If one had to rank the extraordinary forces in Japan, the Yuqi family would definitely be in the first rank.

The so-called Goschikami are Ise Jingu Shrine, Izumo Taisha Shrine, Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine, Sensoji Temple, Hyakju Dojo, Hokushin Shinto-ryu, and Kannagi Family.

The size and number of other extraordinary forces are not as large as those of the Yu Qijia.

The chief monk of Sensoji Temple is called Kanshou, and he is always held by a member of the Shido family. It is a hereditary system.

The current Kanshou is Shido Shinichiro, who is also the father of Shido Mayumi and Genjiro.

He stayed in the quiet Zen room, listening to the noisy chirping of cicadas outside, and knocked on the wooden fish in front of him again and again.

The noisy wind blew into the Zen room from outside, and he raised his eyelids and said: You are here.

Takagi Kaku stood at the door. The door of the Zen room was not closed, as if he had anticipated his arrival.

Guanshou, I have something to discuss with you, Gao Mujiao stepped into the threshold, stepped on the light yellow wooden floor, and carefully glanced at the skinny old man on the futon.

This man has a stooped figure and a loose cassock covering his body like a huge blanket.

On the outside, he looks old, loose and weak, as if he might drive away at any time.

However, those eyes did not have the twilight aura of a dying person, they were as clear as a newborn child, and they were like a mirror that could reflect the human heart.

The cool fragrance like tea and flowers lingers in the air.

Shinichiro Shido said, Is it for some friend?

Well, I would like to apply for permission to enter the Bronze Man Formation, my friend from Nohara Shrine.

Nohara Shrine?

Shinichiro Shido's calm expression showed some shock, but it was immediately covered up and he regained his composure.

Others may not say it, but it is impossible for Mayumi and Genjiro to hide this from their father.

Who stole Genjiro's magic weapon? How powerful the enemy was.

Shido Shinichiro had already put the priest of Nohara Shrine on the list of people who needed to be on guard. Unexpectedly, someone under his disciple actually had a good relationship with that person.

Does Kansou know this shrine?

Takagi Kaku's expression was a bit surprised, and his tone didn't sound like he was confused.

Shinichiro Shido said vaguely: Well, I agree to your matter, go down.

It was about the face of his children, and as a father, he was too embarrassed to tell people about the beatings of his siblings.

Thank you Guanshou. Gao Mujiao lowered his head and swallowed all the words he had prepared. He thought to himself that he is indeed Lord Guanshou, looking up at the nine heavens and down at all living things.

Even the situation of the small Nohara Shrine is closely monitored.

This kind of compassionate heart made Takagi Kakuo admire him. He left the Zen room and sent a message to Shiraishi to set a time for Oniryuin to come and participate in the trial of the Bronze Man Formation.

The next day.

Time of nine o'clock in the morning.

Asakusa Station.

Avoiding the morning rush hour and not being a special holiday, Asakusa Station doesn't seem very lively.

Outside the A4 exit, a tall man stood waiting. He was wearing a thin black shirt, a plaid tie, black suit pants, and black leather shoes, as shiny as his head.

Next to him is a cute-looking girl with two buns in her hair, wearing a lotus-leaf dress. From time to time she stands on tiptoe and looks inside, Aren't you here yet?

It will come when the time comes.

Takagi Kaku replied calmly, he didn't want to come here to greet him, and he was not a child, so he just asked Kiryuin to go to Sensoji Temple.

But if Kongmei wants to come over to greet her friends, that's different.

The geniuses of the next generation of Sensoji Temple cannot just go out alone. If they encounter any accident, their death will be Sensoji Temple's loss.

Especially when the world is about to undergo tremendous changes, geniuses are becoming increasingly important.

Kongmei pouted. It was rare for her to have friends of the same age. Chatting and video chatting on her mobile phone were far less enjoyable than meeting them and going shopping together.

She couldn't wait to stay inside and guard her. It was because of Takagi Jiao's strong request that she had to stay here.

After all, Takagi Kaku is the elder, and waiting for the juniors inside the station would be too cheap.

Although it was not something praiseworthy in words, it was his stubbornness as an elder.

Kongmei stared ahead, and a wave of people greeted her at the exit, including a very tall girl.

Her black hair was tied into a single ponytail, with some sideburns hanging down on both sides. Her wheat-colored skin was like freshly baked French bread, her lips were like blooming cherry blossoms, and her big almond-shaped eyes were very bright. She raised her hand and waved: Little dumpling~


Kong Mei responded happily, hurriedly ran forward and hugged Miu Kiryuin, who was a head taller than her.

