Sakaski’s Dream

September 1, 1520 in the Haiyuan calendar.

This day is of great significance.


The tall figure standing on the Navy Headquarters building now.

The man who would later be known as the strongest marshal in the history of the navy.

Today I officially take over the position of Navy Marshal!

At this time, the Bay Square has been completely restored.

There was a lot of people and it was extremely lively.

Naval officers from all over the world gathered here to observe the conferring ceremony of Marshal Sakaski.

According to the procedure, the former Navy Marshal first took the stage to deliver a speech.

Summarize some major events that occurred on the sea during his tenure and what role the navy played in them.

“In the past ten years, the Navy has been committed to maintaining peace and stability of the sea…” A

very boring speech, dry, and no one has the slightest interest in listening.

So this scene happened.

The people on the stage were giving emotionless speeches, while the people in the audience were listening lifelessly.

“…I hope the future of the Navy will get better and better! Thank you all!”

A burst of thunderous applause suddenly erupted from the audience, and a few people even cheered.

Warring States looked at the excited crowd in the audience and didn’t know why, but he nodded with satisfaction.

The two-hour speech finally ended.

Mingming served in the Warring States Period for ten years from 1510 to 1520.

Apart from a war on top, nothing major happened.

I don’t know how such an incompetent marshal could talk for so long.

Sakaski, who had been waiting impatiently, thought sadly.

Next comes the second agenda item.

During the Warring States Period, Sakaski was awarded the rank of marshal.

Sakaski walked to the stage expressionlessly.

After giving a military salute to Warring States who came to confer the title.

Sakaski took the marshal rank badge that Sengoku took off from him.

Then he solemnly wore it on his left chest.

The power was transferred smoothly, and the badge symbolizing the highest position in the navy was completely bound to him.

The command of the navy is finally firmly in my hands, Sakaski.

Sakaski looked at the tens of thousands of naval officers below.

My heart suddenly surged with pride!

There are familiar and unfamiliar faces below, with cranes, peach rabbits and tea dolphins at the front.

Kizaru next to him still looked carefree. But Garp and Qing Pheasant were nowhere to be seen.

Lieutenant Generals Dauberman, Ghost Spider, Huoshaoshan and other hawks stood in the second row.

By this time, Dauberman had tears in his eyes. The day had finally arrived.

Mixed in the crowd were familiar characters such as “Smoker” Smoker and “Black Thrust” Tina.

In addition, Black-armed Zefa also appeared here with Ain and Skylark.

Zefa is quite satisfied with Sakaski’s role as marshal.

This disciple of mine has been strict with himself since he joined the navy.

Either he is practicing hard, or he is performing missions and hunting down pirates.

There was never a moment of relaxation, as if there was an invisible force constantly spurring him on.

Even though Zefa has been teaching for decades, he has never seen a student like this again.

Even though Aokiji, who is as strong as a monster, initially believed in burning justice and was passionate about justice.

But it is slightly inferior to Sakaski.

Skylark looked at the mighty Uncle Sakaski on the stage, although his face was still expressionless, just like Sakaski’s usual poker face.

But I couldn’t help crying with joy in my heart. Tears were rolling in my eyes, but they couldn’t flow out. What a strong woman!

A few days ago, Uncle Sakaski suddenly stopped him after dinner.

Allow yourself to help put his words into writing.

Yunque was not surprised by this. After all, he had received a complete education and successfully graduated from instructor Zefa.

As long as he is free, he will help Uncle Sakaski handle trivial government affairs.

After all, generals also need to do some clerical work, such as debriefing and writing post-war reports.

So this time it should be the same as before, just a little bit of writing, nothing to worry about.

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Just when everything was ready as usual, Uncle Sakaski’s first words came out.

Skylark could hardly hold the pen in his hand, and almost suspected that there was something wrong with his ears.

I asked again uncertainly and got a positive answer.

Skylark’s heart suddenly started to churn, like a turbulent wave!

Although I have long known Uncle Sakaski’s absolute belief in justice.

