice of pain, a smile appeared on his face, and then said:

"However, I won't tell you, go home and ask your mother, oh sorry, you shouldn't have a mother, then go to hell with your doubts!"

Lu Yu still understands the truth that the villain died from talking too much, so he resolutely couldn't give him any chance, so he increased the strength in his hands.


The high priest's eyes widened when he heard Lu Yu, who was spitting fragrant mouth, and his eyes were bloodshot, as if he was extremely angry.

Its flippers struggled to grab Lu Yu, but Lu Yu's hands had more strength.

Although it is already Huiyue level, it is biased towards sacrifice, so the physical strength is not high, and it is still not enough to see in front of this huge force that is enough to shake the mountain.

However, at the extreme of pain, this high priest suddenly thought of something, and Gu Panqiu, who was following Lu Yu, suddenly gave up struggling.


Lu Yu's fingers were deeply embedded in the neck of the high priest, twisting the opponent's neck, and then turned on the aura to absorb and devour the opponent's life force to replenish himself and heal his own injuries.

"Obviously, there are three Huiyue levels, if you fight head-on, I may not be able to wipe you all out, I didn't expect to limit the venue, what a fool!"

Lu Yu continued to devour the vitality and annihilated the soul of the high priest to prevent the other party from having any back.

In fact, if there is a head-to-head battle, although Lu Yu can resist the Huiyue high-rank, it is only evenly divided, and it is not easy to defeat.

However, because of the careful layout, the High Priest of the Deep Diver wanted to attack by luring him, and then let the Star Color devour them, but in the end, he was confused, and Lu Yu found an opportunity to seal the power, and he could only be slaughtered by others.

And Star Colour is indeed powerful enough, but it's a pity that he met Lu Yu, a man who has a debt relationship with many evil gods, and even provoked many powerful existences.

Even he himself was able to incarnate into the state of a thousand-handed demon god and fluctuate an entire chaotic world.

Star Color's devouring ability is extremely strong, and even its ability is close to the rule level, but its IQ is not high, and it only knows how to blindly devour.

This is actually an advantage, because intelligent beings are not easy to control, and they are not driven by the High Priest of the Deep Diver.

And because Starcolor's devouring body is liquid, there is very little that can support it.

But it is not easy to be blown up, just because it won't eat bad things!

It is true that mortal objects can only be obediently devoured and digested by the color of the stars, but what if they do not belong to this world?

Like the breath of the spider god?

Or the [Thousand-Handed Demon God Visualization Diagram] in Lu Yu's mind, although it is not as good as the Thousand-Handed Demon God Himself in the creator's space, but he has also visualized a limit, imitating the essence of one ten-thousandth, which also contains a huge amount of information.

This information can distort reality, turn fate, interfere with the law of cause and effect, and if it is not strong enough, once swallowed, then it will attract backlash.

So Lu Yu took the initiative to release this information, and in order to prevent his strength from being insufficient, he also added a trace of the breath of the spider god for Xingzhicai to swallow.

And then the current scene was created.

Today's star color is scattered into countless parts, half-liquid and half-solid fragments, slowly wriggling on the ground.

In fact, it is not bursting, but it is distorted by this information, and some of it is difficult to swallow, if you use human words, it is indigestion.

However, Lu Yu had to praise the strength of the Star Color's essence, if it was an ordinary creature, it would have been distorted and distorted a long time ago, and it only temporarily lost its ability to resist, and even digested this information.

If it is really digested successfully, then it may usher in a new evolution, becoming an even more terrifying monster, a monster that has devoured high-level information.

At that time, even Lu Yu will have no way to take it!

"But now that I've lost the ability to resist, it's my turn to reap!"

A smile appeared at the corner of Lu Yu's mouth, and he slowly stretched out his hand, and the light of the system descended, covering all the fragments of Star Color.


The supreme power directly disintegrated his indelible body, and then turned into a beautiful ball of light floating with a halo and fell into Lu Yu's hands.

"Real five-star material, finally ready to start a new edit!"

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