Chapter 410 Is he also a transmigrator?

When the survivors heard the news, they started to pack their things without saying a word.

The survivor team of dozens of people was quickly packed up and ready to go at any time.

Gu Ying, who went out early to check the situation, also returned.

Bing'er, something really isn't right in the city. A group of people gathered and got ready to find it in the middle of the night. It is said that they heard the news from the disaster victims who returned, and we can still get food here.

Gu Ying has always had absolute confidence in his intuition, and this time he did not disappoint him.

So, sometimes it is necessary to cut weeds and remove the roots.

Mo Ruyue's eyes turned cold, the rescue after a natural disaster rarely brought out the dark side of her abandonment.

Isn't that what you said before, human nature is selfish. If they can't grab food in their own way, then try another way that you can't resist.

Gu Ying's voice was also cold, but he was looking at Mo Ruyue with more worried eyes.

It was hard for Binger to throw away the dark past and start a new life again. He didn't want her to fall into the darkness again because of this incident.

Let's go, before they notice our movement, let's go now.

Mo Ruyue said immediately.

Fortunately, those people in the city were afraid of spooking the grass, so they only sent a few scouts to monitor them from a distance, and they took care of them when Gu Ying came back.

If the people inside set up a lot of ambush, she may not be able to avoid it if she wants to kill.

The survivors' nerves were tense, and as soon as they heard Mo Ruyue's order, they immediately acted.

Several layers of cotton cloth were used under everyone's feet, and the horse's hooves and wheels were also wrapped in cotton cloth to keep the noise to a minimum.

Ah Ying, this time you are leading the team. I will leave some greetings for the pursuers after I leave.

This kind of work is usually done by Gu Ying, but this time it was snatched by Mo Ruyue.

Are you going to take medicine?

Gu Ying immediately thought of Mo Ruyue's expertise.

This is the easiest way to avoid casualties. Of course, if there is any uncontrollable situation during the coma, it can only be brought about by them.

Mo Ruyue can understand the selfishness in human nature, but she doesn't want to be a victim of other people's selfish actions, so she intends to be selfish in her own way.

Okay, be careful, I'll be waiting for you in front.

Gu Ying gave a simple exhortation, then returned to the carriage and left without looking back with everyone.

As for the place to go after leaving, the two have already felt the situation today. They rode two dark horses and ran for dozens of miles in one breath, only to find a very suitable small village.

All the people in the village should have fled, and the whole village was abandoned and abandoned.

Except for a lot of settled dust, the surrounding vegetation and original land have not been seriously damaged.

If these survivors are sent there, and some food and seeds are left behind, maybe it will be time to catch up with the spring ploughing.

As for whether the original owner of the village will come back, and what to do if he does, the two of them can't think of that long-term.

It's hard to say how many people who have left their hometowns to flee, how much they fell on the way to flee, or where they settled down at will.

Live each day well first, then plan for the future.

Mo Ruyue marched in the opposite direction of the team alone. The darkness could not block her sight, but for every ordinary survivor, every step she took must be carefully tested, and it was not easy to walk.

With the traction of the rope, the march of the team can be slightly accelerated, but only a little.

Going at this speed, it would not be easy for them to walk three miles before dawn.

In addition, although Gu Ying has already dealt with the spies in the city, but no one has gone back to report for a long time, it will inevitably cause the city's vigilance.

At that time, in order to prevent the survivors from running away, the county magistrate is likely to send people out of the city to pursue him in a desperate attempt.

What Mo Ruyue can do now is to delay the speed of the pursuers as much as possible in the back.

Ecstasy is the best means of blocking, of course, it also needs to be used by her, the ambusher, to be effective.

From the information brought back by Gu Ying, it can be said that the city is now in crisis, and the supply of both food and herbs is facing a cutoff.

Some people have already begun to incite the people in the city secretly, as well as the disaster victims who were admitted before, possibly wanting to take the opportunity to seize the town.

Once those people succeed, not only the people in the city will suffer, but the victims who come to defect without knowing it will fall into the devil's lair again.

Mo Ruyue had seen such a scene in some extremely chaotic small countries, where the people in power changed rapidly, maybe even one in the morning and another in the evening.

The county magistrate must have thought of this, so even if he heard a little bit of wind from the victims outside the city, he was still willing to send someone over to test it first and then act.

He is using the contradictions in the outside world to ease the potential crisis in the city.

Mo Ruyue's speed was very fast, and she had quietly sneaked into a place about ten meters away from the gathering place of the disaster victims outside the city.

There were no torches on the walls, and no one patrolled.

Although this is a small city, the city walls are built unambiguously.

Without the physical strength and tools at hand of these victims, it is impossible to enter the city by climbing the city wall.

The victims outside the city were able to light two piles of firewood. In order to find food, they collected everything that could burn around, but the remaining amount was not enough to last a few more days.

So now they can only burn as sparingly as possible, leaving only a small fire to provide warmth.

The fire was dim, and the light was close to nothing, which made it even more impossible for the survivors to see Mo Ruyue, who had been lurking in front of him.

They stretched their arms as close as possible to the fire, absorbing a little warmth, but when they moved their hands away, the little warmth they finally got was quickly taken away by the biting night wind.

From time to time, someone would get up and walk around in place for a few laps, then sit or lie down, curled up as much as possible, so that they could withstand the biting cold in the middle of the night.

Mo Ruyue was quietly lurking. In order to be flexible, she did not wear a heavy padded jacket to keep out the cold.

Under the sackcloth trousers, she was wearing a warm jacket against the cold. In addition, she had undergone the transformation of cutting the hair and washing the marrow. There was a warm current flowing through her body slowly, so that she was not afraid of such a cold night.

Perhaps it was too cold, and the victims were all leaning against each other, drowsy, and no one had the desire to talk.

Mo Ruyue could hear someone whispering, but the voice came from the city wall more than ten meters away.

When will we be able to act? Your lord, too, we have to wait until the second half of the night, saying that this is the time when those people are most unprepared, but we were also the most sleepy at that time!

Okay, what the lord said, let's do what we do, or do you want to exchange identities with the people below?

No! There is food and drink in the city, so I don't want to be like them.

Then shut up! If you ruin the adult's affairs for a while, no one can protect you!

Someone had been lurking on the city wall for a long time, as if monitoring the situation of the disaster victims outside the city, but even if they were from a condescending position, they could not find the existence of Mo Ruyue at all.

That county magistrate actually knows this? Could it be that he is also a transmigrator?

A thought flashed through Mo Ruyue's mind.

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