I, the Lord of God, recruit witches to make money

Chapter 196 The murderous Shura Field (please subscribe for the big chapter)

Adolf was surprised.

She originally didn't want to leave the hotel. She planned to stay there and stare at the cat to see who would lower his head first.

Gao Liujing insisted on dragging her out, saying that women would not be favored by God if they did not go shopping.

No, thinking about it now, that sentence should be the truth.

As she walked around, she suddenly felt an electric shock and looked back.

In the vast sea of ​​people, Adolf immediately saw the glass wall of the pizza shop and the man sitting sideways on the wall.

It looked so familiar... Her green eyes fell into memories and stopped in place.

What's wrong?

Gao Liujing also stopped and turned his head, his golden curly hair scattered on his shoulders. He didn't get Adolf's answer, and his blue eyes followed hers.

Huh? ! Gao Liujing's pupils trembled. Wait, that back and profile look so familiar.

It looks like Shiraishi.

Adolf spoke his mind.

Gao Liujing took a deep breath and instantly remembered Shiraishi's little hobby. He liked to drive motorcycles until they were scrapped. He also said that if he bought the Fire Blade, he would participate in the Isle of Man TT competition.

No way……

With a hint of luck in her heart, she stood on tiptoes and glanced outside the pizza shop. She caught a glimpse of the Fire Blade among the rows of motorcycles.

That was a photo that Shiraishi had shown her several times. There was no mistake. The person in it was 100% Shiraishi.

Haha, this is the Isle of Man in the UK. He can't be here. Let's continue shopping.

Gao Liujing wanted to prevent the two from meeting, but she really didn't want to have to shoot herself in the foot again.

She felt very regretful. If she had known better, she should not have encouraged this person to go shopping.

However, Adolf's space magic is really a must-have magic for shopping. No woman can refuse such temptation.

But this kind of temptation is nothing compared to Shiraishi.

Gao Liujing looked at the pile of clothes. The joy of shopping was instantly washed away by the possibility of a cuckold on her head. I just found a good shop there. Can I buy you some beautiful clothes?

You're right.

Adolf's answer made Gao Liujing breathe a sigh of relief, thinking that it was solved.

If a woman goes shopping, she will be favored by God, and it will definitely be Shiraishi.

No, no, you must not believe that nonsense. Women who indulge in shopping will only be cursed by God and full of bad luck!

Gao Liujing overturned his previous remarks and continued: Why don't we go back to the hotel for lunch. What do you want to eat?


Adolf walked toward the pizza place.

She has a very upright character, and even if nine cows break the rope, she won't be able to pull back what she decides.

Hey, Gao Liujing sighed and could only adapt to circumstances.

It was absolutely impossible for her to let Adolf and Shiraishi stay alone together, otherwise, the two of them would roll into the woods in minutes.

The green on top of the head will become darker.


The door to the pizza place opens.

Martin sat up straight, wanting to be a British gentleman, but seeing them approaching, he couldn't help but raise his hand to say hello: Two beautiful ladies~

Step aside.

Adolf's attitude was extremely cold. She was wearing a white shirt, casual pants, and a light beige windbreaker with her hands in her pockets.

This look, coupled with the stern face, looks like a killer coming out of a spy movie. With just one word, Martin will obediently give up his seat.

Please sit down, Bai, let's go.

Shiraishi also wants to leave, but the question is can he leave now?

It wasn't like he hadn't thought about it just now, before the two of them entered the store, he could use the Butterfly Transformation Technique to leave or change his face.

But after thinking about it, he still didn't do that.

Avoiding will not solve the problem.

If it comes to this, just say it clearly in one breath!

Bai Shi raised his head and said firmly: Martin, you go first.

Eh? Martin was a little surprised, and then his face turned solemn. He could see the realization on Shiraishi's face, as if he still wanted to conquer the Isle of Man circuit after failure.

A man with such a consciousness cannot be persuaded.