But I didn’t expect it to be so contrary to nature. This is an enemy of the whole world!

Next, Uncle Sakaski was explaining calmly, while Skylark was hunched over the desk and recording truthfully with trembling hands.

This unsatisfactory hand did not tremble so badly even when it was in a slave ship at the age of 6!

After writing the emotional part, Yunque finally couldn’t help but shed hot tears.

On the one hand, I was shocked by the power of this language.

On the other hand, I am afraid that Uncle Sakaski will die on the road of becoming enemies of millions of people!

That night, Skylark stayed up all night!

She had never had such a profound understanding of the words “great man” and “hero” mentioned in the books and by instructor Zefa during class as she did that night!

The entire investiture ceremony went very smoothly, and no stupid fool came out to cause trouble.

The last item on the agenda, the new Marshal Sakaski issued a declaration of office!

Sakaski took a step forward so his voice could be heard more clearly.

At the same time, he nodded invisibly towards someone behind the crowd.

At this time, everyone saw Sakaski’s heroic appearance more clearly.

“Hello to all the comrades in the Navy who are present here, as well as the soldiers who are not here in the distance and are fighting bravely on the front lines and working for the just cause!” There was a roar from the audience, and the warm applause and cheers almost filled the sky

. All overturned.

Meanwhile, there are empty squares all over the world, not just in naval branches.

The large screen used to broadcast the war live on top was originally dismantled, but it was rebuilt at some point.

At this time, it started to brighten up. At the beginning of the screen, the content played was that Sakaski was preparing to declare his appointment!

As for why there is no previous scene of the concluding speech of the Warring States Period, it is conceivable and everyone understands it.

“It’s begun! It’s begun! Everyone, stop what you are doing and watch Marshal Sakaski’s speech carefully!” The

heads of each naval branch quickly organized all the navy in the branch to stand in front of the live broadcast screen.

“Hey! The Navy is doing a live broadcast again!”

In the square outside, civilians who noticed the live broadcast screen stopped one after another.

Watching the scene playing on the screen with interest.

It turned out that Sakaski had communicated with Officer He the day before.

Let the intelligence department of the Navy Headquarters issue an urgent order to notify naval branches and stations around the world.

Spend a day and night setting up a live broadcast screen in your branch or station.

They also used the navy’s deterrence and financial resources to urgently mediate concerts, plays and other programs that were to be held today in various places.

Their venue was requisitioned for the live broadcast of this investiture ceremony.

In addition, Sakaski felt that it was not enough and contacted Morgans, the president of World Economic News.

Yes, that’s the birdman.

Ask him to record the entire ceremony of today, so that it can spread throughout the sea in a short time.

Morgans, a paparazzi who wanted to make big news, was naturally ecstatic and agreed immediately.

And we guarantee that the manuscript will be completed immediately on the same day. Wherever the news bird can fly, there must be today’s news!

That’s right, Sakaski wants to build momentum!

The navy was disgraced during the war, and he wanted to re-establish the navy’s prestige.

Try to contain the storm caused by Whitebeard’s last words as much as possible.

Do your best to temporarily stabilize the situation in the sea and reduce civilian casualties and losses.

After Sakaski finished his first sentence, he paused briefly and then continued:

“There are more than 10 million navies in the world, although you are engaged in different positions.” ”

But you are all the mainstay of the navy, working for the justice of the world. Shine.”

“For your dedication, I sincerely say to everyone: Thank you for your hard work!”

The Navy in the audience and in front of the live broadcast were immediately elated when they heard Sakaski’s praise, feeling that all the efforts were worth it.

“In fact, every navy has a beautiful dream about justice in their hearts. This dream supports us in continuous fighting.” ”

But this dream may also gradually be buried in the corner of memory over time.” ”

Soldiers, no matter what your Is the dream still hot?”

“Today I want to tell you that although we have suffered various difficulties and setbacks on the way to practice justice.” ”

But I still insist on a dream, which is deeply rooted in the entire navy. A dream!”

The entire navy listened carefully, wanting to see what this dream was like.

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