Miyu Kiryuin even picked her up and spun her around.

Gao Mujiao had to give a warning and said: Be careful of encountering pedestrians.

Oniryuin Miyu stopped circling and said with a smile: Good morning, Uncle Takagi!

Very good, very energetic, just call him uncle...

Takagi's mouth twitched. He, well, his actual age is more than an uncle, but the age of extraordinary people usually depends on their appearance. His appearance should not be called an uncle.

Why don't you wear sunglasses? I feel that if you wear sunglasses, your uncle will look like a killer.

Miyu Kiryuin expressed her doubts.

Kongmei's eyes lit up and she said, I've wanted to complain about this for a long time.

Because I'm not a killer, I'm a monk.

Takagijiao answered their questions and said: Don't delay. You are here to seek a breakthrough. I will take you to the Bronze Man Formation. Remember...

Listen to me!

He yelled, and the two girls who were walking forward stopped, turned around and said, Can't you take a stroll first?

Of course not!

Takagi Kaku replied in a deep voice. He knew that Kong Mei was too talented and had no friends of his own age at Sensoji Temple. He also had no chance to play. He rarely met friends and came here because he wanted to treat him well and visit Sensoji Temple.

But Miyo Kiryuin is not here to play, she is here to seek a breakthrough.

Takagi Kaku also promised Shiraishi that he could not let her relax like this.

Is it really not possible? They asked again in unison, their eyes filled with a light that people couldn't bear to extinguish.

Takagi Jiao had a cold face.

He is a man who is as cold on the outside as he is on the inside, so he will not change his mind easily.

It must be cultivation!

It's amazing. Is this the Thunder Gate? It looks more than twice as grand as the torii of our shrine.

Miyo Kiryuin looked up at the red lantern with the two characters Thunder Gate written on it. With that door, her own shabby stone torii gate was completely incomparable.

Kongmei said with a smile on her face: After passing the Thunder Gate, you will find Nakamise Commercial Street.

There are eighty-nine shops, including delicious dolls, fried cakes, pancakes, etc., as well as many interesting gadgets.

Hey, I asked Shiraishi-kun for a lot of pocket money, and I just happened to have a big meal. Only when I'm full can I have strength!

Miyo Kiryuin patted her shoulder bag. She was not wearing a miko uniform today and was wearing ordinary casual clothes.

A short T-shirt stretched like a full moon, tight jeans, and pink sandals on her feet.

It can be said that apart from training, she just wanted to have fun at Sensoji Temple.

Her attitude towards training is not like that of Kannagi Rin and Komori Jun. To explain it in game terms, she is the type who treats tasks as the main line regardless of their primary and secondary tasks.

After all, she didn't have a dark childhood, and she didn't have an urgent goal to accomplish.

The dream of being the strongest in the world and surpassing Shiraishi is far, far away.

Then let's start shopping. I have good store recommendations! Kongmei took her hand and ran forward excitedly.

Compared with their joy, Takagi Kaku's expression was a bit helpless. After all, he was defeated by the girls' expectant eyes and had to let them go shopping first.

Feeling that he had failed Shiraishi's instructions, he began to send a message, I'm very sorry, I didn't keep a close eye on them and let them wander around.

The message quickly showed read status, and in less than a second or two, there was a reply, It's okay, I am the one who should apologize. Oniryuin's character is more playful, so I will teach her a lesson right away.

Takagi Jiao wondered if what he said now would make him look like a scoundrel. Forget it, I agreed and let them roam around.

Then I'm sorry to bother you. If there's anything rude to Guilongyuan, you don't have to worry about my face. Just hit her when it's time to hit her. She has a strong skin. If she doesn't hit her, she won't have a long memory.

It's not that serious. Takagi Kaku replied. He doesn't dislike energetic young people. If even young people become cautious and don't dare to make any mistakes, how dangerous will the world become?

I also want to thank her. Without her, Kong Mei would not be smiling so happily.

After wandering around noon, Miyu Kiryuin burped, then pinched Kongmei's belly with a smile, Haha, you'll eat up your belly too.


Kongmei blushed and shouted, don't talk about this kind of thing in a big way.

Takagi Kaku wiped his mouth and said, You don't want to go shopping this afternoon, do you?

Of course not, I want to break into the Bronze Man Formation.

Oniryuin Miya had a great time, but she did not forget the purpose of her trip. She challenged the Tongren Formation, broke through to the fourth realm, and caught up with Kannagi and Komori.

She didn't want to keep playing the role of the shrine's tailgater.