Wait, could it be possible that they and him...

Martin suddenly realized that drivers don't need women. Damn it, only guys who don't worry about women would say that.

He ran to the front desk to check out, feeling sour in his heart, and decided to get on his motorcycle and leave this sad place.

Shiraishi, it's really you, what a coincidence.

Adolf's green eyes lit up, and joy flashed across his cold face. Instead of sitting across from him, she sat next to him.

Gao Liujing watched this scene expressionlessly.

Shiraishi was so frightened that he quickly leaned against the glass wall and said, Adolf.

What? She moved closer, directly forcing Bai Shi against the glass wall. There was no extra room for retreat, and her head rested on her shoulders. By the way, I forgot to introduce you. This is my colleague, Gao Liujing. He is Bai Shi. I .”

first meet.

Gao Liujing interrupted what she was going to say next and said with a smile: You are so handsome and handsome.

? ? Shiraishi had a question mark on his face, something was wrong with this plot development.

He wanted to ask clearly, but saw that Jingmei's beautiful face was covered with a layer of haze, like a stormy sea surface.

Uh, first meeting.

He swallowed his doubts, and the ominous premonition in his heart became more and more serious.

Why is Adolf so close? Why did Akira pretend not to know him and not get angry?

This scene was different from what he thought. He originally thought that the thorny issue was that Adolf accidentally revealed the things he had had a relationship with during the chat.

But the current situation is a hundred times more difficult than imagined.

The air at the scene was so heavy that he felt suffocated. If he had known it would be like this, he should have run away just now.

At this time, the waiter stepped forward to the rescue in time and said: Hello, what do you two need?

Shiraishi felt that this waiter was an angel sent by God, and said quickly: Yes, you can order whatever you want to eat, I'll treat you.

I want German-style pizza and Coke without ice.

Adolf said what he wanted for lunch and squeezed in again.

Are you trying to squeeze me into a patty?

Bai Shi complained in his heart, and glanced at her cheeks covered by burgundy hair, but she couldn't see much expression.

Adolf didn't say anything, but it seemed like she had said everything. The body that kept getting closer expressed the joy in her heart.

So much so that Shiraishi had to use the Butterfly Transformation Technique to reinforce the glass wall to prevent Adolf from being squeezed out onto the street.

The joy of reunion after a long separation is understandable, but the problem is that her joy seems to go beyond friendship...

Shiraishi really wanted to ask Adolf, didn't he say that after repaying gratitude, he couldn't have that kind of relationship?

What's going on?

But Youjing was sitting in front, completely unable to ask.

He has no interest in self-destruction yet.

The same goes for Jing, why haven't you spoken?

Baishi glanced forward. Gao Liujing's cheeks no longer had the gloom, and became as bright as the sky outside. He supported his side of his face with his hands, and narrowed his blue eyes slightly. Speaking of which, what did Mr. Baishi do when he came here? Something?

Yeah, why are you here?

Adolf also woke up and asked a question instead of continuing to squeeze in.

Uh, this, Shiraishi's body suddenly tensed up and he almost screamed. Under the table, his feet wrapped in black stockings left the bright red high heels and stretched out from the opposite side, like a snake crawling on his right leg, with his toenails scratching the skin. pants.

Gao Liujing looked at him with a smile.

Hey, this is too exciting, wrong, and perverted!

Bai Shi roared in his heart, so he pretended not to know him because he wanted to play like this?

I came here to participate in the Isle of Man TT competition. Today I am familiar with the road conditions. I will participate in qualifying at six o'clock in the evening to determine the order of appearance in the competition and whether I am qualified to participate in the main race.

Hey, are you still interested in motorcycles?

There was a hint of surprise on Adolf's face.


Shiraishi nodded and promised to keep his expression natural. He pushed his knees up to signal Akira not to continue like this. If he was discovered, the atmosphere at the scene could only be described as a volcanic eruption.

