Chapter 416 Disgraceful humiliation!

Ms. Qin, we are familiar with farm work, how can we let you do such dirty work with us!

An aunt took Mo Ruyue's hand to persuade her.

Yes, your hand is a hand that heals and saves people, not a hand that holds a hoe and rake.

Don't worry, we will live here in the future. We will definitely cultivate the land well. After all, the food and clothing provided by others can't be managed for a lifetime, we still have to rely on ourselves.

Everyone was chatting.

After this time together, these survivors have become almost family to each other.

Except for the one who couldn't correct her position and finally eliminated herself, everyone's hearts were twisted into a rope, and they worked hard in one direction.

Hearing these words, Mo Ruyue was also very relieved.

Only those who know how to be grateful and know how to be self-reliant and independent are worthy of her help.

This is also the reason why she can't let go, and is reluctant to leave them here.

Okay, I can understand everyone's thoughts. Only today, I will experience it with you. I don't know how to farm, so don't hold back you.

Mo Ruyue said that, she finally won this opportunity for herself, carrying her hoe and went down with everyone.

Gu Ying is riding Xiao Hei, along the way to eliminate traces.

Although the county magistrate was frightened away by Mo Ruyue pretending to be a ghost, when faced with a desperate situation for survival, there is no guarantee that he will really give up that evil idea.

It is only a few dozen miles from the small town to this small village. Fortunately, the village is also located in the back of the mountain, and the path leading to the village is not inconspicuous.

It shouldn't be like this before, but a natural disaster has changed so much that even the topography has changed.

Even people who are familiar with the surrounding environment may not be able to find this small village successfully, and it should be safe to come.

The land outside the village has become an unowned wasteland, and it is full of stones of various sizes.

Mo Ruyue originally thought about trying the texture of the soil, but she didn't expect that she would only focus on moving stones.

Fortunately, her physical fitness is completely fine, she belongs to the kind of person who can run 20 kilometers with a weight of 50 pounds and feel quite relaxed.

Her body was transformed by the spiritual spring water, and she hadn't experienced it for a long time. What does it feel like to be physically tired.

Seeing that Mo Ruyue lifted another stone, the size of a small roller, the kind that two men can move, he walked to the ground without changing his face, and the survivors looked at each other.

What else is there that Mrs. Qin can't do?

Gu Ying rode Xiao Hei and walked out for thirty miles all the way, completely erasing the traces left by the survivors.

When they were evacuating last night, the people at the end of the line were consciously cleaning up the traces, but in the eyes of experts like Gu Ying, even if there were only a few traces left, he could find them in the village.

When he was passing a small road, he suddenly noticed that something seemed to be buried in the soil.

When he went over to take a closer look, he realized that it was actually a person!

From the back, with long hair and a shawl, she is still a woman with a slim figure.

But Gu Ying is not the kind of person who will draw a knife to help when he sees injustice, especially when he knows it is a trap, he will not take the initiative to jump into the pit.

He just sat on the back of the horse and quietly watched the performance of the man on the ground.

I didn't save people, and I didn't mean to leave.

After a stalemate for about a stick of incense, the woman who was half-buried in the ground finally couldn't hold on anymore, and let out a faint moan, as if to remind Gu Ying that she was still alive.

Gu Ying still did not dismount, and even changed his posture immediately.

The woman still didn't wait for any movement, her eyes turned slightly under her eyelids, and finally opened them slowly.

Even though her face is dirty, she can still see that her facial features are very delicate, especially those eyes.

Cut water pupils, Yingying is affectionate, and the slightly raised eyes have a style that makes them wink when they glance over.

Master... Young Master, did you save me? She said weakly, extending her arm to Gu Ying.

No, I passed by.

Gu Ying simply denied it and choked back her words.

Although the woman couldn't see Gu Ying's face clearly, just the arrogant and arrogant posture of sitting on a horse was enough to make her heart rush.

Not to mention the smooth and three-dimensional outlines of Gu Ying exposed outside the mask, it is not difficult to imagine what a handsome face will be under the mask.

Now when he opened his mouth, the deep and magnetic voice made the woman feel numb, and her pale face instantly turned crimson, and even her complexion seemed much better.

Master, I'm... what's the matter, where am I? she asked persistently.

do not know.

This time the answer was shorter and more choking.

The woman's chest was surging with blood, and she wanted to jump up and curse, but looking at Gu Ying's appearance and thinking about his voice, the anger disappeared automatically.

Sir, can you...


Gu Ying has learned to answer quickly, and before she finished speaking, she gave the answer in advance.

You still don't know what I'm going to say, why did you reject it? Young master, you are really a stone.

Heart? ' the woman said in tears.

Her mournful and sobbing voice, coupled with her mist-filled eyes, made it easy for a man to be attracted by her pitiful appearance.

This pit is quite shallow. I think you are full of anger when you speak, and you must be able to get up by yourself.

Gu Ying has made an exception to say such a long sentence. When he was a killer in the blood building, he would not even say a word for a long time.

Sir, you...

The woman in the pit is completely useless.

No matter what she said or how pitiful this man was, he sat on the horse's back as steady as a mountain.

Could it be that he is not interested in women at all, but has the goodness of Longyang?

As soon as this thought flashed through, the woman felt even more uncomfortable.

With her beauty, is she not as attractive as a man?

What a shame!

Gu Ying could know what she was thinking just by looking at the flashing look in her eyes.

But he doesn't care about the thoughts of people other than Mo Ruyue, whether he loves men or women, as long as that person is Mo Ruyue, he doesn't mind.

Aren't you coming out, then I'm leaving.

He pulled the reins and turned the horse's head, and sure enough, he slapped the horse and left.

There are still more than ten miles away from the small town, and the traces behind are not a big problem even if they are not cleaned up.

Besides, he can also create suspicions and forge some fake traces to mislead others, so that the safety factor of the small village will be higher.

Just as he was leaving, the woman crawled out of the pit, patting the ashes on her body, and shouting loudly: Master, I can really come out, please, take me with you. !

It's good that she didn't shout, Gu Ying was still walking slowly on his horse.

With this shout, he directly whipped his whip and galloped away on his horse.

The woman was dumbfounded, looking at the smoke and dust left by Gu Ying, she couldn't imagine what he was thinking.

So, did he clearly see through the trap, or did he choose to come in to watch the fun, and then teased her... and ran away?

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