725: In today’s world, only he has this strength!

Newman spit out a smoke ring and said: “Their current helm is the old Rockefeller, this old immortal is very powerful, and the Mellon consortium suffered a loss in their hands.

“Think about how beautiful the Gulf Sea Oil Company of the Mellon Consortium was? But under the squeeze of the old Rockefeller, the Mellon Consortium finally had to sell this company to the Rockefeller Consortium at a low price.”

“For this reason, the business of the Mellon Consortium fell into a downturn, and it has only gradually recovered in recent years.

Su Ming laughed when he heard the words: “You are called Old Rockefeller, who is immortal, is he really old?”

Newman nodded when he heard the words: “He is ninety-four years old this year. Isn’t he old? It is said that his body is still very good, but this old guy doesn’t go out at all and keeps himself in the villa all day. ”

“I guess his health is definitely not as good as he announced. This old guy has a heart attack. He had a heart attack last year. I guess he will have a hard time making it through this year.

Su Ming’s heart moved upon hearing this: Have a heart attack?

As soon as he thought of this, Di Fei’er’s voice came from behind: “Su Ming, so you are here. Are you hurt?”

Su Ming smiled bitterly when he heard the words and got up, and said: “Dai Fei’er, why didn’t you explain the situation to me earlier? I was fine. But I was almost hit by a wine bottle. What happened today really made me drive. Got the horizon.

I didn’t expect that there would be such a wonderful performance among the young people of the big consortium-did you see Newman? His head was broken.

Newman became extremely unnatural when she saw a Concubine Di, who immediately turned to look at him when she heard Su Ming’s words. As a result, Newman immediately stammered: “So, what… You talk first, I, I will go to the doctor to bandage it.

After Newman finished speaking, he immediately turned around and ran away. It seemed that his head smashed by the wine bottle was no longer dizzy. Su Ming couldn’t help but feel dumb. After a while, he couldn’t help but smile: “What’s wrong with him? ”

Dai Fei’er said with a smile: “What the hell is he doing? He always does this. Every time he sees me, he always runs away. Su Ming, let’s go shopping. ”

Concubine Die was talking and dragged Su Ming to the backyard. Su Ming said as she walked: “Concubine Die, what did you say during the meeting today?”

Di Fei Er sighed after hearing the words: “Generally speaking, no results were discussed. Everyone felt that what Newman encountered was just an accident. According to the existing data analysis, the fighter was probably infected with the virus.

This matter has been handed over to the Morgan Consortium to investigate, but I don’t expect any results. ”

Su Ming said with a guilty conscience: “Yeah, I think it was just an accident..

Di Fei’er frowned when she heard the words and said: “I don’t think so. I think it’s possible that hackers did this. I’m afraid that only God has this ability in the hacker world.

Su Ming heard that the flower’s feet were soft and almost fell. If he hadn’t hugged Di Fei’er, he would fall to the ground, and then sneered: “I’m sorry (Qian Li’s), I didn’t notice that I was tripped just now. a bit..

Di Fei’er’s face flushed immediately, and after a while she whispered: “What a fool…”

Su Ming heard Di Fei Er talking about hackers, and guessed that what Newman encountered might have been done by “God”, which surprised him.

Although Di Fei’er guessed incorrectly, it was not far off. The elves were originally created by him and could not be separated from him, but – how could Di Fei’er think of this?

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