That's awesome, I like motorcycle riders the most~

Gao Liujing ignored his warning and smiled slightly. Her voice sounded like the sunshine at two or three o'clock in the winter afternoon. It was lazy and had the magic power to make people want to immerse themselves in that laziness.

Adolf frowned slightly and said bluntly: Don't you have a husband?

Yes, I am a married person and I want to protect my husband. I just don't know what my husband thinks.

Gao Liujing's eyes narrowed into a crescent shape with a smile, she pressed her toes hard, raised her chin slightly, and revealed a sharp gaze through the narrowed gap, Hey~ We are both men, do you have anything to say to defend me?

“Those who are pure will themselves be cleansed.”

Shiraishi replied harshly and quickly changed the topic: What are you doing here?

Adolf was about to answer.

Gao Liujing stopped her and said, The FBI's confidential mission is not to be told casually to others.

Yes, I signed a confidentiality agreement, sorry.

Adolf turned his head and looked at the face that was so close. He stretched out his hand to hold his chin and twisted it here. Her face came forward and blocked his mouth where he wanted to ask questions.

When you apologize, you must be sincere in your apology!

Hmm! Bai Shi's eyes widened, looking at the pair of green eyes reflecting his own eyes, how could he not understand what she was thinking.

Gao Liujing clenched her hands into fists and stepped harder on her feet! !

Which man can withstand an attack from two sides?

Shiraishi cannot.

He quickly surrendered.

Adolf noticed the trembling of his body, released his chin with her hand, and asked: Causing you trouble?

No trouble at all.

Shiraishi immediately denied it, and then he noticed that the murderous aura in the seat in front of him had doubled, and he swallowed. How should he coax this person?

Facing them, Bai Shitou is bigger than thousands of powerful enemies.

At least those people can use their strength to deal with it.

They can't.

Shiraishi hasn't come up with any good ideas yet.

Gao Liujing stood up from her seat and said, Adolf, it's time to go. We can't let the hunting dogs detect our traces.

Adolf understood who the hound she was referring to, glanced reluctantly and said: Shiraishi, I like you. When we meet next time, remember to give me your answer. Goodbye.

That's pizza money.

Adolf will never let go of the money he should pay by himself, By the way, it will take a while for me to pay back the money I owe you. I don't know why, but the harder I work, the poorer I get.

As long as you buy less financial products, you won't be so poor.

Gao Liujing said angrily.

I buy financial products every month, lose one after buying one, and buy another one. It is impossible to make a fortune in this life.

“Only if you know how to manage money, your wealth will double.”

Adolf replied seriously.

... Bai Shi didn't know what to say. Sometimes, Adolf's thoughts were like a stone, Financial management is mostly a lie.

Oh, then I won't buy it.

Adolf quickly changed his mind and nodded: I will work hard to make money and pay it back to you the next time we meet.

Don’t forget what I said and be sure to reply.

She waved and left the pizza place through the back door.

Gao Liujing glanced at Bai Shi, said nothing, and walked toward the back door.

Baishi looked at the two people leaving, his heart heavy. He thought it was Chu and Han fighting for hegemony, but it turned out to be the Romance of the Three Kingdoms?

If you reject Adolf...

He was not that hard-hearted, and both sides handed over their first time. The memory of that night is still unforgettable.

What's more, this is the first time he has been truly confessed to by someone.

Akira never seriously said that she liked him.

What does Akira's attitude mean?

He frowned, unable to guess what that person was thinking.

The waiter came over with two pizzas and Coke, Here.

Set it here.

Shiraishi raised his head and said something.

Yeah. The waiter's eyes were somewhat sympathetic. This young man must have been dumped.

Shiraishi picked up a slice of German-style pizza, with pure white cream spread on the surface, and onions and ham dotted on top of the cream.

The door of the pizza shop was pushed open, and a man with long blond hair stepped in, wearing a silver mask with a five-pointed star mark on his face, and wearing a white slim-fitting suit.