Kong Mei's popular science said: The Bronze Man Formation was originally a mobile weirdness. Tens of thousands of years ago, the great master of Sensoji Temple found that this weirdness was beneficial, so he did not eliminate it. It was fixed in Sensoji Temple and became the current Bronze Man Formation.

Can it still be weird?

There was a hint of surprise on Kiryuin Miya's face. Mr. Shiraishi had never told her this knowledge.

Takagi Kaku nodded and said: There are three types of weirdness: flow type, spread type, and nest type. For example, the incident in Hokkaido was the nest type weirdness created by the high priest.

Oh, I know, Shiraishi-kun and I have been to Hokkaido.

Kiryuin Miya quickly replied, It's snowing everywhere, and there are also fun snow dumplings. Speaking of which, I haven't eaten Asakusa Sorazuki's dumplings yet.

I'll take you there after the Bronze Man Formation is over!

Kongmei answered with eyes shining.

Takagi Jiao shook his head. It was a girl's nature after all. He said nothing more and stood up to pay the bill.

Okay, it's just for dinner. I want to eat all the dango from Sensoji Temple!

The beauty of Onilongin looked full of fighting spirit.

Did she really come here to practice... Gao Mujiao complained in his heart. After paying the money, he led them to the place where the Bronze Man Formation was.

There are fewer and fewer passengers on the road.

Ordinary people are often not allowed to approach extraordinary areas to prevent those people from being in danger and affecting the reputation of Sensoji Temple.

Big forces cherish their reputation very much, unlike some small forces who just do whatever they want.

Away from tourists, the trails are secluded and there is no sound of cicadas chirping in the woods. From time to time, there are crisp bird calls flying in the wind. The green grass and flower beds form a very beautiful picture.

Oniryuin Miya and Kongmei were whispering to each other in the back.

Takagi Kaku led the way, and an extremely tall man with a very conspicuous airplane head walked towards him. He held a long toothpick in his mouth, put his hands in his pockets, and walked in an arrogant and domineering crab step.

Master Genjiro. Takagi Kaku bowed his head respectfully.

It has nothing to do with the fact that the other party is Guanshou's son, but more a recognition of his strength.

If Kongmei is a genius who has not grown up, then Shido Genjiro is already a genius who can support the facade of Sensoji Temple. Entering the eighth realm is a matter of how long it will take.


Kongmei also said hello honestly.

Shido Genjiro nodded in response, glanced at the wheat-skinned girl standing and sizing him up, and said, Who is this?

Takagi Kaku replied: She is the shrine maiden of Nohara Shrine, and she came here to break into the Bronze Man Formation.

Nohara Shrine?!

Shido Genjiro tilted his head, remembering that the guy seemed to have taken in three shrine maidens, Haha.

He sneered.

Apart from sneering, I didn't know what to say.

The more you practice, the more you can experience the difference in strength between each other. If you want to fight again, how long will it take?

What he had thought would be quick now became uncertain.

Shido Genjiro's expression turned gloomy, and he strode away from here without saying anything else.

Oniryuin Miya was confused. This person didn't seem very friendly to her, so she whispered: He doesn't seem to be happy that I came over. Is it causing trouble for you?

Kongmei quickly shook her head and said: No, Genjiro-sama...how should I put it, he is the kind of person with a bad temper and straightforwardness.

I might have thought of something unhappy just now, and it had nothing to do with Mei Ya.

Guan Shou promised you to enter the bronze formation, and he usually doesn't care about these little things.

Oh. Miyo Kiryuin nodded, believing her explanation, and continued to follow Takagi Kakuo's footsteps.

The Bronze Ninja Formation is located to the west of Sensoji Temple. It has a square shape and is more like a large sealed object than a building.

The outside is full of golden Sanskrit characters, and the fonts are connected together like a complex pattern. Under the sunlight, a river of golden light flows.

Wow, it looks so beautiful. Are all temples so golden?

Kiryuin Miya had a surprised expression on her face. The last time she went to Izumo Taisha Shrine, she had seen the elegance of a top-level shrine, but compared to Sensoji Temple, Izumo Taisha Shrine was inferior in appearance.

As for Nohara Shrine, it is probably comparable to the giant golden bell, which has an extremely loud sound.

When struck at seven o'clock every day, the bell can ring throughout Nohara City.

Haha, Buddha wants a gold suit.

Kongmei smiled, but her words showed no respect for the Buddha. She was an extraordinary person who followed the crowd and did not believe in the Buddha.

Takagi Jiao turned his head and said, Don't continue chatting. Let's all go in.

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