432 Grasshopper on a rope

She shook her head and motioned for Lin Xu to rest her dislocated chin.

After a day of torment yesterday, it was not easy for her to survive. Now she is paralyzed on the carriage and can't even move a hair, let alone support her chin to speak.

Don't play tricks, I can save you, and I can make you worse than you are now.

Before Lin Xu's action, he still gave a warning.

The woman was nodding, and Mr. Tian, ​​who was kicked off the carriage, recovered from the dizziness, and was about to pounce on the carriage again in embarrassment.

Lin Xu's intention was to frighten the female thief, so that she would not want to play tricks, so she quickly got up and stepped to the door of the car, punching Tian's face with a punch.

Hearing a soft click sound, Mr. Tian suddenly fell back, blood was pouring all over his face, and his originally high nose was already tilted to one side.

Du Shi had also stood up and watched coldly from the side, letting Tian Shi roll over and over on the ground, wailing again and again.

The female thief swallowed hard, she was fully aware of how violent the seemingly weak woman in front of her was.

If the punch hit her face, it would definitely make her fractured. If she punched a few more times, her life would be in the hands of this woman.

Lin Xu turned back and squatted beside the female bandit, and said coldly, Now I'll put your chin back for you, and if you know something, say it quickly, if you miss us, it will make you worse than you are now!

The female thief nodded hurriedly, her eyes showed a pleading and urgent look, and then only heard a click, her jaw tightened, and her mouth was able to close.

The long-term dislocation made her cheek muscles numb to the point where she could no longer feel any sensation. Although her mouth was closed, the saliva still flowed out from the corners of her mouth.

Come on, what do you know!

Lin Xu didn't have time for her to recover slowly, so she urged her immediately.

He, he didn't go south...south, but...but north!

The female thief tried to open her mouth to speak, but her muscles remained uncontrollable, and she managed to squeeze out a sentence.

To the north? Let me just say, now that the south has been hit so badly, how could he still look south? It's just an excuse.

Lin Xu nodded and asked again, What else, say it all!

She is very fortunate that she has brought this female thief with her now, and she originally thought of slowly torturing her on the road to avenge the humiliation suffered by herself and others.

I didn't expect to be able to reap the unexpected joy now.

I...I said, you...you swear, swear, you won't hurt me!

The female thief also knows what it means to do everything in the bow, for fear that she and she will have no use value after revealing it all, and the end will be even more miserable.

If you make a mistake about me, I will let you know what life is better than death!

Lin Xu's whole body exudes a hostility. It has been delayed for a long time now. The longer the delay, the fewer clues that can be found.

She didn't want to be stuck on the road, or had to go north, and she was afraid every day for fear that such an encounter would happen again.

The female bandit saw that her eyes were red. He could only say obediently: Go north for a while, there is an inconspicuous hill, where we were planning to ambush him.

Judging from where he came from, he is definitely farther north. If he passes by now, he may still be able to find some clues.

Due to Lin Xu's threat, she had to tell everything she knew, and she was even more agile than before because she was frightened.

Sister Du, let's go north and follow the clue of this bitch.

Lin Xu immediately turned her head and said to Du, just as she was speaking, Du was ready to get into the carriage.

Don't leave me!

With blood all over his face, Mr. Tian got up, clasped his hands on the carriage, and tried to climb up the carriage.

Go away! Don't force me to kill you now!

Lin Xu's has already shown her most violent side, so naturally she will not pretend to be gentle and considerate again.

What's more, Tian Shi has seen her truest appearance, and she will never let this woman hold her back in the future.

Tian Shi actually became the first person in this small group to be abandoned. When she repeatedly provoked Lin Xu Shi just now, this fate was already doomed.

No, please, don't leave me, I was wrong! I really knew I was wrong!

Because of the broken nose, Tian's voice was also buzzing, and because of the pain in the wound, the whole facial features were wrinkled together.

She apologized and begged, her snot and tears mixed with blood all over her face, looking very embarrassed.

However, although she spoke miserably, a hand was quietly reaching into her arms.

A hand suddenly clamped her arm tightly, pulling out the hand that had been stretched into her arms.

The other hand reached in instead, and pulled out the knife she was hiding in her arms.

Your trick is useless after you used it once, and you still want to use it a second time? Who are you looking down on?

Lin Xu gave a yinful smile to Tian, ​​and suddenly jumped off the carriage, and easily pushed back with Tian's fingers on the carriage.

Following a few crisp click sounds, a miserable howl that did not resemble a human voice pierced the sky.


The fingers are tilted back at a strange angle, and eight of the ten fingers have been broken off.

It's not over yet.

She was kicked in the chest by Lin Xushi again, and she fell to the ground on her back, rolling over and over and wailing, and her voice was even more mournful than before.

Sister Du, help me and immobilize her.

Lin Xu looked at Du, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Du Shi immediately got out of the car on one leg, she was already frightened by Lin Xu's series of unexpected actions.

I didn't expect that this most gentle and weak looking woman could be so ruthless.

She couldn't help but feel a little timid, but now they were grasshoppers on a rope, and it was too late to think about getting out.

So she knew the current affairs well and got off the carriage to help, pressing Tian Shi's shoulders and pinning her to the ground.

Lin Xu's had already found a stone from the side of the road. It seemed to weigh a few pounds. The key point was that the edge of the stone was still sharp.

You, what do you want to do! In broad daylight... do you still want to kill people!

Tian Shi was so frightened that he struggled desperately.

It's just that she now has broken fingers on both hands, and is being pressed by Du Shi on her shoulders, she can't break free.

Lin Xu even sat directly on her waist, suppressing the strength of her lower body.

You'll soon know what I want to do.

She sneered, raised the stone in her hand vigorously, and smashed it down against Tian Shi's arm.

After a stick of incense, the carriage that had stayed in place for a long time moved forward again, galloping all the way to the north.

Where he had stayed before, a slowly spreading pool of blood appeared.

Tian shi lay on his back in the middle of the pool of blood, his mouth wide open, his face twisted and deformed due to the severe pain.

She hadn't died yet, but her breathing had become extremely weak.

Her limbs are bent at a strange angle, and the blood is constantly flowing from the wound, although it is slow, it has never stopped.

After a while, she gradually stopped moving.

The opened pupils were also covered with a gray-white film, which soon attracted a group of crows circling the sky, swooping down towards her, and slowly covering her body.

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