He glanced around the store, and his eyes fell on Shiraishi who was eating pizza. He took a few steps forward and said, Long time no see, Mr. Shiraishi.

Bai Shi turned his head and blinked: You are...

Gawain of the Silver Pentagram, you are really a noble man who forgets things. I have not forgotten that the sword was broken by you.

Gawain said, glanced at the durian pizza and said, Are you waiting for someone?

Shiraishi understood who the hound in Akira's mouth was, shook his head and said: No, I have a big appetite and can't get enough from one meal, so I ordered two more. What can I do for you?

The competition is coming soon. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, I have been ordered to inspect the situation on the Isle of Man.

Gawain simply explained, May I ask, what is your purpose here?

Participating in the Isle of Man TT competition, are there any big names who want to be there to watch?

I wish you a pleasant day. Gawain smiled slightly and did not answer his question. This person's suspicion was eliminated and he felt much more relaxed.

The Magic Council repeatedly warned that no accident should happen to Prince William. Gawain was able to deal with those people's orders, but he was willing to risk his life to carry out Arthur's orders.

Phil, the man behind Prince William, is a heavyweight.

When Gawain exited the pizza shop, Shiraishi frowned and shook his head. Let her handle Akira's affairs by herself.

He lowered his head and ate pizza and drank Coke.

Britain, the sea to the west.

A huge sailing ship was moving forward. The magic spells running on the surface of the ship's hull concealed the existence of the ship. Outsiders looking at the sailing ship could see directly the other side.

Sardari walked up the stairs, ignoring the drunken and singing pirates, and went directly to the captain's room on the third floor. He raised his hand and knocked on the door, Captain.

Come in, Saldari.

A steady voice came from inside the door.

He opened the door, and the smell of blood lingered in the air, and there were blood stains on the ground.

Redbeard leaned on the specially-made sofa and complained: The quality of women these days is really low. We need to buy a batch of good products from the black market.

If he is dissatisfied with a woman, Redbeard will often kill the woman in the middle of his venting, using killing to satisfy the other half of his unexpressed emotions, What do you want from me?

The copper bell-like eyes glanced down, and the pressure suddenly increased.

Saldari lowered his head and said respectfully: I always feel uneasy in my heart. It seems that someone set the trap, and Sol is not trustworthy.

Haha! Red Beard laughed loudly, and even his bright red beard shook, You have always been cautious, and I will not blame you for being cautious.

However, nothing is 100% perfect in this world. Everything has risks, it just depends on whether you are willing to take that risk.

Redbeard doesn't know anything about Phil's matter. It's a bit too coincidental. There might be some force behind it secretly pushing it.

However, he believed in his own strength and wanted to know the whereabouts of Phil too much.

Sardari, do you remember what our wish was?

Redbeard asked aloud.

How could Sardari not remember? He only needed to think about it for a moment to remember that he was in that garbage country.

The two teenagers ran barefoot through the narrow and dilapidated streets, staring blankly at the blue sea under the gunshots that came from unknown directions.


he replied in a low voice.

At that time, they wanted freedom more than anyone else, to be able to leave Somalia and travel anywhere in the world.

They firmly believe that the scenery they see there must be more beautiful than that in Somalia.

Yes, to achieve this goal, we need a better ship that can land on the moon and dive into the deepest part of the ocean.

Redbeard spread his hands, clenched them tightly into fists, and growled: For this goal, even traps are worth trying!

The air was shaken, and the determination contained in his words prevented Saldari from continuing to persuade him. He said: How about sending someone up to investigate first to see what's going on on the island to avoid an ambush?

He could not persuade Redbeard to change his sailing plan, so he could only try his best to plan the attack as well as possible.

Redbeard laughed and said, Haha, no problem, I'll leave it to you. Let's go to the land of dreams together.

