732: Come, come, continue to compare! Place a bet!

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and then some people’s faces showed joy. To be honest, everyone was a little bit angry about losing to Su Ming, the little celestial dwarf.

Hearing such a proposal at the moment, many people were a little eager to try, and only a few people present showed a hesitant look. After a while, someone asked, “Mr. Su, you, don’t you still want to compare marksmanship?”

After hearing this, everyone came to understand.If you test the marksmanship again, there is nothing to mess up.Su Ming’s marksmanship is like a miracle.Compared with such people, if there is not enough wealth, you will lose!

Su Ming seemed to have expected that everyone would have such a question a long time ago. I saw him smiling and shaking his head and said: “How could it? I want to give everyone a fair chance, so the next test item is to estimate the weight of the object–”

“For example, for this stone, no one knows how heavy it weighs now, right? You can estimate it in your hand, write the answer on paper, and then use the stone to weigh it. If whose answer is closest to the true weight . Then whoever wins.”

It was the first time everyone heard of such a novel way of competition, and after a while someone spoke: “I will participate!”

With the first person to take the lead, more than ten people said that they would also participate. Most of these people are from the Western Consortium. They think that this kind of comparison method is mostly based on luck and does not require any special skills. Su Ming His marksmanship is amazing. But who is more afraid than luck?

More than a dozen people took out their checks and wrote the numbers, while others did not attend with the mentality of watching the excitement. Di Fei’er was suppressing a smile at the moment.

Su Ming showed her the magical ability to accurately estimate the weight of objects. Now he is definitely giving everyone a set, saying that this guy is cunning enough!

Su Ming’s suitcase was worth at least 1.5 million U.S. dollars, so these rich men also wrote down the 1.5 million U.S. dollar figures, and then everyone handed the check to John Morgan.

Su Ming also gave the suitcase he had just won to John Morgan, and then he said, “Is there anyway? The more accurate the better, and then bring some papers according to the number of participants.

John Morgan became a notary public again, and when he heard this, he smiled slightly and said: “There are in the villa, I’ll let someone get it.”

……0 Seeking flowers…

Soon, the servant brought the electronic scale and paper, and everything was ready. Su Ming placed a stone on the stone platform and said:

“Everyone only has one minute to estimate the weight of this stone, and then write their results on this piece of paper, for the sake of fairness. Everyone gives the written numbers to Mr. John for safekeeping, and waits until after the weighing. Compare one by one, is this all right?”


Everyone had no objection to this, and then the competition officially started. After ten minutes, all the participants wrote their own estimates.

John Morgan put the paper in his hand on the stone platform, then weighed the stone on an electronic scale, and finally announced: “This stone weighs 3882 grams. Now I will compare the results.

A dozen people heard this, some looked extremely disappointed, some smiled, only Su Ming had a nonchalant expression on his face.

John Morgan spread out the paper, and after looking at it for a while, he was stunned. He stared at one of the papers in a daze, showing a look of shock on his face.

It was as if what he was looking at was not a piece of paper, but something like a scourge. again,

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