434: Shock the leader!

Su Ming really couldn’t do this, because it violated basic common sense. Even so, James was still a little worried. It seems that he was really scared by Su Ming’s pervasive invasion.

At this moment, Commander Lecce was making a statement of the incident to Chief Boss. Chief Boss was silent for a while after listening to the report. Then he raised his own question: “General Lecce, do you think this hacking will happen? Could it be our enemy?”

Lecce was stunned when he heard this. He didn’t think of this, but there was only one enemy he could think of, and that was the fighting nation.

But… the fighting nation is quite backward in computer technology, even if they want to do this, do they have the ability?

Commander Lecce spoke out his 30 thoughts. After listening to them, Chief Boss said with a smile: “General, you have overlooked one point, although the other party’s computer technology is much behind us.”

“But this is just a pure hacking operation. As you know, the hackers’ technology has nothing to do with their home country’s computer technology. As long as the other party has a few geniuses in this area, it is not impossible to achieve this. Thing up.

When Lecce heard this, he was very impressed. The commander made a lot of sense, so he asked: “If this is really the commander, how should we deal with it?”

After hearing the words, the leader thought for a while, and then asked: Lecce, “General, how is the situation at the base now? Is there a danger of losing control?”

This issue is very important. If a free country really loses its control of nuclear weapons, it would be equivalent to losing the final guarantee for the entire free country. This consequence is something no one can bear.

When Lecce heard this, he pondered for a while, and then replied: “Your Excellency Commander, as far as the current situation is concerned, our nuclear weapon system is still very safe, but…

However, “I am not sure how long this kind of security can be maintained. If there is any sign of loss of control, I will notify you as soon as possible.

This was a fairly modest answer. After listening to this, the leader of the old cloth was silent for a moment, and then said: “Well, I hope that the other party will not be too much. I will hold a national security meeting to discuss specific countermeasures. Goodbye.”

The old boss hung up the phone after saying this, and then he sat in a chair to think. After a while, he told his secretary: “Karin, I want to hold the highest-level security meeting. You go and inform. a bit.

Kailin nodded when she heard the words, turned around and walked out. The boss of the old cloth frowned and sat on the chair. He thought of this question in his heart: Did the fighting nation do it? These hackers are so powerful, if not the fighting nation People, who is 677?

At this moment, Su Ming was staring at the computer in a daze. Although he was kicked out of the LAN again by the opponent, he was not depressed. At this moment, he was thinking about a solution to the supercomputer.

While Su Ming was thinking hard, the lights in the room flickered suddenly. This was caused by voltage fluctuations. Su Ming was afraid that the computer would be damaged due to unstable voltage, so he immediately lowered his head and glanced at the case.

Fortunately, the voltage fluctuation is still within the range that the computer can withstand, so there is no malfunction in the computer.

–Wait! Voltage Computer Voltage Computer,…

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