739: Gene Technology and Human Body Modification!

This computer is very characteristic. All the folders in it have passwords. This naturally increases the difficulty of Su Ming’s search. It took Su Ming more than ten minutes to crack three passwords.

But these folders were filled with junk materials, and there was no useful information. Su Ming felt that this was not a solution, so he stopped thinking.

After a while, Su Ming smiled slightly, and he thought of a possible way. Seeing that he opened the log of the computer itself, after checking the log, he smiled happily.

The computer will take the initiative to record the running data. For example, if you create a new folder in the computer, it will automatically record the time when the folder was created, and it will also record the number of times you have opened the folder.

However, this data will be automatically refreshed after a period of time.

Depending on the setting, the refresh frequency is different. Some computers may be set to refresh this kind of data every day, but if someone forgets to set it.

The computer will execute the relevant instructions according to the autonomous program. Su Ming is lucky. This computer executes the refresh frequency autonomously, and the refresh interval is once every three months.

Su Ming found the most frequently used folder.

Generally, such folders contain the things most commonly used by computer owners. Su Ming thinks that what he wants to find is likely to be hidden in such folders.

Su Ming spent a little time cracking the password of this folder, and then he waved his hand and opened the folder.

The folder looked very clean. There were only two documents. Su Ming clicked on one of the documents with a look of expectation, and waited until the documents were expanded. He immediately browsed.

Su Ming was dumbfounded when he saw only one headline. His eyes were wide open and he stared at the computer screen. The title of the document displayed on the computer screen is Gene “Technology and the Human Body”.

Why is Su Ming so shocked? Because this title is also written in parentheses such as “Research topics between genetic technology and the human body”!

Such a title, plus such a title annotation, had to surprise Su Ming. Su Ming looked at the title annotation and thought to himself:

Has the Rockefeller family achieved results in genetic technology? Are they not selling oil? Why study genetic technology?

Su Ming thought of this and focused his attention on the document. After reading it for a while, he smiled and shook his head. This is not his area of ​​expertise, and he doesn’t even know some of the professional English words above. Su Ming is aware of this document. Losing interest, he closed this document and opened another document instead.

The title of this document is concise and concise-“Experimental Report”. Although the title may seem simple, the content is 850 shocking!

There are many appalling experiments recorded above, and some are even human experiments, which shocked Su Ming!

– No wonder they are so secretive! So they are doing human experiments secretly!

Su Ming shivered. He thought of the heinous crimes committed by the Oriental Bacteria Corps recorded in the book. Could it be that the Rockefeller Consortium did the same?

In order to find out the truth of the facts, Su Ming immediately sneaked into the monitoring system inside the manor. He didn’t bother to look at the peripheral monitoring screens. After searching for a while, he found an unusual place.

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