Yes. Sardari bowed his head and exited the captain's cabin.

Redbeard picked up the wine and drank it again, his bell-like eyes full of anticipation.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, the road surrounding the island was closed into a race track.

Competitors need to run around the track at an average speed of no less than 150 kilometers per hour.

Unlike other professional tracks, the track here is not only 60 kilometers long, but also passes through towns and villages, woods and deserted suburbs, from plains to mountains.

The track is undulating, with varying widths and road surface quality, and has more than 200 large and small curves.

There is no buffer zone next to it, and some sections of the road don't even have ordinary guardrails.

Once he misses it, he is lucky to be able to survive like Martin and lie in the hospital for two years.

Some people can never get up in their lifetime.

Shiraishi pulled down the windshield and looked out from the exit. The engine roared sweetly.

It's not the main game, but there are still some melon-eating crowds gathered on both sides.

The sunset falls on the street, and the breeze blowing from the sea blows through the branches. In the creation of the painter called nature, the entire Douglas becomes a beautiful oil painting.

With a wave of the staff's hand, Shiraishi shifted into gear, the speed gradually soared upwards, the gear changed, and the needle reached a speed of 187 per hour.

He didn't get over 200.

Now the nature of the fun is different from usual, this is a competition.

Shiraishi didn’t want to overturn during qualifying.


With the sound of wind ringing in his ears, he steered the fire blade, and the spacious road soon came to an end and ushered in the first bend.

Shiraishi's body naturally pressed down.

Oh!! the crowd watching cheered.

The risk of this kind of bending is very high in the eyes of outsiders, but in the eyes of experienced people, it seems ordinary.

However, many veterans overturn their cars when cornering.

This is what is said about those who are good at swimming and drown.

Shiraishi drove through the first corner beautifully and continued forward, but his speed was not very fast.

The veteran driver passed his car at a speed of over 200 per hour.

The sound of that person's engine still echoed in the wind, and the person seemed to escape into the sunset and disappear from Shiraishi's sight.

He is not in a hurry. The main race is based on timing. The person who finishes the race in the shortest time is the champion.

The key is whether you can pick up the speed on the race day.

Now, as long as he can pass the review and be familiar with the highway conditions.

Especially those roads with ups and downs.

At this speed, he could often fly, and the fire blade felt like it wanted to break away from his hands, just like a person trying to hold a live fish.

Shiraishi relied on his own strength and excellent skills to fall down in an extremely thrilling way.

We continued to move forward without any danger and ended in a circle.

He saw the crematorium not far from the end.

Every year in the competition, there is always one person who wants to enter and enjoy the treatment of being cremated.

Shiraishi glanced around and asked the staff if he could leave. If nothing happened, he chose to return to Nohara Shrine.

It is night in Japan, and there is not a single star in the sky.

The wind was strong and the leaves were blowing loudly. Bai Shi parked the car in the yard. The lights in the living room were not turned off and the sliding doors were open.

Shiraishi took off his shoes outside the corridor and walked into the living room. There was a plate of cucumbers on the low table with a note underneath.

He picked it up and looked at it. The handwriting of the note was very elegant. It was written by Jun Komori, Cucumber mixed with sugar. If Shiraishi-kun is hungry, you can try it.

At the end of the handwriting, there is a big smiley face with tongue sticking out. Judging from the scrawled appearance, it must have been drawn by Miyo Kiryuin.

Haha. Shiraishi seemed to be able to see the scene where Komori Junzheng wrote that Kiryuin Miya was already there urging her to draw.

He sat down and picked up a piece of cucumber. It was very sweet, but it had been a little too long and had lost the crispness of the original cucumber.

Shiraishi didn't dislike it and tasted it carefully. When he came back from outside, there was a bite waiting for him, the lights would not go out, and it felt like home.

By the way, I'll leave a message too.

He turned out a pen and wrote on it, Eat it, it's delicious, thank you.

ps: Change the update time

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