I think it's reasonable

Chapter 235 These days, who still invites traditional gods?

[Get ‘Physique Enhancement’*1]

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Bai Nian left the positive prize pool.

The prizes in the prize pool are as friendly as ever, and they will never refuse any request from Bai Nian.

Whatever he wants, he gets.

Of course, that's assuming there's that thing in the prize pool.

So there is no need for Bai Nian to steal.

Bai Nian didn't need much, besides the "human body meridian experience" obtained from the old Chinese doctor, he also strengthened himself in all aspects by the way.

In addition to the enhancement obtained by unlocking the gene lock before, Bai Nian is not counted as other powers at the moment, and the pure basic quality has reached the level of Ding and other inferiors.

In addition, 'Qing Bai·Bai Anxiety' also gave Bai Nian 'full power practice' again, making the cultivation of Bai Nian Ding and other high-ranking people more condensed.

But the 'Ask the Black Seal' is not an ordinary thing, and part of the increased cultivation has been withheld again.

If it had been before, Bai Nian might have slandered him. If only he had spent positive energy points when he first started learning. Although negative energy points can also be used to learn skills, the side effects are too obvious

But now Bai Nian doesn't feel it's a pity, after all, those intercepted cultivations are all going to Bai Anxiety.

Based on his relationship with Bai Anxiety, this cultivation level is equivalent to turning his left hand into his right hand, which is not consumed at all.

As for whether Bai Anxiety will be blasted to death by those cultivators as 'inner demons'.

Bai Nian said that bandages and glue were ready.

However, Bai Anxiety may not be bombed, after all, he is not a flesh and blood creature at all.

Of course, the specific situation can only be determined after meeting Bai Anxiety.

Bai Nian has other things to do now——

"The more sources, the more complete and real the prize pool space is?" Bai Nian learned a lot of information from the positive prize pool this time, and thought for a while: "There are only various enhancements or skill experience in the positive prize pool, and no skills. It seems I still have to save some positive sources from now on, so that, among other things, my adoptive father and the others can live a better life.

Moreover, if it can really turn into a heaven-like, almost completely real world, then..."

Bai Nian made up his mind and decided not to move the 200,000 positive source points for the time being and let him save them to see if he could reach the level he wanted.

Afterwards, Bai Nian calmed down his thoughts, and took out a stack of A4 papers from the storage ring, and with a wave of his hand, the mana flashed across, and cut these A4 papers.

"Please ask for the principle of the talisman, its production skills, and its drawing experience." Bai Nian recalled the set of knowledge he had just obtained from the positive prize pool.

There are no skills in the positive prize pool, only basic attribute enhancement and various experiences.

But if you can get a whole set of principles and experience, you can actually achieve the effect of a similar skill.

It's just that this is not a skill after all, even if it is drawn completely, it cannot be used directly. After all, it is just theory and experience.

Equivalent to talking on paper?

The reason why the talisman can invite the gods is because of the power of incense and fire attached to it.

Those gods do not actually exist, they are the power that exists in the human heart, and are manifested by the "Xianghuo Shinto" in a special way

The invited gods need to meet several conditions -

First of all, it must really possess the status of a god. That is, it must be generally recognized as existing.

In addition, it must be able to unite people's hearts. There are no gods in this world. The more people worship, the more gods there will be.

That's why Martial Saint Guan Yu can be invited, but Taoist Ancestor Hongjun, Tongtian Cult Master and the like can't be invited.

Because the Martial Saint Guan Yu is a god generally recognized by Daxia people.

For example, if you look for a random person on the street, or if you go to the countryside and find a random old man, they all know Mr. Guan.

But that's not necessarily the case with Taoist ancestor Hongjun and Tongtian leader.

After all, they are characters in novels and have no real status as gods.

Even if it is said that it breaks the sky, it is still false.

In addition, the stronger the immortals invited, the more incense and willpower required. The martial saint Guan Yu is the most cost-effective.

Not to mention anything else, first of all, Wu Sheng is very loyal, and everyone in Daxia knows this.

Secondly, Wu Sheng can also be regarded as one of the most 'popular' gods in this era.

What kind of black people, gangsters, etc., have been worshiping.

So it's easier to please.

"Aren't the flashy things just a fantasy existence with high visibility and strong cohesion? As for the god's position and the power of incense and so on."

Bai Nian murmured in a low voice. In addition to this set of "expertise on magic talismans", he also picked up a rather special knowledge——

‘Onmyoji·Shikigami Production Process Detailed Explanation’

He didn't know who this knowledge came from, but it had a lot in common with the 'expertise on magic talismans'.

Under the comparison of the two, Bai Nian's unique brain circuit gave him a new understanding of the magic charm.

He picked up a piece of cut A4 paper, pointed it like a sword, brought mana to his fingertips, and began to draw.

But since this was just knowledge, not real skills, Bai Nian drew several wrong pictures in a row.

Moreover, this kind of ordinary paper cannot carry too much magic power. If Bai Nian is not careful, the 'talisman paper' will explode.

Fortunately, Bai Nian has opened a genetic lock and became a first-lock (Level E) ultimate practitioner. Including his qualifications, his basic attributes in all aspects have greatly increased.

Coupled with the enhancements just drawn from the positive prize pool, Bai Nian quickly found the feeling, and quickly transformed the knowledge and experience of others into his own.

It didn't take long for the first "invitation talisman" to be drawn. This is an inferior invitation talisman, that is, the kind that is not mass-produced by Shen Luosi. This thing made by Bai Nian is actually lower than the inferior one.

After all, he wasn't using special talisman paper.

But it's not a big problem and it works.

"The next step is to directly insert the 'god' into it according to the method in 'Onmyoji·Shikigami Production Process Detailed Explanation'."

The 'gods' referred to here are not real gods. After all, 'Onmyoji' is now a profession in the small country that claims to have eight million gods. Of course, 'gods' are also very abstract.

That is to say, the nature is similar to that of the 'immortal' invited by the magic talisman. Others, whether in terms of combat power or three views, are not even worthy of carrying shoes.

However, some of these concepts can indeed be applied.

"Let me see, as for 'God', this is the first time we do this, so just do it casually."

Bai Nian muttered to himself, took out his mobile phone, scrolled through it, and played a very popular anime.

"Keep ghosts under the knife!"

He whispered, regardless of whether the characters in the play heard it or not, and pressed pause at the critical moment!

Then, the 'ghost' that was supposed to be killed was stolen out by Bai Nian.

"It was so dangerous. If we hadn't been quick, you would have died. I would have to play it back then. You have to thank me very much!"

Bai Nian said happily, in the palm of his hand was a two-dimensional plane 'ghost' like rhubarb, from the first season of "Ghost Slayer".

This anime is extremely popular. According to Bai Nian's understanding, the characters in it completely meet the standards of "gods" recognized by Qing Shen Fu!

After coming to the three-dimensional dimension, the suspension of the plot could no longer affect the 'ghost'. He was terrified, and was about to say something, but Bai Nian slapped him into the invitation to God that was almost finished. Among the symbols.

"What age has it been, who still invites traditional gods?"

"Look at me - I'm possessed by a ghost!"

Bai Nian's homemade invitation talisman spontaneously ignited without fire——

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