Chapter 434

At this time, the survivors of the whole village had gathered, waiting for her to announce the good news.

Is everyone here?

She hastily counted the number of people and made sure that everyone except Deng Feng was there.

It's all here, all of us are here, Mrs. Qin, if you have any good news, let's hurry up, we're itching for the grass to grow!

Someone couldn't wait to speak, which also caused a burst of laughter.

Okay, what I want to tell you is that this time we went out and got a batch of emergency food and money.

Mo Ruyue readily announced the news, and at the same time carefully observed everyone's reaction.

Really? Got food again?

Almost everyone's eyes lit up at the same time, and their focus was on food, but no one noticed that Mo Ruyue also said the word property.

Miss Qin, is what you said true? We, we have food again?

It was the old man who helped maintain order before, and he repeated this topic again.

Yes, we have food. The weight this time is enough for you to last until the first crop harvest.

The answer that Mo Ruyue gave again made everyone hold their breath, but after just a few seconds, there was a burst of enthusiastic cheers.

Great, we are saved!

We have food, we have food!

Ms. Qin and Young Master Ying are our living Bodhisattvas. They have saved us time and time again. This kindness is not over even if it lasts forever!


The cheers almost broke through the sky, everyone was screaming, laughing, and slapped hard, and even some people had already burst into tears and were constantly wiping their tears.

Seeing that they were so happy, Mo Ruyue sighed in her heart, and couldn't help being infected by this warm atmosphere.

She doesn't regret saving this group of people now, and delaying too much time because of them.

Except for the woman who has stayed outside the small town forever, the rest of the people are almost all family members with different surnames who are united in order to survive and tightly twisted into a rope.

Their current happiness is so simple and pure, they only have food to survive, and they can't even find anyone who cares about the stinky things.

I thought, I will distribute the food according to the head count today. As long as the land conditions outside the village allow, we can start spring plowing. The earlier you sow the seeds, the earlier you can reap the harvest.

Mo Ruyue immediately pushed open the carriage door, revealing the high-stacked and stuffed grain bags.

As for those treasures, except for a small box of silver and silver notes, the rest had long been taken into the space by Mo Ruyue.

We don't know how to get food, and we haven't prepared anything.

When a survivor saw that food was about to be distributed, he was so anxious that he felt all over his body, as if he could turn into a sack out of thin air.

I forgot to say it just now. I wanted to give you a surprise first. Then everyone go get some bags and wooden barrels. Let's try our best to divide the grain before it gets dark.

Mo Ruyue also felt that she didn't think about it just now, and now she has to toss this group of people home again.

Fortunately, when everyone's enthusiasm is high now, before Mo Ruyue finished speaking, the crowd dispersed in a hurry, and hurriedly went home to get their containers.

Ah Ying, didn't we have roughly divided the food just now, you will pretend to me in a while, and we will divide the labor and cooperate.

Taking advantage of this gap, Mo Ruyue warned Gu Ying.

No problem, just follow what was prepared before.

Gu Ying had already calculated the total weight, types, and respective weights of all the grains when she distributed the grain to the women.

It is to distribute food quickly when such a situation arises.

Soon, the survivors who went to get the containers all returned.

Everyone was carrying sacks and buckets, and the worst one was carrying a dustpan. All of them were elated and flushed, as if it was New Year's Eve again.

With the current feel of Mo Ruyue and Gu Ying, the error in the estimated weight is not more than a few grams, so they didn't even use any measuring tools.

And out of trust in them and a sense of contentment and gratitude, none of the survivors would object to this.

No matter who gets more or less, the food that is finally captured will be shared by the whole village. Of course, the more effort, the more harvest.

Everyone couldn't be more satisfied with this distribution method.

Mo Ruyue didn't know how long their solidarity and mutual assistance could last, or whether there would be conflicts of interest in the future, or whether there would be another possibility of internal disintegration and disintegration.

But at least for now, such a situation is impossible, and she and Gu Ying can't manage the uncertain future for that long.

The food in the carriage was rapidly decreasing, and everyone who received the food was smiling, and those who received the food would be grateful to Mo Ruyue.

Mo Ruyue didn't know how many times she heard thank you, and even if she only smiled faintly, the muscles on her face began to become stiff and numb.

She also said that she couldn't open her mouth without the three words of thanks, and in the end she simply responded with a smile.

How about a good person is hard to be a good person and a bad person is easy to do?


Now she is obviously doing good things, but she is more tired than doing evil things. This situation is really weird.

Finally, the last bag of food came to an end. The last survivor who received the food did not complain because he received the food at the latest. Instead, he was grateful to Mo Ruyue.

Ms. Qin, you are really a Bodhisattva from heaven and earth. We people can survive because of the blessings of you and Young Master Ying. Great kindness is hard to repay. We will be cattle and horses for the two of you in the future. No complaints!

He swears aloud, which also attracts a chorus of echoes.

All those who had already received the food did not leave, but still stood there and waited.

Although Mo Ruyue didn't know what they were waiting for, she still couldn't pretend to be indifferent when she saw that they were all saying things like repaying their gratitude.

If you can support each other and live your life well, then it will be a repayment to me and Ah Ying. After all, this is our original intention to save you.

With Mo Ruyue's current ability, she can get almost everything she wants, and she doesn't care about repaying her kindness at all.

You can rest assured that we have all experienced life and death together, and we have long been a family. If the family does not speak two words, we will live well!

Everyone nodded in agreement, which made Mo Ruyue also nodded with satisfaction.

Then, let's share the money.

Want to pay?

The survivors were stunned when they heard this.

It is not easy to distribute food to them, and now you have to distribute money to them?

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